The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 29, 1905, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times
Official Paper of Benton County.
"What is a Democrat," is the
heading an editorial writer bestow
ed on his article and every demo
crat who read the effusion Js con
gratulating himself that he is a
democrat, and not an ass.
InState Constitution Seeking Signers
to Petitions in Benton. -
All's serene between , her and
Nicholas Longworth now, but
Alice is self-willed, and it is pro
bable that, later on, she will raise
old Nick. :
Most of the efforts at republican
harmony in Oregon, and elsewhere,
seemed to be based on the under
stand 2 that it is the other fellow
whe must be harmonious. There
is President Roosevelt, for in
stance, whom an Oregonian dis
pstch says helped to elect a demo
iratic governor in Ohio recently in
order to "harmonize" things in that
state. The same dispatch avers
that the president also stood in
against the regular republicans in
Pennsylvania in the recent election
and is now bent on the destruction
of Odell in New York. In Oregon
it is declared from the t highest re
publican authority that the only
basis of peace is for all the old par
ty warriors to be disarmed and
sent to the rear as party "has
beens." They must not participate hen the chores are done
in future party councils, but only araw an easv chair to the table
new soldier men shall be allowed to where the light will shine
Bids They are Making for Business
It is Attracting Wide Attention.
As never before, Corvallis
chants are holding out inducements
for Corvallis and neighboring peo
ple to trade with them. They are
putting out prices that draw busi
ness from far and near. Their ad
vertisements as seen from day to
day in the Times tell a story of
enterprise and business sagacity,
whereby they are able to give goods
to their customers at figures that
startle. If these figures have not
been studied by readers of the pa
per, time should be taken to do so
A good plan is not to undertake to
read them until there is plenty 01
time to do so. Wait until - after
full on
bear arms and sit in the places of
authority. These are notes of
"harmony" equal to those of Bob
Fitzsimmous as he hurries to tear
his first wife's jewels from his tru
ant second wife now seeking a di
vorce at Sioux Falls.
It is just as well to bow to
inevitable, for it cannot be escaped
The wedding has the right of way,
and every little detail about it is
going to be rehearsed from day to
day in the metropolitan press. It
would be just as easy to dam Nia
gara at the brow of the falls as to
stop the stream of gossip. It isn' t
the fault of the Longworths and
the Roosevelts, for much as they
love the lime light, this vulgar pub
licity of private affairs is embarras
sing to them. There, for instance,
is Longworth's "de-e-elightful"
approval and Pa Roosevelt's disap
proval of the Baker City dowry
plan, which means trouble in the
family with any sort of possibilities
in the outcome. In fact, if Long
wortn seeps on talking Sail as
much nonsense as he is . accredited
with at Cincinnati, he will have to
be gagged or the whole circus be
declared off. Such multiplied de
tail means worry for the Roose
velts, whose only mistake is that
they did not have the day set soon
er and the whole thing over befor
the newspapers appeared on the
In the episode, the really regret
table feature is that we are made to
appear as a nation of toadies and
fawners, when as a matter of fact,
most of us are not. The extrava
gant publicity in the case is not
toadyism, but one brand of yellow
journalism, the product of the
deadly struggle of the daily press
to be the first and fullest with the
On the subject of football, the
president of Harvard has become a
reformer. He thinks the inter-collegiate
game ought to be abolished
at least for a year. Yale won.
From the pace he set in yester
day's ' dispatches, 'it looks like
Longworth proposes to elbow Alice
and father-in-law out of the way,
and do a few lime-light stunts in
the center of the stage, himself.
the paper, and settle down for an
hour of quiet enioyment. As tne
page is passed over, mark such
prices as catch the eye, in order
that the bargain may not be for
gotten, but can at any time be re
called by a reference to the paper.
There i money to be made in the
process, for the prices ; local mer
chants are now making buyers are
a marvel.
The condition is a reminder that
there are a few who still cling to
the idea that it is best for them to
buy occasionally from the - Mail
Order Houses. It is, of course, a
mistaken policy, and is bad for
both the buyer and the community
The Mail Order Houses give you a
grand catalogue full of glittering
promises and are -hot after your
money, but they do not contribute
one cent to the upbuilding 01 your
community, your school, your
church, or the payment of your
public officials. Where in their
glittering catalogues can you find
an offer to pay cash or exchange
goods for your wheat, oats, hay,
butter, potatoes, eggs, wool, sheep
and hogs? How much tax will
they pay for improving roads and
bridges, for the support of the poor
the expenses of the town, county
and stater On what page is their
offer to contribute money or serv
ices in the maintainance and es
tablishment of a church or Sunday
school for the moral tone of your
community ? What line of credit
will they extend to you when your
credit is poor, your money gone,
when through illness or misfortune
you are not able to send cash order
tor your groceries, clothing, farm
tools and crockery? Wnere is
their offer to contribute to your en
tertainment next 4th of July ?
In what department do they ex
plain to you the increasing value
of your farm as a result of trading
with them ? If you find the quer
ies satisfactorily answered bring the
answers in and most merchants
will go to farming and let the town
go to grass. Under such conditions
no towns are, needed further than
to furnish a railroad station, an ex
press office, and a case for mail-
carriers all of which may be cov
ered with one roof.
Meantime all these things that
the Mail Order Houses do not do,
the local ; merchant . does. .When
he is put out of business by the
distant department store, the towns
will disappear and the country will
have every dollar of public taxes
to pay, all the . . improvements to
make, and farmers will have to sell
their farm products to each other
The man to buy of is the local
merchant. Stand by him ; he
stands through thick and thin, by
Petitions are ia circulation in the
town and county proposing a num
ber of changes in the state consti
tution, among them an amendment
affecting the state printers compen
sation. They are circulated under
the direction of the Peoples Power
League of Oregon, of which Ben
Selling of Portland is president.
The amendments of course, are to
be started through the medium of
the initiative and referendum t
next June election. That is prob
ablv the obly way in which the
state printing abuses will be stop
ped, several legislatures having
I nrnmntW f-nrnpH Hnwn nttemnts to
mer- - - -" "
eneci a reiorm. ine petitions arc
being circulated in Corvallis and
Benton by Warren Forsy the a well
known Eastern Oregon student at
the college, and are being signed by
almost everybody to whom they are
presented. The proposed amend
ments are as follows:
A constitutional amendment for
the initiative and referendum on
local, special and municipal laws
and parts of laws.
Constitutional amendment to al
low the state printing, binding and
printer's compensation to be regul
ated by law at any time.
Constitutional amendment giving
one legislative assembly power to
propose and submit to the people
amendments to the constitution,
and making it the governor's duty
to proclaim adoption of these
amendments, and requiring peo
ple's approval before constitution
al convention can be called. '
A bill r a law prohibiting free
passes and discrimination by pub
lic service corporations.
Patten and Perry's funny musi c
al farce comedy "Jerry from Ker
ry" in which that cheerful, comic
cachinnatory character is the cen
tral figure, is to be presented at the
Opera House in this city. The in
terest in the laughable, diverting
humorous incidents, events and
happenings of this comedy never
ceases or flags, and its success has
been little short of amazing. Un
doubtedly the profuse comedy it
contains has had much to do with
securing popular favor, and the
scenes and adventitious incidents
bustling in animated action, brist
ling in effervescent humor, bubbling
with unadulterated mirth and per
meated with startling novelties,
quaint originality in catch music,
and elaborate costuming . and pre
sented by a caste of the very, best
and highest salaried artists possible
to secure, have all contributed to
its phenomenal success. The com
pany also carries its own superior
uniformed concert band and or
chestra which is to be a special
feature. Don't miss the free band
concert at 4 p. m. and at 7:30,
Remember the date, Wednesday,
Jan. 3rd. Prices for this attraction
will be 75, 50, 35 and 25 cents.
California claims she has bigger
land frauds than are those in Ore
gon. She wont be skinned by
Oregon even if she has to sell Ore
gon fruit in California labels to
prevent it.
The Hon. S.B. Huston, of Hills
boro, ex-republican and ex-democrat,
has formally announced : his
candidacy for congress in the first
district. " In view of the past, f and
to save voters any possible em
barrassment on tie point, Mr. Hus
ton ought to state clearly in what
party he is running this year.
For Sale Holly Flour.
The same as we make our bread
of at $1.40 per sack.
Small & Son Bakery.
Common Colds are the Cause of Many
Serious Diseases.
Physicians who have gained a national
reputation as analysts of the cause of various
diseases, claim that if catching cold could be
avoided a long list of dangerous ailments
would never be heard of. Everyone knows
that pneumonia" and consumption originate
from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis,
and all throat and lung trouble are aggra
vated and rendered more, serious by each
fresh attack. ' Do not risk your life or take
chances when you have a cold. Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy will cure it before
these diseases develop. This remedy con
tains no opium, morphine or other harmful
drug, and lias thirty years of reputation back
of it, gained by its cures under every condi
tion. For sale by Graham & Wortham.
Between Corvallis and Bell
fountain Right of way
Secured. .
A scheme is afoot for an electric
rai'road from Corvallis to the Bell
fountain country. It is to be a
theme at the meeting of the Citi
zens League Tuesday evening, at
which time, Mr. Bennett and' a
number of farmers from Bellfoun
tain are expected to be presenf.
It is also expected that W.. D. De
Varney will be in attendance.
Frank Bennett arrived in Benton
from the East a year ago and
bought a farm near Dusty. He is
familiar with the construction and
operation of electric roads.' He has
secured the right . of 1 way for the
proposed road, and - insists that
the line will be built if power can
be secured from the Cascade people
who are planning to , come to Cor
vallis with electric power. The
cost of construction, Mr. Bennett
says will not exceed $200, 000. He
claims that the income from trans
portation of farm products along
the way will pay operating expens
es and an annual dividend oi 1?
per cent. It is claimed that Mr.
Bennett has Eastern connections
who will put up much of the money
if all arrangements cat be perfected.
Dollar Saved
Dollars Eai
The average man does
ten per cent, of his earnini
nine dollars in living e:
dollar saved. That beinj
not be too careful aboul
penses. Very often a few
vested, like buying seeds f
save several dollars ouUi
the same in buying Ch
Cholera and Diarrhoea
but a few cents, and a bottl
olten saves a doctor's bill
For Bale by Graham & y
icd. ' "
t save to exceed
He must spend
uses for every
the case he can-
unnecessary ex-
mts properly ln-
his garden, will
later on. It is
iberlain's Colic,
medy. It costs
nfft in the house
if several dollars.
People's Store
Time to clean up now, before spring goods begin to arrive; time to cut the prices
deep enough to make sure the work of Clearance in the next thirty days. Every depart
ment contributes special features. Money-saving sales are to be lurched in every sec
tion. Your interest is obvious if you want to save money.
In order to make room for new styles of
Thompson' s glove fitting corsets, we bare
gone through our stock and sorted out bro
ken lines of W. B' s. which we shall discon
tinue. Regular price $1.00, Special 39c
Men's Suits and Overcoats
s All our mens high grade suits and over
coats, in worsted, fancy tweeds and cheviots
styles of this season showing in Hart, Schaf
fner & Marx hand tailored garments.
25 00 suit and overcoat $19 95
20 00 " 15 9s
18 00 " 14-40
16 50 " 13 00
15 00 ' la 00
12 50 " iO oo
10 00 " 7 95
Some people don't know that we have a grocery department, so we
are making prices that will causa you to get acquainted.
Diamond C soap regular 5c, epecial 8 bars 25c.
16 cz. cans Schilling's Baking Powder, special 4 5c.
"Best" Cornstarch regnlar 10c, special 5c.
15 candles full weight 12 oz. 25c.
30 pounds beet beana $1.00.
K. C. baking powder 25 oz- 25c.
16 pounds best No. 1 Rice, $1.00.
1 pound package bird seed with bone 8c.
I X L Tamales regular 15c, special 10c.
I X L ma'ccaroni and cheese regular loo, special 5c.
Elite, Bixby, or Whiztemore'a Shoe Polish regular 253, special 14c.
Long's Woodlawn maple syrup; guaranteed beat grade on the market,
regular 75c, epecial 60c.
Star tobacco per package 45c.
Armour's washing powder regular 253, special 15a.'
Cut nails per pound 2c.
1 pound oysters per can loc.
Decorated muah bowels each 5c. -y r. ......
'DAIRY SALT'' 50 pounds regular 5oc, special 3oc. - ;
Great Clearance Sale of all Waists
Wool, flannel, albatross, and fancy waists,
plain and trimmed, black, white, red, blue and
green. All the newest and prettiest styles.
$1.25 waists, each .69
1.5o ." " .78
2.00 " " 1.19
2.oo " " 1.38
3.oo " " 1.53
3.50 " " 1.74
Values up to $lo. 00 each, all at low prices
Rubber Boots
We have an over supply of rubber boots and
we don't want to carry over a pair,
log to let "Clearance Sale Prices"
Men's Thigh Snag Proof Boots
" Short "
Women 8 Pebble
We are go
do the work.
2.22 S
Knit Goods
Ladies knit skirts all wool blue, red, brown and black
Regular 85 cent, special 64 cents ' Regular $1 25, special 93 cents
$1 50 ". $1 08... Golf vests regular $2, special 98 cents
You eai) saue moiy by ui$itii? our stor
durip ttye pext 30 day$
Every department offers surprising values. Watch this space
for further bargains next issue,
25 per cent discount on remaining holiday goods
The People's Store
Corvallis, - Oregon.
Mail orders filled at Clearance Sale prices during the month.