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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1905)
Vol.XVIII.-No. 17. CORVAIXIS, OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 12; 1905. B.F. IRVICTi Editor -. and Propriety : I'OIi . Christmas Goods Everything to add to the pleasure of ihe little folks can be found in our store." - Japanese curios, machanical toys, dolls books, rubber goods and ' all the latest novelties. : See ooi show.window and get an idea of what is made :-..wV Administrator's Notice. In the Oounfy Court of the State ot Oregon for Benton County. In the Hatter ot the Estate of .J .,-..'. I. E. Gleason, deceased. ) Noiioe is hereby crlvea that the flual account of the undersigned administrator of the estate of I. E. Gleason, deceased, has been rendered to said court for settlement, and that Wednesday the Sd day ot January. 1906. at the hour of elev en o'clock A. M. has been duly appointed by said and the settlement thereof, at which time any person interested in said estate by having oDjecuons to saia account may appear ana me his objections or exceptions in writing to said account and contest the same. - U. S. GLEASON, ' Administrator of the estate of I. . Gleason, die-. ceased. - . ..- , - DIES DIABETIC COMA AND ' LOSS OF BLOOD THE v . CAUSE, -'". .Notice.:.. i Hatter of Guardianship Estate 1 - of . ' : l : Heman Mason, aa Insane Person. Notice is hereby given that the ' undersigned guardian ol the estate of Hemen Mason, has fil ed In tUe county court cf Benton county; state ot Oregon, his final account as such guardian of said estate, and that Friday .he 5th day of Jan urry, 1U06, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. has been fixed by said court as the time lor '.hearing objections to said account and the settlement thereof. , R. B. MASON, Guardian of the estate of Heman Mason,, Administrator's Notice. the State of Oregon, Beautiful Holiday Gifts For Lapies and Gents, old or young., s A magnificent ifckrof pi-eseiita Sf all kindffrtcBswsuitaWSES"e ' . jfesources of all. - , , - $50 DIAMOND RING' : . 1 . Ladie3 or gents to be given away free. One ticket " with each $1 worth purchased. Call and see our .line and let us explain about the ring. Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician. LOOK OUT FOR- oses Brothers The Wide-a Wake and Up-to-Date Cash Store Open nowfor inspection our complete line of Hol iday goods. Toys and Dry Goods. Notions. Bootsand Shoe for Men, Women "and chifdren. Men and Boys Suits and Underwear. Ajadies Skirts and Underwear. In fact anything you want. Groceeies flour and feed. , Neatest line of fancy Dishes in city. Fruit, Vegetables, Etc. " Genuine Rodger Silver wae given away for a short while. - ;---. - ' . ' Wo make a spscialty of quick delivery, look out for wagon, listen for the bells. r. Independent Phone 106. Bell Phone 551. See our new store. We try to please. In the County Court of or Benton County. --. In the Hatter of the Estate of Melissa . Gleason, deceased. - Notice Is hereby given that the final account of the undersigned administrator ot the estate ol Melissa . Gleason, aeceaeea, nas Deen rena ered to said court lor settlement and that wea nesday the 3d day of January, 1906, st the hour of eleven o'clock A. M.. has been duly appointed by said court as the time for hearing objections thereto and the settlement thereof, at which time any person interested in said estate by having -objections to Said account may appear and file ma objections or exceptions in writing to said account ana contest me same. ' . ..- U. S. GLEASON, Administrator of the estate ot Melissa E. Gleason deceased. .. Notice to Creditors. 4T Notice to Geditors.. SENATOR MITCHELL Ha Drops to SleeD. Fails to Awaken and Passes Away Of His Family, One Son Only Will Be Able to & Attend ; Faneral Portland, Dec. 9. A valiant fight wtyi made by the attending physi cians to save tbe life of S9nator Mitchell. .AH Thursday afternoon &u& night and' yesterday morning they straggled against the 'inevita ble; " Modern science in all its lat est applications to cases of like character was invoked, but death hii seized him in its relentless grsp nd nothing could remove the fatal clutches. Diabetic troubles, from which the senator had been a sufferer for years, had rendered his system exceedingly weak and bus- ceptable to any injury. Age had impoverished hie blood, and when hemorrhages formed after the ex traction of four of bis 16 wer teeth hfovitality could not repair the drain upon his system and diabetic coma ensued. Suffering . no pain Senator Mitchell fell asleep. As tbV hours passed the sleep grew deeper and deeper and deeper, on' til at last it changed in that dream leps sleep that knows no waking i-ae en a oi senator Mitchell came without a struggle. Death was the f-fit opponent to whom he had ever yielded impassively ;; i , Arrangements forbe funeral ser in the Matter of the Estate y of " William J KF.iJ.V,fleceased . . - Notice is berebv etven to all nersons concern ed that the undersigned has been dulv appoint ed administrator with the frill annexeof the &8Sri&li were made lastmtgnt upon-thi estate ot William J. Keiiy, aeceaeea, are nereDy required to present the same, with the proper vouchers, duly ; fennea as Dy law re. aulred. within six months fiom the date hereof, to the undersigned at his residence In Monrce, Oregon, or at the law office of E. K. Wilson, lu t;orvaiiis, rsenton county, uregou. . Dated Novemoer 3, 1905. . ' M. WILHELM. Administrator with the will annexed of the es tate ot Wm. I. Kelly, deceased. v : receipt oi a teregram irom his son John H. Mitchell, Jr., etatinE that he was leaving St. Paul Jast night ana would arrive in : Portland Mon day evening.-- The services will be held Tuesday from the City Hall and the interment will be in River ale i.. In the matter of the Estate ' of 0. H. Smith, deceased Notice is hereby given to all pessons concern ed that the undersigned hasbeenduly appointed executrix of thlaet will and testament of O. M. Smith, deceases, by the county court of the state of Oregon for Benton county. All persons hav ing claims ngnst Raid estate of C M. Smith, deceased, are hereby required p present the same, within proper vouchers, duty verified as bv law rj wired, within six months Irom the date herest, to the undersigned at her residence finreevmies noruiweBt ui .urvtuus, vwgou ur at the law office of E. E. Wilson, in Corvallls, Benton county, Oregon." Dated, November 3, 1905. ' LUCY A. BMITH, Executrix of the last will and testament of C, M. Smith, deceased. R. D. Burgess PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office over Blackledges furniture store: ' Hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5. Phone, o&ce 216; Res 454 CorvallisL Oregon. IF YOU WANT A GOOD TENDER STEAK, VEAL, MUTTON CHOP, HAM OR BACON, CALL AT The City Meat Market We keep on hand all kinds of fresh and cured meats, lard arid sausage. Opposite Turners grocery. Both Phones CADY & SCHWINGLER SATISFACTION GXTAHAATEED. H. S. PERNOT, Physician. & Surgeon Office over postoiBoe. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & t1'--ham's drag store. B. A. CATHEY ' Physician & Surgeon Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. Hoarsi lO to 12 and 2 to 4. Phone,. orSce 83. Residence 351. Corrallis, . ; Oregon. eegt(,:- ybt'bere. UtfMtOKQitB Ohio; Lieutenant Hiram E. Mitch ell, a Bon, -Pdrt Hanoock, Sandy Hook, New York, and his wife and daughter, the Duchess de Roche foucauld, in Paris. A reply, ask ing for farther information concern ing his father's condition, was re ceived soon afterward from JohnH. Mitchell, Jr. Through the morning hoars Sen ator Mitchell sank gradually into a etate of diabetic coma. His breath ing became more labored. - Hypo dermic injections, which were made every hoar, failed to roase him, and it was realized that the - end was near. LHesolution eet In about oo - clock, and from that time his decline was very rapid. Even then, how ever, bi3 pnyelciana thought that he might live for maay hours, per haps a day. At 10 o'clock he seem ed to be passing away - still more quickly. ; There was no movsmerjt of the body, and : those who were watching anxiously were scarcely able to perceive that he was alive. The loss of blood . had taken all col or from his features. , - When the end came there was scarcely a percepitble change and the physicians were nnable to de termine at exactly what minute life became extinct. There was scarce ly a movement of the muscles. ' There had been no suffering. Calm- ly and peacefully tbe weary statee- mao had answered death's sum mons. :' : .V "' No one cf Senator Mitchell's im mediate family was at the bedside whe he died. Around him when the end came were Judg9 W. O. Chapmen of Tacoma, son-in-law of the senator, who immediately came to Portland when" notified ' of tbe approaching end, Mrs. Mary Bartb, of 4 Grand avenue, a niece, John H. Ejticj nephew: Mrs.-K. M. Price, his'siBter-ia-Jaw, and Miss Lottie Pricey a nfeee, all pf , 286 Oar,abera street. Senator Mitchell's wife is the sister of K. M. Price. T. L. Pierce, of 504 East Oak street, with whom Senator Mitchell has been boarding lately, begged to be ad mitted to tbe death chamber . and sobbed as if his heart would break A FRANK PASTOR HE -IS OUSTED FOR BEING--. :. Pr.ATN TW RTS Preacher Says That Insurance Graf ters Should Be in Hades and Lose Job Other News. J. FRED STATES A TTORN hi-A T-LA W. First Nat'l Bank Building, Qnly Set Abstract Books in Benton County E. R. Bryson, Attorney AfcLaw, G. R. FARRA, Physician & Surgeon, Office np stairs in Baraett Brick idence on the corn er of Midi son Seventh at. Phone t . 1 j a 1 1 C. H. Newth, Physician and Surgeon Philomath, Ofegon. family lot.- Tuesday' morning the body will lie in state in tbe City Hall, in order to give an ODDortun- rty to bis many mends to come and pay their last tribute to the dead J. he hour of The funeral and other details will probably be decided up on today v The Odd Fellows and Elks of Portland, with which orders Senator Mitchell was affiliated, will attend in a body and will probably take some part in tbe services .' The'direct cause of Senator Mitch ell's death was the loss . of blood caused by the extraction of four teeth Thursday morning. The work was done by Dr. A. Wise and the hemorrhage formed after the last tooth had been extracted, about 10 o'clock. : Dr. Wise and Dr. Emil Pohl tried in vain, to stop the bleed ing ior more than three- hours. At this time Senator .Mitchell suf fered.,, jn tense vpaln.- as extreme pressure'-was ope ; of , tbe ' methods used in the effort to stop the hem orrhage, but he bore the pain with out a word of complaint or a single act that showed the suffering be mast have experienced. - Dr. James O. C. Wiley, Dr. Geo. F. Wilson and Dr. A. J. Giesy, with Dr. Pohl, were in attendance upon Senator Mitchell at the hos pital, - Later in the night the house phyeician, Dr. Glen Wheeler, took the case in charge. Every possible styptic was ured to Btop the hemor- j rhtifee. The last hemorrhage occurr ed at midnight, and left tbe patient almost hopeless. It was at this time that .the doctors saw that diabetic coma wa3 inevitable and that death was certain. Senator Mitchell lost consciousness shortly after 8 o'clock in the evening. When Dr. Giesy came into the room about this time he showed by. his expres sion and a few incoherent words that he recognized him. Shortly after he asked for a drink of water. This was the last time that he spoke or gave any sign of being 'conscious of his Burroundings.. David M. Dunne, a close friend of the dying man, arrived at the hos pital soon after 9 o'clock, and was by the bedside constantly up to the time of his death. Mr. Dunne sent messages to the Senator's relatives telling of his critical condition. HiB son-in-law,- Judge W. O, Chapman, of Tacoma, received word of his ill ness at 10 o'clock, and took the midnight train for Portland, arriv ing at 9 o'clock in the morning and going at once to the hospital. Mes ges a were also sent to John H. Mitchell, Jr., at St. Paul: Mrs. J. T. Fawcett, a daughter at Canton, street, siBter of Mrs. John H. Mitch ell and the only other relative the senator has in the city, was unable to be present. . When taken to the Good Sama ritan hospital at 2 o'clock. Senator Mitchell was in the best of spirits. He was greatly weakened 'by the loss of blood, but. converged : with Dr. Pohl, who rode in the carriage with bim to tbe hospital. Dr. Pohl tried to impress upon him the seri ousness of his condition, but he did not eeem to comprehend. When they arrived at their' destination he walked from the carriage to the hos pital unassisted. When he entered he recognized ooe of the nurses who had attended him when he was con fined there for a few days three months ago. "Well, Iani back again," be eaid smiling. .With a prepossessing personality and a faculty for making friends, Senator. Mitchell had held a promi nent place before the public of Or egon and of the entire nation for many ytars. He served 22 years in tbe United states senate, and during that time filled the chairmanship of several important committees. As a leader of the republican party 01 the state, senator miicneii was a powerful character, and the brillian cy of his long career was only in tensified by the contrast of his lat ter months of adversity and misfor tune. The suddenness of bis death came as a snocE to tne people 01 Oregon. v '' ' Stanford, Conn., Dac. 9. If the Rev. George C. Richmond, curate of St. John's Episcopal church, has his way, the population' of hadea will eventually be vastly increased by insurance magnates and grafters now under investigation in New York city. By reason of his whole sale condemnation of rich sinners the parishioners of St. John's intend to dispense with Dr. Richmond's services. There are many very wealthy families in the congrega tion and they object to any radical selection of their future abodes by a curate who was supposed to guide them gently in the proper path. The particular Bermon to which the parishioners of St. John's object was delivered last Sunday at the memorial services of the Elks. In effect, Dr. Richmond said that any business man who received a salary of $25,000 was a thief. ' Richmond said today: - 'I did not realize that I was say ing anything to cause commotion or comment. I am not sorry nor afraid and I have nothing to take back. I should like, however, to amplify the remarks I made to some extent. Its meaning should be brought but more fully. "I remember that when I was as sistant in Holy Trinity church of New-York there 'was. a young' man in th cbejch-wBo waswpiayeltby' the Equitable Life at $12.50 a week. I officiated at his marriage. Two months later it was discovered that he had stolen $50 from the compa ny and be was sent to prison. Now who is the greater sinner, tha young man or Hyde? i leu you, nyae win ue in nei, for eternity as compared with the term that young man should spend there. In my remarks I made last Sun day I did not mean that people were deliberately and purposely breaking the ten commandments. I meant that they were results of an evil system. But, you know, we are using plain terms nowadays, and practically they are thieves who take that which do not belong to them and which they do not earn." If your stomach troubles you, do not con clude that there is no cure, for a great many hav been permanently cured by Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Try them; they are certain to prove beneficial. They only eost a quarter. Sold by Graham & Wortham. ' Berlin, Dec lo. A dispatch from St. Petersburg says that the plans of Baron Liocq de Lobel, the French engineer, for tbe building of a rail road from Siberia to Alaska, has been approved by tbe Russian gov ernment, which has named a com mission to formulate contract reg ulations. Baron de Lobel represents a group of French Capitalists who propose to -build a railroad from Siberia to Alaska by bridging and by tunnel ing under Bering Straits. It is said that the enterprise will b3 capital- , , . k 000,000. and that the money centers' of France, Russia and the United States will be asked to share in the financial phnse of the project. Mot Molls, hot muffins, hot cakes, made with Royal Baking Powder may be freely eaten without fear of indigestion.