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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1905)
3' i.ff Vol. XVIII.-No. 17. CORVALLIS, OREGON. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8? 1905. B.F. IRTIHB Editor and Proprietor M ll To Make December our Banner Month We are going to offer many inducements to effect this result. We will continue to sell all wool dress goods at cost. Will cut the price of Jackets one half. Big discount on all clothing and will have for your inspec tion the largest display of Holiday goods w e have ever shown. " . - , . - Jl' -W 3 A 1---!.- ..' ' ' See Window Display Beautiful Holiday Gifts For Lapies and Gents, old or .young. A magnificent stock of presenta of all kinds prices suitable to the resources of ail. ' .. 7 $50 DIAMOND RING . .Ladies or gents to be given away free. One ticket with each $1 worth purchased. Call and see our line and let us explain about the xing. t Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician. LOOK OUT FOR- Brothers The Wide-afiWaTte and US-to-Date Cash Store Open now for inspection our complete line of Hol iday goods. Toys and Dry Goods. Notions. Boots and Shoe for Men Women and -children.- - Men and Boys Suits and Underwear. ladies Skirts and Underwear. In fact anything you want. Groceeies flour and feed Neatest line of fancy Dishes in city. Fruit, Vegetables, Etc. V Genuine Rodger Silverwae given away for a short while. . --.. . We make a spscialty of quick delivery, look out for wagon, listen for the bells. Independent Phone 106. Bell Phone 551. See our new sibre. Wo try, to please. i y , " , , Administrator's Notice, :," : la tba CounJy Court of tbe State .of Oregon-far ' Benton County. In the Matter of the Estate ) of . - , I. E. Gleasos, deceased. , ) ' ' Notice is hereby given that the flual account of the undersigned administrator of the estate of I. E Gleason, deceased, has been rendered to said court for settlement, and that Wednesday the 3d day of January, 1906, at the hour of elev en o'clock A. H. has been duly appointed bysald cuuri as we ume tor Hearing oujeuuuus uuucw and the settlement thereof, at which time any person Interested In said .estate , by having ODjections to saia account may appear ana me his objections or exceptions In writing to said account ana corneal we same. TJ. S. GLEASON. . Administrator of the estate of I. E. Gleason, de ceased. . "V IF Notice. Matter of Guardianship Estate ' i 01 Heman Mason, an Insane Person. ) Notice Is hereby elven that the undersigned guardian of the estate of Hemen Mason, has fil ed In the county court ct Benton county, state ol Oregon, his final account as such guardian of said estate, and that Friday the oth day of Jan- urry, r.wt, at ine nour 01 ten o'ciock a. m. nae been fined by said court as the time for ".hearing objections to sum account ana tne settlement thereof. R. B. MASON, - Guardian of the estate of Heman Mason. Administrator's Notice. In the County Court of tffe State of Oregon, or Benton County. In the Matter of the Estate of Melissa . Glkason, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the final account of the undersigned administrator of the estate of Melissa E. Gleason, deceased, has been rend ered to said court for settlement and that Wed nesday the 3d day of January, 1906, at the hour of eleven o'clock-A. M has been duly appointed bv said court as the time for hearing objections thereto and the settlement thereof ; at -which time any person interested in saia -estate by; having -objections to ' Said- account may appear and tile his objections' or exceptions in witting to said account and contest the same." -A i ... ? :TJ. S. GLEASON Administrator of the estate of Melissa E. Gleason. deceased. " v Notice. to Creditors. In the Hatter of the" Estate ) of William J KELLY.deceased) . Notice Is herebv given to all persons concern ed .that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed administrator with the will annexed of the estate of said William J, Kelly, deceased, by the county court of the state of Oregon, for Benton Bounty'." Airpersons having claims against said estate of William J. Kelly, deceased, are hereby required to present the came, with the proper vouchers, - duly - verified - aS by law re quired, within sixmonths from the date hereof; to the undersigned at his residence In Honrc e, Oregon, or at the law office of E. E. Wilson, In Corvallis. Benton county, Oregon. Dated November 3, 1905.. - '' M. WILHELM , ... Administrator with the will annexed of the es- : tate of Wm. J. Kelly, deceased. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the Estate ) 1 of C. M. Smith, deceased. J Notice is herebv given to all persons' concern. ed that the undersigned has been duly appointed executrix of the last will and testament of 0. M. Smith, deceased, by the county court of the state OI uregon lor neuron euuuiy. au persons Hav ing claims against said estate of C. M. Smith, deceased, are hereby required to present the same, with the proper vouchers, duly verified as by law required, witmn six months from tne date hereof, to the undersigned at her residence threeniles northwest of Corvallla, Oregon or at the law office of E. E. Wilson, In Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon. - 1 Dated, November 3, 1905. LDCT A. SMITH, - Executrix-of the last wilL and testament of C. M. Smith, deceased. ' R. D. Burgess PJIYSICIAN SURGEON ', Office over Blackledges- furnitnre store. Hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5. Pfione, office 216; Res'. 454 ' ' Corvallis, Oregon. SENATOR MITCHELL: RESIGNS r' " THE"' CHAIRMAN ' SHIP AS HE -CANNOT SERVE ON THE COM- : - MITTEE' The Woman Belonged to the "Flying Column" of the Revo lutionary Movement and , Fired Three Shots " Other News. ' W0htngton, Dec. 6. Vice-President Fiirbank . received a telegram from Senator Mitchell cf Oregon resigning the chairmanship of the senate committee on interoceanic cmala. He will probably be succeei ed by Millard, of Nebraska. ' Senator Mitchell s resignation of the chairmanship of the isthmian committee was sent , by .telegraph yesterday. "L came to the conclusion that as I couldn't take any pait in the work of the committee I would bet ter resign. That's all ; there is , to it, said Senator - Mitchell today, when asked for the reaspu for his action. . . .''if.: .. Guard, Kan., Dec. 6Half suf focated by ammonia' fumes and struggling: againsL e. men Mrs. $1)7 Barry, .-iwae, jpaptute4. t about noon, in the car which i Bhe baa. npld (he .fejft in;8lnqa Sqndajt,beni shaj proy a(4 passengers opt .re- 5filver'8.,nj!andhpftRWw traefeed here, -r ohs,; calmed down after her arrest and told her. name, arid fold also of; her : -daughter, j at orthporVWaahington i Sbe fired, but ;no one was hurt... She will not be arraigned, on an insani ty warrant 4x besMendfcoiBe' to her aid, : ,' , The capture was affected through a jar.: filled with ammonia and thrown into the lavatory through the glass., Blankets - were stuffed into the hole and the .door broken open with an axe. A Lexington, ivy., dispatch states that the woman who has been defying Kansas au thDrities is Mr. Tames P. Barry of Montgomery, county, Ken tuoky James P. P. Barry, her former hus band is a resident, of LexitgtoD This morning Barry , visited a law yer, W. C. G. Hobbi who has re ceived a number of letters, showing evidences of insanity on the. part of the writer, from Mrs Barry, urging him to find her. husband. After reading the letters' Barry decided to takes steps lo aid the woman. . Her father is N; G. Bailey, and resides at Tolea, L. T. , .. -'. ; . Barry two months ago t married May Kirtchner of Lexington, who wishes her husband to aid , his di vorced wife. The Barry b .have a aaughter.Mre Stella:, Phillips, liv ing at Nortbport, 'Washington, i H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoiSoa. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to 12 a. m.,1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & -ham'B drug store. B. A. CATHEY .. .Physician &Sijrgeon Office, room 14, BanK Bldg, . 40 to la and 2 to 4, ' : . 'Phone, office 83. Corvallis, 1 . Hoursi Fresno, Cal., Dec. 6. Six weekB ago Wherry Curtiss was a healthy, robust farmer residing near Visalia, Today he is totally blind and help less as the result of a swish of a re fractory cow's tail. While milking one morning Curtiss was struck in the eyes by the switching tail of cow. . Though the pain was intense the farmer did not think seriously of the occurrence until blood " pois oning Bet in. He lost the eight- of on eye, Which was tollowed by tne iher. conditions, arid, not vlcioueneBs in bis '.character, were lesponsible for his action in fighting. Branch, the court has - recommended - that the secretary of the navy exercise leni ency in disposing of the case. i It ia evident from .the .QndingB of, the court that be does not regard Meriwether as having been entirely responsible for , Branch's -death. Ap parently, it believes that he. is ,the victim of a condition . rather, tban any . intention permanently to harn , ypung Branch. . , : v ; , , : The court established to its satis faction that during the fight , Meri wether several times offered to give up, but the midshipmen, who were interested spectators, urged, him to continue. It is these men who have pom9 in for the severe criticism of the court, although it is doubtful if it has referred to them by name The tribunal was appointed to try Meriwether, not to make an loves tigation into the conditions existing at the Academy. The martinets of the service be lieve that, in spite of the danger of martyrizing Meriwether, it will be advisable to dismiss him., v Odessa, Dec. 5. The hooligans are murdering Jewish ' families by the wholesale and destroying theii property.' Jewish children are tor tured in the presence of their 'par- eats and then killed,. The 'parents are also massacred. ' Hundreds of corpses airer lying in' the street8.r:-; ' ven the .nuns wbo havti' been 'of fering belb to : the Wounded have been kille4 while administering to . It is Btated that ; many, of "the Ruesiftps nobility have - escaped- to Germany.-"X ; SAKHAROFF, SLAIH" WOMAN TAKES VENGEANCE ON MAN WHO SCOURGED ' PEASANTS ij z J;.. Victoria, B. C, Deo. 5. Resi dents of Vladivostok who left for Japan subsequent to the outbreak of the soldiers there, reported, ac? cording to a dispatch received today by the empress of India, that the soldiers killed many people they met without cause, and at one big hole! a massacre took, place in which 2oo persons were killed. . Viceroy Yuan Siih Kai received a telegram from tne Ubinese com mercial agent at Vladivostok that 4ooo Chinese refugees had taken re fuge in the open field3 rafter being driven from Vladivostok, and he requested the Viceroy to order , the steamer Haitin from Chefoo to take the Chinese out of danger The viceroy ordered the steamer to Vladivostok and the Shaighai Red Cross Society sent clothing, pro&isionf, blankets, and 7oo iaels for relief purposes. ' -... The Shanghai mercury publishes a telegram from native sources at Vladivostok, telling of the murder of thousands of Chineee by soldiers at remote points iri Siberia. . Residence 351. Oregon. A GOOD TENDER STEAK, VEAL, MUTTON CHOP, HAM OR BACON, CALL AT The City "Meat Market We keepTon &anfaH kmjs'of freshltadctlfed meats, lard and sausage. M ODDOsite Turnerb orrocery." Both Phones CADY & SCHWINGLER SATISFACTION J. FEED STATES ATTORNh l-AT-LAW. First NatTBaiik Building, Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County E. R. Brysbn, G. FARRA, , . Physician &4 Surgeon, " Office.' n g 8tairsi n? Burnett Brick " J3ence on the corn er of MaSison Seventh at. Phone a t hottse&nd tfi. C: H. Newth, Physician and Surgeon Philomath, -Oregon. Elk River, Minn., Deci 5. C. D'. Crawford, convicted of the murder of, Heine Dnndin, in a box car, was banged this morning,,: He . died bravely, . ; - s jefuaing ' a to .reveal his identity;, His spiritual advisor says that his father, is : worth hun dreds of thousands,, his mother a so cial queen, and his sister is engaged to a wealthy iiastener. He could ha ve bad moneys to -defend himself, but he refused. I His. family did not know of the case, but' believe he-' is wandering. He ran away from home and hie folks have' never heard from him BinceJ. Crawford said he did wrong, and claimed' he did sot get a fair show, but was- ready- to die. ' ' ' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK - of Corvallis, Oregon, MAKES LOANS on approved se curity, and especially on wheat oats, flour, wool, baled hay, " (Aittim bark, arid !all other classes of produce; upon the re ceipt thereof stored in mills and public warehouses, or upon chattel mortgages and also upon other classes of good se cunty. , . DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD upon ' the principal financial centers of the United States - and ' foreign -' countries thus ' transferring money to all parts ' of the civilized world. .- - : A CONSERVATIVE general busi ness transacted in ' all lines of banking, ' . ' , Was Ex-Minioter of War Mobcow Troops Mutiny and St. Peters burg Garrison Will soon . Do Same. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Daily Telegraph in a dispatch dated December 5, eent via Eydtk- ubnen, East Prussia, says: Lieutenant-General Sakharoff, es-minister of war, was assassinat ed today.. The government has deputized General Sakaroff to visit the prov ince of Saratoff for the purpose of quelling the agrarian riots there. A woman belonging to the so called "flying column" of the rev olutionary movement, called at the house of the governor of Saratoff at noon and asked to see General Sak haroff. ' " She fired three revolver shots at the general, killing him on the spot, i The; tidings reached St. Peters burg tonight.. Count Witte charged Lieut'ena,nt-Geneial Rudiger,' min- ister of VarV with the task of break ing the news to Madam. Sakharoff. 'K.r4f,,-.,;..,.wl' ij,;.;. '(wDe&.iffif'l'fl in darknees and'the population is fac ing starvation. ' The water supply baBcbeenXntirely cut off.- : x , . ..if arsaw, repqrt .says. that the Btrikera qlai'm that, a yictqry is pear. Eight bundred men k struck in the goverhment'distiilery ' Grave mil itary excesses are reported at Ex worronieez where the. regimente burned the t arracks-. .. . ,. . The Tageblatte'e St. Petersburg correspondent, in a dispatch sent by the way of Eydtkuhnen, De cember 6, says: - The situation is visibly growing. worse. ihe critical moment for Count Witte is coming when the liberal elements will demand his resignation. A resolution by the agriculturists at Moscow, demand ing the immediate dismissal of the present cabinet, denotes the' begin ning of the. movement away from CoUnt Witte, ' and signs indicate that this movement will gain in in tensity soon. London, Dec. 6. A . dispatch from St. Petersburg, dated Decem- bee 5, says that 22 persons were killed and 40. wounded at Kieff after. a regular battle.. . Private accounts from,, Kieff say that the mutinous troops there were shot down in a narrow lane by Cos-, sacks, the mutineers being ..caught ' between two fires. !i Washington, 'Dec.1' 2: Midship man Minor Meriwether has been ac quitted of the charge of manslaugh ter m connection with the death of Midshipman- Branch. He has-been found' guilty of conduct a nbecdmln g an officer and a getrtleman.-'and has been sentenced 10' dismissal 'from the naval service. ' Believing that WILLAMETTE VALEY Bankir; Company - - J CORTAUJS,' OBIGON. ' . ' . Responsibility, $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic ...,-s EchneiT ,,,, k Buys Qoonty,, City and School . rt: . " ,,lv"ftrrai)its. '.' ' ': Prfneivai Correspondents. SAN FKANCISOft V .... POETLAND " f WeBanfco SBATTXE '-1- f, California T4.0OUA.r 1 . , ITXTW YORK-Messrs. J. P. Hornn ft Co, CHICAGO National Bank of The;Kepub- lio. tONDON, ENG. N M BothscbUda Sons CANADA. TJalon Bank of Canada ': London, Dec, 6. A -dispatch from St. Petersburg by way of Eydtkuhnen says that three battal ions of infantry at Moscow have mutinied, but no details are given. The same dispatch -fays that a general strike has been declared at Kharkoff. At. King'sValley. ' Covotes have killed a number of sheep in the valley ' lately. Sheep men have offered a bouuty and have been huoting them but so far they have not a coyote, although several have been. seen... , ..' t; . F. Plunkett haye started a drove of fine beef steers for Salem,.. Mon day, and Will Gellatly a flock of mutton. Both were for. Cross .the Salem butcher. ; -jj vi. Cricket BdV6ns was "on the Ya- quina last week buying sheep. ' I. F. Eddy, of Eddyville, has sold his farm on the Yaquina ' and ia making hid home now in the valley with bis son Perry.- .'" . Some miscreants broke' into the valley echoolhouse last week - and did some damage.- . , , There is to : !be a Christmas' Tree at Hdekins tbiB year:-'- '" Miller & Alcorn has just opened tip a fine lot of Christmas goods. If your stomach troubles you,' do pot con clude that there! is no cure, for s great many have been permanently cured by Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Try them;; they, are certain -to prove beneficial. Thev. only eost a quarter. Sold by Graham & Wortham. . GTJA.RA.NTEED. 'J,.-: