Vol. XVIII.-No. 17. CORVALLISi OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 1.1905. B.F. IBVINU Editor and Proprietor DO YOU WANT moof Dress tl at gest? oods If so, you can have an immense and up to date stock from which to make your selections. No reserve. To heavy stock in this department the cause. Don't fail this opportunity to save dollars. Call and See. MERIWETHER TELLS ABOUT QUARREL WITH BRANCH. His' Bitter Repentance Would Rather Have Met Enemy's Fate Than Lived Had to Fight or Be Ostracised and Then Resign. Don't Be JllarmedU Unless it is by one of our Alarm Clocks, and you wili be spared the annoyance of an alarm at the wrong time. " Clocks guaranteed. A full line of Jewelry, 0. A. C. Pins, Optical Goods. Get one of our self-filling Foun tain Pens. We do all kinds of optical work. Eye strain, headache, relieved by a pair of our glasses. Pratt The ' Jeweler 6c Optician. Licensed to Practice Optometry in the State of Oregon. LOOK OUT. FOR- Mose s Brothers The Wlde-a Wake and Up-to-Date Cash Store , Open now, for inspection our complete lin&of Hol iday goods. Toys and Dry Goods. Notions; Boots and Shoe for Men, Women and children. Men and Boys Suits and Underwear. Ladies Skirts and Underwear. .. In fact anything you want. - Grpceeies flour and feed. . . . - Neatest line of fancy Dishes in city. Fruit, Vegetables, Etc. Genuine Kodger Silverwae given away for a short While. , . .. " V .- ; - V. ' We make a spscialty of quick delivery, look out for wagon, listen for the bells. Independent. Phone 106. Bell Phone 551. , See,, our new store. We;try to please. V; IF YOU WANT A GOOD TENDER STEAK. VEAL MUTTON CHOP; HAM OR BACON, CALL AT Ttie "City Meat Market We keep on hand ail kinds of fresh and cured meats, lard and sausage, ' Opposite Turners Grocery. Both Phones CADY & SCHWINGLER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. . ABOUT THE FIGHT Annapolis, Md. Nov. 2g. Mid- shipmanMeriwether today took the wittess stand in hia own.,- be ball. His story of the trouble ; between himBelf and Midshipman Branch did not differ substantially from the testimony of previous witnesses. He told of having , had .a. fight, with Midshipman Humphreys, in 1904, in which the latter "knocked out" the witness y-:.: . Speaking of the night when the feud came to a head, Meriwether said: .: :," .-. . i I went in Branch's room and the light was turned on. : I said that had come to see him about , what occurred. ; Branch said, ' You are a dam fool to come to see me, you know that my claes hates jou.' ,. I eaid, 'That is not so; you are the only one who does .. ' ("Branch asked, 'What if I do?', -"I said. 'Then, you are, a damn, sneaking coward, and I will fight you, though I am not in fighting condition.', j I added,, 'If you get up will lick you.' "He eaid, "You mean you will try.?. i - " 'That's what ,,- I will,' I said, and if you get: up I will show you.' He did not get up, and. after a little further conversation, Jaegar and I left the room. . "I called Branch what I did be cause I was told; the custom was that a fight would end feeling, and Branch had told me he wa, going to 'bilge' me that is, make me fail and I wanted to fight and end the matter. I did not intend to fight whon T wftnt. tr thn room. hut- hfi again told me that he intended to bilge me. Meriwether's counsel then asked him about his refrainiog from , bit ting Branch during the fight,:, al though to do so under the rules. The witne-B told of two instances of this, explaining that he did not believe any blows ebould be struck in a stand-off ght unless men are on their feet. He also told how he fouled and offered to give up the fight, but the seconds would not al lOW it. i,:.. u j-.-'fi ;.! . ." s : "Alter the qnarrel with; Branch," said he,: -"Midshipman , McXLttrick came to my room and told me that be had been appointed Branch's sec ond to arrange ai fight. .: I wanted Jaegar aa mine. : ine details were then arranged.. During . the fight we .first fell under tbe blinds. About the 12th round I ruBhed Branch, and both fell side way b through the door. . The next round, Branch , hit me a terrific uppercut- f It stunned me for some rounds. I returned to his jaw; He threw his head back and 1 returned, nut swuDg,my arm around hia ceckwe lell in that po sition, his hfad strikirg the idloor. !!W were.: lilted an. . . .my, arm could not be UBed for the :next two rounds.ViiMy left arm was oruehed in a football game about . three years ago, The arm is still weaker than the other..', :'." - Meriwether then showed, a , deep scar: on the wrist of: the left arm. He said a silver plate had been put there i si. ..5r;ei? Attbe;en(Lo the ,234 round." he continued,, "Branch oame across the; room, and we both .apologized and he said:? 'Afterwaras wewil. befriends.' He then left and I have never seen him since. We parted aa friends... ' : . ::.. ..ut . T could. not go to breakfast ; the next mornine :..I had to go to , the hospital.. An orderly came and said that there was a man. lunconBcious ia tha hall, i' Hetwas brought to. the hospital that night, and . Dr.: Ames told me that Branch: was doing well About 3 o'clock the next afternoon I was told by a nurse that Branch was dead. I requested an official investigation by the superintendent 1 was grieved beyond expression I think that Mr." Branch, waa in deed more fortunate in being in his. place, in going , to .sleep- and not waking up, than to be in mine and having to live this life after this sad and deplorable affair." Duluth, Nov. 29. The. .-net, re suits ot the great storm so lar as known are the total wrecks of the steamer6: Mataafa, Crescent : City, Odenburg and La Fayette, the sink ing of the Ell wood and the strand ing of the barge Manila, steamers W. B England and Bransford, and besides two barges are missing. The Bransford escaped with a puncture in the forward compartment,, and succeeded in reaching Duluth.; The fireman of the Lafayette was drown ed and the second assistant engin eer of the Edenburgw was lost. Nine men foundered on the Mataafa. :. . Early today when the life-saving crew resumed its efforts to reach the Mataafa, the form of a man was seen standing at the door : . of the captaiu's cabin. A megaphone was secured and in response to repeated palls a man appeared on deck, and replied "All alive forward, can you get na ashore?'' This spurred; i the life-savers, and with great difficulty through a sea so rough that the waves were rolling over the wreck and clouds of spray that flew mast high, the life-boat tossed like a chip, reached the side of the wreck and a rope was thrown to the eager hands on board. San Francisco, No. 28L From the coast oi faraway Luzon comes story giving the pathetic features of a tragedy of the, sea. As the coast guard steam schooner sent from Manila on a tour of the small er islands cautiously, approached a desolate islet lying on the. northeast coast of Luzon the captain stood on the bridge, glasses leveled, at a particular place amid the. breakers on shore where a vessel was strand- Flying from the truck, of , her only remaining mast was a string of signal flags, and the captain of the coast guard ship was engaged in deciphering its import. " 'Farewell is what they mean. he said at last to his mate. The wreck was that of the coast guard schooner Ley te, which had been at sea during the great ty phoon tidal wave which swept" the Philippine Islands two months ago. During hat storm many vessels were wrecked even in Manila har bor. Tha Ley te never came to port. All on board the vessel un doubtedly pensned as there are no indications on tne island tnat any escaped. As the little steamer went to her doom, the brave American officers, recognizing tneir ngnt lor lite - as hopeless, hoisted the sad message spelled by tiny signal flags, "Fare well as a last word to the world and their families. , SEDITION IN ARMY MAY REFUSE TO SHOOT AT MUTINEERS, BUT WOULD NOT SHOOT COMRADES. Richmond, Va., Nov. 28. The first jury, composed exclusively ol women ever convened in this state was impaneled at Winchester yes terday to decide an issue between Misa Juliet Hathaway, a young so ciety woman, and Mme. Zentmyer, a modiste., Miss Hathaway accused the dressmaker, of having made some lingerie which did not fit. ,. Misa nathaway and her dress maker both doned the questionable garments and. paraded before the jury, Justice J onn , M. Johnson watching the proceedings over his wise old spectacles. ' The jury re tired, resolved themselves into a debating society for the ..discussion of fashions in general, , much ' of which had no bearing on the case in hand. A decision was . finally , tendered in favor of Mme. Zentmyer, who impulsively '.embraced each mem her ofc the iury' whom she believed voted for her. ,, . Spirit of Rebellion Has Spread Through Army From End to End of Empire Cossacks Alone Loyal. St. Petersburg, - Nov. 29. The last day of grace accorded the mu tineers at Sevastopol expired at midnight with no signs of surrend er on the part - of the men; The hills towering above the harbor of the Russian stronghold in the Black Sea may resound -this' morning, as they did in the days of the Crimean war, with the roar of musketry and cannon, should the government at tempt to carry out its announced intention of crushing the revolt with the mailed fist. The rebellious sailors are playing a waiting game and apparently have full confidence that the guns of the fleet will not b3 turned against them. If they-have not actually regarded the summons to haul down the red flag, they seemed determin ed to make the authorities show their hand. : Whether General - Nepluff, the commandant; of the fortress,' who waa released-by: the ' mutineers to day and who relieved General Bar on Gakomoleskie, will dare to ac cept the challenge of the mutineers and stake the discipline and loyal ty, not only of the troops at his dis posal, but of the- whole army, on the cast is, however, doubtful. Dis patches from more than a score of garrisons in Russia show that the land forces of the empire are in a state of discontent, and any order to the troops to fire upon their com rades in the sister branch of the ser vice might probably precipitate a general and widespread mutiny. On the other hand, it would be dif ficult to starve out the sailors by a regular siege, as provisions and wa ter can be obtained by them, and as they are under the guns of not unfriendly warships. The staff quarters at Sevastopol are guarded by Cossacks and the officers in the streets are accompan ied by escorts of Cossacks, the only branch of the Bervice the fidelity of which is unquestioned. Even the members of the guard regiments treated well and superla tively paid, are joining in the rev olutionary movement. Two . hun dred and fifty men of. the guard reg iments who were said to be leaders in spreading the revolutionary prop aganda, were arrested at their bar racks tonight. It is understood that the soldiers of the equipages from which the crewa of the imperial yachts are drawn will be withdrawn to St. Petersburg on account of dis affection among them. A delegation representing the Newspaper Unioo called, on Count Witte yesterday to demand that ths writer, M. berracheflsky;. who wae expelled from Warsaw by Governor General Skallbn, be allowed to re turn. The Premier said he would telegraph- to the governor-general suggesting the exercise, of all len iency possible in the case of M. Ser racheffsky, but he was unwilling to issue a direct order. "You know," he aaid, "how touchy these governor-generals and governors are just now. Say a word to them and they resign." ' Professor Podsky, editor of the Nasha ShiBin, called on the Pre mier to demand permission for Father Gagon to return to Russia. "What is the use of deception among friends?" said Count Witte to the professor. "You and I know, even if the police do not, that Fath er Gapon has been living in your house since August 13." Houston Tex.;,Noy:. 28. A suh terranean volcano ha.8 broken loose in the Humble oil field and formed a crater 100 feet in diameter, swol lowing , derricks and machinery. The -eruption is hurling , tons of earth and rock into the air. Common Colds are the Cause of Many Serious Diseases. Physicians who have gained a national reputation as analysts of the cause of various diseases, claim that if catching cold could be avoided a long list of dangerous ailments would never be heard of. Everyone knowa that pneumonia and consumption originate from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and lung trouble are aggra vated and rendered more serious by each fresh attack. Do not risk your life or take chances when you have a cold. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy will cure it before these diseases develop. This remedy con tains no opium, morphine or other harmful drug, and has thirty years of reputation back of it, gained by its cures under every condi tion. For sale by Graham & Wortham. In answer to a question, Meri wether said: - - "If - I had . not ,' . resented Mr. Branch's continued actions, I would be in the, same position , aa another classmate with whom no one had anything to do; Under .these cir cumstances I would have- to resign and could never hold up my head again;',' ;..-. :.: , . . .The prosecution then, began its cross-examination. The defendant was requested to describe "running" as Branch had conducted it toward him. . Pressed for direct answers aa to what Branch had done, Meri wether said: "I don't care to relate them." Meriwether then whispered to t.hn indop-ari tno.at. and thn nnestinn . j 0 . -1 was withdrawn. It was evident that Met i wether bestitated to men tion certain things before the wo men, of whom there were a num ber in the courtroom. He then de clared that he had not been "ratty" but had unfairly acquired the rep utation. At the end of Meriwether's testi mony, the defense announced that it had closed its case. Captain Gaorga P. Colvocoressea commandant of midshipmen, was the first witness for the rebuttal. He told of a cooversation with Midshipman Churchill Humphreys, president of the Srcond class, in which he had told Humphreys that he was under oath to obey all regu lations. He, as commandant, took the etand that fighting at the acad emy was against good order and discipline, and would not be toler- -1., A . "This," he said, '.'I think is also the view of superintendent Sands." Midshipman James R. William son, of New Jersey, a member of the n: a 1 r 11 1 l t t mret-uiasa oi ma navai suuuji, wuu testified before the court-martial yesterday, was this morning drop ped from the navv for gen ral inef ficiency, by order of Secretary Bo- commendation that he be dismissed was made before the Meriwether court-martial proceedings began. Williamson wa3 a leading member of the academy track team. . . r New York. Nov. 28. The appli cation made by William R. Hearst to open final ballot boxes and re count the votes in them, , cast dur ing the, reoent mayoralty ..election in this city, bas been granted -by the supreme court. It. was expect ed that the boxes would be opened tomorrow, but today in view of the fact that an appeal may be taken from Justice Amend's decision, and the delay that will be occasioned in the selection of, a judge to. preside at the recount it is not thought the boxes will be opened for a week from next Wednesday. - .1 o.stoxs.i a. ' Seariihe ' vlli8 Kind You Have Always Bougtt Signature of There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which makes the food more digestible and wholesome. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by physicians, and they accord ingly endorse and recom mend it. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. . '