The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 28, 1905, Image 4

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Tae Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items
Public Interest.
continued from page 1.
cannot be doubted and the
quest'on is
vhetbr tbe decreaned
cost will piy the shippers quota of
the cot ot improvement. Will it
mean tbat the investment will pay
a dividend to the ftock holders?
Stu Jents of tbe good roads question
declare tbat every evidence bised
on experience i that the dividend
will be eurprlsingly large to every
producer and every user of tbe
Thanksgiving dinner is to be
served at Hotel Corvallis from 1 2 to
two o'clock Thursday.
Miss Emma Baber of Portland
yisited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mc
Kellips last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Rockey E. Ma
son of Albany were guests at the
Armory Hop Friday night.
Karl Steiwer of Jefferson was
an interested spectator at tbe Wil-lamette-0.;
A" C. game Friday.
Miss Ilda Jones of Brooks re
turned to her home Saturday afrer
a brief visit with Miss Mabel With
ycombe. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson M.
Cannon of Salem were the guests of
Miss Withycombe Friday. They
returned home Saturday.
Miss Louella Van Cleve is able
to be about again, after being con
fined to her room with illness for
Born, Saturday, to Mr. and
M-s. William Schmidt, residing
( dr the Benton county prune or
chard, a daughter.
- Large congregations attended
the Presbyterian church Sunday
tnornfng and evening. The music
at both services was exceptionally
good. ' '
Miss Anna Bleee, a former
popular O. A. C. student, left yes
terday for her home in Portland af
ter a visit of several days with Miss
Edna Allen and other friends.
At the college Saturday even
ing the Pierian literary society en
tertained the members of the Zeta
gathean society, in royal style
The evening was one of pleasure
for all participants.
A worldly minded Missouri
editor has won much applause from
the galleries by declaring that it is
no more harm to catch fish on Sun
day than to run down a chicken on
that day for the preacher's dinner
In another column is to be
found a splendid article on the sub
ject of good roads. It is by Isaac
Manning, managing editor of the
Salem Statesman, and was read be
fore the Good Roads convention in
this city last week. . Though there
were many excellent paper?, none
of more merit was read before the
. delegates.
The offering to be taken on
Thanksgiving Day in connection
with the service at the First Meth
odist church will be for the Good
Samaritan Hospital of Portland and
devoted to the ue of the needy who
go there from this community, ac
cording to resolutions of the Min
isterial Association.
The churches of Corvallis" will
unite in a special . Thanksgiving at
10.30 a. m. Please observe the
earlier hour. Services will begin
promptly. The order of exercises
-will be: Doxology; Invocation,
Rev. Feese; hymn; Scripture, Rev.
Simpson; anthem; prayer, Rev. El
.lison; , Reading ...of; Proclamation,
. Rev. Jones; hymn; offering, for the
Taeedy'; notices; anthem or sold;
sermon, Rev. Hurd; hymn; bene
diction, Rev. Noble. -"
Mary H. Whitby" writes to
friends in this city that she will re
turn home in about two weeks,
bringing her daughter, Miss Isabel,
who has been in "a precarious con
dition since submitting to a surgi
cal operation in a hospital at Port
land, two weeks ago. No hopes
are held out for the young lady's
recovery, news that will cause un
iversal sorrow hereabouts, where
she has been reared. ' '
A Lincoln county . farmer re
ceived a letter trom a young man
who had been "go;ng with" his
daughter, which read as follows
'Wood like Jessie s nana in mar-
age. She and I are in , luye and !
think I nede a wife. -.Yures, Hen
ry." The farmer replied to his let
ter by saying: "Friend Henry, you
don't need a wife. You need a
spelling book. Get one and study
t it a year. Then write me again."
.. 7-Prolessor Gerard Tafflandier
will give a piano lecture recital in
college chapel next Friday evening,
at 8 o'clock. All are invited. The
program follows: Air and Vari
ations, Mozart; Bridal .Procession,
Greig; Rondo in . C, Beethoven;
Kammenos Ostrow, Rubinstein;
Prophet Bird,- Schumann; Polon
aise militaire, Chopin; Staccato Ca
price, Vogrich; Rigoletto, Liszt.
country road.
Wn'u th producer loads hip waa
on and etarta to find bis market he
naturiUy turns 10 th cmuecting
link, that ie to av tbe railway or
th waterway. Every carload of
re.w rectorial goe first over tbe wag
on rt-ad, except in esse of ibotte ar-.
tides Mready mentioned.
Tne railway manager0 are mak
ing rntt-H tbnt. will move the freight
io nearly verv Mi?tani'-e today, Ktid
this ie fist, becoming the haeic poli
cy of railway line Ttey realize
that if the shippers ot (he (OUDt.ry
who are target v the producers have
not tois consideration at their band
the produces and nhippsre will de
mir.d tbU consideration at tbe
bands of the legislatures of the
et&tes and nation. In fact many
of the abuse of which shippers
have been sufferers during the past
ai:d which should have been reme
died by tbe general transportation
companies have gone so far without
t at remedy tbat legislatures are
air ady raking ttu-m up for consid
eration, and in some states legisla
tion for tbeir e adication has al
ready been adopted. Tbe national
coneie-s will, without doubt, have
tnsfjy of tbeaa up for discussion at
it coming session. The railway
companies mar not all have bsen
guilty 01 the corrupt practices mm
which tbev are charged today oy
the people? who use their lines- but
a greet many ot them have, or mere
would be no such general demand
for tbe legislation. But the abuses
on the branch lines have as yet had
as little attention at the bands of
our legislatures or congress. The
road laws of the past have been
adopted without any well developed
idea as to what their purpose was
nor what they propose to accom
olish. In this matter the stock
holders in the branch transports
tion routes, in the wagon roads, the
shippers themselves, are the ones
to blame. Tbey demand cheaper
rates on the main line which today
charges them on an average in the
6tates of tbe west ten and nve-hnn-
dredths mills per ton per mile, but
make little comglamt of their own
branches on which they pay an av
erage of one hundred and fifty mills
per ton per mile. lhen again on
the main line the rates have been
fcteadily reduced, they having been
of "debt" and their fear is well
founded in most instances, but in
debtedness contracted for tbe pur
pose or Improvirg condition?, and j
which will pay itself out in absolute 1
dividends to the man or communi
ty tbat contracts tbe debt is a dif
ferent matter from tbe ordinary
form of indebtedness. It would be
better, it is true, if the money had
been earned before it were spent, but
as this is not the ca-e and its ex
penditure will aid the districts to;
earn the money, it would seem that
the system of bonding tbe distr'Pbts
affected would be one worth consid
ers g. It is tbis improvement in
its system that makes it possible
for the railway to carry for many
miles what the farmer fiods him-elf
unable to transport for a few milee
in bis farm wagon for the same cost.
The railway keeps few dead horses
and a lot of good milch cows. Let
the farmer and th9 producer and
shipper in general learn from the
common carrier; let him who uses
the country road es bis particular
highway hew to the same line. Let
him remember tbat as a feeder to
tbe railway and other transporta
tion routes the country road Is a
branch of the great system, and let
him make it earn him something
nstead of permitting it to ever be a
drag and an added expense to him.
He should get from the wagon road
a larger dividend, or pay it a small
er assessment which is tbe same
thing. This he can only do by in
creasing its efficiency to do his work
cheaply and economically.
sixteen and a half mills in 1890,
twelve aud sixty-one hundredths in
1895, reduced to eleven and thirty-
six hundredth m 18H9 and 10
ten and a small fraction in 1903.
On very few of the branches have
there been sucb sweeping average
reductions during this same period
Who therefore questions that if
the reduction of freight ' rates
amouoting to half a cent per ton
per mile on the railways will cause
an Increase or production mat a
greatar decrease per ton per .mile on
the country roads would also serve
as a turtner cause 01 increased pro
duction? . - '... V
The united States government
has helped the construction of ma
ny of the trunk lipes of railway; it
Las spent money of the ation for
the improvement of ; inland water
waye: it is taking a band in many
other things appropriating money
therefor in which individual sec
tions are more interested than per
haps the , general public. Why,
therefore, is it not .worth the peo
ple's while to demand of that same
government an appropriation in aid
of the road . improvements, of the
country ? v. An effort has been made
by a few in congress to this ' end,
and this movement should become
general. ' v
In the meantime, however, ' the
farmer, the..; stock ..raiser, all the
stockholders of " the - pountry road
system, will have to use their indi
vidual efforts to eecure tbe end da
sired, an improvement of one great
link of the transportation chain that
connect the producer's field and the
market for his product. Theee are
questions of industrial economy.
worthy of study and discussion
They are the. things which the rail
way company studies all the time
They 'find that the expenditure of
a million dollars in the removal of
grades will bring . them returns in
the future .They bond the future
and go ahead with, the improve'
ment. Another million 10 the con
Btruption of a steel bridge will cut off
a certain distance and reduce cost of
operation of the line. . The future
is again bonded for the purpose of
making the improvement. 1 The
branch lines can be improved the
same way. The state, county or
road district can make these im
provements the same way that a
railroad company does, by bonding
the iuture. Many farmers are afraid
" Please Smile
Look Pleasant."
When a woman says "I am racked with
na m " t.hft word "racked" recalls the days
when they stretched the tender bodies of
women on the racK wnn roue aim punuy t.hfi vrv ioints cracked. '.
Fancy an attendant saying to the tor
t.nrpri woman. "Please smile and look
pleasant." ' - : , , . ! ,
Anri vpt. thfi woman "racked with nam,'
is expected to smile through her agony
ann 10 mane iiuuiw uouui. u
do it. It is against Nature. General!
t.h racking Dains of ill-healt
such as headache, backache and "beari
Ing-down pains "are related to derange
ments or disorders of the organs dis
tinctly feminine. When this condition
io i-omovaH t.hfi izoneral health is restored.
and with health comes back the smile of
Any woman may regain her health at
home without offensive questionings or
examinations by the use of Dr. Pierce's
Tf'si vnrita Presprintion. Sick women may
pnnsn r. Dr. Pierce, by letter, free of
charge. Such letters are treated as
sacredly confidential.
Tf afFrtrria m nlpasure to relate the won-
riorf ni merits of rour great medicines, espe
cially your 'Favorite Prescription.'" writes
i wm!op uhinp nf Wnndbury. N. Jersey.
L Box 262. "My wife has been using it for
some time past, naving sunereu severely
with nenrlne-dowu pains, aching in back.
and many other complaints peculiar to
women. She was very weak, could not do
any heavy work or washing but can do all
t .b- nrtw Shft is soon to become a
mother but we do not fear the result as
heretofore), all due to your wonuer-woriter,
"Your 'Pleasant Pellets' are also worth
; thAir nripp I have used them
for biliousness and stomach, trouble, and
have found them to be all that you claim.
They are my constant companions once
used, always kept."
Given away. The People's
Common Sense Medical Ad
Tiser is sent free on receipt
of stamps to pay expense of
nailing only. The book con 1008 pages, over TOO illus
t1 Uions and several colored
riates. Send 21 one-cent
s- .nips for the paper-bound
Kok, or 31 stamps for the
i . th bound. Address Dr.
V. Pierce. Buffalo, a. Y.
If you expect 1 3 pass a pleasant Thanksgiving:
Day, see to it that the eatables for the dinner
are purchased here. You should be thankful
for such splendid offerings as these & &
New Nuts, New Figs, Cape Cod Cranberries,
. .4 , " New Dates, . New Currants , .
New Rasins, Lemon and Orauge Peel, Fine Candies,
Glazed Cherries, Pine Apple,
Oysterettes, Nabiscos, Macaroons,
Festinos, Fancy Dried Fruits,
Bananas, Apples, Oranges,
Crisp Celery, Lettuce,
Corn Husks. Saratoga chips, Mince Meat.
Everything in canned goods. Cabbage.
Sweet Potaloes, Squash, Honey, Butter,
Eggs, Olives, Pickles, in fact evervthing in
For Sale.
Wagons, backs, plows, harrows,
mowers, driving horses, draft . ho
baggies and harness; fresh cows
you want to buy, come in. I can
you money.
ii. m. stone.
I E. B. oornmg, g
The Grocer :
of Corvallis, Oregon,
MAKES LOANS on approved se-
, curity, and especially on wheat
oats, floor, wool, baled hay,
chittim bark, and ell other
classes of produce, upon the re
ceipt thereof stored in mills and
public warehouses, or upon
chattel mortgages and also
upon other classes of good se
upon the principal financial
centers of tbe United States
and foreign countries thus
transferring money to all parts
of tbe civilized world.
A CONSERVATIVE general busi
ness transacted in all lines of
, , We are not inclined to spend much time in
writins adeertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
. BBortiing
. fi
. -"V 1
: EH rta rj I
r1 d
mfw q
Ready for Business!
Having rented the B. P. Greffbz building on Main
Street opposite the post office where I have put in a New
and Complete line of up to date Men and Boys Furnishings,
consisting of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ready-Made Clo
thing. A ne line of Shirts, Underwear, Ties, Handkerchiefs
Hosiery, Etc. Prices that are right. Call and examine my
line as it is no trouble to show goods. A share of your pat
ronage solicited.
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
PhilomathK Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs in Burnett Brick
idence on the corn er of Madison
Seventh st. Phone a t hoaseaa i fi
Banking Company
Corvalus, Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City and School
Principal Correspondents.
PORTLAND . (The Bank o
SEATTLE f California
TAG Oil A 1
NEW TORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan A Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub
LONDON, ENG. N M Rothschilds A Sons ;
CANADA. Union Bank of Canada
R. D. Burgess
OfEce over Blackledges furniture
store. Hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5.
Phone, ofEce 216; Res 454
Corvallis, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffion. Besidence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & iam 'a drug store.
Change of Time on C. & E.
Commencing Sunday, November
1 9th, the evening train for Corvallis
will leave Albany at 7:30 p. m. in
stead of 9:15. C. & E-! trains will
connect with S. P. north and south
bound trains as usual.
A Habit to Be Encouraged, i -
; , The mother who has acquired ' the habit
of keeping on hnnd a bottle of Chamber
lain's Gough Remedy, -saves herself a great
amount of uneasiness and anxiety. . Coughs,
3olds and croup, to which children are sus
ceptible, are quickly cured by its use. . It
counteracts any tendency of a cold to result
in pneumonia, and if given as soon as the
first symptoms of croup appear, it will pre
vent the attack. This remedy contains
nothing injurious' and mothers give it to lit
tle ones with a feeling of perfect security.
Sold by Graham & Wortham.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the Estate 1
William J Kelly, deceased) - 1
Notice 1b herebv given to all persons coDcern
ed that the undersigned has been duly appoint
ed administrator with the will annexed- of the
estate of said William i. Kelly, (leoeased, by the
county court of the state of Oregon, for Benton
county : All persons having claims against said
estate ot William J. Kelly, deceased, are hereby
required to present the, same.' with the proper
vouchers; duly verified- as - by, law re
quired, within six months from the date hereof,
to the undersigned at his residence in Monrce,
Oregon, or at the law office of E. E. Wilson, In
Corvallis. Benton county, Oregon. '
Sated November 3, 1905.
Administrator with the will annexed of the es
. tate of Wm. J. Kelly, deceased.
Is displayed by many a man enduring
pains of accidental Cats, Wounds, Bruis
es, Barns, Scalds, Sore feet or stiff joints.
But there's no need ' for it. . Bucklen's
Arnica Salve will kill the pain and care
the trouble. It's the best Salve on earth
for Piles, too. 25c. at Allen & Wood
ward's, druggists.
Wood to Sell Stumpage. .
want f o clear some land and have
2,000 cords of fir and oak grab . wood to
sell. FirBt come gets first choice of
timber to cat. , , . ' .
G. A. Cooper, V
. P. 0. box 218. .
. New lot of freshly loaded shotgun
shells. : ' "All kinds of football sup
plies. At Hodes Pioneer Gun store.
If your stomach troubles yon, do not con
clude that there is no cure, for a great many
have been permanently cured by Chamber
lain's Stomach and . Liver . Tablets. Try
them; they are certain to prove beneficial.'
They only eost a quarter. Hold by Graham
& Wortham.
Notice to Creditors.
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. Hoorsi
IO to 12 and 2 to 4.
Phone, office 83. Residence 351.
Corvallis, Oregon.
First Nat'l Bank Building,
Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County
B. R. Bryson,
Largest line of matting in tbe city at
ed that the undersigned has been duly appointed
executrix of the last will and testament of C. M.
Smith, deceased, by the county court of the state
of Oregon for Benton county. All persons hav.
lag claims against said estate of C. M. Smith,
deceased, are hereby required to present the
same, with the proper vouchers, duly verified
as by law required, within six months from the
date hereof, to the undersigned at her residence
three miles northwest of Corvallis, Oregon or
at the law office of E. E. Wilson, in Corvallis,
Benton county, Oregon.
Sated, November3, 1905.' -'
Executrix of the last will land testament of C.
. M. Smith, deceased.. "
of f ' , For Sale. - ,
Notice Is herebv trtven to aU nersons concern-1 " Draft or carnage horse, weight r,2oa
i-L ' ::t Chamberlain's Salve. ,
". This salve is intended especially, for sore
' v... c . 1 '..... .. 1, ,1
itching piles, chronic nbre eyes, granulated
eye lids, old chronic sores and for diseases 01
the -skin, such as tetter, salt rheum, ring
worm, scald head, herpes, barber's itch,
scabie8,"or itch and eczema. It has' met
with unparalleled success in the treatment
of these diseases. Price 25 cents per box.
Try it. For sale by Graham & Wortham.
ound and . true, thoroughly broken to al
lasses of work, perfectly safe for ladie
nd children. Also new 2-inch "01
Hickory" wagon, and complete set o
work harnej. - - inquire ac uuy ocaoies
corvallis. - ,r .- -.
Child Not Expected to tiive from One
Hour to Another, but Cured
- Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera an
' Diarrhoea Remedy. -
KritK, the little daughter of E. N. ej
of Agnewville, ..Va, was seriously ur
cholera infantum last summer. We gavfl
her up and did not expect her to live from
one hour to another," he says.' ""I happened
to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera arid
Diarrhoea Beiaedy and got a bottle of
from the store. In five hours I saw a chanjsi
for the better.. . We. kept on giving it am
before" she had taken the half of one email
bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale
by Graham & Wortham. v. ;