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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1905)
Corvallis Times Official Paper of Benton Comity. corvallis, oregon, Tuesday evening nov. 28, 1905. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE. Hereafter the publication day of tbe Times will be Tuesday evening and Fri day evening, instead of Wednesday and .Saturday mornings. For n years the ' paper has been actually appearing in the evening, though the following morning was given out as publication day. The change now annonnced ought to have been made 11 years ago. ISN'T IT WORTH WHILE? Whenever they make up their minds to do so, the people of the Willamette valley can have ma cadam roads. Whenever that for tuitous hour arrives, then will ru ral residents come into their own, and then too, will the urban pop ulation be in a way of attaining the acme of profit and happiness. Then the farmers wheat can lie in his own granary until the price is right, and no storage to be paid. Then can hay, potatoes, oats, barley and every other crop be kept at home till the price is highest, for then it can be hauled to market in the dead of winter far better than right after iiarvest time, when delivery to market must take place now because the roads willjsoon be bad, Then can the trip to church on Sunday, or to town on Monday or to the neigh borhood literary or the Grange, ar to visit anv farm fireside, be made on any day, or any evening with ease and comfort, all things that cannot be done in winter now because of muddy roads. Then, two or three times as heavy a load can be hauled and vast savins: in time' and in the cost of delivering products to market be effected, ev ery cent and every hour of which saving of money and time is the farmer's own, to give him more leisure for other work and more profit for his effort, Then, the land will be worth more, be' cause the conditions about it will be more desirable, and more people will be seeking it. Then, the lot of the farmer will be happier, his work will be easier, and his purse be fuller. New social . relations will be established, new and pret tier homes will be built, there will be more pride in appearance and more money with which to improve it; and in all things life in the country will be sweeter, easier and happier, and one long stride for arresting the movement from coun try to town De made. Is it not worth the comparatively little ef fort it will take to get the good things that will come with good roads. GONE TO SEATTLE. OAC Football men Left 1 his Afternoon Their Pros pects. The OAC football team left today for Seattle, where they are to play the University of Washington men Thanksgiving day. They will go into the game with the same lineup that played Willamette, as follows: center, Cherry: left tackle, Walker; left guard, Dunlap; left end, Emily; right guard, Bundy; right tackle, Dolan; right end. Cooper; quarter back, Rinehart; right half, Root; left half, Griffith; fullback, Abra ham. The substitutes are, Darby, McKinnon, Iyittle, Rose and Sweek. Floyd Williams also went along, but he will not play in the game. Others of the party were. Dr. Sleckle, Manager Stimson and Physical Director Trine. , They will reach Seattle tomorrow morn ing, and their headquarters will be at the Seattle Athletic Clnb. They -xpect to leave for the . return trip Thursday night or Friday morning. The game will be the fifth be tween the two institutions. The scores of the past four games have been, 1897, OAC, 17; U. of W., o; 1902, OAC, 6; U. of W. 16: 1903, OAC, o;U. of W, 5; 1904, O AC, 26; U. of W., 5; total, OAC, 49,-U. W. 26. There is much local speculation on the outcome of the coming game The belief is general that OAC : should win, and by a big enough score to be decisive. If Steckle's men play the game they put up against Willamette, a victory is certain. They are the heaviest team play- ing in the Northwest, their average per man in the present lineup being 178 pounds, -stripped weight, lhe seven men in the line have an ag gregate weight of 1,295 pounds, or 185 per man. The four backs weigh 660 pounds, or 165 per man. Robert Johnson accompanied -the team. CIRCUIT COURT. reliminary Session Held Some Cases were Disposed of The List. An adiourned session of the cir cuit court was held Saturday at the court house, Judge Harris presid ing. A number of cases were dis posed of. as follows: W. M. Howell plf. vs. Adam Wilhelm & Sons. deft. Settled and dismissed without costs. Mary Herbert, T. M. Coon, et al plf. vs. A. L. Coon deft. No serv ice on defendants. Carlo Minotte plf. vs. C. C Chandler deft, tion of plffs. Dismissed on mo- A. W. Fischer plf. vs. J. K. Ber ry, deft. Settled. Ivaura Burr plf. vs. Agnes Mc. Elroy et al deft. Default and judg ment for $530.50 and costs. C. Boehringer plf. vs. Oregon & Cal. R. R. Co. et al. Continued for service. Leave to file amended complaint. M. J. Norton plf . vs. NahumNor- ton deft. Dismissed on motion of plaintiff. SOUTHERNERS THERE. They Chewed Sugar Cane as In Days of Yore Down in Dixie. Last Monday evening, Nov. 27th Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Wilkins enter tained a number of their friends from Dixie land, tbe land of cotton, su gar cane, and negroes. The even ing was very pleasantly spent in listening to Southern stories, tales of the old South as well of the new South, and music, and lastly in chewing genuine sugar cane from the state of Mississippi, Mr. Wil kins had on Saturday, received quite a number of stalks of this sweet cane from tbe South, and knowing the -tailings of the people of the Southland for sweet th'ngp, invited all native sons and daugh ters of the South to epend the even ing at his home, and help dispose of the cane. It was quite noticeable that the Mississippians, and Ala bamians had been there before, from the way they made the cane disap pear. Six Southern States were repre sented as follows: Arkansas Mrs. L. L. Moses, R. J. Moses, Victor P. Moses, Miss Susie Fiser; Alabama S. N. Wilkine, Mrs. Sarah E. Moore, and J. C. Lowe; Tennessee Rev. J. A. Ellison, G. C. Cate and G.J. Dodson; Mississippi Dr. E. H. Taylor, Mrs. C. L. McCaua land, J. H. Wortham, J. L. Lewis, and J. H. Harris; Missouri Rev. C. L. McCausland, who was the on ly native of the famous "Show me" state was kept continually explain ing why the Missourians had to be shown, and wanted It known by all present, that he was from near KaDsasCity. Others present were, Mrs. S. N. Wilkins, Mrs. J. A. El lison, Mrs. E. H. Taylor, Misses Gladys Moore, Marvin, and Mr. Har old Wilkins. At a late hour the guests voted Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins royal enter tainers; thanked Mr. Wilkins for his conceiving the idea of a South ern gathering, and with tbe hearty hand shake of the South, separated, all hoping that this would be only the forerunner of good things com ing. There will be an early service at 9 a. m. Thanksgiving Day at the Episcopal church. For Sale. An elegant eight room residence on Third street with bath and pan try. Price $2,150. Robinson & Stevenson. For Sale. 80 acres timber land for sale, 3 miles from Corvallis. Cheap if taken soon. . M. Senders, Albany, Or. New lot oi freshly loaded shotgnn shells. All kinds of football supplies. At Hodes Pioneer Gun store. ' Barred Plymouth Rocks. For Sa.e. A choice lot of breeding hens, pullets and cockerels at from $1. each upward. All my young birds are from pen headed by an Arpo cock bird, (cost price $20.00.) W. G. Emery, Corvallis, Oregon, WHAT THE PAPERS SAY. About the Late Game They call it Best Playing of the Year. Salem Capitol Journal. They went, tbey played, and the score was 29 to o in favor of OAC. The above eentence tells the tale, and the Willam ette football team returned from Corval lis last night feeling like theie had been a cyclone, and that it had struck some where in their neighborhood. They bad made a good showing against Stanford. played California to a standstill, walked all over Eugene and defeated Multnomah Very naturally they thought they knew something about tbe great game of foot ball, but they each and every man of them takes off his hat to the "Farmers." It was a great game and a clean game. the cleanest perhaps ever played in the state, and the Salem' team was simply outclassed. There was nothing to it from start to finfsh hut OAC and nobody was more surprised than the Corvallis play ers and citizens themselves. They could hardly believe the great good fortune that they were achieving, and when it did fully dawn on them in all its glory they merely took the town and turned it upside down; that was all. Nothing but praise for their opponents can be heard from the Willamette play ers. While they seemingly did not put up the same kind of ball that they did against Oregon and Multnomah, and seemed to be having an off day allround, yet they realize that they were up against a better team, and the score would not have been in their favor under the most auspicious circumstances. They take their defeat like true sports and are giv ing the victors all the credit they won Corvallis has undoubtedly the best col lege team in the Northwest today and when they play as they did yesterday there is no icarn that can stop them Their spirit was of the bast and their in terierence perfect, and every man wps in every pHy. So one fellow wa ever seen struggling along by himself, Hut there was always pushing, pulling and lifting. They never seemed to ; know when they were down, There were no sensational runs for touchdowns or funr bles or holding in the interference. It was straight football from start to finish. ana most of the gains were made on center rushes and smashes . of tackle The Salem boys played the best they knew how, but they could not stop the terrible onslaught of the "Farmers. Salem had the ball a few timeB but not once did she succeed in making the required five yards and the times that she held Corvallis for downs were few and far between. . Not that Willamette was weak, but Corvallis was exception ally strong is the reason lor the ' : over whelming score. j No one was hurt and the best of feeling prevailed throughout the gamej ' The members of the O AC team are gentle. men as well as good football players. - Albany Herald: Willamette plByed a hard game, but the play ing of Corvallis was the most tho rough exhibition of football- ever seen in this section, the players working with accuracy and energy of a machine. Albany Democrat: If OAC had played the U, of O. with the same lineup, generalship and harmony among the players they would have won as easily as from Willamette. Eilers Piano House is the largest and most responsible and progres sive establishment on the coast. It handles the best pianos. Chicker ing, Weber, Kimball, Steck, Ho bart M. Cable and many othess. Prof. G. Taillandier, of the O. A. C. can tell you all about their mer its and the advantages of buying of tillers Piano House, whose dealings are all on the fairest and most reaj sonable basis, rrot. Taillandier is at home on College Hill Saturdays and every evening of the week. He will be glad to furnish all infor mation desired. Winter time is reading time, and with the approach of cool nights the desire for good reading matter ripens. Yon can find all the late Books at - Graham & Wells. Street Maxfield. hats at cost. See Mrs. Estray Notice. Stray cow, red roan, crop off left ear, swallow fork in right, about 4 years old. This cow is at the Whitby ranch. Owner can have same by paying expenses. Ind. phone 25, Inavale line. One Dollar Savnd Represents Ten Dollars Earned. The average man does not save to exceed ten per cent, of his earnings. He must spend nine dollars in living expenses for every dollar saved. That being the case he can not be too careful about unnecessary ex penses. Very often a few cents properly in vested, like buying seeds for his garden, will save several dollars outlay later on. It is the same in buying Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It costs but a few cents, and a bottle of it in the house often saves a doctor's bill of several dollars. For sale by Graham & Wortham. . WANT CHANGE OF VENUE. In Liquor Cases Securing Affidavits to Present in Court. A move is on foot to secure, if possible, a change of venue in the liquor cases in which Mike Kline and his officers are defendants. For something like two weeks, Fred Weatherford of the law firm of Weatherford & Wyatt has been se curing signatures to affidavits to be presented to Judge Harris when the motion for a change of venue is to be made. It is understood that the papers will he filed within a few days. It is stated, though the report is not confirmed, that the de fendants prefer that the trials be taken to Lincoln county. What the efforts to get the trials out of Benton county will amount to, re mains to be seen. The affidavits that the defense will present in court alleges that Kline and his co-defendants cannot get a fair trial before a Benton jury, because of alleged prejudice existing among the people in this county. It says the cases have been muth talked about in the newspapers, and much discussed by the people. It says attempts have been made by one newspaper in particular to report the testim ony, and that much lmflammable matter on the subject has been published, It sets forth numerous reasons in which it is alleged in effect that the sound judgment of this community would not prevail in a trial of the liquor cases. Some of those who have seen the affidavit have been more or less amused at its contents. Many have refused to sign it, some of them de claring to Mr, Weatherford that they do not believe the statements alleged in the affidavits to be true, and that in their opinion a perfect ly fair trial of the cases can be had in Benton county. One man who declined to sign informed him that if Kline and his officers had follow ed the example of the saloon men and obeyed the law, there would have been no casesand therefore no occasion to ask for a change. The man in question by the way, was a stalwart opponent of the local option law. It was in the country district more particularly that it was found difficult to obtain signatures to the affidavits, according to the inform ation that is going the rounds. In Corvallis, the task of getting men to sign is understood to have been easier. Here of course, Mike's establishment knows who its friends are. It is probable that there will be considerable curiosity to see who are the signers of the affidavits. TILL THE EIGHTEENTH Of December Circuit Court Adjourned Because of Judge's Illness. On account of the illness of Judge Harris, the circuit court for Benton county has been adjourned to Mon day, December 1 8th, and thereby hangs a tale. The fact of adjourn ment called Robert Johnson, news paper man and ex-postmaster, for a few brief moments into that high function wherein he stood as the ac credited viceoerent of His Honor, the court and the official represen tative of the law of the land. The judge was in his room at the hotel, a sick man, unable to convene the and preside over the court. The jurymen. 30 in number, were in waiting, and somebody had to do something. As bailiff of the court it fell to Mr. Johnson to perform, With a smile, bland and gladsome enough to send a maiden into par oxysms of pleasure, and with honey-dew wodds, slick enough to have jobbed a deacon in a horse trade, His Honor by proxy, which was Robert, addressing himself to the assembled jurymen, excused them until the 18th of December, and instructed them to be on hand at nine o'clock cf that day. They were Well chosen words that Robert used, and though they hated alter coming to court to be compelled to go home and come back again an other day each realized that nobody could have broken the news to Ihem more sweetly than did His Temporary Honor. Later in the day, Judge Harris appeared in the court room and of ficially adjourned the term to the 1 6th of December at which time preliminary matters will be taken up, preparatory to the regular term Judge Harris' illness is only tem porary, being it is understood in the nature of a bilious attack. He was sufficiently recovered to be able to return to his home in Eugene last night. An earlier date for the postponement was unavoidable on account of a term to be held by Judge Harris in Lincoln county, Monday, December nth. All kinds of fresh grass seeds for ale at Zeirolf's. FOB THE HOLIDAYS! Immense stock of High Grade Merchandise now ready for inspection. Es pecial attention has been paid to the selection of ar ticles suitable for Holiday gifts. Customers wishing to reserve their presents now, may do so without having to pay until day of delivery. We advise early selections. Cumber f or $al At Lowest Possible Prices Send in House Bills for estimates of cost All kinds and grades of lumber on hand, all orders piomptly filled. Lumber delivered when required. OTIS SKIPTON, Philomath, Ore. Bell Phone 4x2. R. F. D. 2. Sawmill located four miles southwest of Philomath. No Prizes go with our Chase & Sanborn High Grade COFFEE In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and SATISFACTION P. M. ZIEROLF. Sole agent for Chase 8c Sanborn Higli Grade COFFEE M-. M. LONG'S Bicycle & Sporting Goods Store Is the place to get your Guns and Ammunition for the opening of the pheasant season. I have guns and ammunition of every description. Guns and Bicycles for Rent A full line of sewing machine sup . plies. I have anything in the um brella line from a rib to a new um - brella. Everything you call for in - sporting goods line. GENERAL Fine Job Work Corvallis Times Office. REPAIR SHOP.