The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 28, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XVIII.-No. 17.
B.F. IRVINU Editor
and Proprietor
wool Dress (foods
If so, you can have an immense and
up to date stock from which
to make your selections.
No reserve. To heavy stock in this
department the cause. Don't
fail this opportunity to
save dollars.
Call and See.
J. H, H&fcSIS;
Be Alarmed!!
Unless it is by one of our Alarm Clocks, and you will
be spared the annoyance of an alarm at the wrong time.
Clocks guaranteed. A full line of Jewelry, 0. A. C.
Pins, Optical Goods. Get one of our self-filling Foun
tain Pens. Ve do all kinds of optical work. Eye
strain, headache, relieved by a pair of our glasses.
Pratt The' Jeweler 6c Optician.
Licensed to Practice Optometry in the State of Oregon.
Moses Brothers
The Wide-a Wake and Up-to-Date Cash Store
Open now for inspection our complete line of Hol
iday goods. Toys and Dry Goods. Notions. Boots and.
Shoe for Men, Women and children.
Men and Boys Suits and Underwear. ; ;
Ladies Skirts and Underwear.
In fact anything you want. ; 1
Groceeies flour and feed. -3
Neatest line of fancy Dishes in city". - -Fruit,
Vegetables,. Etc. ' ;!
v ) ; Genuine Rodger Silverwae given away for a short i
' while. . . -i-. . .; : -f ..... v , I
We make a spscialty of quick delivery, look out.
f or wagon, listen for the bells. i j
Independent; Phone 106. i (
Bell Phone 551.; - i
1 See our new store.
I .rJWe try to please. p
I The: City SMar
We keep on hand all kinds of fresh and cured, meats,
lard and sausage.
Opposite Turnersjjrrocery. Both Phones
Why, too, Should Not the Business
Methods of Railroads B9 Ap
plied to Public Roads?
Good Thoughts on
Good Roads.
t In a discussion of the queetion
embodied in my eubjsot it is neces
sary to consider the country road as
an independent branch of the gen
eral common carrier route. , That
is, it is a branch of the railroad or
steamboat route, and in so consid
ering it the necessity of calculating
the relative proportion of the cost
of transportation of the product of
the productr and of those things
the producer requires which should
be credited or charged to the coun
try, road is evident. The great
trouble in our present transporta
tion system is that the proportion
of cost of handling freight and pas
sengers on the county road or dirt
road branch of the system is excessive.-
-.. -...J . ,
- .The cause and the remedy are the
proper things for discuseion in this
and ' kindred . conventions. , ; They
are the matters, alJssue, in connec
tion witn tnis "good roaae; move-:
ment, and every manner that may
be suggested of developing the prop
er plan for overcoming the dlmcul
ties of transportation from the barn
or field to the final, market where
consumption takes place, is worthy
of consideration by those looking
fox light and mode of advancement.
As is the relationship of. the coun
try to the town, the rural to the ur
ban, so is the wagon to the railroad
or navigable waterway. We speak
of railways and water ways as agen
cies Of development, bui we must
not overlook the country road as
the original and perhaps pioneer
agency. Before railroads were
dreamed of, our forefathers devoted
their time and talents to the devel
opment of the country cart or wag
on road, with a view to making it
meet the requirements of permanen
cy, and of utility at all seasons of
the year. Had we not developed
the railway, does any one doubt that
the great national highway that was
under construction from Washing
ton to tot. Louis, Missouri, would
have been extended to the Pacific
coast, and that others of a' similar
character would have been built by
tne national . government all over
the coQDtry with a view to, its , de
velopmeut. 1,-t . tha . railway,
through a rapidly developing knowl
edge of the use of steam power, soon
relegated tne national men way . as
a route of transportation to the usaa
which have been made of it and all
other country roads ever since, that
of feeders to the many lines that
have been made to traverse this
great continent, and of the water
routes which connect with or paral
lel them. v The lact that speed be
came the recognized mercantile uni
ty of value in r transportation., was
the Drime cause of this, and the rel
egation of the country road . system
to the service of feeders as the more
speedy system was but the natural
result of theBe conditions.
The producer baa ever looked for i
a market for his product, and; be
early realized that the market, most
valuable to him was that one away
from home, iWhere his product . was
more in aemand, and .that r he re
ceived better value for it, when he
took-the product- to ; market, than
when he waited for the market to
come to him,. Perhaps in the latter,
case he realized better , prices , occa
sionally , but more often he failed
in a market for reasons - recognized
by all. i t - - -- - ' '
Railways, -and improvement . of
waterways have each worked stead
ily to bring (he markets nearer and
nearer the producer; have , steadily,
worked to the extension of the pror
duction-area. r Yet with it all, ; the
wagon road or cart load, has con-
tinned to. be .the principal element
fpr-the, spatterment of - civilization
and of the extension - of productive
area away from the ,main, routes,
while, at the same timeit has been
the principal element of cost to the
producer in the marketing - of his
product. - Very few producers ; of
the raw material,that is to say other
than of the metals, coal, iron, etc, are
so fortunately situated as to be able to
load their product, their grain, hope,
or wool, stock, or even wood or lum
ber, in the field where produced,
or nearby and adjacent thereto; the
vast majority find the distance to
the depot or wharf a rather long
one. It is evident therefore that
the country road must be depended
on to take the product to the -railway
or the waterway, which acts as
the common carrier for the district,
serving here as the connecting link
between the country road and the
consumer, that the railway without
the independent connecting braach
the country road would there
fare be an unprofitable venture, is
evident. Taking this into consid
eration it is easy to understand why
the railway and steamboat and
steamship companies take so greet
aninterest in these "good roads" con
ventions, and in the development
leagues of the country. Everything
that enlarges the power of the far
mer to increase his production is in
the interest of the railway and oth
er common carrier lines, and every
thing that serves to.ecoDomize the
hours, that extend the power of the
farmer to accomplish things in any
way Increases his productive abili
ty. Thus every hour or day of time
taken from the time required by the
producer to haul his product to-
market increases the productive
power of that farmer or producer
by giving him increased time on the
farm,- making possible his increased
attention to the farm itself.
Increased production naturally
means increased carriage by trans
portation routes. This means that
the railways and other routes are
thus gi ven an impetus that will lead
through natural channels to in
creased servioe through the . coun
try, means increased attention to
the needs and requirements of . the
country. This may not have- been
just exactly the policy on all the
main lines of transportation in the
past, but there is no question that
it Is becoming mora and more their
policy today and will be the policy
of the future.
However as everything has its
compensating Bide or its opposite so
has this matter of increased produc
tion. While it requires added ser
vice from the railroads, who will
question that it requires added ser
vice from we are now
in duty bound to recognize . the
country roads to be? Increased
production means increased tonnage
and this means increased wear and
tear on the country branch lines.
That they will refuse to do their
share of the service unless the own
ers of these branch lines do their
part toward maintaining them in a
good state of repair, or of puttie g
them in good repair must be as ev
ident as that the railroad cannot
handle the increased traffic with
the old, facilities. . Here, therefore,
is the work for the stockholders and
directors of the branch system. Tney
must prepare to handle their ( share
of the business, and as the stock
holders in these branch lines, like
those of the main lines, want
dividends, in decreased freight ex
penses, the branches must be put in
proper shape, and the stockholders
will have to do as do the stockhold
ers of the railway, provide the funds
before they are earned. .What is
wanted of the branch line, -.: the
country road,, is a highway .that
will permit the moving of , the
freight with the least possible, ex
penditure of power. The; economic
question here is "cost of construc
tion and maintainance ..of a good
permanent highway versus cost of
purchase of animals, rolling stock,
and maintainance thereof,, together
with added time required in deliv
ery of products to f. market." The
question is. whether it is cheaper to
maintain the wagon roads in a high
state, of efficiency; or to supply more
power in the shape, of animals for
draft purposes. Every animal that
is, not a producer . per be is a drag
on the farmer to the extent of the
difference between his earning pow
er and cost of bis keep. If two hors
es are being kept' and good roads
will make one do the. work the oth
er horae'3 ; place. may. be, taken Jn
the pastnre by a cow that will sup
ply marketable product every, day.
As it is today the average, .expense
in hauling, over the.: ordinary dirt
road is about 15 cents per ton pel
mile, while the maximum in this
valley can hardly' be arrived at.
One man with a team of two horses
can haul about a ton over an ordin
ary dirt road, but give that road a
hard smooth service and the haul
ing capacity of that team is i ncreased
wonderfully. That this will decrease
the cost of marketiog the product
Accepted Fees for DoiDg Govern
ment Buisness Shows No Sign
of Emotion Applies for
New Trial.
St. Louis, Nov. 25. Ssnator J.
R. Burton, of Kansas, was tonight
found guilty on all six counts in
the indictment upon which he has
been on trial for the past' week 'in
the United. States circuit court,
charged with having agreed to ac
cept and having accepted compen
sation from the Rialto Grain & Se
curities Company, of St. Louis, to
appear for the company in-the ca
pacity of an attorney before the
postoffice department to prevent
the issue of a fraud order.
The verdict was ; brought in . at
12:50 o'clock, two hours and twen
ty-five minutes after the jury had
received the case.
Senator Burton was ordered to
appear in court Monday morning
when, the counBet ; an nounced, a bill
of exceptions would be . presented
and an appeal asked tor. Court
then adjourned.
: From: the time , the jury went out,
Burton was pacing the courtroom,
with long, even strides. At . 12:40
there was a summons from the in
side or tne room in wmcn tne jury
had been confined considering its
verdiet. .The marshal, upon being
informed that an agreement had
been reached, notified Judge Van
devantor. Burton took his accustom
ed seat at the table with his counsel.
His features were set, but expressed
no visible sign of emotion from, the
time the jury entered the room un
til the verdict had been read. His
facial expression did not change
during the reading of the verdict
and the separate answers by the
jury of "guilty" to each count.
Burton, accompanied by hiscoon-
sel, then departed for his hotel,
The senator was permitted by the
marshal to have his freedom on the
promise of his counsel to produce
him in court at 10 oclock next Mon
day morning.
The case was given to the jury at
10:35 o'clock tonight. For the first
time during either of the former
trials on the same charge, a. night
session of court was : held. Argu
mente by counsel occupied both the
morning and afternoon;, and, as
Judge Vandevauter was anxious to
end the case this week, he announc
ed that he would charge the jury
Burton was indicted on eight
counts, two of which were quashed
before the case went to trial. The
penalty provided by the statute is
not more than two veart' impiison
ment nor more than $10,000 fine
on each count and a forfeiture for
ever of tne ngbt to bold ary posi
tion or trust . or profit under the
United States government.
At Summit.
Mrs. I . D. Pittman is very ill.
Mrs. W. A. McCullough and son
Hugh of Albany, visit' d htr parents
last week.
Mrs. Yantis was on the sick list
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ling were pesaen
gers for Albany Saturday.
Tom and Frank Yantis arrived
from Fossil Saturday to spend
thanksgiving with the old Folks at
continued on page 4.
Robert McFarland
this week.
has been off
H. F. Strouts had business in Al
bany, Friday.
Sevastopol, Nov. 25. The Bail
ors of this port and the Brest regi
ment have mutinied and joined tne
workmen, who are holding a meet
ing under the red flag. : The city
is in a state of panic.
The mutineers, carrying red nags,
and accompaoied by a military
band, marched to the railway sta
tion and compelled employes to
cease work. - -
The sailors yesterday attempted
to hold a meeting, and Rear-Admiral
Pharevski announced that
the meeting would be. dispersed by
the use of firearms, whereupon the
sailors fired on and ' wounded the
Philomath Items.
Alex. Campbell, of
spent a short time in
Mr. Schriber is busy with a force
of men extending the new line of
the Independent Telephone Co. up
The granddaughters of Mr. Cant
are up from Portland on a visit.
Mr. Williams is busy securing
the right-of-way for the Corvallis
waterworks ditch.
A lively game of football waB
played Saturday between, the col
lege and town boys in whioh tha
college hoys walked over the town
boys in great shape.
Eden Mow, of Veronia, arrived
last week to attend school.
Word was reached Saturday, that
Chester Mason, grandson of Mrs
Kisor, while working on a building
in San Francisco, fell and fractured
his skull and is not expected to
Scott and Vanblaricom are build
ing an addition to there store for a
Bishop Bell is herd from Califor
nia assisting in the revival services.
Two tickets are in the field for
city election.
Oregon's Great Recreation and
Health Resort at the Newport
- Beaches.
Ae a winter health and recreation re
sort Newport is the one par excellence.
Recognizing this, and wishing to give
the people an opportunity to breathe
the fresh, pare ozone of the ocean, the
Southern Pacific and Corvallis & East
ern railroads will resume the sale of
tickets through to Yaquina Bay on Sat
torday, October 21, and will sell same
throughout the winter and spring on ev
ery Wednesday and Saturday. The rates
will be the same as during the summer
and will be good for return 30 days from,
date of sale.
Dr. Minthorn's sanitary sea baths will
be in operation during the entire winter
and treafmenta will be given daily. Hot
and cold salt water baths can be taken
every day in the sanitarium, and for any
one desiring rest, recreation end health,
no place on the .Pacific Northwest oan
be found equal to Yaquina Bay.
Neat, clean, cottages eithei furnished.
or partly so; can be rented in the immed
iate neighborhood of the sanitary baths
about 5 per month. Plenty of fresh
, vegetables, honey, fruit and all
household necessaries can be obtained at
the lowest passible cost, while all kinds
offish and the famous rock oysters can
Tat had in abundance for the trouble of"
earing them. ,
Fall information as to rates, time ta
ttles, etc can be obtarned on application
to J. C. Mayo, Gen. Pass. agt. C, & E.
R. R.; Albany; W. E. Coman, G. P, A.
8. P',; Co. Portland or to any S, P. or
C. & E. agent. ,
Rate from Corvallis to Yaquina, fts-jo.
Salem, Or., Nov. 24. Hollister
Megorden, sentenced to die on the
Bcaffold this morning at the state
penitentiary, secured a stay of exe
cution from the circuit coui t of Mal
heur county, where he was convict
ed, last night. Preparation for his
execution had. been made i and the
derth sentence was . to haxe been
carried out at noon.
Megorden, through his attorney,
perfected his appeal to the supreme
court and the papers, accompanied
by the circuit judge's stay, reached
this city last night. ... Megorden was
convicted and sentenced to be hang
ed for the murder of his wife.
Common Colds are the Cause of Many
Serious Diseases.
Physicians who have gained a "national
reputation as analysts of the cause of various
diseases, claim that if catching cold could be
avoided a .long Jiat of dangerous Ailments
would neyer be heard of.: Everyone knows
that pneumonia and consumption "originate
from a cold, and chronic catarrh; bronchitis,
and all throat and lung trouble are aggra
vated and rendered more serious by each
fresh ' attack. Do not risk your life or take
chances when vou have a cold. Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy will cure it before
these diseases develop. This remedy con
tains no opiurn, morphine or other harmful
drug, and, has thirty years of reputation back
of it, gained by its cures under every condi
tion. For sale by Graham & Wortham.