The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 24, 1905, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times
Official Paper of Benton Cotinty.
Hereafter the publication day of the
Times will be Tuesday evening and Fri
dy evening, instead of 'Wednesday and
Saturday mornings.. For n years the
paper has been actually appearing in the
evening, though the following morning
was given out as publication day.,. The
cTianpfi mow announced ought to have
-been made ii years ago. . . ,
Good Roads men Governor Chamber
Iain's Address Convict Labor.
At eleven o'clock this morning
the fourth annuaTconventioh of the
Oreeon Good Roads Association
came to an end, .after a series , of
most profitable, and ..interesting
sessions, j During the convention
a vast fund of information was af
forded on the subject of public
highways, and a great interest was
aroused in the topic by those, for
tunate enough to be in constant or
even in part attendance. '. The only
regrettable feature is that all of the
people of Benton county, or of the
whole state for that matter, could
not have' been assembled under the
sound of the voices of the various
speakers, to have caught the en
thusiasm everywhere and by every
body manifested. .Speakers .from
various, parts of. the state were pres
ent, notably county judges, county
commissioners, and others, primar
ily interested .rhlroad, building, and
the best information on the subject
in hanSywas constantly . pouring
forth. ' Governor Chamberlain,
ex-Governor Geer Col, .Torn Rich
ardson, manager of. the-, Portland
Commercial Club, and other prom
inent men were among those., who,
took an active part in the proceedings-
( . - , i., .
The opening session was Wed-.
nesday afternoon. Ihe, program
occupied a cpuple of hours, much
of the time being devoted to the
asking and answering of questions
and to discussion in short, impromp
tu speeches of , various phases of
the subject of roads. The - princi
pal address was by Col, Tom Rich
ardson, which is to-bs found in full
in another column ,
Governor , Chamberlain was
speaker at the evening . session of
Wednesday. , The general subject
of good roads was his topic, and he
dealt with it in the intelligent and
candid manner habitual to His Ex
cellency. He declared a. belief that
the state should assist in road build
ing out of a fnnd to be derived by
taxation. The road between Cor
vallis and, rhuomath, he -said, , -is
one ,that not only the immediate
community but in which all the
people of the state - are indirectly
interested. ,, If ihe people along the
road propose its betterment and ap
propriate from their means for such
betterment, then lt.ought to be ar
ranged that the state could pro
portionately contribute, manifesting
a willingness to help these commun
ities willing to help themselves. In
the same way it seems that congress
should bear a part of , the expense
of improving; highways. Appro
pnations are made by congress in
big grants of land for aid of railroads
If there is the authority for the one
there must be equal authority and
better reason for the other. A
growing sentiment in favor of con
gressional aid. Governor Chamber
lain remarked, seemed, devel
oping, and he predicted, that exten
sive aid along those lines would yet
be forthcoming.
Pursuing the.,; topic; , Governor
Chamberlain pointed out how some
of the Southern.-,-, states, notably
North Carolina and Georgia, had
made great strides in road better
ment during the past few years;
and how convict labor had been
largely utilized for that purpose
and in a very , satisfactory way. In
closing his address the governor
remarked that "all, soads- led ? to
Rome, and Rome ruled the world,'
The roads of that ancient time still 1
survive and bear testimony of the
magnificent forethought - the , Ro
mans betrayed in compelling all the
world to trade with, Rome by offer
ing turnpikes over-which loads of
enormous weight could -be r drawn
with ease. For the sake of the
rural communities! of the farmers
and farm homes, where at best
there is more than a deserved meas
ure of toil and travail in" compar
ison with some of the .other callings
Governor Chamberlain urged all to
become enlisted, in the good -roads
movement, adding in conclusion
that when he came to Corvallis
again ne nopea it would be over
roads the best in the world and with
the people blessed under the bright
est conditions an overruling Prov
- had to give. .
Convict labor on the joadsi was
the theme for a. strong; address by
Judge Webster,, county judge of
Multnomah county, wnose wit
kept the convention in 'constant
good humor. He is a firm advo
cate of convict - labor and " gives'
good reason for his faith- He says
to take convicts out in the open air
and give them ,; employment on the
hie-hwavs with a u Knowledge that
their labor is shortening their term
of service, tends strongly to reform
them and it is far better than to
keep them shut: up m .the .pens
where for 35 cents a . day to the
state they are galley slaves of the
stove foundry people.- From a hu
manitarian standpoint, they ought
to be put on the roads. More pow
erful still is the utilitarian reason
for employing them, In the foun
dry they are in constant competi
tion with free labor. On the roads
they would not be. Moreover, the
labor of two convicts is the equiva
lent of one of ordinary labor, and
since 35 cents per day is; the price
per convict, labor would be ' avail
able for building state highways at
70 cents per day, a veryy very low
rate, 1 The fact t hat many of the
states are successfully working the
convicts, and that it has been done
in Mirion county,; this, state,, with
the best results,, shows that the plan
is not a dream or . chimera. Later
in the convention it . was shown!
that by the use of convicts, crushed
rock was put on the roads in Mar
ion county at a cost of 46 cents per
yard, but which with other labor
cost $1,25 per yard .
Thursday, was a busy day in the
convention hall. In the morning a j
large number of, the visitors ac
cepted the invitation of- President
Gatch and attended the chapel ex
ercises. . The . occasion turned into
ah ovation for the Good Roads men
the students extending ; them a
greeting of. enthusiastic- character.
Speeches were. made by -lom, Rich
ardson, ex-Governor, Geer, Judge
Ryan of Clackamas, and . Judge
Webster of Multnomah, and the re
marks of each were cheered to the
echo. After that,, President Gatch
excused all students from classes
who desired to attend- the conven
tion in the forenoon and dismissed
classes altogether in the afternoon
on the same basis ' ;
At the morning hour in the con
vention hall an: excellent , address
was made by Isaac P. Manning .of
the Salem Statesman, which will
appear in a future issue of the
Times. Another address was by
H. B. Thielsoh. formerly chief en
gineer of theO. R. & N., the full
text of which appears in other col
umns of this issue. A third was
by J. H. Albert, the well: known
Salem banker. The ' question of
why it is a railroad can haul a ton
of freight 100 miles for $2 while it
costs a farmer , three dollars to haul
a ton a few miles, using . his own
team and.doing his own worki-Mr.
Albert brought out with startling
distinctiveness as illustrating why
better roads should be built.
At the afternoon session there
were excellent speeches by Profs.
Fulton and.Skelton of the College,
and by County Judge Waiters. At
the evening session there were ad
dresses by ex-Governor Geer, Pres
ident P.- L. Campbell of the - State
University, and by Mr. Shupp 01
the Southern Pacific.
The delegates to the convention
were highly pleased with the- cor
diality extended them in Corvallis.
Judge Scott of Marion said: -v 'Cor
vallis has: the reputation' abroad for
its delightful hospitality and the
cordiality of its u people, and the
Courtesies; and attentions shown us
since we have, been here more than
justifies her fair repute."
Nearly all the JBenton county su
pervisors were, dn t attendance and
all are enthusiastic. in.' commenda
tion 6f the work of -the convention,
and on the general subject of good
roads. .
And not at the Station Transporta
tion Poes Tom Richardson's .
- Address. -
i r :. :'' E '-i " V ..' ' - t" ' 1 ' ' '
- Col. Tom Richardson, manager
of the Portland Commercial Club,
was among those who attended the
annual Good Roads Convention. A
number on the program at the ops
emng session was his address.
Though brief, it was an address re
plete with good suggestion, and in
full text is worthy of everybody's
perusal. .
1 Mr. Richardson is an active, in
telligent and persistent promoter of
Oregon and things Oregonian. He
is the man who planned the " late
excursion of Portland businessmen
into the interior. ';, ' His address be
fore the convention was as follows:
For Sale.
80 acres timber land
miles from Corvallis,
taken soon . . - - 'he -?
M. Senders,
- '. 1 Albany,
for sale,
New lot of freshly, loaded shotgun
shells.' All kinds of football supplies.
At Hodes. Pioneer Gnn store.
,-Barred Plymouth .Rocks.
For Sa.e. -A choice lot of breeding
henp, pullets and cockerels at from: 1
each unward. All mv young birds are
from pen headed by an Arpo cock bira,
(.cost price $20.00.) - -
W. ts. Emery, ,
r.r.' v r CorValUs. Oregon.
Lame Back., i
This ailment is usually caused by rheuma
tism' of the muscles" aai'miy ,'be .cured' by
applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or
three times a day and rubbing the parts
vigorously at each application. If this does
not afford relief bind on a piece of flannel
slightly dampened with Pain Balm, and quick
relief is almost sure to follow. For sale by
Graham & Wortham.
. "The cost of transportation be
gins at the farm and not at the sta
tion." : ' ;- : ' '
; ' 'I believe that motto should be
emblazoned upon - every piece of
good roads literature that is circul
ated, upon the letterheads, envel
opes, cards and circulars used daiiy
in the good roads propaganda.
; "The commercial - bodies, - the
railroads and the newspapers - are
bending every possible effort to se
cure immigration, in other words,
to attracJ the attention of the solid
and substsntial homeseeking ele
ment and bring them here as home
makers and there is not one thing
that will induce them to come and
cause them to stay more than good
roads. ' " ' -
"The Willamette valley- would
have had more than double its pres
ent population had more attention
been given to this subject. Real"
estate men in all parts of this valley
win ten you tnann-many instances
.they have located good : farmers
from the" older states but on account
of bad roads and the- utter impos
sibility to get, around, : th6 women
folks got homesick and blue and
urged their husbands to go bach; to
the old home where they could get
out .occasionally to see their heigh?
bors or to go, to church in comfort.
There are other things that are
just as much needed as the agricul
tural, horticultural and stock-grow
ing development of this great valley.
Life without social relations makes
communities dull, and it' is a fact
that many people find their way to
the insane asylum because they -are
isolated at home . and brood over
their troubles tmtil the mind is shat
tered and the balance of tneir lives
is worse than a blank.
' 'Are you aware that one " of the
chief inducements to the settlement
of Kansas and Oklahoma' was the
splendid natural roads, and that
Texas and "other Southern . states
are finding today that they can put
a great deal of money Into better
highways with profit,' ' for the land
along good roads always increases
in value many times the cost of
good roads.
"Visit any portion2 ot this country
or Europe and when you return
home even the grand scenery,' mag
nificent cities; the splendid edifices,
the marvelous groves and beautiful
flowers, inspiring " waterfalls arid
majestic rivers, sink into forgetful-
ness in comparison with the pleas
ure you enjoyed by being carried
over a smooth, hard road.
"Even though you induce the
farmer from Illinois to .come out
here and let him make three 'or
four times the ' percentage on his
farm that he did back in the older
state, let him enjoy our magnificent
climate, he will become discouraged
and discontented unless he can
have the advantage of the same
character of roads to which he has
been accustomed.
"In speaking of good roads I al
so mean to include good sidewalks,
and good streets. ' in order to se
cure prosperity and happiness eith
er m the city, town or country, we
must have good roads for the ped
estrian, the buggy, the wagon, the
automobile. The modern idea of
laying out an addition or improv
ing a given section ot any city: is
most successful ; when the ; streets
and sidewalks are built, in -advance,
and in making such improvements
the real estate owner not only gets
a proht on the land he has for sale
but he gets a profit upon ' the im
proyements he makes, and he is en
titled to it. ' The investor or home
seeker who gets into such an : addi-
.. . . . . .
tion or locality snows ' : good sense
because he kaows he does not have
to depend upon his neighbors or
the municipal government. - -
Ihe railroads of the country
have spent more money in getting
good roaa beds . than the roads i ey
en including the original V: rolling
stock, cost to construct, and if this
has been found . necessary by the
great-., transportation companies
why should it not hold good with
the country roads ind city streets
I have lived in communities which
wete sparsely settled and have seen
good roads result in the division of
great tracts of land into small farms
the population of the land increased
by tenfold and the products of the
soil in equal ratio.
"It might be best to have the
construction of the roads in the
hands of the state, but . that is a
question which. I presume, will be
decided by the legislature" and I
don t care to discuss it in advance.
We must get" good roads talked
about and discussed upon a sensible
practicable basis, if j we : expect to
seethe Willamette valley become
what it should be, one of the
richest, most productive and val
uable valleys in the world. We
must have good schools. ' good
churches,"an"d then make it possible
for the traveler to go anywhere he
pleases and have his trip a pleasure
if we expect to reach the position
we are entitled to hold.
"Good roads not only cheapen
transportation and bring happiness
to the farmer by putting his , prod
ucts nearer the railroad and Permit
ting social intercourse, but 1 I
keep the people alive and aw UJu
rrom every standpoint good roaas
are desirable and will bring us more
homeseekers of the right kind than
any other improvement we can
The Water Row.
Attorneys Stipulated, and the War b
at an End What the terms are.' ;
By stipulations on the part of the
attorneys, there is a stay of pro
ceedings between the. City of Cor
vallis and the Water Company.
The workingmen arrested in the
service of the Company haye been
discharged and the cases against
tnem dismissed. They have re
turned to work, and are to be al
lowed to complete the work already
projected' by the Company,' which
is the laying of certain mains in
trenenes nearly completed. It is
also stipulated that the Company is
to be allowed to make connections
with three additional houses, " and
to renew a' connection with a hotel.
1 he company is to be allowed to
make necessary repairs in case of
leaks,'- but is hot to undertake ex
tensions, or to take up old, pipes
and put down new ones for the
purpose of renewal. ' It is further
stipulated that the Water Company
acquires no new rights by reason of
being permitted to do the work this
time, while on the other hand the
Company admits the validity of the
ordinance requiring permission, to
De secured or tne street supennten
dent of the city before undertaking
any work. It is also agreed that a
case shall be brought to determine
the rights of the Company under
the so-called Pitman perpetual fran
chise. .
, ' Fresh Oysters!
From Yaquina Bay. Leave or
ders for them for Thanksgiving, at
Zierolt s.
Eilers Piano House is the largest
and most responsible and progres
sive, establish merit on the coast. It
handles the best pianos. Chicker
ing, Weber, Kimball, Steck, Ho-
bart M. Cabk and many othess
Prof. G. Taillandier, . of the O. A.
C. can tell you all about their mer
its and the advantages of buying of
Huers Piano House, whose dealings
are all on the fairest and most reaj
sonable basis. Prot. Taillandier is
at home on College Hill Saturdays
and every evening of the week. He
will be glad to furnish all infor
mation desired. . . :
Winter time is reading time, and with
the approach of cool ' nights the desire
for good reading matter Tipens. You
can find all the late Book's at . i
i . Graham & Wells.
Among those who attended
the uood Koaos convention , were
Governor and Mrs. Chamberlain
They left for Salem Thursday
Mrs. Chamberlain enjoyed the dis
tinction of being the only, lady
present at the Wednesday afternoon
session of the convention.'.
Street hats
Maxfield. -
at- cost.- -See Mrs.
New Cloaks
New Shirt Waists
New Walking Skirts
New Dress Goods
New Velveteens
New Neck Wear
New Shoes
Npw Corsets
New Undressed Kid Gloves
New Goods all the time.
; Cumber for, Sale
ATj ijowesn rossiDie trices
Send in House Bills for estimates of cost
All kinds and grades of lumber on hand, all orders piomptly
- fiUed;-Lumber delivered when required.
- - Bell Phone 4x2. 7 R. F. D. 2.
' Sawmill located four miles southwest of Philomath.
' - ; y ; ; "No Prizes go with our '. , '. . . -
Cbase & Sanborn Higb Grade
In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and
f. P. M . ZIEROLF. ;
1 - ' Sole agent for
to. ft - Sanfinrn Hiirti Pifailri
Is displayed by many a man enduring
pain 8 of accidental Guts, Wounds, Bruis
es, Burns, Scalds, Sore feet or stifF joints.
jsni inere-s no'neea lor it. iiuctclen's
Arnica Salve will kill the nain andenre
the trouble. It's the best Salve on earth
for Piles, too. 25c. at Allen & Wood
ward's, druggists. '
... For Sale : - .. .... - .
Oak grub wood. Cheat and vetch hay
for sale. Satisfaction guaranteed
T A Logsdon , , ;
Phone 55 Mt View line ''' '', ' -
Vetch . Seed...'. ' ";
pure vetch seed for sale. ; -1
-: Matthew Thompson. . ' : '
: - : O. 8; E. Crossing.
Ladies and childr:
at the Bazaar.
:n's underwear
Bicycle & Sporting Goods Store
Is the place to get your Guns and
Ammunition for the opening of the
pheasant season. I have guns and ;
: w" " ammunition of evefy description." "
Guns and Bicycles for Rent
, A full line of sewing machine sup-
plies. -I have thing in -the um- '
brella ' Jihejfrom a rib to a new um
brella. Everything you call for in
sporting goods line.
Fine Job Work
Corvallis Times Office.