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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1905)
WW Vol. XVIII.-No. 17. CORVAIiUS, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 24. 1905. B.F. IK VlltJi Editor and Proprieto; -t i r m- m m rs i ik ids' ! A'a i b a i k a x r n . DO YOU WANT Ulool Dress Goods at Cost? If so, you can have an immense and up to date stock from which to make your selections. No reserve. To heavy stock in this department the cause. Don't fail this opportunity to save dollars. Call and See. SENATOR BURTON r Students ! Don't Be JHarmed!! Unless it is by one of our Alarm Clocks, and you will -be spared the annoyance of an alarm at the wrong time. Clocks guaranteed. A fall line of Jewelry, O. A. C. Pins, Optical Goods. Get one of our self -filling Foun tain Pens. We do all kinds of optical work. Eye strain, headache, relieved by a pair ofour glasses. Pratt The-Jeweler 6c Optician. Licensed to Practice Optometry in the State of Oregon. LOOK. OUT FOR Moses Brothers The Wide-a Wake and Up-to-Date Cash Store Open now for inspection our complete line of Hol iday goods. Toys and Dry Goods, Notions. Boots and Shoe for Men, Women and children. Men and Boys Suits and Underwear. Ladies Skirts and Underwear. In fact anything you want. Groeeeies flour and feed. Neatest line of fancy Dishes in city. Fruit, Vegetables, Etc. Genuine Rodger Silver wae given away for a short while. We make a spscialty of quick delivery, look out for wagon, listen for the bells. Independent Phone 106. Bell Phone 551. See our new store. We try to please. IF YOU WANT A GOOD TENDER STEAK, VEAL, MUTTON CHOP, HAM OR BACON, CALL AT The City Meat Market We keep on hand all kinds of fresh and cured meats, lard and sausage. , Opposite Turners Grocery. Both Phones CADY & SCHWINGLER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. . HIS LAWYERS LY AGAINST FIGHT VAIN-ADMISSION. Took Pay and Did Work Senator's Own Words Contain Evidence He Was Hired to Serve in Department Other News. St. Louip, Nov. 21. The intro duction of letters and telegrams ex- cbar ged between Senator R. Bar ton aod Thomas ft. Harlan, an at torney for the Rialto Grain & Se curities Company, was the feature of the second day cf the trial of Barton in the United States circuit court on an indictment charging that he agreed to accept and accept ed compensation from the R'alto Grain Company for using his influ ence while a member of the United States Senate for the benefit of the Rialto company in matters pending before the postoffice department, and in which the government is in terest d. The effort to introduce this evi dence by the govornment brought frequent objections from counsel for the defense, which in only one in stance was sustained by Judge Van devanter. The court ruled that one telegram, which was said by the government to be a reply to one sent to Burton by Mr. Harlan, was relevant- In no case did the de fense question the authenticity of the letters or telegrams, basing -ob lections on grounds teat tne con tents were not pertinent to the alle gations made in the indictmett. Mr. Harlan, who at Senator Burton's former trial was called as a witness by the defense, was plac ed on the stand by the government today and called upon to identity letter-press copies of letters sent by him to Burton, and originals of let ters received by him from Burton. The first letter was' dated Novem ber 18, I9O2, addressed to Burton, and signed by Harlan. Foil wing is an excerpt from this document. "I hope you received my message to tne meet teat tnis company (meaning the Kialto company) accepts your terms to act as counsel at a salary of $5oo a month said service to begin immediately, that is of this date, Nov. 18, i9o2." In reply, Burton wrote Harlan, in part, as follows: "I called at the department this moring and find that there are two complaints lodged against your compaiy, one by Bella Evars and the other by Mrs. E. C. Hont, both of Albany, N. Y. Without know ing anything about the merits of the samp, I would advise that all complaints receive special attention by your company. No action of any kind will be taken against you without my first being notified and every opportunity for a full expia tion or bearing will be had. In re turn, if agreeable, you may make lemittance for my month's fay-" ine toliowirg is ta&en trom a letter dated December 2, 1902, sent to Burton by Harlan: ' ''The cases here (indictments age inst the president of the Rialto company) are set for trial on Janu ary 6, and Judge Krum and I are preparing now for the trial." In reply to a 1 tter from Harlan stating that an alleged postoffice in spector had tried to extract money from the Rialto company by virtue of his official position, Burton wrote the following: "There is no man by the name of J. H. Bowman who is a postoffice inspector. The man operating in Colorado is also a fraud. There has gone from this office no instructions whatever about the Rialto compa ny, and there is nothing in this of fice against you at this time. The matter in St. Louis, sb you know, is in the hands of Mr. Dice there. "I would suggest that you pre pare carefully the case of Dennis for early next month. I will take care of things at this end of the line. St. Petersburg, Nov. 21. The Novoe Vremya was the victim of a remarkable hold-up by social revo lutionaries last night. Three edi tors of the Worker's Gazette, the official organ of the Workmen's council, entered the composing rooms of the Novoe Vremya with revolvers in their bands end com pelled the compositors to set up their paper making prisoners of such persons as entered the room. .Later, going to tne prees room, the visitors compelled the pressmen to run off 30,000 copies of the work men's Gazette. M Souvorine, edi tor of the Novroe Vremya, in an editorial on the subject,) says sarcastically: If men can with impunity raid a newspaper in the heart of St. Pe tersburg today, tomorrow they may make a prisoner of Count Witte." An afternoon paper quotes a man who has just arrived in St. Peters burg ss sayng that 10,000 Don Cos sacks are marching from Maschend to bt. Petersburg, with the object of releasing the emperor, whom they beleave to be a captive in the hands of the Jews. Fresno, Nov. 9. Billy owl on toast is what many a patron of fashionable San Francisco French restaurants has been receiving in stead of quail ordered. loday Patrick Hughes of Jame son was arrested by Deputy Fish Commissioner E. E. Pedlar tor kill ing birds not fame birds. For ma ny months Hughes has been mak ing a living with his shotgun slay ing billy owls for the delicate pal ates of the elite of San Francisco. When he was taken before Justice of the Peace G. W. Smith today and told that he was charged with killing non-game lirds, he protest ed loudly that the birds that lives off mice and gophers in holes with rattlesnakes and ground squirrele is a game bird because he sells them as game. The justice of the peace decided to lay the matter before Fish Com missioner Vogelsang of ,San Fran cisco, who, it is asserted, will in vestigate fully the serving "of fried and toasted owl in the restaurants of San Francisco. Hughes says he has shipped an average of five doz en owls a day for over a year. AN APPOINTMENT JUDGE CHARLES E. WOLVER TON IS NOW A FEDERAL JUDGE. Borieoglyebsk, Russia, Nov. 21. Many' padic-stricken persons are seeking refuge here from the peas ant?,' who are taken possession of the,,esjates, removing the grain, burning the buildings and ordering the proprietors to relinquish their rights and depart, under penalty of death. The excitement hae reached such dimensions that the vice-governor has ordered the troops to de sist from making arrests. In en counters with marching bands of peasants, the troops have killed 100 and wounded many more. The residence here are afraid that the peasants will attack the town, but their fears appears to be unwarranted. At King's Valley. Mr. Paggett, who has been run ning the Pee Dee store, died sud denly Saturday night. He was as well as usual Saturday, but in the evening complained to some cus tomers of a slight pain in his breast, but said be guessed it did not amount to anything. He lived at the store alone. About midnight he arose and made his way to Mr. Dyer's, who lives near the store, and in twenty minutes after he ar rived there he was dead. Heart trouble is supposed to be the cause. They bad a breakdown at the Hoskin's sawmill last Friday, which has stopped the sawing until they can get a new rtfindrill for the large saw. ' $ L. G. Price has been doing good wurk logging the last month. He is to occupy his new residence soon. Mr. McDowell of Salem, bought a good drove of beef of W A. Gel latly the last of the week. Coyotes are said to be numerous up about Tom Alexanders. There was a crowd of men out after them today. Several were seen' but none were killed. Uno. Alter Taking the Oath of Office He Will Enter Upon His New Du ties at Portland Other News. 1 Washington, Nov. 2I. Judge Charles J. Wolverton, of Albany, now setting on the Oreaon Supreme bench, was today appointed United States District judge for Oregon to fill the vacancy caused by the death Bellinger and the subsequent de clination of W. W. Cotton, to whom the office was tendered. Judge Wolvertou's commission, alter be ing signed by the president and attorney-general, was forwarded him today, and it is presumed that be will, upon its receipt, promptly take the oath and enter upon his new du ties at Portland. His appointment coming at this time, will require reappointment when congress convenes, and his nomination will ba sent to the sen ate the first week of the session, but this will not interfere with his du ties. He will ba confirmed. Judge Wolverton owes this ap pointment very largely to President Poosevelt. While he was strongly endorsed by Circuit Judge Gilbert and by prominent members of the Oregon bar, and while he was on Senator Fulton's list, and was high ly regarded by Attornf y-Genersl Moody, his indorsements were no stronger than those of several other candidates. As has been stated be fore in these dispatches, Mr. Moody recognized merit in several candi dates, but his choice was Judge Bean, of Salem. Mr. Fulton, while he named both Wolverton and Bean on the list which was sub mitted to the President after Judge Cotton declined, preferred and ftronelv urged the appointment of Judge McBride. United States Attorney Francis Heney was one of tbe men who threw his weight against both Mc Bride and Btan, and bis presence at the national capital in the last few deys is believed to have had some connection with the appointment made yesterday. Another strong pull in Wolverton's behalf wa9 ex erted by Judge W. B. Giloert, Sen ior justice of the United States Cir cuit court of appeals for this dis trict' week. There is a significant change of tone on the part of some of the organs against tbe dictatorial atti- ' tude of the social democrats. The Russ loudly denies that the victory of the imperial reform manifesto be songs entirely to the workmen, de claring that the proletariat was strong then because it voiced the lentiment of the nation. Moscow, Nov. 22. Twenty-four provinces in Europf an Russia, not including Poland, Finland and the Caucasus, having a population of 52,000,000, are now in a state of in surrection. Peasants everywhere are seizing the land of the great es tate owners, who are fleeing abroad. The authorities everywhere have been issuing contradictory mani festos. The priests are warning the peasants not to believe the lies pur porting to come from the czar. Chamberlain's Salve. ' Ihis salve is intended especially for sore nipples, bums, frost bites, chapped hands, itching piles, chronic sore eyes, granulated eye lids, old chronic sores and for diseases o the skin, such as tetter, salt rheum, ring worm, scald head, herpes, barber's itch, scabies, or itch and eczema. It has met with unparalleled success in the treatment of these diseases. Price 25 cents per box. Try it. For sale by Graham & wortham- All kinds of fresh grass seeds for ale at Zeirolt s. If your stomach troubles yon, do not con' elude that there is no cure, for a great-many have been permanently cured by Chamber - lam's Stomach and JUver 1 ablets. Try them: they are certain to prove beneficial. They only eost a quarter. Sold by Graham & Wortham. St. Petersburg, Nov. 21. Tbe newspapers of this city appeared to day for the first time in over a Common Colds are the Cause of Many Serious Diseases. Physicians who have gained a national reputation as analysts of the cause of various diseases, claim that if catching cold could be avoided a long list of dangerous ailments would never be heard of. Everyone knows that pneumonia and consumption originate from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and lung trouble are aggra vated and rendered more serious by each fresh attack. Do not risk 'your life or take chances when you have a cold. Chamber lain's Cough Kemedy will cure it before these diseases develop. This remedy con tains no opium, morphine or other harmful drug, and has thirty years of reputation back of it, gained by its cures under every condi- tion. For sale by Graham & Wortham. St. Petersburg, Nov. 21. The revolutionists say that a civil war will begin on the anniversary of "Bloody 'Sunday." A of guards and officers conferred with the revolutionary leaders last night and asked them to supply tbe troops with political pamphlets. The leaders immediately placed 25o,ooo copies at the disposal of the troops. New lot of freshly loaded shotgun, shells. All kinds of football sup plies. At Hodes Pioneer Gun store. St. Petersburg, Nov. 21. Despite the decision arrived at by the coun cil of workmen at the meeting of November 20 cot to attemyt the in troduction of the movement for an eight-hour day, the question of shorter hours is taken a critical turn and threatens to produce an industrial crisis. At tbe Hubbard, Pahl. Westinghouse aud other im portant works tbe men insist on a deduction of hours and have adopt ed a course of dropping their tools after ttey have labored eight bonrB. The employers had a mteting to night and resolved to ttand firm -against the demands of the men. The local works will be closed un less the men consent to the old sys tem of 60 hours a week. Good Health to the hildree Children especially are fond of dainties, and the housekeeper must look carefully to their food. As good cake can be made only with good eggs, so also a cake that is health ful as well as dainty must be raised with a pure and perfect baking powder. Royal Baking Powder is indispensable in the preparation of the highest quality of food. It imparts that peculiar light ness, sweetness and flavor noticed in the finest cake, biscuit, doughnuts, crusts, etc., and what is more important, renders the food wholesome and agreeable to young and old. ROYAL BAKING POWD. 7. NEW YORK.