The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 17, 1905, Image 4

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Tae Comings ami Goings of People
Social Gossio, Personal Men
tion $rd Other Items
Public Interest.
Borr Wednesday, to Mr.
Mrs. Henry, a son.
- Born, Tuesday, to. Mr. and
Mrs. S.-unr.ei Frazier, a son.
J. K Wim-iiUi left Wednesday
for Alsa, wrier? be has become
half owner iu ihe Wade - Maloue
Mrs. Will Junkin of Portland
is the guest for two weeks of her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Wyatt.
The date in the address on
your Times shows the time to
. which your aub.ilption is paid.
Miss Louella Van Cleve has
been iil for several days and confin
ed to her room at Alpha Hall.
' Xolan Smith,' of the class of
'03, O. A. C , was in Corvallis,
Ttsesdav; enrou:e u Dallas for a ten
i1. ,ys' visit with Ins parents. He is
.cated at Monterey, California.
Mr. and Mfs. Thomas Roe of
Forest Grove have been guests this
week at the home of Mrs. B. W.j
Wilson.; They are enroute to
Newport to spend the winter.
Mr. Frazier, the well known
P;ntl-ind liveryman, has been in
town a day or two, looking lor
heavy horses for the Portland mar
ket. Horses weighing 1,400 and
upwards were desired.
Presbyteriau church. Worship
at 11 a. m. ' The Valley of Decis
ion." Evening service at 7.30,
Third sermon on the book: of Acts;
subject, "The First Blood." Spec
ial music by Ladies Quartette.
Next Sunday at the Christian
Church the subjects of the sermons
will be as follows. At 11 a.m.
"Prayer", 7.30 p. tn. "From Inno
cence to Purity." A chart will be
used. An invitation is extended to
United Evangelical church.
Regular set vices . next Sunday.
Morning subject, "The Touch of
Christ." Evening subject, "A Fa
ther's Question. " The choir will
render an anthem. C. T. Hurd,
The W. H. M. S. of the First
Methodist church was entertained
very pleasantly by Mrs. W.P.
Miner on Wednesday afternoon.
There was a good attendance, and
an election of officers . with the fol
lowing result: Pres. Mrs. G. B.
Schmidt; vice, Mrs. Ellen Beach;
rec. secy. Mrs. S. B. Bane; assist
ant, Mrs. A. L- Stevenson, corsp.
secy. Mrs. W. C. Swann; treas.
Mrs. Charles Everett.
A dancing party given by the
Ladies Coffee Club at City Hall
vv eanesaay evening was a very
successful social affair. About for
ty couples attended. The punch
bowl was presided over by Mes
dames Bryson, McKellips, Johnson
and Wilkins. The orchestra was
Mr. Fechter, Mr. Turney, Mr.
B-ard and Miss Brenner. Many
Married couples were among tho:e
Archie Blackburn was over
- liom Lebanon yesterday on a busi
ness trip. The Social and Athletic
Club at Lebanon has been closed
panding decisions in the courts.
The proprietors pleaded guilty and
the case will be tried under stipula
tions to which both sides are
agreed. The lawyer for the she
bang is understood to have told the
proprietor that the place could not
be run where Local Option laws are
in effect, and to have advised him
to close up.
The football boys are hard at
work, rounding into shape for the
"Willamette game which takes place
on O. A. C. field next Friday after
noon. The game should be as
good a one to look at as the great
game of last Saturday at Eugene,
The style of play is much the same
in one respe:t, that of line bucking,
at which both elevens are the su
perior of Eugene. The Q. A, C. ;
men have been a trifle dispirited
since the defeat of last Saturday,
but a determination to get in and
redeem the record by piling up vic
tories in the three big games yet to
be played is gradually manifesting
itself, and when they lineup next
Friday afternoon against Willam
ette, they will play a game such as
their Corvallis supporters never
saw. . -
At Summit.
Mr?. Large ia unimproved.
Th?re was a social party dance
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E.
Barcta'd, Tuesday evening.
A quilting and dinner was eerved
at tbe home of Mrs. Mattoon in
honor of Mrs. Jennie Brown of Al
bany. French Butler gave a dance at
the hall last Friday eve.
Mrs.. James Grcebong', of Hoa
kins, visit d her parents last week.
Hongkong. Nov. 11. Advices
received today from Li-n Coow.the
scene of the massacre of lhe Amer
ican mleiiobarirs and the burning
and looting of the mission housts t
few days ago, state that the ttouble
that started at that lime is spread
ing rapidly.
Villagers are arming themselves
and much bloodshed is feared. If
ihH agitation continues fears are en
tertained that the revolt will spread
to othir provinces where foreign
inii-siona are etUblished, and the
scene that accompanied the killing
of MWs Chestnut, Mr. Pta'eand his
wile a id Mrs. Dr. Machle and her
lo-year old daughter will be repeat
ed. The American minister is mak
ing every tffort to investigate the
cau-es leading up to the brutal out
rage at Lien ClO it and secure ne-
ce siry evidence for presenting
lone, O ., Nov. 16. Oliver Pier-
soo, a etocKoaan 01 me ii.igni
country, was found dead in a closet
biok of the. lone hotel laet evening
with hi3 throat cut from ear to ear.
1 r .1 T l . ;i
Tbe coroner's jury last night
found that he rame to his death
fri-m wounds from wounds iofllctel
by his own hand. In his hand wss
frmly clssped a small penknifa
with which he had nearly severed
the head from the body, presuma
bly with one Btroke. What motive"
caused him to commit the rash deed
is n it koowQ. It is said that he re
cently sold his interests here and
was pretty well off financially. He
wa? a man of about middle age, un
married and had no relatives in this
country so far aB is known.
Something more than $3o was
found in hie pocket and it is not
thought likely that he could have
te?n the victim of foul play. The
body now lies at the undertaking
parlors at this place.
New York, Nov. lo. Ten indict
ments for violations of election law
and two for assaults committed at
the polls at the, election last Tues
day were today drawn up by the
grand jury.
Two tal'ot boxes were found to
day in a barber shop at 156 Third
avenue, one of them full of balf-
soiled nd torn ba'lots and the oth
er empty. This barber . shop was
th9 polling place of the first election
district of the Eighteenth amenably
district, which is the district of
which Charles F. Murphy, head of
Tammany Hall, is the leader,
Hearst watchers found the two
boxes. Deputies from State Super
Meehan was playing halfback
and attempted to tackle a runner of
the opposing team. He was thrown
violently to the ground and was
picked up unconscious and taken to
his tome and it was ascertained
that bis spine had been fractured,
resulting in paralysis from his waist
down, etterday it was found that
tbe spine bad been fractured and
the doctors-stated that he had but
a few hoars to live.
New York, Nov. 16. There
muttering , among cabmen in
is a
city because there is a guard of pa
trolmen in the pay ot the city who
walk ia front of the residence of. E.
H. Harriman, the millionaire finan
cier and railroad magnate on Ffth
avenue and Ffty-firet street, 24
hours a day for the sole purpose of
"shooting" away the cabmen of the
St. Rgis hotel who have the te
merity to stop veheioles in front of
the Harriman house.
In. May last three policemen,
with shifts of eight boors each,
were detailed to patrol the spot and
keep cabs from stopping in front of
Harriman'8 domicile.
For two months three men main
tained guard at the Harriman man
sion at the rate of $4,2oo a year
and' now two men do duty and re
ceive $2,8oo a year.
San Luis 0bi9po, Cal., Nov. lo.
much fraudulent voting id this dis
trict, ...
The ballot boxes, after standing
for i2 hours in the streets yester
day, were received by the election
board and were stored at various
warehouses, where they are guard
ed by the police. The election
board refused to receive the returns
until an order was obtained from
the supreme court compelling it to
receive them and the action of the
election board is claimed by Hearst
supporters to be part of Tammany's
campaign against an honest recount.
Billot boxes that were etolen
have been recovered and are in the
possession of District A'torney Je
rome. Informaii n bus been re
ceived that other ballot boxes were
thrown in the North river, wheie
they were picked up by a tug,
Chicago, Nov. 16. A dispatch to
the Inter Ocean from Das Moirej,
Is., says: From assumed to actu
al bl ndneFS within three days is
the experience of M's. Elizabeth
Conger Heatuu, niece ot former
minister to Coins, E. H. Conger.
Saturday evenice Mrs. Heaton
pUyed tbe part o: Blind Brtba'io
a drama'izitioo of Dickens' 'Cricket
on the Hearth,' presented by a Uci-
tarian Society Club. Mrs. Helton
put her soul into the part and won
tbe highest praise. Yesterday while
walkiug the street?, her sense cf
seeiog vanished, and she was oblig
ed t) call for help and be taken
home. Physicians say that the ret
ina of each eye has been divided,
and tbat there is but a remote pos
sibility of savi g one eye. Mrs.
Heaton is 23 years old, and is the
wile of a dentist.
To the household biit
how about the mother?
Has she been lovfiil
during the weeks and
months preceding the
advent ?
Too many mothers
find it a time of fearful
anxiety because of the
knowledge that they
are "not in good health."
- Thev have allowed
weaknesses, pains and drains to accumu
late till the health is completely under
mined and they are "more than discour
aged," and all because they have been
misadvised by well-meaning friends or
maltreated by an inefficient doctor.
To all such here is the news that there
is a remedy that will heal and not hurt.
It was discovered forty years ago by
Dr. Pierce who searched Nature's labor
atory the earth, for the remedial agents
so liberally provided therein. He took
Lady's Slipper root, Black Cohosh root,
Unicorn root, Blue Cohosh root, Golden
Seal root, and by extracting, combining
and preserving, without the use of alco
hol, the glyceric extracts of these natural
remedies he has given to the world
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription,
which has to its credit the enviable and
unparalleled record of more than a half
million of cures In the last forty years.
"Only those who have given Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription a trial can appreciate
what a boon it is to suffering women," writes
Miss Vinna Seamore. ot 33 Elm St., Toronto,
Ont. "For two years I suffered intensely
from female weakness until life was a burden
tome. I had distressing; bearinjr-do'wn pains
so I could scarcely stand up. Had hot
flashes, was very despondent, weak, and ut
terly wretched. My physician gave me treat
ments but without success. 1 tried several
remedies but obtained no relief until I be
eran to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrin-
tion. I beiran immediately to improve, and
.in four months' time I was as well and strong
as ever."
Constipation cured by Doctor Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets.
For Corvallis Poultry "Show Philo
math Man Leads List Victoria,
B. C, Entries,
Last year's poultry show was the
fi regular chicken show ever held
ii Benton county and necesearilly
ot-- of the rules of such exhibitions
is 1 hat birds for competition shall be
entered on or before a specified
date. Last year one Benton coun
ty fancier came to lata too gain ad
mittance with bis birdV. ThU year
he is on time, in fact the first man
in the county to deposit his entry
r vith the j cretary, and the en
try blank reads ' J. A. Archibald,
Philomath, Or.,; one dozen Silver
Spangled Hamburg?."
' Enquiries for catalogues and
entry blanks "-e coming in from all
part3 of the Eta?, and one entry has
been made by a poultry man from
Victoria, B. C. The variety is Buff
Plymouth Rocks, and the birds are
for sale. The Corvallis show has
gained a reputation as a first class
plaie to see fancy poultry. Besides
all varieties of standard bred poul
try there will be bis year a display
of fancy pigeons, pheasants, quail,
guinea pigs, ferrets, etc. Henry
Ambler, an energetic member of
the executive committee of the as
sociation, has Imported several va
rieties of fancy., pigeons especially
for this occasion, and will also show
a pen of chickens very rare in thisj
part of the country, Golden Laced
Wyandottes. Mr. Ambler is a hust
ler in everything he undertakes,
whether it is selling a farm or giv
ing a poultry Show.
A Habit to Be Encouraged.
The mother who has acquired the habit
of keeping on hand a bottle of Chamber
lain s Cough Kemedy, saves heraelt a great
amount of uneasiness and anxiety. Coughs,
jolds .and croup, to which children are sus
ceptible, are quickly cUred by its use. It
counteracts any tendency of a cold to result
in pneumonia, and if given as soon as the
hrst symptoms of croup appear, it win pre
vent the attack. -., This remedy contains
nothing injurious and mothers give it to lit
tle ones with a feeling of perfect security.
Sold by Graham & Wortham.
All hats at" first cost until Nov.
15th. Mrs. J. Mason.
Yes Ma'am .
This is Mrs. . Please
send by the first delivery
2 packages Plymouth RockGeli ine
1 bottle Burnette Vanilla Extract
1 quart Manzinetto Olives for 25 ets
1 jar pickled Lamb Tongue
1 pound Saratoga Chips
r gallon fresh Cider
1 pound Full Cream Cheese
1 quart Sauer Kraut
1 package Zest
1 pound New Dates
2 pounds New Figs
'J Ci Ci vSx C" -v-
Our ad., but our goods change hands
every day. Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea.
Line, Fresli Groceries
Domestic and Imported.
Plain and Fancy Chinavare
A large and varied line.
We always keep
when they are
E B Horning
a. - a -
In the Matter ot the Estate )
WIlliam J KELLY,deceased)
Notice Is herebv eiven to all persons concern
ed that the undersigned has been duly appoint
ed administrator with the will annexed of the
estate of said William i. Kelly, deceased, by the
county court ot the state of Oregon, for Benton
county. AU persons having claims against said
esiaie 01 winiam j. Kelly, aeceasea, are nereoy
required to present the tame, with the proper
voucher, duly verified ag by law re
quired, within six months fiom the date hereof,
to the undersigned at his residence In Monrc e,
Oregon, or at the law office of E. E. Wilson, In
Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon.
Dated November 3, 190 j.
Administrator with the will annexed of the es
tate of Win. J. Kelly, deceased.
fiea the Kind You HavB Always BaugU
B a-
03 M
Notice to Creditors.
GIVE ME 203.
Vegetables when
tobe had.
: 0 Cli 's?'2"?'77'sr'7V$L
Oregon's Great Recreation and
Health Resort at the Newport
A9 a winter nealtn and recreation re
sort Newport is the one par excellence.
Recognizing in is, ana wistung to give
the people an opportunity lo breathe
the fresh, pure ozone of the ocean, the
Southern Pacific and Corvallis & East
em railroads will resume the sale of
tickets through to Yaquina Bay on Sat-
turaay, uctooer 21, ana win sea same
throughout the winter-and spring on ev
ery Wednesday and Saturday. The rates
will be the same as during the summer
and will be good for return 30 days from
date of sale.
Dr. Mjuthorn's sanitary sea baths will
be in operation during the entire wiuter
and treafments will be given daily. Hot
and cold salt water baths can be taken
every day in the sanitarium, and for any
one desiring rest, recreation end health,
no place on the Pacific Northwest can
be found equal to Yaquina Bay.
Neat, clean, cottages eithei furnished
or partly so; can be rented in the immed
iate neighborhood of the sanitary baths
at about $5 per month. Plenty of fresh
mMz, vegetables, honey, fruit and all
household necessaries can be obtained at
the lowest possible cost, while all kinds
of fish and the famous rock oysters can
Ik had in abundance for the trouble of
seuring them;
Full information as to rates, time ta
lles, etc can be obtained on application
to J. C. Mayo, Gen. Pass. agt. C. & E.
R.R.; Albany; W.E.Coman, G. P, A.
S. P,: Co. Portland or to any S, P. " or
C. & E. agent.
Bate from Corvallis to Yaquina, fc.50.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the Estate
of I
C. M. Smith, deceased. )
Notice is hereby given to all persons concern
ed that the undersigned has been duly appointed
executrix of the last will and testament of C. M.
Smith, deceased, by the county courtof the state
of Oregon for Benton county. All persons hay
ing claims against said estate of C. M.. Smith,
deceased, are hereby required to present the
same, with the proper vouchers, duly verified
as by law required, within six months from the
date hereof, to the undersigned at her residence
three miles northwest of Corvallis, Oregon or
at the law office of E. E. Wilson, in Corvallis,
Benton county, Oregon.
Dated, November 3, 1905.
Executrix of the last will ;and testament of C.
M. bmltn, deceased, " .
For Sale.
Wagons, hacks, plows, harrows,
tnowera, driving horses, draft ho
buggies and harness; fresh cows
you want to buy, come in. I can
you mouey.
H. M. Stone.
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
of Corvallip, Oregon,
MAKES LOANS cn approved Se
curity, and especially on wheat
oats, flour, wco!, baled hay,
cbittim bark, and all other
H isses of produce, upon the re
ceipt thereof stored in mills and
public warehouses, or upon
chstlel mortgages and alao
upon other classea of good aa
upon the principal financial
centers of the United States
and foreign countries thus
transferring money to all parts
of tbe civilized world.
A CONSERVATIVE genera! busi
ness transacted in all lines of
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs in Burnett B;ick
ideace on the corn er of Madison
Seventh st. Phone a t hoasei 1 1 fi
Banking Company
Corvallis, Oregon'.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City and School
Principal Correspondents.
PORTLAND (lhe Bank o
SEATTLE ? California
VICW VORK-Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub.
LONDON, ENG. N M Rothsclulds Sona ;
CANADA. Union Bank of Canada
R. D. Burgess
Office over Blackledges furniture
store. Hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5.
Phone, office 216; Res 454
Corvallis, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postofSce. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & v'-- ham's drug store.
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Kid. Kaursi
IO to 12 and a tc 4.
Phone, office 83. Residence 35! .
Corvallis, Oregon.
First Nat'l Bank Building,
Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County
E. R. Bryson,
Largest line of matting in the city at
For Sale.
Draft or carriage horse, weight 1,200
ound and true, thoroughly broken to al
lasses of work, perfectly safe for ladie
nd children.. Also new 2-inch "01
Hickory" wagon, and complete set o
work harness. Inquire at City Stables
Child Not Expected to Live from One
Hour to Another, but Cured
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera an
Diarrhoea Kemedy. 0
- Buth, tlie little daughter of E. N. Dewv
of Agnewville, Va., was seriously ilrm
cholera infantum last summer. "We ga
her up and did not expect her to live from
ne hour to another," he says. "I happened
to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aifj
Diarrhoea Kemedy and got a bottle of $
from the store. In five hours I saw a chaiii(p
for the better. We kept on giving it and
before she hod taken the half of one small
bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale
by Graham & Wortham.