The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 17, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XVIII.-N6. 17.
B.F. IRVINB Editor
and Proprietor
ttlool Dress 0oods
at gost?
If so, you can-have an immense and
up to date stock from which
to make your selections.
No reserve. To heavy stock in this
department the cause, Don't
fail this opportunity to
save dollars.
Call arid See.
Be Jllarmed ! !
Unless it is by one of our Alarm Clocks, and you will
be spared the annoyance of an alarm at the wrong time.
Clocks guaranteed. A full line of Jewelry, 0. A. C.
Pins, Optical Goods. Get one of our self-filling Foun
tain Pens. We do all kinds of optical work. Eye
strain, headache, relieved by a pair of our glasses.
Pratt The' Jeweler 6c Optician.
Licensed to Practice Optometry in the State of Oregon.
Butter and Eggs at
Moses Brothers
" ; :r" ' ' HAM OR BACON, CALL AT
The City Meat Market
We keep on hand all kinds of fresh and cured meats,
lard and sausage. . '
Opposite Turners Grocery. Both Phones
Times Ofliee lor Your Jol) Work
Fresh Troops Rush to City From
Harbin Officers Murdered,
Chinese Quarter Burned
and Stores Looted
Other News.
St. Petersburg. Nov. 15. The
latest advices from Vladivostok, re
ceived at an early hour this morn
ing, state that the mutiny there is
now under semi-control, although
the danger is by no means over.
The Chinese quarter has been en
tirely destroyed by fire, and the
loss of life is reported to be very
large, but, owing to the strict cen
soiship, it is impossible to secure
any adequate details.
So far as can be learned the trou
ble was similar to that at Cronstadt,
although on a very much larger
scale. The soldiers mutinied be
cause of the unfit food served to
them, 'and several of the
regiments murdered their officers.
They then ran amuck, acd for sev
eral hours were absolutely in con
trol of the city, parading through
the streets and killing all who op
posed them.
The first news of the outbreak
reached the minister of marine Mon
day night, but he held it back, and
so far has positively refused to per
mit any portion of the information
in his possession to become public,
fearing the effect on the people in
the present inflamed state of public
The soldiers looted all of the
stores in the town, and also the
postoffice, where they seized all of
the government funds. It is an
nounced that fresh regiment are
now on the way from Harbiu to
quell the mutiny.
It is not believed that any of the
foreign residents have been killed.
St, Petersburg, Nov. I4 The
upheaval in Russia following the
promulgation of the reform mani
festo has now reached Vladivostok
and Yeniseisk and other extreme
points of the empire. Confirmation
has been obtained from various
sources of the reported uprising at
Vladivostok, where the condition of
affairs is critical. Many persons
have been killed and the foreigners
have taken lefuge on the ships in
the harbor. Many public build
ings, stores and houses have been
pillaged and set fire to by the mob.
The American Embassy has re
ceived from Consul Greener at Vlad
ivostok details of the outbreak,
which began Sunday afternoon im
mediately after the departure of the
Russian armored cruisers Gromo
boi and Rossia. The people, who
had gathered in great crowds in the
streets, became excited by inflam
matory speeches. Many soldiers
and sailors were also in an angry
mood, having expected to go home
with the squadron.
The mob began to break windows
and pillage, and iu the evening set
fire to the theatre, the Golden Horn
Hotel, to several blocks of Chinese
buildings in the northern part of
the city, and to the officers' resi
dences and other buildings in the
eastern quarter. . The firs burned
all night. Seventy buildings were
consumed. Troops were summoned
to restore order and fired five vol
leys, killing many persons. I
Mr. Greener added that 24 mer
chant vessels in tne car Dor were
now crowded with inhabitants. The
consul was on board a steamer when
he sent his dispatch and expects to
remain there.
Bucharest. Nov. 15. Advices re
ceived late last night from Bassara
bia tell of terrible massacres of the
Jews through out all of that section.
The number of killed and wounded
number thousands. . Not in many
years have such tales ot terrible out
rages reached here, and the feeling
is general that every Jew in thedis
trict will be killed before the month
is out unless they are - furnished
with funds to nee the country at
At Danutzeri all of the houses iu
the Jewish quarter were demolish
ed, the men murdered and the .wo
men outraged, afterwards being put
to death.
The leaders of the Jews and the
rabbis were soaked with petroleum
and burned to death in the streets
in the presence of the enormous
St. Petersburg, Nov. 15. Minis
ter of Marine Admiral Birileff, it is
reported upon excellent authority,
has sent to the commander of the
navy atKronstadt to have all who
farticipited in the recent mutiny
executed, if possible
The sailors have sent word that
for every one of their number killed
they will sboot an officer, beginning
with the minister " of the marine
St. Petersburg, Nov.' l4.---In
view of the condemnation to death
of many of the sailors who mutini
ed at Kronst&dt, the delay in cariy
ing out the reforms outlined in the
imperial manifesto, the proclama
tion of martial law in Poland and
other repressive acts, the council of
workmen's delegates has decided to
proclaim a general, strike through
out Ruseia today. ."
' YeniEeiek, Siberia, Nov. i4.
The troops here were forced to in
tervene today and scat' er a mob
which was attacking the treasury,
the police station and the residence
of the, rich. The scarcity of food
was one of the causes of the outbreak.
Washington, Nov. 15. The long
standing judgship controversy in
Oregon will be settled within the
next few weeks. It Eeems certain
that the appointment will not be
deferred beyond the first week in
December, and it may be announc
ed earlier.
The department of justice, which
has been in no hurry about filling
the vacancy, is now of opinion that
the appointment should be made,
for jintil a judge is appointed it
District of Columbia Indictments
Will Have to Wait Until Post
al Fraud Cages Are Con
cluded Three Cases
Against Hermann.
Washington, Nov. 14. It has
been decided by the government to
try Congressman Binger Herman
firtt under the indictments brought
against him ia Oregon. No speci
fic date has been Bet for the trial,
which will take nlace in Portland,
but it is thought by Secretary Hitch
cock and District-Attorney Francis
J. Heney that the trial will be set
during the early part of December.
It was at first contemplated to
try Hermann in Washington under
tbe indictment found againet him
alleging destruction of government
records. The local district attorney
however, has sev ral cases on hand
growing out of the alleged frauds in
the post ffice, which have prece
dence, and mus,t b heard before
Hermann's case can bs reached. So
it has been decided to try Hermann
under the Oregon indictments first.
Attorney Hecey will leave Wash
ington the latter part of the week
for Portland.
Three indictments are pending
against Congressman Binger Her
mann in this state. The sudden
decision of Secretary Hitchcock and
the department of j astice to bring
the Oregon indictments to tri, I in
advance of that found in the Die-
will be difficult to resume the land
fraud trials at Po-tland. Judge
Hunt is fully occupied in Montana
and cannot conveniently return to
Portland, and Judge De Haven is
just as busi at San Francisco. No
federal judges can be spared at this
time to conduct trials iu Portland,
and for this reason the department
of justice is anxious that the vacan
cy shall be filled.
But .President Uoosevelt promis
ed to make no apoeintment uotil
Senator Fulton's return to Wash
ington, and this promise will carry
the appointment over until next
week. A? soon as Mr. Fulton ar
rives, he will go over the question
with tbe president and the attorney
general, and it is likely that a se
lection will promptly ba made, ev
en though the actual appointment
may be deferred until congress con
venes, to obviate the necessity of
making two appointments.
When Mr. Fulton was here, the
first of the month, it was announc
ed by department officials that no
selection had been made, and it was
repeatedly declared that the presi
dent nad not determined upon any
particular man for judge. As far
aB known the attorney-general has
not withdrawn his strong indorse
mnent of Judge Bean, of Salem,
nor has Mr. Fulton withdrawn his
support of Judge McBrlde. At the
same time, other influences have
been at work in bebalf of other can
didates, Judge Wolverton being
particularly mentioned. But in
spite of what has transpired, it is
still declared that the president has
made no seleotiou and will not
make a choice until he has consult
ed Mr. Fulton and Mr. Moody.
for his services in expediting the
patenting of fraudulent claims. Tha
other defendants besides Hermann
are Senator Mitchell, S. A. D. Pa
ter, Horace G. McKinley, Emma
L. Watson, Din Tarpley, E. K.
Brown, Mrs. Nellie Brown, Henry
A. Young, Frank H. Waigamot,
Clark E. Loomis and S. B. Ormsby.
All of the defendants are alleged to
have been parties to a conspiracy to
defraud the government of its lands
and tbe indictment sets forth the
alleged payment of $2000 by Puter
to Senator Mitchell at Washington
on March 9, 1902.
As District Attorney Heney will
leave Washington by the end of this
week he may be here next week,
though he may go first to Sin Fran
cisco. In any event it would seem
certain that the first trial of Con
gressman Hermann will begin be
fore the holidays.
If your stomach troubles you, do not con
clude that there is no cure, for a great many
have been permanently cured by Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Try
them: thev arc certain to prove beneficial.
Thev onlv eost a quarter. Sold by Graham
s .VVortliam. 1
trict of Columbia will .cause some
,surprise, as it was Deiievea in ma
ny quarters that Hermann would
be tried first at Washington.
Tbe three indictments pending
in this state are known respectfully
as the "Butte Creek Case," the
"Blue Mountain conspiracy" and
the "11-7 case." In the first nam
ed Congressman Hermann wa? in
dicted jointly W. W. C.tLvci',
Franklin Pierce Mays, Edwin Mays,
Joho H. Hall, C. E. Loomis, H.
H. Hendricks and others, on tbe
charge of fencing government lands.
It is generally supposed that this
case will not be the first one to be
tried, though District Attorney He
ney has as yet given no indication
as to the order of trials.
The Blue Mountain case is one of
the most famous of all the indict
ments returned in the course of the
Oregon land fraud investigations.
Senator John H. Mitchell, Con
gressman Hermann, Congressman
Williamson, State Senator F. P.
Mays, Willard-N. Jones and George
Sorenson were indicted on the
charge of conspiring to defraud the
government of 200,000 acres of land
within the boundaries of the Blue
Mountain forest reserve. The in
dictment alleges that the fraud was
to Jje accomplished largely by
means of fraudulent purchases of
state school lands in Crook, Grant,
Harney, Malheur, Baker, Union,
Umatilla and Wallowa counties,
such la-nds found within the bound
aries of the proposed reserve. In
cidentally the case involves the o
erations of the ring which was rob
bing the state of its school lands by
means of torged applications and
dummy applicants.
The third indictments in which
Congressman Hermann is named
as a defendant has to do with the
transactions of the Puter ring in
township "11-7," and also brings
In ruter s tamous story or tne pay
ment of $2000 to Senator Mitchell
Seattle, Nov. 15. S. Kampe,
preident of the Independent Mining
Company of Nome, a well-known
Alaska Mining operator, a money
lender in SanFrancisco and reputed
to be worth $300,000, went to the
county jail rather than pay a judg
ment of $4oo found against him
some years ago. Although he wears
much jewelry and many diamonds
Kampe did not have no any when
he went into court. He said that
he qad sold them but did not know
to whom.
Kampe's salary of $5000 a year
from the mining company, he stat
ed bad been drawn for. three years
in advance. He declared he was
penniless, butradmitted he lived at
the best hotels. After the hearing,
Superior Judge Yakey ordered him
to go to jail or furnish $600 bonds
for his appearance in court wheu
wanted. The judgment is held by
W. C. Rutter and is an old one.
Kampe was in Seattle after a trip
from Nome.
Leattle, Nov. 15. A Jury was se
cured yesterday in the trial of Bart
Conner, alleged land swindler and
said to be a member of an organ
ized band operating extensively in
this city and stat9. The charge
against Connor, if proved, will
send him to the peni
tentiary. Bogus deeds and spuri
ous mortgages on land in thia state,
Tennessee, Michigan and Wiscon
sin figure in the dozen or more
transactions in which Connor and
his associates are involved. The
victims are mostly women.
Henry Clough, Secretary of the
Odessa University, which has only
a paper existence to date, is said to
be implicated .and is one of thechief
witnesses. Revelations more sen
sational than those already mads
are anticipated as the Conner trial
New York, Nov. 16. Five per
sons were killed, several injured
and 50 rescued by the heroic efforts
of Firemen in a speclacutar blaza
that destroyed a tenement situated
at the corner of Seventy-fourth
street and Second avenue at 3:30
o'clock this morning. The fire is
supposed to be of incendiary origin.
Fire Chief Djane was senouilv
The fire was discovered by a po
liceman on his rounds this morn
ing. When discovered the hallway
was a mass of flames and the officer
cculd not enter. He rang the bells
and sounded an alarm, after which
he climbed a fire escape in the rear
and awakened the inmates, all o
whom were foreigners.
The fire department soon arrived
and by the aid of the fire escape and
ladders more than 5o persons were
carried $0 safety from the upper
stories. Those who lost their lives
were on a lower floor, all on the
floors above having escaped. The
building was totally destroyed.
All kinds of fresh grass seeds for
ale at Zei rolf's.
Common Colds are the Cause of Many
Serious Diseases.
Physicians who have gained a national
reputation as analysts of the cause of various
diseases, claim that if catching cold could be
avoided a long list of dangerous ailments
"would never be heard of. Everyone knows
that pneumonia and consumption originate
from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis,
and all throat and lung trouble are aggra
vated and rendered more serious by each
fresh attack. Do not risk your life or take
chances when you have a cold. Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy will cure it before
these diseases develop. This remedy con
tains no opium, morphine or other harmful
drug, and has thirty years of reputation back
af it, gained by its cures under every condi
tion. For sale by Graham & Wortham.