The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 10, 1905, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times
Official Paper of Benton County.
Hereafter the publication day of tbe
Times will be Tuesday evening and Fri
day evening, instead of Wednesday and
.Saturday mornings.. For n years the
paper has been actually appearing in the
evening, though the following morning
was eiven out as publication day. The
change now announced ought to have
been made II years ago.
Apparently a change has come
over the voters of the country. In
New York Tuesday, more than
200,000 voters threw aside party
lines and supported Hearst for the
jnayorality on a municipal owner
ship platform. The alleged illicit
relations of Tammany with the ice
trust, the gas trust, and other cor
porations furnished a basis for the
ballot revolution that swept Hearst
almost into the mayor's chair.
& In Pennsylvania the revolt
against the known corruption of
the republican bosses of Philadel
phia and the state resulted . in an
overwhelming victory for Mayor
Weaver and the reform forces, In
Ohio, after a campaign in which
the batteries of the democrats were
directed' against bossism and graft
of the republican leaders, there re
sulted a revolution at the polls in
which a democratic governor was
elected by a big majority, with the
. legislature heavily democratic in
both houses. Equally or more re
markable is the re-election in New
York of District Attorney Jerome,
running without the nomination by
any party, and solely on his- record
in the office as the uncompromising
foe of graft in public place. It all
means that there is a manifest real
ization by the people that they have
been duped through appeals to par
ty prejudice, and that their eyes
are opening as to their means of
As causes for the new thought
among voters, the work of Folk in
Missouri, of Jerome in New York,
- and of Weaver in Philadelphia, has
largely figured, but the greatest of
all influences have been the expos
ures of the colossal frauds and
thievery among the big insurance
companies.. The corruption that
has prevailed in these institutions
whose errand was supposed to be
the collection and preservation of
sacred funds largely of the poor,
has opened the eyes of millions of
people as to the stupendous swind
ling prevalent in the name of vir
tue and finance. A few years ago,
tnese seltsame insurance companies
that, stripped of their mask, stand
shame-faced and disgraced in their
welter of corruption, appeared be
fore the voters in an election cam
paign, talking about' "national
honor" and an "honest dollar,"
They assumed to tell the citizen
'how to vote honestly, and how to
save the country." The present
exposures of their hypocrisy and
their rotten financial operations has
opened the eyes of many voters,
and hence a democratic Ohio, re
formed Philadelphia and a demoral
ized Tammany.
For Commercial Purposes in Corvallis
Big Company Would Come.
There is immediate prospect that
electric power for commercial uses
will shortly be brought to Corvallis
It is expected that a petition for a
franchise will be laid before the
city council at the regular monthly
meeting Monday night. The com
pany is believed to be the same
that has purchased the electric
light plants in Albany and Salem,
and is understood to be the same
that is asking for a franchise for
railroad tracks on Front street in
the city of Portland. It is the same
company that has been much dis
cussed in the Portland newspapers
during the past week or two, as
bent on building railroad lines
through the Willamette Valley,
particularly one immediately be
tween Salem and Portland. In the
main, the capitalists involved are
Philadelphia people, and according
to all accounts they have unlimited
capital. It is asserted chat they
paid a sum not a great deal below
Si 00, 000 for the Albany light plant
including the water ditch. Their
plans as so far developed, seem to
be an extension south to Corvallis,
Eugene and elsewhere of the power
lines projected for balem and Al
bany, expecting later on, no doubt,
to follow up the light and power
equipment with electric railroad
lines. The power, it is said, is to
be derived from the Santiam river,
and it is elso alleged on the best of
authority that the power and wat
er privileges are already selected
and secured. A further statement
by those conversant with the com
pany's plans is, that if Corvallis
grants a franchise, the town will be
connected up and the line be in op
eration within four months.
It is understood that a franchise
for use of the streets for poles for a
term of 30 years is what will be
asked for Corvallis. It is not to
be an exclusive franchise, and
would not debar any other company
from entering the town. The plan
includes the supplying of power to
the Corvallis electric light people.
and to any consumers who should
desire to purchase it. The plant
would be such that it would supply
unlimited horse power, and on that
account its appearance m-Corvallis
would place the town on an equal
basis with all other towns as to the
future establishment of factories
aud industries. It would, of course,
if it comes, supplant practically all
the steam plants in town, with the
possible exception of that at the
sawmill for power of the sort is im
mensely more economical than is
steam power, especially in these
times when wood is high priced.
Semi-Annual Report of the Officers of Benton County, State
of Oregon, on the 30th day of September, A. D., 1905. ( .
Amount on band and received from h pril 1st, 1905 to September 30th, 1905. both
inclusive. -
County Fund.
Amount on hand last report $ 1598853
Reed from sheriff tax 1903-4 less $33.77 transferred
to road fund ....... 5699 66
Reed from sheriff taxes 1903-4 Dist. No. 9 . .
' ' ' ". ' 17-.:..
' ' ' ' 14
' 18
' 1
' ' ' 19
' ' as---
Bal on hand last report School Dist.
' 'City of Corvallis
. ' Philomath .
Tax 1904 special road dist. No 13
' ' i5
Acct wood Lincoln county prison
er Pees.
25.. .
308 61
99 53
120 28
136 00
11 00
5 10
School Fund.
I14633 66
1911 16
285 07
132 31
32 62
10 55
1 18
16 43
' ' ' Institute fund.
Kecd from School Supt. '
' Justice of peace fines .-
Reed from clerk redemp tax sale 1894 101903 inc
' ' ' School 110 9
' ' Corvallis...
;,' ' ' For road dist No. 1 .
' Fees .
' Recorder fees
' ' indemnity fund
Bal on hand last report indemnity fund
Heed from H. Dunn tiling -purchased.
' state treasurer interest school fnnd
' Co. clerk reimbursement by Geo. Waggoner
' by A Wilhelm & Sons
' F. I. Dunbar sec. of state acct. L. & C. Expo
Bal on band last report road fund including
from county fund and 20.30 trans, frombicycle fnnd
Bal on hand last report road dist. No -1
- - s '2
' ' ' 3 - - -
' 5
' ' ' ' ' 7....
' ' ' 8
' ' ' ' ' 9
' . ' ' 10
' ' ' ' 11 . ...
' ' ' ' ' 12 .
' ' ' ' 13
' ' - - ' 14. ...... ...
' ' ' ' ' 15
' ' ' 16
Barred Plymouth Rocks.
For Sa.e. A choice lot of breeding
hens, pullets and cockerels at from Si.
each upward. All my young birds are
from pen headed by an Arpo cock bird,
(cost price $ 20.00.)
Corvallis. Oregon.
Wood to Sell Stumpage.
want to clear some land and have
2,000 cords of fir and oak grub wood to
sell. First come gets first choice of
timber to cat.
G. A. Cooper,
P. O. box 218.
We have just received a new lot
of Columbia disc and cylinder rec
ords. Also a lot of the American
Blue records, the best record that
is made, Graham & Wells.
All hats at first cost until Nov.
15th. Mrs. J. Mason.
Vetch Seed.
pure vetch seed for sale.
Matthew Thompson.
C. &E. Crossing.
Do you shave yourself? Well
just keep in mind that our Witch
Hazel Extract is a distilled extract
and does not contain one drop of
wood alcohol. Price, bottle, 25.
Graham & Wells.
Call at Zeirolfs for freah grass
seed, timothy, clover, alfalfa, vetch.
The undersigned is prepared to - do all
kinds of.dressmaking at my residence on
Sixth street.
- Mrs. Mary Avery.
Buy It Now.
Kow is the time to buy Chamberlain's
-Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is
certain to be needed sooner or later and when
that time comes you will need it badly you
will need it quickly. Buy it now. it may
save life . For sale by Graham & Worthaui.
New lot of freshly loaded shotgun
shells. All kinds of football sup
plies. At Hodes Pioneer Gun store.
Is displayed by many a man enduring
pains of accidental Cats, Wounds, Bruis
es, Burns, Scalds, Sore feet or stiff joints.
But there's no need for it. Bucklen's
Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure
the trouble. It's the best Salve on earth
for Piles, too. 25c. at Allen & Wood
ward's, druggists.
For Sale -
Oak grub wood, Cheat and vetch hay
for sale. Satisfaction guaranteed
T A Logsdon
Phone 55 Mt View line
-. Wanted
Four or six "students to board and
room. Inquire at Times office.
Call for Warrants.
Notice is hereby gsven that there
is money in the City Treasury to
pay warrant number 3491 drawn
on the General fund and endorsed
Oct. 14, 1902. Interest will stop
on the same from this date.
Dated at Corvallis Oregon on
Nov. 7, 1905.
William Mclagan.
Treasurer of the City of Corvallis.
Mrs. Caroline Maxfield has add
ed a line of groceries to her store,
in addition to millinery and con
fectionery. Your patronage is solicited.
294 00
72 95
11 78
1 50
395 12
471 75
8 00
1 75
5 37
10 00
21 10
469 95
3999 74
. 165 40
177 27
105 89
106 37
178 55
60 10
112 70
130 45
333 10
217 52
303 95
931 24
181 44
374 50
174 75
211 51
in 00
80 00
239 39
123 44
21 93
37 10
72 5o
79 00
6 04
4454 00
Amount paid out and on hand from April j, 1905
Paid on state tax , $ 4500 00
Paid on county warrants 16605 34
Paid interest on county warrants :. 2S9 75
Bal on hand county fund 205604
Paid on school orders
Bal on hand school . fund
Paid city of Corvallis ; " . . 320 39
Paid city of Philomath.... 99 53
Paid school dist No 9
' 17
' 1
I 33088 7o $ 22167 82
to September 30. 1905, in-
Bal on hand school dist No 25
Paid ' ' 18
' ' ' ' 14.. ...
' 59
Balance on hand school dist No 59
Paid ' '19....:.....
Bal on hand ' 69 i
Paid for institute use
Bal on hand institute fund
' 1 indemnity fund 9 75
Paid on road warrants . . 3989 49
7828 36
13 188 54
291 11
371 70
7 27
123 44
10 55
37 72
1 18
51 28
53 53
77 50
Bal on band road fund
Paid road dist No 1
Bal on hand road dist No
Paid road dist No 2
10. 11.
Bal on hand road dist No
Paid ' ' '
10 25
1 00
177 27
82 33
105 89
106 37
178 55 .
60 10
112 70
333 10
217 52
161 92
303 95
Bal on hand
Paid '
Bal on hand '
15- 105402
13 22
98 38
181 44
70 44
15 86
174 75
211 51
ill 00
80 00
' 18...
' 21. .
' 23...
$ 33088 7o
$ 22167 82
State of Oregon
County of Benton .)
I, W. A. Buchanan, county treasurer of Benton County, Oregon, do here
by certify that the foregoing is a true statement of the amounts received
amounts paid out, and the balance on hand in the County Treasury for
the six months ending September 30, A. D. iqos.
(Signed) W. A. BUCHANAN, County Treasurer.
; Semi-annual statement of the amount received, amonnt paid to the County
Treasurer, and the balBnce on hand for the six months ending September 30th,
1905. . -
March 31, 1905, to cash on hand.
To amonnt taxes collected
4205 69
8072 05
By cash paid to the County Treasurer..
By cash on hand
$ 1227774
89I1 13
3366 61
$ 12277 74
-State of Oregon )
gfj! SST
Cotmty of Benton )
I, M. P. Burnett, sheriff of Benton County, Oregon do hereby
certify that the foregoing statement is a true and correct statement of
the amount received, the amount paid to the county treasurer, and th e
balance on hand for the six months ending September 30th, 1905.
' . Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
Continued on page four.
f Brandepee.
Copyrighted, 190S Kincaid &
I Wood.
NOT radicals but the
distinctive suits we're
showing this season are
made for this Autumn
They're smart as they
are handsome.
They are clothes of
character and ditinctive
ness containing every
good point known to ex
perienced tailormen. -
Shapely shoulders and
lapels with studied line
effects and. added
lengths, make features in
onr clothes which prove
interesting to Jjmost all
modern'men of today.
Mills $15 to $35
Overcoats $1$ to $50
Cumber Tor Sale
At Lowest Possible Prices
Send in House Bills for estimates of cost
All kinds and grades of lumber on hand, all orders piomptly
filled. Lumber delivered when required.
OTIS SKIPTON, Philomath- Ore.
Bell Phone 4x2. R. F. D. 2.
Sawmill located four miles southwest of Philomath.
No Prizes go with our -
Chase & Sanborn High Grade
In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and
Sole agent for
Chase 8c Sanborn High Grade
Bicycle & Sporting Goods Store
Is the place to get your Guns and
Ammunition for the opening- of the
pheasant season. I have guns and
- ammunition of. every description.
Guns and Bicycles for. Rent
A full line of sewing machine sup-
plies. I have anything in the um
brella line from a rib to a new um
brella. Everything you call for in
sporting goods line.
Fine Job Work
Corvallis Times Office.