' jl Vol. XVIII.-No. 17. CORVALLIS, OREGON, . FRIDAY EVENI NG, NOVEMBER 10. 1905. B.F. IRVINI Elitor and Propriety.- DO YOU WANT UJool Dress Goods at Kosi? If so," you can have an immense and up to date stock from which to make your selections. No reserve. To heavy stock in this department the cause. Don't fail this opportunity to save dollars. Call and See. Don't Be Alarmed!! Unless it is by one of our Alarm Clocks, and you will be spared the annoyance of an alarm at the wrong time. Clocks guaranteed. A full line of Jewelry, 0. A. C. Pins, OptLal Good?. Get one of our self-filling Foun tain Pens. We do all kinds of optical work. Eye strain, headache, relieved by a pair of our glasses" . Pratt The-Jeweler 6c Optician. Licensed to Practice Optometry ia the State of Oregon. FROM THE POLLS MANY BOOTHS ARE WRECK ED AND POLLS CLOSED. Wanted: Butter and Eggs at ses Brothers Republican Leaders Are Taken Away and Hidden Trains With Repeaters Held Up Same of the Returns Other News. Philadelphia, Nov. 7. Two mur ders already, aDd 2OO prisoners in cells held incommunicado early this morning, mark the beginning of what promises to be the bloodiest election day in the history of Philadelphia. All information regarding the murders and arrests are denied at the city hall. Sheriff Miles Bwore in no deputies, and left the protec tion of the city to the mayor. . GIty party leaders are condemn ing the actions of special policemen sworn in by the mayor, of whom there are aboct 2OOO. In one ward a prominent old soldier was arrest ed on the charge of intimidating a city party voter, and was dragged through the streets and thrown in to a cell with negroes. Ia another ward a man was ar rested for saying that he had lott his naturalization papers. . Every voter was challenged and forced to prove his eligibility to vote. Harbor Matter Samual G. Malo- ney, Magistrate James Fealy, ex Lieutenant of Police James Carey, republican leaders, nave been ar ieBted. Friends are unable to learn where they have been taken.'. ... So far a dozen poling places have been closed and election officers have ap pealed to the courts for protection In one place the boot b 8 were wrecked. All the dieorderia in the wards where the republicans . are conceded-to be in -the majority When riot calls are turned In the police appear and arrest every one at the polls. Mayor Weaver, it is reported, has stopped at Willmington a train loaded with repeaters en route to this city. Sheriff J. L. Miles, who is rerub- ican leader in the thirteenth ward and chairman of the city committee announced last night that he would swear in 1,000 deputy sheriffs in or der to protect electors. The etate mnt was' met by a proclamation from Mayor Weaver, in which Miles was denounced as a lawbreak er end warned to keep his hands off the polls. republicans met with sweeping de feat. William H. Berry, Democrat, was elected state treasurer by a plu rality of at leatt loo, 000 and the re form organization carried Philadel phia by A6,6'6i votes. In Maryland the Poe constitu tional amendment disfranchising negroes was overwbelmly defeated. Republicans electing state and city officials. In Massachusetts Curtis Guild, Jr., rep., was elected governor by 29,434 plurality. All other' state officials are republicans. Gover Utter, republican, and the entire state ticket was elected in Rhode Island. In New Jersey the independent republicans carried the election. In Indiana 20 cities went dem ocratic and Zi republican, among the latter being Indianapolis.' lhe democrats in Virginia, elect ed Swanson by 20,000. The repub licans gained seven in the legisla ture, negroes staying away for the first time. Democrats elected a mayor at Louisville and the legisla ture is unchanged insuring a dem ocratic successor to Senator Black burn. In Chicago the republicans made a clean sweep of county offi cers. In Nebraska the republicans elected. a state supreme judge and regents of the state university by a normal majority. In San Francis co, Schmltz, labor union, was re elected by 11,504 majority. All the candidates on the .union, labor ticket were elected by pluralities ranging from 2,5ooto 10,000. 1 fsJ&f ' II Double -Breasted Sack WILL PROVE TO BE A VERY POPULAR SUIT FOR Fall and Winter Just the snap, grace and swing . to make you look right I Call and examine our elegant . line of The Bell System Suits, Single and Double - Breasted, -Overcoats and Raincoats. 3 t T - 1 - Designed and Made by ' Stern, Lauer, Shohl & Col f CINCINNATI, O. SOLD BY; HARRIS New York, Nov. 8. Election day TWO SUICIDES came to a close with a dramatic Mo IF YOU WANT A GOOD TENDER STEAK, VEAL, MUTTON CHOP, . HAM OR BACON, CALL AT The City Meat Market We keep on hand all kinds 01 Iresh and cured meats, iara ana sausage, we nave our own delivery wagon and goods will be delivered at your door on short notice. Op posite Turners Grocery. Both Phones GADY & SC HWINGLER SATISFACTION GUARANTEE!). ' GO TO THE Times Olllce lor Your Job Ooklatd, Cal., Nov. 7. Ed Ru pert, an expressman, was seized by savage lion named Nero, which was being shown in the animal act at B( 11 Theatre, and but for the prompt woik of attendants, might have met a horrible death. A3 it is, Rupert 8 thigh 13 horribly lacer ated. The accident occurred while the lions were being removed from the car cages to tbe large iron cage when Nero, which has the deaths of two men to his credit, suddenly reached a paw through the bars of the cage, acd with a roar suck his claws into Rupert's leg. Rupert, with a cry of pain, sprang back, the movement tearing lhe nesh from his thigh lor twelve inches. The scent of human blood enraged Nero, and otly after the most exciting scene was h9 subdu ed. Nero killed an attendant wh le scene at the Hoffman House, where William R. Hearst gathered his friends and advisers around him and began the preparation of bis legal contest of the returns which indicated the success of his demo cratic opponent, McClellan. As the late totes came In, show ing McClellan only a few thousand ahead, and as it was noticed that figures from some of the East Side districts weie missing, Mr. Hearst said he believed he was being cheat ed out of a hard-fought and honest ly-won victory ,and announced bis intention to make a contest in the courts. He sent out a call at once for the members of the law commit- THE PRINCIPALS IN THE TRAGEDY WERE YOUNG PERSONS OP NEWBURG. The Couple Had Been Married On ly a Short Time Beside the Dead Woman Was a Re volver Other News. Newberg, Or., Nov. 6. A little after 8 o'clock this morning a shoot ing occurred in the southern part of the town, which resulted in the e it., nr. 1 r , . 1 vuo .unu, vi. T 11A a , 1 . 1 uob u ui wan uuiiuiu ouu vvnc neighbors who, on entering the Hur ford cottage, found both husband rive, many 01 tnem in evening clothes, they baying been found at social gatherings or at the theatres. At the hotel waiting for the law yers were scores of Hearst voters with stories of violence and outrag es at polling places where they had gone to cast their ballots. Men were coming into the hotel constantly with biuised and bleeding faces. One man's arm was - broken and another's head was cut so badly that Mr. Hearst had him put to bed in the hotel.. Reports were brought in telling of a Hearst voters, eye being goug- ld out, and of a Hearst man whose finger had been chewed off in a poll ing place. New York, Nov. 8. District .-At torney Jerome, tired and hoarse, but pleased with the k suit, did not leave his house until 1:30 this af ternoon. He said: "I shall imme diately start an investigation of the frauds perpetrated by Tammany. If the facts warrant it I shall begin in tbe act 01 Deing snown and another in St. Louis. in Cuba New York, Nov. 8. Complete re turns show that George B. McClel lan hasbeen elected mayor of Great er New York by a plurality of 3, 485. Hearst demauds a recount and will contest the election on the ground of fraud. Jerome's plurali ty will be in the neighborhood of 10,000. Evidence of colonization in many parts of the city are pouring in. District Attorney Jerome has seized the returns in a number of instan ces, determined that the count shall be a- fair one. Hearst claims his election by several thousand plu rality. JJobn M. Pattison, democrat, has been elected governor of Ohio by a plurality approximating 4o,ooo ov er Grover Herrick, whose majority two years ago was 113,813. Tom Johneon was elected mayor of Cleveland by 12,ooo plurality and Dempsey, dem., was elected mayor of Cincinnati by booo plurality. A political revolution was accom an. immediate thy guilty." A revised account of the attorney contest shows: 119,638; his opponents, and wife dead, tbe former lying on the bed and the latter on the floor. Beside tbe woman was a revolver. Whether it is a case cf double sui cide or a murder and a suicide is a mystery that is hard to solve. ... The principals in the tragedy were young persons, Hurford being about 2I years old, and his wife a little younger than he. The couple had been married on ly a short time. . The bride came here from Mis souri to meet Hurford. The young man had been sick for a day or so, and his wife bad taken : an early morning walk to the -Newberg fur niture factory, where he was em ploy ed, to see if the proprietors woold keep his job tor him until his re covery, fehe was answered in the amirmative, and started away, but returned and again made the same icquiry. Manager. Fisher says she appeared agitated and kept her right hand under her cape. Shortly after her return home a loo, 000, many of whom are perma- nently injured. Hundreds of Jew ish victims are being buiied at ' O dessa, where their bodies are placed in long trenches. Many hundreda of the victims cannot be recognized. On each grave wreathes are placed bearing the inscription: ; "Martyrs to the faith victims of the outocracy." The losses will total many millions. In Odessa alone no less than l,ooo families are ruined and many wealthy merchants are re- . duced to poverty. Alarming news comes from the Caucasus, where fighting between Armenians, Tartars and Russians continues. Every attempt of tha troops to restore order has resulted in wholesale slaughter through at tacks by the people. Three com panies of soldiers are said to have been exterminated in the interior districts. In one place lo5 Cossacks were killed by bombs. prosecution against pistol shot was heard. Mrs. Jdur ford ran to the door and called just district across the way to a neighbor. A Jerome, H. Douglas, and he in turn, called Osborn, to see J. C. Morns, and the two I ammany, 103,188: Shearnmuni- started for the Hurford cottage, cipal ownership, 72,492; Flammcr. When about half way they heard republican, 13,348. New York, Nov. 8. -District At torney Jerome announced today tbat he would do all he can to see that there is a fair count of the vote for ' TT v . mayor, ne gave orders to his as sistants that the returns from, the another, shot, and. as they reached the house a third. On , entering they found both young people dead, as described St. Petersburg, Nov. 8. Massa cres of Jews in the province of Bes sarabia are spreading rapidly. It Eighteenth and Sixteenth assembly la rePorted taat S JewB were districts be guarded liarfnlW burned to death in the town of Ca- Tammany leader Charles P. Murphy larsschi. A Slavonic leader named is leader of the Eighteenth and Balabanoff, headed a mob which Congressman Timothv D. Snllivari started fires in four parts of .the is leader of the 16th district MV. town at once ana tuocKed all exits Jerome said: "Take these returns from the Jewish quarter.. The mil from the Eighteenth and Sixteenth ltarv 18 attempting to preserve or districts and lock tham nn. finarri der. but incendiarism continues them carelully. They may cut a o'xiy'Sixtn revolutionists were snot big figure in this count. I propose yesterday. Hundreds, of Jewish to see tbat there is a fair count in families are seeking refuge in Rou ting mayoralty contest, no matter mama. whom it hurts." A telegram irom Odeesa states that the number of Jews killed dur -'"-.3 jl ucau iuass seeds ior v .,: ic 11.. c J .' . 'number of wounded approximate New York, Nov. 8. It was an nounced at the Hearst headquarters today that the contest over the of fice of Mayor would he taken at once to the courts over. tbe heads. of tha board of canvassers. It was al so said that evldenoe had been fe cured upon which about 1000 elec tion officers eould be sent to prison, and thttt at least 3o,ooo Hearst fol lowers, when they went to the polls found their names had been voted on by others. At Belleiouotain. Farmers are altnott through fami ng. A larger number of acres have been sdwh than usual. L. N. Price of Portland, but for merly a resident of this place, was buried at Simpson chapel Saturday. The funeral services were conduct ed by Rev. M. M. Waltz. J. H. Edwards is on the sick list this week, being confined to his bed a part of the time. Mrs. Mtrtha Perin has been suf fering with neuralgia for the past few wetk?. Mrs. B. N. Tharp, of Independ ence, is visiting her son, S. A. Tharp of this place. - Mr. Bristow has received news that his son Floyd is improving, and will soon be able to come home, having been in the hospital some weeks. Little Bado, the three-year-old child of Mrs. Clyde Tharp, has been very sick for the past ten days, with bowel trouble. When last heard from she was not improve Frank Dinges is gathering up a car load of cattle to ship to Califor nia. Good for J Stomach' Trouble and Constipation. ( " "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- lets have done me a great deal of good,' says C. Towns, of Rat Portage, Ontario, Canada: "Being a mild physic the after effects are not unpleasant, and I can recom mend them to all who sutler from stomach; ' disorder." For sale by O raham & Wortbank -f 2.