The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 07, 1905, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
' Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of
Public Interest.
Miss Juantti Rosendorf has
been visiting Albany friends this
A son was born a few days ago
to Dr. and Mrs. Bennet of Philo
math. .
Otis Skipton and family were
to. leave today for Portland to re
side. Wistar Johnson of Eugene,
spent Sunday with friends in Cor--vallis.
Onas Brown, of Brownsville,
spent Sunday in Corvallls with
J. C. Hatnmel, who has been
suffering with an attack of pneu
monia, is able to be about.
John Ptarns of Albany was the
gnest over Sunday of Corvallis rel
et' sves.
Mr. Creson, father of John
CVeson, left Saturday to make his
home with a daughter.
Clarence Hyde went to Inde
pendence Saturday for a few days'
Mrs. Laila Patterson and Mr.
and Mrs. George Nichols and
daughter of Albany were guests
over Sunday of Corvallis relatives
Miss Ella Johnson and Mrs
Janie Brown drove to Brownsville
yesterday for a visit with friends.
They return tonight.
The enrollment at the Corval
lis public school Friday was 555
an increase of 39 over the enroll
ment at the same season last year.
Mrs. Al Tharp returned to her
Home at Hellefountain Saturday, af
ter a visit of several days in Cor
E,d Jackson went to Portland
Saturday to see his wife who is re
covering from a surgical operation
an a Hospital in that city.
Otto Woldt returned to his
ibome in Portland Saturday, after a
two weeks' visit with Corvallis
Miss Sylva Starr is to open to
day or tomorrow, a notion store in
the Dave Irvin building on Main
street. The property is owned and
iasjast been re-modeled by Au
gust Fischer.
' They say many young farmers
and others throughout the county
are planning to go on the excur
sion to Eugene Saturday to see the
big football game. From present
- indications, the excursion will be
County (Jlerk Moses is to
ijuild a new dwelling on his prop
rty on railroad street. The honse
-is .to be a seven-room affair and the
contract was let Saturday to Nor
ton Adams. Work will begin im
j. l,. jvittcneii, supreme secre
tary of the Order of Washihgtons
7 'aid the local lodge of the order
internal visit last night. In his
mor the occasion asmmed the na
; re of a social, with refreshments
and other pleasant features.
V. a. vonnor, rural carrier
on route number s, had a runaway
Friday. Near the R. E. Taylor
store in Jobs addition the front
wheels slipped from under the mail
-wagon, and the horses started
iney ran to tne w. r. J,ane resi
dence where they were caught, no
damage having resulted.
One of the most remarkable
'shooting stars" ever observed by
local residents was seen by several
persons Sunday evening.' It start
ed in the southwest : and took
northerly course finally bursting
and sending aut hundreds of small
er stars, equal in beauty to a sky
Tocket. The sight is said to have
ibeen beautiful beyond description
The annual reception given
their friends by the Cauthorn Hall
boys, Friday night was a pleasant
affair for all. Over two hundred
rguests were present and took part
in games, guessing contests and
-other features of entertainment pro--vided.
In the guessing, Miss Min--nie
Phillips secured first ' prize, a
3box of bonbons, and Mr. Beldon
was awarded a Jack-o' lantern, as
iooby. A program and collation
'were features of the evening. Each
tguest was presented with an O. A.
C. souvenir pennant.
continued iron page one
At'tt-JWish excepts bave been
raging here lor three days and all
the Jewish shops and many priva'e
hfuees bave been totally destroyed.
The number of Jei-b victims ie
very large, and children aod old
people bave been barbarously mur
dered while the military and police
looked on with cynical indifieience.
The number of df ad on both eidee
is about 100, but many hundreds of
perton were wonnded and mangled
and tbe city presents a horrible ap
pearance. R sttfT-on Don, Rusi-ia, Nov. 3.
This cityvpreteu8 a scene of desola
tion, but tbe rioters are exhausted
by last Dtgbi's excesses ard the ri
oting was not reeutmd this morn
ing. Of tbe Jewish qunr'er, only
tnnku g rutud remiin. xu oiner
sections stores are etill burning.
I'he Jews are seeking rtfuge wbtre
hey can.
Ibemi.h outrages continued all
igbt. Stiots were continually
Tolland, Colo., Nov. 3 While
train on the Won at load was
scowbouod at tbe pomrxtt of tbe
Rockies last night, Mrts. J. W. Mil
er was visited by a stork which
merged from a blinding blizzard
nd left a wee girl in ber lap. ihere
wus no doctor on tbe train, and but
oe other woman passenger, but
be fctoik proved a mascot, for afier
t tptead its wings and disappeared
ver tbe ciet ot th .mounioins tbe
tortn ca.'ed and the train pushed
through drifts and hurried to Tol
and, where a physician bad been
notified by wire, and was waiting
to care for the mother and her babe.
Washington, Nov. 3. President
Roosevelt bas issued his proclama
tion naming Thursday, November
30, as a day ot Inankseiviog as
By tbe president of the United
States of America.
A. proclamation:
Wnen, nearly three centuries ago
the first settlers came to tbe coun
try which bas now become this
great republic, they faced not only
hardship and privation but tembl
neks to their lives. In those grim
years the custom grew of setting
apart one day in each year for
special service thanksgiving to the
Almighty for preserving the people
through the changing seasons. The
custom has now become national
and hallowed by immemorialusage.
We live in easier and more plen
tiful times than our torefathers, the
men who with rugged strength
faced the tugged days, and yet the
dangers to national life are quite as
great now as at any previous time
in our history. It is. eminently fit
ting that once a year our psople
should set apart a day for praise
and thanksgiving to the giver of good
and at the same time they express
their thankfulness for the abund
ant mercies received, should man
fully acknowledge their shortcom
ings and pledge themselves solemn
ly and in good faith to.slrive to ov
ercome 'hem: -During5 the past
year we have been blessed with
bountiful crops. Our business pros
perity has been g-eat. " No other
people has ever stood on as high a
level of material wellbeiog as ours
now stands.' We are not threaten
ed by foes flam without. The foes
from whom we should pray to be
delivered are our passions, appetites
and follies; and against these there
is always need that we should warn.
Therefore,1 1 now set apart Thurs
day, the 3oth day of this November
as a day of thanksgiving for the
past and of prayer' for the future,
and on that day I ask that through
out the nation the people gather in
their homes and places of worship
and, and in rendering thanks unto
the most high for the manifold
blessings of the past year, consecrate
themselves to a life of cleanliness,
honor and wisdom, so that this na
tion may do its allotted work on
earth in a manner worthy of those
who founded it and of those who
preserved it.
In witness whereof I have here
unto set my hand and caused the
seal of the United States to be af
fixed. Done at the City of Washington,
this second day of November in the
year of Our Eord, One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Five and of the
Independence of the United States
the One Hundred and Thirtieth.
By the President.
ELIHU ROOT, Secretary of State.
Washington, Nov. 4. For obvi
ous reasons, no member of the ad
ministration can be Quoted on the
matter of Mitchell's case, but if the
president s views and those of his
various cabinet officers could . be
printed, the peeple of Oregon would
have no doubt as to the position of
the administration. So far, the ad
ministration has done nothing to
force Mitchell, Hermann or Wil
liamson out of Congress, though
some officials of tbe department of
uctice bave been urging the atior-
ey-general to ask for an advance
ment of tbe Mitchell case on tbe
docket of the United S ates supreme
court. If this is done, and tbe su
preme court sustains tbe findings
of the lower court, Mitchell will be
eprived of his epat some time this
winter and Governor Chamberlain
will bave an opportunity to appoint
bis successor to serve until March
Warsaw, Nov. 5 Great patriot
ic demonstrations were held in the
street today. by crowds estimated at
2oo,ooo persons. Processions head-
d by the clergy and singing "God
Save Poland," paraded the princi-
oal streets, which were elaborately
decorated. The balconies and wind
ows of the houses were filled with
pectators. A citizen guard kept
exemp'ary older, and tbe military
ma-sed in the eide streets had no
reason to object.
Loyalists endeavored to organize
a demonstration, but it was a com
plete failure, barely 45oo persons
taking part in it.
A Jewish military, armed with
revo'vere, is guarding Jewisn nous
es iu tbe outskirts of the city. Tbe
militia shot and killed four dieguie-
ed detectives fouod trying to pro
voke disturbances.
The government warded the Pol
ish newspapers that unless they
submitted to the censorship their
offices would fee closed. Two pa
pers persisting in their disregard of
this order have wen shut up and
sealed by tbe troops.
The houses of all Polish national
ists were illuminated tonight.
The funerals of the victims of tbe
disorders at Lodz, which were held
today, were attended by 4o,ooo per
sons. Theie were revolutionary
speeches but no disorders.
Ishpemiog, Mich., Nov. 5.
Three children are dead and 13
DeoDle are imured. one fatally, as
tbe result of an explosion here to
day which completely deetroyed the
Miners National Bank.
A eas leak in the basement of
the bank building was responsible
for the explosion and loss of life.
The victims were all church at
tendants on their way home. An;
derson and Peterson, stearxfitters,
had been engaged to make repairs
to tbe heating plant, and as they
entered the building they detected
the Bmell of gas. They thought lit
tle of the circumstance, however,
and as they passed into the furnace
room they struck a match to a gas
Ihere was a terrible explosion.
The eteam-fitters were thrown
through the doorway at tbe rear of
tbe building, while the building
collapsed, falling into a mass of
ruins. A crew was switching cars
on a sidetrack near the bank and
tbe cars blocked the crossing when
tb explosion occurred. Many per
sons were standing on the walk,
aw iitingthe passage of the cars
an ' thus were within reach of the
e plosion.
('here was a number of narrow
e- apes from dtath or serious injury.
Jm es Mullen was in his office in
i -e bank building when the acci-d-i
t occurred, aod he was not tak
en from the debris until the rescu
ers bad worked for two hours in
clearing away tbe wreckage. Tbe
bodies of the killed were fearfally
mangld. The eafety-depoeit vault
in the bank is uninjured.
At Oak Ridge school house Nov.
11. Ladies bring boxes. Gentle
men bring purses. Programme at
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the Estate
O. M. Smith, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons concern
ed that the undersigned has been duly appointed
executrix oi the last will and testament of C. M.
Smith, deceased, by the county courtof the state
of Oregon for Benton county. All persons hav
ing claims against said estate of C. M. Smith,
deceased, are hereby required to present the
same, with cue proper vouchers, amy verinea
as by law required, within six months from the
date hereof, to the undersigned at her residence
three miles northwest of corvallis, Oregon or
at the law office of E. E. Wilson, in Corvallls,
Benton county, Oregon.
Sated, November 3, 1905.
Executrix of the last wiU and testament of C.
M. Smith, deceased.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the Estate
William J Kelly, deceased) -
Notice is hereby etven to all oersons concern
ed that the undersigned has been duly appoint
ed administrator with the will annexed of the
estate of said William i. Kelly, deceased, by the
county court of the state of Oregon, for Benton
county. All persons having claims against said
estate ot William J. Kelly, deceased, are hereby
required to present the same, with the proper
vouchers, amy verinea as oy law re
quired, within six months f iom the date hereof,
to the undersigned at his residence in Monrc e.
Oregon, or at the law office of E. K. Wilson, in
Corvallls, Benton county, Oregon.
Dated November 3, 1905.
Administrator with the will annexed of the es
tate of fa. J. Kelly, deceased.
Twenty five people to pick potatoes on
shares next Saturday. Inquire of Sam
uel Whitesides, Ind. phone number 2 on
Plymouth line.
Yes Ma'am
This is Mrs, ..Please
send by the first delivery
2 packages Plymouth Rock Geli ine
1 bottle Burnette Vanilla Extract
1 quart Manzinelto Olives for 25 cts
1 jar pickled Lamb Tongue
1 pound Saratoga Chips
1 gallon fresh' Cider
1 pound Full Cream Oheese
1 quart Sauer Kraut
' 1 package Zest
1 pound New Dates
2 pounds New Figs
Our ad., but our goods change hands
every day. Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea.
iig Line. Fresh Groceries
Domestic and Imported.
Iain and Fancy Unaware
A large and varied line.
We always keep
when they are
Cumber Tor Sale
At Lowest Possible Prices
Send in House Bills for estimates of cost
All kinds and grades of lumber
filled. Lumber delivered
Bell Phone"4x2.
Sawmill located four miles
Butter and Eggs at
Moses Brothers
If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and see us. "We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information, you: wish also
showing you over the country. ( '
.Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
: Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon.
GIVE ME 203.
Vegetables when
tobe had.
on hand, all orders piomptly
when required.
Philomath, Ore.
R. F. D. 2.
southwest of Philomath.
- For Sale.
Wagons, backs, plows, harrows.
mowers, driving horses, draft ho
buggies and harness: fresh cows
you want to buy, come in. I can
you money.
H, M. Stone.
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon ....
Philomath, Oregon.
of Corvallie, Oregon,
MAKES LOANS on approved se
curity, and especially oo wheat
oats, flour, wool, baled hay,
chittim bark, aod all other
classes of produce, upon the re
ceipt thereof stored in mills and
public warehouses, or upon
chattel mortgages and also
upon other classes of good 88
upon the principal financial
centers of the United States
and foreign countries thus
transferring money to all parts
of the civilized world.
A CONSERVATIVE general busi-
ness transacted in ull lines of
Physician & Surgeon,
Offim ii n stairs i n "RnrriPtif- "Rrinlr
1r1pnni cn 4-Via rrirn or rt KTnriiostn
Seventh at. Phone 4 t fi.
Banking Company
Cohvallw, Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Boys County, City and School
- Warrants.
Principal Correspondents.
The Bank o
NT5W tOKK Messrs. J. P. Morgan A Co.
CHICAGO National Bank ot The. Repub
LONDON, ENG. N M Rothschilds A Son ;
CAN AD A . Cnlon Bank of Canada
R. D. Burgess
Of&ce over Blackledges furniture
store. Hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5.
Phone, office 216; Res 454
Corvallis, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over poatoffien. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hoars 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. in. Orders may be
eft at Graham & v. -ham's drug store.
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanR BIdg. Hoarsi
lO to 12 and 2 to 4.
Phone, office 83.
Residence 351.
First Nat'l Bank Building,
Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County
E. R. Bryson,
Largest line of matting in the city at
For Sale.
Draft or carriage horae. weight 1,200
ound and true, thoroughly broken to al
lasses of work, perfectly safe for ladie
nd children. Also new 2-inch "01
Hickory" wagon, and complete set o
work harness. Inquire at City Stable
Child Not Expected to Uve from One
Hour to Another, but Cared
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ai
Diarrhoea Remedy. 0
Kuth. the little daughter of E. N.
of Asrnewville. Va, was seriously ill1
cholera infantum last summer. "We gafc
ber up and did not expect her to live from
ne hour to anotner, ne says. 1 nappem
to think of Chamberlain's tnc, tholera ai
Diarrhoea Kemedy and got a bottle of
from the store. In five hours I saw a change
for the better. We kept on giving it aJ
before she had taken the half of one smal
bottle she was well." This remedy is for safe
by Graham & Wortfcam.