The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 07, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XVHI.-No. 17.
B. F. Ill VI 1TB Bdcto?
and Proprieto.
Ulool Dress Goods
at ost?
If so, you can have an immense and
up to date stock from which
to make your selections.
No reserve. To heavy stock in this
department the cause. Don't
fail this opportunity to
save dollars.
Call and See.
Be Alarmed!!
Unless it is by one of our Alarm Clocks, and you will
be spared the annoyance of an alarm at the wrong time.
Clocks guaranteed. A full line of Jewelry, 0. A. C.
Pins, Optical Good?. Get one of our self-filling Foun
tain Pens. We do all kinds of optical work. Eye
strain, headache, relieved by a pair of our glasses.
Pratt The-Jeweler 6c Optician.
Licensed to Practice Optometry in the State of Oregon.
Performed Second Operation to
Save Girl's Iife and, Failing,
Cut Up Her Body and Cast
it Into Boston Harbor
Other News.
Oregon's Great Recreation and
Health Resort at the Newport
As a winter health and recreation re
sort Newport is the one par excellence.
Recognizing this, and wishing to give
the people an opportunity to breathe
the fresh, pure ozone of the ocean, the
Southern Pacific and Corvallis & East
ern railroads will resume the sale of
tickets through to Vaquina Bay on Sat
turday, October 21, and will sell same
throughout the winter and spring on ev
ery Wednesday and Saturday. The rates
will be the same as during the summer
and will be good for return 30 days from
date of sale. 1
Dr. Minthorn's sanitary sea baths will
be in operation during the entire winter
and treafments will be given daily. Hot
aid cold salt water baths can be taken
every day in the sanitarium, and for any
, one desiring rest, recreation end health,
. no place on the .Pacific Northwest oan
be found equal to Yaquina Bay.
Neat, clean, cottages eithei furnished
r partly so; can be rented in the immed
fcte neighborhood of the sanitary baths
, about 5 per month. Plenty of fresh
9 vegetables, honey, fruit and all
foosehold necessaries can be obtained at
the lowest possible cost, while all kinds
f fish and the famous rock oysters can
le had in abundance for fee trouble of
' Uteuring them.
Full information as to rates, time ta'
- lies, etc can be obtained on application
to JrC. Mayo, Gen.-Pass. agt. C. & B.
S.. R.; Albany; W. E. Coman, G. P, A
& P.: Uo. Portland or to any S, P. or
. & E. agent. -
- Bate from Corvallis to Yaquina, ft-50.
Opera House
Starting Monday
November 13tli
7 he Great New York
Boston, Nov. 3. Following a
brief conversation by officers over
the long distance telephone, the
ecene of developments in the fam
ous suitcase mystery has shifted
from New York back to Boston.
Dr. D. Percy McCleod, a reputable
physician of the Back Bay district,
was arrested today on the charge of
performing an illegal operation on
Susan Geary, the Cambridge chor
us girl whoee remains were found
in two suit cases in the . waters of
Boston harbor. Through the con
fession of Lewis Crawford and Wil
liam Howard, the two men arrested
in New York yesterday, the author
ities received evidence, which in
their opinion, warranted the arrest.
It is alleged that Dr. McLeod was
called into the case after the first
operation was performed In the Tre
mont street office, and that he per
formed a second operation of a des
perate nature in a vain attempt to
save the life of the young woman
After Miss Geary failed to recover,
it is alleged, Dr. McLeod in an effort
to conceal the crime dismembered
the body..
Dr. McL,eod will be arraigned in
court tomorrow. No sum has been
set to night as the amount of bis
bail bond, bat District Attorney M.
J. Saghrue stated that, owing to
the gravity of the charge, it would
be large. .
Morris Nathan, the lover of Miss
Geary, who was arrested in Pitts
burg last Saturday night and
brought to this city in a state of
collapse, is gradually recovering at
the city hospital, where he was tak
en on bis arrival here, and will
probably be arrainged in court
While at first the police were of
the opinion that Nathan was not
directly connected with the case,
they now say that he conducted the
negotiations with the proprietors oi
the Tremont street establishment,
with which Crawford was connect
ed, and that he was fully aware of
the result of the operation.
Following the arrest of Dr, 'Mc
Leod, Captain Dogan sent out in
spectors in search of a woman who,
according to the police, had been
employed as a nurse at a house in
Roxbury, where Miss Geary was
sent to recover after the operation.
It is claimed that ,th nuree was
present at the second operation al
leged to have been performed by
Dr. McLeod and knows the rela
tions the Dr. bore to the office
where tbe dead girl underwent the
original operation.
On the strength of the alleged
statement by Timothy Howard, one
of the New York suspects, that the
head of the suitcase victim had been
thrown from a ferryboat into the
Boston Harbor in a weighted hand
bag, the police today began dragging
the bottom of the harbor.
Police Captain Dugan today ob
tained warrants for the arrest of
Crawford and Howard on the charge
of committing an illegal operation uo
Susan Geary. A warrant was also
iBBued agaiust Howard, charging
him with being an accessory to the
Boston , police officials and . their
witnesses. He had on the same
clothing which be is believed to
have worn in Boston while making
bis alleged trip with the suitcases
to BostOD harbor. In bis room at
72 West Eighty-ninth street the po
lice found a gray suit and a long
slate-colored raincoat, both of which
resembled the clothing that Cab
man Howard said tbe man wore
when be drove from Boston to Chel
When the cab driver saw Craw
ford be immediately identified him
as one of the two men who were in
his cab with suitcases on the night
when the girl's body was thrown
into the harbor. He also identified
the prisoner Howard as Crawford's
companion that night.
Later the two pawnbrokers
and one of tbe pawnbrokers' clerks
identified the prisoners.
The New York police announced
after this identification, that Craw
ford, who was reticent when arrest
ed last night, said that be was one
of the men who helped dispose of
the body. The prisoners were ar
raigned in tbe Tomba court, but
were remanded to the police with
out examination.
Portland, Nov. 3. Nellie Winzen
ried of 4o8 Hall street this morning
escaped a Berious accident and what
might have been death. She bad
come out from the Portland Busi
ness college, where she is a student,
and started acros6 Washington
street at Park street. A covered de
livery wagon hid an approach
ing car from view and sbe
stepped into the middle of the track
just as the Willamette Heights car
came up.
The bolts above the fender caught
her dd by the skirt and held her
about the waist, pushing her along
before the car for several feet. Mo
torman Christensen stopped the car
as quickly as possible and the girl
was dragged out unhurt but shriek
ing with terror. Her body bad been
pressed against the front of the
wheel but the bolt that held her
kept her from being dragged under
by pushing her forward.
Mountain View, O. T., Nov. 4.
At 5:45' this afternoon a terrible
tornado visited this city on the
southwest and plowed its way
through to tbe northeast, totally
destroying everything in its nalh.
Seven were killed and 15 injured
The Manhattan hotel has been cod
verted into a morgue. This catas-
trophe is second only to the great
Snider disaster last spring. ,
More than a dozen buildings were
wrecked, but the business district
was not in the path of the cyclone
and sustained but slight damage.
Streets were flooded lifce rivers.
There were trees uprooted and build
ings wrecked.
The 6 months-old child was found
dead at 6:30. Its head was crushed
almost beyond recognition.
Washington, Nov. 4. The minister
of foreign affairs at Pekin has re
quested the Ameriean minister to
inform this government that tbe
Chinese government is profoundly
humiliated and distressed at the
massacre of five American mission
aries at Lienchow and. has promised
prompt and vigorous action.
18 Acting Members in a
Selection of Popular Copyright
ed Plays
Monday Night
"A Broken Heart''
Tuesday Night
"The Great Diamond Robber
Wednesday Night
"The Man From Japan" .
Popular Prices
15c,25c 6c 35c
Price of 'admission will
most cheerfully refunded, if en
tire satisfaction is not given.
New York, Nov. 3. Supt, Pierce
of the Boston police, and Chief
Watts, of the Massachusetts state
police arrived today, accompanied
by the witness in the suitcase mys
tery. They, left Boston at midnight.
When tbe BoBton party arrived
at police headquarters today, the
prisoners were brought out for in
spection. Chief Watts recognized
Watson and said :
"I feel sure Crawford is' tbe head
man in this case. He was the prin
cipal at the house of Dr. Bishop,
and it was through him, I believe,
I that Howard, or Hunt, as he calls
nimselt, was brought into tne case.
umet Watts said tnat tne case
against those who caused the death
of Miss Geary was practically com
plete now, but there probably would
be l be other arrests in a few days.
Crawford was dressed by order of
the New York police in gray cloth
ing, which was first seen by the
All of Southern Russia convulsed
by Furious Outbreak Against
Persecuted Race Ten Thou
sands Killed Soldiers Join
With People.
Kishineff, Nov. 4. Kishineff's
streets run red with blood. Tews
are being slaughtered by scores;
homes pillaged, women despoiled.
Never before has such a violent an
ti-Semitic outbreak been known,
even here, where slaughters of Jews
only recently horrified tbe world. '
London, Nov. 4. The Odessa
correspondents of the London Daily
Mail and Daily Telegraph this
morning wired their papers that
Kishineff is in flames and absolute-
y destroyed. They also add that
three suburbs of Odessa have been
devastated by mobs.
It will be a week before all the
horrible tale of Jewish massacres
throughout Russia comeB to light
and then, when the full number oi
dead is known, its appalling total
will be so h'-avy it will practically
be beyond belief.
Odessa, Nov. 3. A dispatch
from Kishineff says:. A horrible
massacre has occurred here. Hun
dreds have been killed. All the
hospitals, pharmacies and hotels are
mil 01 wounded and mutilated per
A telegram irom JNicolaien says
the whole town is in the hande of
bandits who are devastating houses
and shops, and beating people to
death without the slightest hin
drance. The authorities hear sim
ilar news from other southern cities
London, Nov. 3. A special to
the Standard from Odessa, says.
Three railway stations have been
burned between Odessa and Shmer
inks, and the postal service has
been suspended. Collisions between
armed forces continued until late at
night in three' districts. Today's
casualties are believed tobavenum
bered about 500.
AmoDg the incidents I witnessed
today was the following. A stud
ent and a girl were driving in a
droshky, tbe girl wearing a rsid
cross armlet. six Jossaeks were
quietly passing, when suddenly the
girl fired, wounding one of tbem in
the leg. The Cossacks replied,
shooting the student dead. The
student attempted to flee, but was
shot, and as she fell it could be
seen that tbe feminine dress mask
ed a student.
The Chief correspondent of Ren
ter's Telegram Company, under data
of November 3, says:
"The Jewish quarter has been
given over to plunder, raids and
murder ever since the emperor an
nounced the granting of a constitu
tion. On that day during a, mon
ster demonstration in front of the
town hall, a shot suddenly was
heard. The Cossacks and dragoons
immediately charged into the crowd,
firing right and left, and the police
and others dragged away the dead '
and wounded, numbering more
than 130, into the neighboring court
yards, while the terror-stricken
demonstrators fled, pursued by a
mob of ruffilans, who attacked
them as they ran.
"At 7 0 clock in the evening an
organized attack on the Jewish
quarter began, on the pretext that
during the week a portrait of the
emperor had been insulted in the
town hall. The lower quarter of
the town, Podlik, was sacked,' and,
although the authorities promised a
Jewish deputation protection, the
pillage lasted all night long. Ware
houses were looted and people rob
bed; incendiarism was indulged in,
and many were killed.
Warsaw, Russian Poland, Nov.
3. A remarkable feature of the
demonstrations here was the fra
ternizing of tbe people of the sol
diers. The latter were carried about
on the shoulders of the crowd, and
were furnished with champagne
and cigarettes. All classes ' of the
population participated in the dem
onstrations. The orchestra of the
Court Theatre . led a crowd singing;
"The Marseillaise." All the stores
were closed. . .
The greatest rage is felt against
the Cossacks, whose attack on the
crowd before the City Hall was un
provoked. Many were killed or
At a socialist mass meeting tbia
afternoon two infantry soldiers in
full uniform delivered revolutionary
addresses, assuring their hearera
that the revolutionary propaganda
was growing in the army, and that
the time was not far remote, when'
the army would join in a revolution
to overthoow a despotic throne.
The meeting resolved to exclude
newspapers, bakers and butchers,
and cafes and restaurants from the
general strike.
A bomb was thrown into the tel
egraph office at Odessa today, and
I2 telegraphers were killed or
St. Petersburg, Nov. 3. It ia
semi-officially calculated that in the
rioting since Wednesday fully 10,
000 have been killed and as many
more eeriously wounded in 50 lead
ing provincial towns.
. Berlin, Nov. 4 The Tageblatte
prints tbe following dispatch from
tbn Jewish owner of three bouses
continued on page four
London, Nov. 6. The Odessa
correspondent of the Standard un
der date of Nov. 5, sends further
sensational accounts of the riots
1 ib-re. He says:
There have been more horrify
ing massacres and fiendish cruelties,
but the districts where theBe took
place are now cordoned by troops,
Probably the total killed will num
ber 3500 and the wounded I2.UUU.
In the suburb of Moldovanka
alone 1,000 victims remained in the
streets from midnight until noon,
when the authorities hastened to
collect and bury the bodies in great
pits in order to conceal their num
bers. Two private doctors attend
ed more than 3oo children of both
sexes who had been horribly g ash
ed about the head and soldiers with
"Heading insult, on injury the
civil governor today, when tbe butch
ery had ended, asked the household
ers to subscribe $ loo, 000 to pay the
police increased wages."
Barred Plymouth Rocks.
For Sale. A choice lot of breeding
nens, puneis ana cocKereis at irom $1.
each upward. All my young birds are
from pen headed by an Arpo cock bird,
(cost price $20.00.)
W. G.Emery,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Absolutely Pure
It makes the most delicious
and healthful hot breads,
biscuit and cake
No other baking preparation or powder;
has equal leavening strength
or healthful qualities
; I , - -