The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 31, 1905, Image 3

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For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
. Father. Springer was a business
visitor in Newport over Sunday..
c Miss Erma Sutherland of Port
land is the guest of Mrs. Austin
Mrs. Janie Hays -returned yes
terday t6 iTer home at Dallas after a
visit with Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Gru
gett. ' "
F. Berchtold was one of the
speakers at a celebration of the 37 th
anmverjarv of the A. O. U. W. m
Albany Friday evening.
. . . . - - 1
uniuue lnvuauuus uavc uccu
issued by Rev. and Mrs. Simpson
to the young people ot the church
for a Halloween pprty to be given
at the rectory tonight.
- TsTw residents in the citv are
Mrs. Sarah A. Kemp and daugh
ter, of St. Johns. They are the
widow and daughter of the late
won a kpttitv ana were iurni-
erly residents of Corvallis. -
James Scott and Nancy E.
McElhiney are to, be wedded in
this towfl tomorrow. They are
aged respectively 60 and 50 years,
and are estimable people from Fair-
mount orecinct. The license for
, their union was issued Monday,
The will of . the late Charles
- M. Smith has been filed for pro
bate at the clerk's office. It leaves
to each of the six children $100
each, and the remainder of the es
tate valued at $10,000,$ goes to the
widow. Mrs. bmith is named as
executrix, to serve without bonds.
Building operations in Corval
. lis are still wide spread. The near
approach of winter appears not to
have perceptibly slackened the act
ivity. Sawmill men say " bills for
lumber for new dwelling houses
ce me in as frequently now as they
did in the middle of summer. - It is
guessed that the number of dwell
ines built during; the season is
double that of any former year.
Lester Smith, eldest son.-, of
Mrs. C. M. Smith who resides 'on
Odd Fellows hill, was married Sun
t a W rM t J . 1 j C
aay 10 tvuss xviva iieea, aaugnier 01
Mrs. William Reed, who resides on
the Stewart place north of " town.
The wedding occurred at the home
of the bride's parents, and the knot
Methodist, church. The young
couple left Monday for
Dnei visit in .tvings v aiiey.
The entertainment eiven the
ladies of the Feronian literary soci
ety Saturday night by the Philadel
phian society was unusually pleas
ant. There was a - program that
consisted of an instrumental num
ber by Mr. Frank, a recitation by
Walter Waggoner, a banjo ; solo by
Mr. Poe, followed by an encore
number, and a farce by Messrs Ber
man, Johnson, Jordan and Dicken.
A supper was the concluding fea
ture of this en joyable affair.
News of the burning of the col
lege building at ..... Fhilomath was
flashed into Corvallis by telephone
but a short time after the fire start
ed. Thus directed, many Corvallis
people were able to see the smoke
. from the burning structure which
. rose skyward in a huee. column to
the westward. The fire broke out
shortly after two o'clock, aod in- the
1 imes office, the story, 01 it ywas
written and in type sVortly . after.
four o'clock. The' new . ",' century
has marvelous conveniences.
A richly dressed lady entering
. - - -vr -Tr i- r. i a.
a. mew iuiK. tar, iuuuu every seac
. filled-' A man got up to give the
lady his seat. Alter carefully wip
ing the seat off with her dainty lace
handkeichief, she - sat down. The
- .man who was a laborer 'after ex
amining her for a moment,"- said,
"Excuse me lady. I forgot "some
thing." . The lady arose, and after
very carefully dusting the seat with
a large bandanna handkerchief,
with which he - whipped from his
pocket, he sa down, saving politi
Jy, - i. bans: you mad
' ' The Portland
ment much., now o
- of footbaSbetwei
- ual. lney sajit is a game com
- ing to be to Oregon what the an
nual uerKeley-Stantord game is to
California, and that- it ougb to be
played each year in Portland. The
plan commends istelf on a . basis, of.
" eternal fitness ' No other game ; in
ine lMortnwest can be made to . apH
. proacn it in interest to Oregonians,
. Played - annually in - Portland ; it
would jn two Or three years assume
. an " importance wherein . it : would
yield gate receipts ' of several thous
ands, paying all the expenses o
both teaims for the year , .and af
fording funds for the maintalhance
of each jejeven.: The wonder is that
the athletic - committees and foot
. - ball managers of the two institutions
r . have not long before discerned the
' . advantage and . adopted the plan of
playing the game as proposed..
Mr. Boyer, who is a represent
ative of the Order of Washington,
transacted business in town Satur-
day. ,'
Miss CI are Starr, who was oblig
ed to leave college on account of ill
ness, returned Saturday and resum
ed her" studies at O. A. C. -
Rev. and Mrs. Waltz of Belle
fountain were among those who
witnessed the re-opening of the M.
E. church in Corvallis Sunday. -
Miss Mollie . Kiger, who has
been for sometime the guest of Cor
vallis relatives, left yesterday for
her home in Seattle.
Accounts cf the Perkeley-OAC
game appear elsewhere in the
Times. Not in a long lime has so
much interest been manifested in
the outcome of an athletic contest,
as was apparent in town Saturday
afternoon. Main street in the vi
cinity of the Times office bulletin
board and stretching away to the
telegraph office was" crowded with
students and others waiting for the
retnrns. In the Times office from
four o'clock to seven, one person
was kept 'answering inquiries by
telephone, some of the requests for
news coming from as far: away as
Airlie. ' '.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Tharp re
turned to their home at Bellefoun
tain Sunday, after a visit with Cor
vallis friends. - Mrs. Tharp had
been in, this city for a week.
Miss Minnie Winn returned to
her home at Liberty, Lane county
after a three weeks' . visit at the
home of her sisier, Mrs. A. T.
Grugett. ,
Philip Bates," publisher and
proprietor of the Pacific Northwest,
an agricultural paper published at
Pottland was a Corvallis visitor
Monday. V .. ..
Maro, the Magician, in Lyceum
Lecture course comes next Monday
evening, the 6th. Holders of Sea
son Tickets may secure reserved
seats Friday. Graham& Wortham's
Mrs. W. L. Roberts and
daughter of Prescott, Arizona, and
Mrs. Charles Hadley of Eugene, ar
rived Saturday and are guests of
Mrs. J. Mason and other Corvallis
-Clarence Tedrow and family
have removed from Polk county
farm to Corvallis, where they will
hereafter reside. 1 hey occupy a
part of the 'Montgomery ; house on
South Main street.
W.E.Yates and family de
parted Saturday for Vancjuver,
Wash., where they are to reside.
Many old-time friends in Corvallis
join in good wishes for their fu
ture welfare.
A. L. Clark, who has been a
part of Alsea nearly all his life, has
quitted that valley and gone to
Monroe to reside. -, He holds a position-with
A. Wilhelm & Sons.
The hotel at Monroe - is under
going improvements. The roof
has been taken off and another sto
ry added, besides additional chang-
es being made. The proprietor is
Mr. McGinnis.
rT-3?be Justices . of -Jthe 1 Peace of.
Benton are requested' by Clerk
Moses to take notice that he has
full supply of deer tags on hand,
and that such as want to be suppli
ed should make their requirements
A picture of C. W. Beaver,
late graduate ot UAU, recently ap
peared m the ban Francisco Exam
iner.- The story under, the picture
told how Mr. Beaver is assistant
chemist, fothe city of San Francis
co. The GAC boys continue to go
the front. -
The annual game between the
junior elevens of the State Univer
sity and OAC' occurs on college
held at three O clock Friday , even
ing ; Both teams are understood
to be strong, and much interest at
taches to the struggle,, .especially
among the lower classmen of the
twoaifatufibjK."?;";': ;
Mrs Xorton,. whose beautif ul
coEtralto voice f harmed -a Corvallis
4u3fe4oe;. at the .recital of; "Miss s3or-
otnea dM:m .tea, dags ago, 13 m a
Portlafcd3jtj3ieKday after
she left Corvallis she Was taken' ill,
and four days later underwent a
For Corvallis 0. A. C. Football Men
Arrive Tomorrow.
-'" -Oakland,. October 30. The team
is still at Hotel, Touraine. We
spent Sunday and today in the city
and at Berkeley. Boys all in good
condition and enjoying' themselves.
We start home tomorrow morning,
and shall 'be in Corvallis-. at three
o'clock ' Wednesday "afternoon.
The substitute fullback played the
game of his life, and so did Wil
liams. The Berkeley men say the
contest with OAC was the hardest
they expect this year. They have
the highest respect for our team.
All the men about Berkeley say
their team is fifty per cent strong
er than two weeks ago. They are
confident of- winning the Berkeley
Stanford game.
In Saturday's game, Bundy was
sent to the sidelines for the third
time in his career. He Is all right
now, thongh still a trifle stiff. Little
went in as substitute in his place,
and showed up fine. He fought
successfully until laid out. He
broke up two plays out of three and
in the third play was knocked crazy.
Captain Root believes as do all the
rest of our boys, that we can skin
them. Not one in the bunch is
satisfied. Steckle Is very proud of
his players. He is over to see the
Berkeley bunch practice this after
noon. v
The freshman backs played the
first five minutes, but were sent to
tha sidelines in a hurry, and Coach
Knibbs of Berkeley trotted al
his thoroughbreds into tne game
with equal celerity, and none too
soon. . ,-
m u
vspapers com-
e annual game
of O. and
Unless you have seen the new Fall
Styles in "La Vogue' .Ladies' Coats we
have on display, you do not know how
splendidly ready-to-wear garments can be
There is such splendid style and dres
sy tone to them, and they are so well
sewed and finished that you'll be surprised.
They fit gracefully to the natural lines
of the"ligure and. the woman they would
not become would be hard to fit.
Better see them before too many are .sold.
Price $5 to $20.
We are here expressly for the purpose of furnishing your home with Furniture
and house furnishings. . Our store i9 a scene of bustle'and activiiy from morning till
night. Good goods and reasonable prices is our motto. We havevno favorites, prices
the same to everybody.'. v-; - . ,!
A car load of chairs just received. A new line of Dressers, Extension tfaHes
and Stands ready for inspection. Charter Oak, Laurel and Toledo Ranges, best on th0
market. We sell ranges on installment plad. If jou need astove-or range come 4&
. .-. - . .
and talk with. - - - , ' , -
And Bonds Sold They Went at Good
Premium Few Local Bids..
The $75,000 issue of water bonds
was sold to the highest bidder by
the Water Board Monday night.
The securities brought a premium
aggregating in all about $1,500 on
the entire issue. . The buyers are
Morris Brothers, well known bond
buyers of Portland . . Other bidders
for the whole issue ! were . Charles
Coffin of" Chicago, who offered a
premium Of $5oi, together with
blank bonds, and Denison Prior &
Co. of Cleveland, Ohio, who offer
ed a premium of $1,372.50 and ac
crued interest. .The bids of Morris
Brothers was a premium, of $587.50
blank bonds free of charge, and the
privilege ot delivering the bo ads in
rots or $10,000 or upwards, at any
time prior to six .months after date
of issue, refunding, accrued interest
on deferred deliveries. ". The latter
provisioo, contrasted with the single
delivery to the Cleveland people ef
fects a slaving Iq the board as esti
mated now. ot . about $809.50,
which with the blank; bonds tmd
prehums affords a real premium of
aDoEi,500. Tne Cleveland peo
pie aisrequrea principal and in
terest beijpid in. New Vork,
surgical operation torappendicitislhich under the 1 law authorizing
The annual gamfr" between
State University'aad'O A: C-. jun
iors next Fridtrlrafternoofrf will be
the last football - game tobe seen
here until the 24th instiShe. link
up of the O. A. C. boys Ilariaot
been, announced ,"T)Ut it is supposed
that Jt will be something ' like this?
center tStierry; gsaidsiittle, Pen
dergfass lind wkesfackles,;Mc
KtnnonfDarby and SoIef -e nds;
Rose, ; Harding and :- RttmSaugh;
halves, Finn, Sweeki efOBaffef Pot!
terfield and Rumbaugh fullback,
ivajr - vv aijci
'''- ' jwrvVj..
of so A
ficcuDy '. tjieir new
The House Furnishers.
Seeds. ;
Red, White, Crimson, Alsike and Al
falfa clovers. Vetch, cheat, Rape, Speltz,
English and Italian Bye grass, Orchard
grass, Timothy, Black and gray oats.
Grab oak wood sawed. vetcn nay. -
Leave orders at Robinson
and Stevenson's "office or telephone, to
L. L. Brooks.
Notice is hereby given that there
is money on hand at the county
treasurer's office - to pay all orders
endorsed and marked "not paid for
want of funds" up to and including
those of June the 12th I905. In
terest will be stopped on same from
this date. Corvallis, Orego 0, Oct.
18, 1905. - . - " .- ;
- - W. A. Buchanan.
Treasurer of Benton county.
For Rent.
- ,
A nice little home of i7 acres for one
year at J iOO.
Ambler &-Watters.
Latest Styles
In 3 week
and family will
mansion; probably the vfauest resi
dence in the county its "only rival
being theCorfalli'" home of Dr.
and; Mrs., Farra?.;Tffe carpets are
beMg laid and other ne'wfiirniture
and1 furnishing' jare eoiufev- into
place." The store building pf the
same htm, the biggest, thing of the
wna ia ;tce v ayey is rapidly' near
ing completion, i It 125 feet wide
and 80 ieet deep, containing ioioob
feet of. floor space.galleries not in
cluded. When occupied, the new
establishment will take on the full
character of a complete department
store. The capacity of the electric
light plantat f. Monroe installed.- M
year ago, lsbestjg : increased to ac
commodate the n&w. buildings "and
jyionroe town
the bond issue is frossible. Eu
gmeer Miller estimates . that $20,
000 in money wille required for
the contractors by January 1st, an
additional $20000 otef $3-5300 by
Masrcfh 20th, and thevbalance By.the
latter part of May or st of June.
Other bidders wer- Mrs. Emily
Cv Pernot, Corvallis, $1 ,000, par;
S. K. Brown,4; Philomath,- $1,500,
and a ; premium of $1$; Oregon
Fire Relief Association, of McMinn
ville, $1,000 for which a premium
of $40 was bid. The bids .: of the
local people will be turned: over to
the successful bidders, and it is
probable that each will , get the
amount of the bonds desired. 1
It is the understanding that the
work will begin on the line at once.
H.! Mitchell, the. man ; who is to
build the pips Hue has been wait
ing for the bids for bonds to be
opened. He was wired this morn
ing of the result of the bidding and
that the bonds had been sold. He
is expected to arrive-at once and
to begin immediately the -work of
clearing the right of way from ; the
intake on Rock Cre'ek to 'the valley.
It is stated oa -what seems to be
good authority that .. when once
smarted, Mr. Mwchell expects to put
iii the pipe line within " sixty days
thereafter. Engineer Miller figures
that the conplete system should be
finished and in .operation by the
.-1 st ot May; ' v :
For Sale.
Choice oats, vetch and cheat seed to
be had at reasonable prices, either at the
Corvallis: or Benton County Flonrin
Mills. A. W. Fischer.
Saved Represents
"--s -Dollars Earned. .
The average man does not save to exceed
ten per cent, of his earnings. He must spend
nine dollars in living expenses for every
dollar saved. That being the case he can
not be too careful about unnecessary ex
penses. Very often a few cents properly in
vested, like buying seeds for his garden,' will
save several dollars outlay later on. It is
the same in buying Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It costs
but a few cents, and a bottle of it in the house
often saves auloctor's bill of several dollars.
For sale by Graham & Wortham. -
in Fall and Winter Suits
:and Overcoats.
Guaranteed Clothing
Top m Round Shoes
Kingsbury Hats
f v.fnPYRIOIT 10ns RY
F. l. IVU L-L-ErR
Corvallis, Oregon
- - Butter. -
Try a roll of that Msple Front
Cieamery Butterx the sweetest, cleanest
and best.. At Thatcher & Johnson's.
For Sale
Phonograph records in first class
conditions-twenty cents each. -G.
W. Denman, Corvallis.
Trespass Notice.
There will be no shooting on the Ki
ger place ttus winter. Stay away or get
cinched. This includes night shooting.
, Richard Kiger,
Fine Job Work
Corvallis JTimes Office