Vol. XVin.-No.-17. CORVALLIS, OREGON. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 27. 1905. B. F. MtVUta Editor - - andProprleto: 3S m DO YOU WANT lUool Dress Goods at gost? If so, you can have an immense and up to date stock from which to make your selections. No reserve. To heavy stock in this department the cause. Don't fail this opportunity to save dollars. Call and See. Don't Be JJIartmcU! Unless it is byone of our Alarm Clocks, and you will be spared the annoyance of an alarm at the wrong time. Clocks guaranteed. . A full line of Jewelry, O. A. C. Pins. OptLal C-nn-. Get one of our self-filling Foun tain Pens. We ou all kind.- of optical work. Eye-i strain, headache, relieved by a pair of our glasses. Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician. Licensed to Practice Optometry in the State of Oregon. OLDEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD 18 MRS WOODS OF HILLSBORO, WHO IS IN HER 119th YEAR. Mrs. Woods DresEes and Cares for Herself acd Walks About the Yard and the House A Justice of the Peace Caught Stealing. charged by him in spits of the fact that ofhoers caught the negro io the act and he confessed.. It is also said that Carrier had a hand in stealing hams and selling them to a Chinese restaurant keep er, wnowas arrested ana nearly sect to the penitentiary for the crime, -it was : to tnls Chinese, Wong Kee, that Currier furnished ice, end; the Chinese informed the officers, who set a watch on the judge. : Tacoma, Wash , Oct. 22. A. B Warner, superintendent of the pub lie schools of Tacoma, and L. L Benbow, county euperintendeut o Fchool?, are making vain search for teachers capable of handling all grades of work. The schools of the city are fairly well equipped with teachers, but in the county two of the public institutions have been closed since thn opening; of the fall term because uf the inability of thej directors to secure teachers. ' i That there is an alarming lack! of good echoolteachers not only in Tacoma and Pierce county but else where is shown by numerous re quests received by educators here for teachers from other cities and counties in the s'ate. Ellensburg could use four teachers to advan tage; King county could use treble that number, if they were able, and Skagit, Snohomish, Lewis and oth er counties are making vain efforts to fill in vacancies caused by ' lack of suitable teachers. That the situation is serious is admitted by both superintendent Warner and Superintendent Ben-bow. Call at ZeirolPs for fresh grass seed, timothy, clover, alfalfa, vetch Honest Hearts A beautiful Comedy Drama by a metropolitan company carrying its own spe cial scenery. Notice. l."""mm'1" m,Jf sZ0$F2h 1 Notice is hereby given that there Is money on hand at the county treasurer's office to pay all orders endorsed and marked "not paid for want of funds" up to and including those of June the 12th 1905. In terest will be stopped on same from this date. Corvallis, Oregon , Oct. 18, 1905. W. A. Buchanan. Treasurer of Benton countv. Opera, House Friday Oct. 27 Hillsboro, Or.. Oct. 20. To be older than the United States government, to nave been a tod dling infant when Washington was inaugurated president in the 18th century and to walk erect in the full possession of her faculties under Roosevelt's administration in the twentieth century, to have witness ed all the stirring events of a won- der-workmg century, to have sur vived out of the old time into ours, haa been the good fortune of Mrs. Mary Ramsey Woods of Hillsboro, Oregon, who is probably the oldest woman in the world."- ' In her 119th year Mrs. Woods is ettll quite active. Daily she walks about the garden of fcher daughter's home, with whom she lrves," and sits upon the porch in eunny wea tber to converse with visitors. She keeps well posted on the events of the day and "maintains a lively in tereBt in politics. : ' " ' Mrs. Woods was born on May 20, 1787; at "Knoxville, Tenn, the year that the Northweet Territory was organized; and two years before the United States constitution ectw into effect. - Her maiden name was Ramsey and her father burned the brick and built ' tbe first brick structure in Knoxvuie. " one was i Jrears old when Tennessee was ad mitted as a state and iS years old when Lewis and Clark made their famous journey to the coast. - - At an early rage Mary Ramsey merried Jacob Lemons and was left a widow 3 years ago, at the time Andrew Jackson was nearing the end of his first term as president As "a' young matron ebe remembers distinctly the war of I8I2, when her father1 strapped his blankets across fct's b&uldereJtook down his old rifle and fought the British un til the close of the struggle. After the death of her husband she accompanied her daughter, Mrs C. B. south worth, and her husband across the plains to Oregon, arriving in Hillsboro in 1053.' bhe was then 66 years old, but rode a bay mare the entire distance from Tennessee, her daughter and her husband driv ing an ox team : Soon after arriving in Hillsboro Mrs. Lemons married John Woods, with wbom she lived happily for many years. At Hillsboro she built th9 first hotel, which occupied the site of tbe optra house now being constructed. The couple ran the ho'el until forty years ago, when her daughter, Mrs. C. B. Reynolds formerly Mrs. Southwortb. and her only surviving child, succeeded her in its management. Mrs. Woods had four children by her first- husband Mary J. Lem one, wno died in lennessee two years ago at the age of 98; Isaac Lemons, who died in Kansas City Missouri, 40 years ago; Nancy E Bullock, who died at Hillsboro 38 years ago, and Mrs. C. B. Ramsey who is now living in Hillsboro, stc while 70 years of age, is devotii g her life to tbe care of her aged par ent. . . . Mrs. Woods weighs 130 pounds, dresses and cares for herself and walks about tbe yard and the house. She is hard of hearing and blind in one eye, but otherwise hale and hearty. She is able to thread a needle and does much sewing. About six months ago she cut a tooth. , Her memory is good as to past events. She became a member of the Methodist church South 106 years ago and is Btill a member of that church. She says Bhe is a "Hearst" woman and refers joking ly to the "Black Republicans." Kharkeff, Russia, Oct. 24 A eruDua conflict between the troors and the people, during which there were many casualties on both sides occurred here last night. While a meetini of 2o,ooo citizens, students and workmen was in progress the cry of f the Cossacks are coming!" suddenly raised and a panic follow ed. Ma'ny'persons were injured io the crub. Subsequently the crowd came in contact with a detachment of cav airy, revolver shots were find by some of the civilians and small bombs were hurled among the cav alry. - The latter thereupon fired two volleys with blank cartridges and then fired with bullets. Both sides suffered seriously. Many of tbe wounded were left on the ground when the crowd dispersed. Strikers have since plundered the gunsmiths stores and have armed themselves. A number of bakeries have been destroyed and all work has been stopped at others. - ' Scarcity: of tbe necessaries of life Is already feli here. - One ot the strongest and best and best attractions of the sea son. ' PIANOS AT SMALL PRICES. The Eilers way of Selling and why they can do it A few Figures that Illustrate how it can be done Your Opportunity to get a Piano No Home Need be Without one. Cut rates on pianos! You have heard of cut prices on groceries, but cut prices on pianos, how is it possible you ask. That is just it. .before such a thing could be effect' pianos, it would be impossible, ab solutely impossible to get better pi anos than we have to sell,.. simply because we have the best that mon ey can buy, Chickering, Weber, ed there must have been a comblti-LKimball and others, over thirty auoD 01 very unusual conamocs. In the first place it means buy ing in largequantitles, getting out ot the small way of doing business. It means the cutting out of every ustleeB and unnecessary expense. It means the shipment of pianos without boxes in special cars which saves big sums on freight charges. Then it means the selling of pi anos bo excellent and satisfactory. that the public demands them. We have accomplished just these things. ; We buy ior the largest and busiest stores on the Pacific Coast, in Portland, Astoria, Salem, Pendleton and Eugene, Ore: San Francisco, Stockton and Oakland, Cal.; Sfohane, Seattle and Walla Walla, Wash.; Boise and Lewiston, liana. . . . We buy the best pianos that money can secure. If we went all oyer the world .with hundreds ' of thousands of dollars to spend, on Washington, Oct.' 24. General Isham Randolph, who built the Chicago drainage catal and' who is a member of the consulting engln eers ot the - Panama canal, today expressed publicly his : belief that the isthmian ditch will be complet ed and in operation - within 10 years. He saya that 24,ooo men will at least be needed on the io makes in all. We have placed the selling cf ur pianos in the hands of Prof. Tail landier, head of the piano depart ment of the Oregon Agricultural College. Prof. Taillandier's entire reliability and excellent judgment are well known to the people of tais vicinity. Piano buyers will do ibt less be glad of th9 opportunity to consult him in regard to their se lection of a piano. He will be more than pleaBad "o giye you all the information d-eir-ed and can be seen at his residence on College Hill on Saturdays &nd every evening of the week. A telephone call will bring him to your house. Independent 185. EILERS PIANO HOUSE, Largest leading and most les poasible dealers in the Northws-t. Prof.-Taillandier, Spicial . . . Representative. RUSSIA IS SHAKEN. STv PETERSBURG ENTIRELY CUT OFF BY STRIKERS. St. Petersburg. Oct. 24 The government resumed railroad -eer vice on a few roads today, but un der great difficulty. The decision of the railroad men at a meeting here tonight to declare a general strike has immensely complicated the problem. Trains left for Mos cow today over the Nicholai road, but the passengers were coiified that communication was guaran teed only as far as Tver. Several attempts were made to interrupt communication by -tele graph and telephone out of Moscow and the officers had to be guarded by Cossacks. Pereons wishing to send messages had to fight their way through crowds of strikers, and in many cases were severely bandied. The strike has taken a violent turn in a number of cities, from which reports come of encounters between mobs and the police and troojs. - .. :! . - . . Agrarian disorders have broken out in the province of Samara. The troops sent to Kharkoff include a detachment of artillery, : indicating that the situation there is quite se rious. . The executive committee of the League of Leagues has adopted res olutions .saying that . the present moment was favorable for a gener al strike of all the professions, and recommending doctors, lswyets, en gineers and all other members of constituent organizations to cease all professional activity. they become large enough to be of value as shade trees. ... Thousands of dollars have Ken distributed among the Lane coun ty farmers for tbe baik of the c bit tern tree, and if the market gr ws slack they can make up the dffi ciency by selling ellns for , shade trees. 1. .. First class vetch seed 2 i-a miles south of Philomath. Address E. Conger Corvallis, Or Bell phone no 16 San Bernardino, Cal. Oct. 25.- Justice of the Peace L. C. Currier of Barstow has been caught stealing ice and will be asked for his resig nation at Monday's meeting of the county supei visors.' A criminal prosecution will follow his refusal. Currier has been under suspicion for some time past. Six weeks ago a negro was arrested for etealiug from a refrigerator car acd was dis- St. Petersburg, Oct. 24. The strike situation is growiog worse. Several more of the smaller lines were tied up today. The lew days of paralysis of freight traffic is al ready being severely felt. At Mos cow there is danger of a famine. The prices of food are soaring. St Petersburg is threatened with a meat famine. . Only 24 head of cattle have arrived here since Sun day, and there are about . 1000 head in the yards. , Unless supplies ar rive soon the capital will be with out meat at the end of the week. There is an ample supply of flour. Reduction in Rates. . Sept. 1, the round trip fare to Portland, account Exposition will be reduced from $3.50 to $2.90 for a 30 day ticket but not good after October 31st. This is a voluntary reduction made by the S. P. R. R. and will be appreciated by the pub lie as the last six weeks of the Pair will be the best part 'and see the largest crowd. -. J. E. Farmer, aat. Corvallis. W. E. Coman, G. F. & P.Agt, Port land. Blcody Fights in the South Near ly Every Railroad Tied Up - Rioting in St. Petersburg ' Czar About to Leave 'Empire. ' ' London, Oct. 25. Dr. Dillon, correspondent of the London Tele graph at St. Petersburg, wires: , "Nobody questions the reality of the revolution, or the rain cf an archy. The government is blind and palsied, purblind and frenzied. Anything, even monstrous doings such as history has never yet re corded, is, to put it mildly, quite possible in theczirdom of today. Confronted by a situation more serious than any since the begin ning of the political and social up heaval of Russia, which at tbe time this dispatch is filed shows no signs of amelioration. Tbe general strike on the railroads is complete except in a few. border provinces, and St. Petersburg, Moscow and other large cities are almost as closely ,beleag- ured as if they were invested by be sieging armies. At the. same time the industrial strike haa assumed large dimensions and tbe turbulent elements in severallocalities are form ing open resistance to tbe troops. Prudent inhabitants are laying in Btocks of provisions so as to pre pare for emergencies. Aa a conse quence the prices of provisions have risen sharply. St. Petersburg, Oct. 26 After a night of inexpressible terror, Russia today is plunged into tbe deepeet gloom. Following the declaration by the workingmen yesterday after noon of a general strike to reinforce the railway strike which bas paral yzed the industry of the country, rioting and street fighting kept the city in a state of terrible unrest all last night. What makes tbe situ ation seem hopeless Is that the cri sis, apparently is not yet reached. So serious ar8 the conditions tnat it is said the czar will soon leave Russia, paying a two months visit to Denmark. The czar's visit will be ostensibly to recuperate from the strain of the last two years. In real ity those behind the government de sire him out of the way and in a place of safety should an uprising evolve itself out of the present la bor difficulties. Chicago, Oct. 24. A dispatch to the Record-Herald from Poplar Bluff, Mo., says: A warrant was sworn out yesterday for the mana ger of a circus and Tip, one of his; elephants, for the theft of a $100 diamond set gold watch and tie destruction of a Parisian confection in millinery, the property of Mrs. Ella Goltz, of Portsmouth, O., v. ho is visiliDg friends in this city. Mrs. Goltz was feeding Tip with peanuts when the pachyderm took h-r watch in his trunk, placed it carefully in his mouth, and then followed the theft by stowing away her bonnet. Tip was packing up, preparatory io moving to the next town, but tie arrest stop him. A suit foi $3,000 damages was brought against toe manager of the unmanageable Ti, his offer to pay for the watch beii g spurned. Ridgeville, Ind., Ojt. 24. Rol beis last nigbt wrecked the safe in the Ridgeville State Bank and es caped with about $6,000. The ex plosion aroused Cashier Bransoi,, who burned to the bank in time to tbe bank in time to receive a bull' t in the ankle. Before entering tbe bank, the robbers met the town watchman, overpowered, bound and gagged bim. Oakland, Cl., Oct. 24. Mrs. Sarah Cunerford, a wealthy widow, aged 75, was burned to death at her home 8I3 Seventh street, to night. Afflicted with rheumatism and other infirmities, she was una ble to get out of her chair and slow ly roasted to death as the flames crept upon hvr. She cried for help, but the housa was in flimes when the neighbors arrived and the fire drove the would-be rescuers back. The fire started in the rear cf tbe housa. Its origin ia unknown. The charred body of Mre. Cunerford was feund io a rockiog chair in the front room. Eugene; Or., Oct. 24. Several Lane county owners of land on which chittim (cascara) trees grow have received a large number of orders from California cities for slips of the trees for planting there. They will be used a3 shade trees, being especially desirable on ac count of tbe roots growing near the surface of the ground acd not in terfering with sewers. The slips grow very rapidly and within five years after planting Moscow, Oct. 25. One of the leaders iu tbe strike movement told the correspondent of the publisher' Press last Bight that, unless the present demands of the strikers were granted, every kind of labor throughout the country will be stopped. The object of the strikers is to force the government to grant representation to wotkingmen ia the Douma. A battle occurred at the telegraph office, where strikers we trying to prevent telegraph communication, and many were wounded. Strik ers are preparing another assault on the telegraph building and it is feared that serious lloadshed will result.