LOCAL LORE. NEWS OF CORVALUS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. The Comings and Goings of People Social Gossip, Personal Men tion and Other Items Public Interest. of Miss Hattie Spencer left yes terday for Oove, Oregon. Rev. and Mrs. G. H. Feese spent yesteiday seeing the Fair. Mrs. Tohn Smith and Mrs Off Wilson left Thursday for Portland. Miss Rena Spencer left yester day for Aberdeen, Wash. Mrs. Cal Thrasher returned home Thursday from a three weeks visit in Portland. Tames Groshong of Kings Val ley has been the guest this week of his daughter, Mrs. a. B. Horning Paintine is in progress on the First Methodist church, which is now nearing completion. Mrs. Charles W. Adams was among the passengers for Portland Thursday. Miss Ethel Burr of Philomath, has been the guest this week of her cousin Miss Thia Johnson. Miss Lavina Wood returned Wednesday from a visit in Portland and Forest Grove. J. J. Tryon of Albany, former ly with Moses Bros, in this city was a Corvallis visitor Thursday Calvin Brown and wife of Pe oria were visitors in Uorvallis sev eral days this week. W. A. Potts and family have arrived from Iowa and now occupy a residence near the Bodine ware house. M. Wilhelm Wednesday filed his bond as administrator of the es tate ot W. T. Kelly, deceased. His surety is A. Wilhelm. A marriage license was issued Wednesday to W. J. Johnson, aged 60, and Mrs. Minnie Forrester, ag ed 33. Both reside beyond Phi lomath. Mrs. Wesley Hayes of Dal'as left Thursday for her home, after a brief visit with her sister, Mrs. T. Grugett. The New England supper served Wednesday evening" by the Presbyterian ladies, was a success, the receipts amounting to $40. - A bronze medal has been awarded the Benton county public school.- for exhibit in elementary work at the Fair. Presbyterian church. Sabbath school at 10. Sermon at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Rev. T. T. Vin cent will preach morning j and eve ning. Come and worship with us. The Rev. Wm. C. Sheppard of St. Luke's church, Vancouver. Wash, will preach at the Episcopal church both morning and evening Sunday. Early service at 8 a. m. Morning service at 11, evening ser vice 7.30. A summary of the state assess ment of Benton, as finally equalized by the county board of equalization was sent to the secretary of state Wednesday, by County Clerk Moses. Rev. J. A. Ellison and bride have arrived from Myrtle Creek to take up their residence in Corvallis. Rev. Ellison is the pastor this year of the M. E. church, South. Jesse B. Spencer and Miss Mary Leona Scott were married at the residence of Eli Spencer, in Corvallis, at 11.30 ' Wednesday. The ceremony was performed by T. T. Vincent in the presence of a number of relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, will reside near the Benton county saw mill. Three Benton county i schools need teachers and there is appar ently no one to accept the places. Superintendent Denman has been asking for applications for some time, but without avail. Two of the schools are in the Alsea coun try and one in the south end of the county. Articles of incorporation were filed Thursday at the clerk's office by the Y. M. C. A. of the college. The property possessed " by the as sociation amounts to $12, 006 and - the incorporators are F. E. Ed wards, E- R. Lake, W. T. Shaw, Guv L- Weaver and Elmer P Rawson. These are also named as the trustees. The association will look after the erection of the Y. M. C. A. building on the college grounds, funds for which are al ready partly collected. PIANOS AT SMALL PRICES. The Eilers way of Selling and why They can do it A few Figures that Illustrate how it Can be Done YoUr Opportun ity 'Jto get a Piano No Home Need be Without one. Cut rates on pianoe! You have heard of cut prices on groceries', but cut prices on pianoe, how is it possible jou aek. 1 bat ip juct it. Before euch a thing could be effect ed there mot have .been a combin ation of very-unusual conditions. In tbe first place it means buy ing in large quantities, getting out ot tbe small way of doing business. It means the cutting out of every useless and unnecessary expense. It means the shipment of pianos without box68 In epecial cars which' eaves big sums on freight charge?. Then it means the selling of pi a cos so excellent and satisfactory. that tbe public demands them. ,,We hava accomplished just these things. Wa buy for the larg st and busiest stores on the Pacific Coast, in Portland, Astoria, Stlem, Pendleton and Eugene, Ore.; San Francisco, Stockton and Oakland, Cal ; Spokane, Sfttt'e and Walla Walla, Wash.; Boise and Lewiston, Idaho. We buy the beet pianos that money can secure. . .11 we went ail over the world with hundreds ot thousands of dollars to spend on pianoB, it would be impossible, ab solutely impossible to get better pi anos than we have to sell, -simply because we have the best that uoon ey can boy, Chickeriog, Weber, Kimball and others, over thirty makes in all. We have placed the selling of onr pianos in tbe. hands of Prof. Tail- landier, bead of the piano depart ment of the Oregon Agricultural College. Prof. Taillandier'a entire reliability and excellent judgment are, well, known to the people of this vicinity. Piano buyers will doubt lees be glad of tha opportunity to consult him in regard to their se lection of a piano. 1 He will be more than" pleased t o give -you all the . information desir ed afd can be seen at his residence on College HU1 on Saturdays and every evening' of the week'. A telephone call will bring him to your house. Independent 185. EILERS PIANO HOUSE, Liargett leading and rroet . ree- ronsible dealers in the Northwest, Prof. Taillandier, , Sp ciai Representative, COMMENDING OFFICERS. For Defending the Law Resolutions on the Subject from Corvallisites. - Wednesday's. Times had what pui ported to be resolutions adapted by tbe Corvallis Ministerial As sociation, commending Deputy District Attorney Bryson, Judge Holgate, Sheriff Burnett and oth ers for their efforts to break upj Mike Kline's booze joint. By an inadv rtance, it bo happened that the very paragraph that commend ed the officers was admitted. Oj that account, tbe Times reprints the resolutions In ' their entirety, ju:t as they were adopted by tbe Ministerial Association. Here they art :' " 1 . i . Whereas, at the last election held in this county the. vole was. taken upon the question of local option. Whereas, this county voted over whelmingly in favor of prohibition of the sale and usage of intoxi cants as a beverage; and that vote was the declared will of the legal voters of the county' and thereby became a law which went into tf feet on the first , of January last; and at which time all paloon men doing business in the county closed their houses of business and there by placed themselves on record as lawabiding citizens. J Whereas, since this law became operative there has been organized a eocalled Social and Athletic Club to defeat, intent and purpose of the local option law by continuing the liquor traffic in this county in an indirect and underhanded manner. Whereas, the organization and continuation of such club is iu ef fect an effort to cause wilful dis regard for law and order, and make null and void the object and pow er of our democratic franchise and liberty. ' -1 - Whereas, the local option law has won great favor in the county through its excellent 'results thus far with not a few of those who at first were opposed to ;it on. the ground of injuring the. business in terests of the county. 5 Whereas, that the local sentiment is stronger than ever in favor of local option. Be it. resolved, fit st, - that the ministerial Association of Corvallis condemns communications eent to the pub ic press el-ehere that are misleading ae to the facts of the case. ReFolvd. second, that we moH hear'ilv 01, dorse tiwatutuda-of the. Corvallis TinefJcbf.retice to this questioc ; tfaatf . we Vcommeod r-ae l-rn:S-oi,y uggq ;n cigain, teat we; orgeour,appieciation of the care ftjlr able .and tiintiricg H tfforts of our, prosecuting a'tori ey, Mr. .B.j sop, hiiC Sberff B roett. an.1 . as sistants, to upbold and enforce tbe ltw. , ...v-'.a . of This Form of Mental , Pbyalcal. Derangement. - In a paper read before tbe congress of French alienists at Grenoble Dr. Gaston Lalanne pointed out that anxiety is a disturbance -which Is ex pressed by the entire being. The ex citing causes are sometimes physical and. sometimes psychical, and the symptoms manifested are both phys ical -and mental. -1 The physical symp toms-comprise cold feelings and chilla of the scalp and body, general lassi tude, incoordination, of .voluntary, movements .: far more , apparent; than real emotional coloring of speech, and vertigo, which, is dependent upon vaso motor cerebral -disturbance or -upon digestive troubles. In the . anxious states there are -always circulatory troubles, such as acceljtated heartbeat, irregularity of the heart's action, heightened ; arterial tension' and cold ness .of 1 the - extremities. . v Respiratory disturbances are also present. The psychical symptoms of anxiety include various degrees of vague dread and apprehenslveness, often taking definite forms, in which case they are designated as "phobias" or "obessions of fear," weakening the capacity of at tention and of memory, and a tend ency to confusion of ideas. Halluci nations of the senses are prone to oc cur. . COMEDIAN SAM VALE. He Wai tbe Original of Sam Weller of Pickwick Fame. The original of Sam Weller was Sam Vale, an English low comedian, who, in the early part of the last century, was quite popular in the south of England. In the year 1811, and for a few years after, he made quite a reputation in the musical farce called "The Boarding House," written by Beasley. In this he played the part of Simon Spatter- dash, a person who indulged in odd and whimsical sayings. "Come on, as the old man said to the tight boot;" "I am down on you,, as the extinguisher said to the candle;" "Let every one take care of himself, as the donkey ; said when dancing among the chlckens,'- are fair illustrations of his witticisms in the course of that play, the resem? blance between them and some of the sayings of Sam Weller being very marked. In private life Vale was a wit, and many good things In his own time were credited to him. A man of excellent temper, he had no enemies, and the good humor which pervaded every saying, together with the droll ery of his manner, gave his witticisms unusual value. His sayings were called Sam Valerisms, and on the appearance of Fickwick in 1S3C the character of Weller was generally recognised as a portraiture of Vale. The comedian died in 18-18 at the age cf fifty-one. THE WILLOW TREE. Jctis Parke Cnatin Planted the First One In This Cocsti;. When the south sea bubble in Eng lar.i. collapsed one of the speculators v. !it to Smyrna to repair his fortune. 13.' was a friend of Alexander Pope a:.i sent him a box of figs in which huil been placed a twig of a tree. Pope pl.:-nted the twig on his grounds on the slioi-e of the Thames, not knowing of what tree it was. It grew and was a wiping willow. la 1775, when the tree was over fifty years old, one of the young British ofiicers who came to' Boston with the British army brought a twig from the tree, which he intend ed to plant on his lands after the re bellion had been crushed. John Parke Custis, son of Mrs. Washington, going on errands to the British camp under a flag of truce, becamcquainted with the owner of tnTO?filow twig, which was draped in oiled silk, and ob tained it from him, which he planted near his home at Abingdon, Va., where It became the progenitor of all the weeping willows in America. Anemone Facts. - Naturalists have duly recorded that that if a sea anemone be divided in halves longitudinally a new animal will in time be reproduced by each half, as suming the anemone is kept In pure sea water. An old zoologist relates how he watched an anemone which somehow or other had contrived to half swallow one of the valves of. an oyster shell. Practically the shell struck in -Its giz zard and gradually cut its way down through the soft tissues of the anem one until it halved the animal as by a partition. ; Perfect reproduction of two anemones through the division of one was noted to be the result of this accident. Even a fragment or two of an anemone body left attached to its rock may in due season- reproduce a new body. London News. ; , Soldiers' Superstitions. Among the numerous superstitions of the Cossacks there Is none stronger than the belief that they will enter heaven In a better state If they are per sonally clean at the time they are killed. Consequently before an expected battle they perform their toilets with scrupu lous care, dress themselves in clean garments and put on the best they have. This superstition Is not confined to the Cossacks alone, but Is widely prevalent la all branches of the Rus sian army. NbVVS Of NECESSITIES'. It pays to read our ads. It pays to visit our store. It pays to patronize us. We are up to tbe minute in every detail, News of Necessities will interest you. V NEWS V' New German Dill Pickles ' New Alssa Honey Ice Cream Jello, all flavors Tetleys India and Ceylon tea Imported Weir Senf Mustard Pickled Pearl Onions Mapline Clam Chowder Sniders Pork and Beans Use "Three Heart Soap" 3 in 1 Ammonia, Borax, Naptha washes in cold water. We aim to keep all the late goods on the market, if we havent them, leave your order we get them for you on short notice. Hodes' Grocery Independent Phone 203 WE DO HOT OFTEN CHANGE Our ad., but our goods change hands every day. Your money exchanged for Value and Quality is the idea. B Liifc Fffesh Era efts Domestic and Imported. ItfaFancyCWnaware A large and We always keep Vegetables when when they are tobe had. ' & B; Borriingr 1 TlSlzizsizzSSkib) b-ssL-fji; At Lowest Possible Prices Send in House Bills for estimates of cost " ' All kinds and grades of lumber filled. Lumber delivered OTIS SKIPTON, Bell Phone 4x2. Sawmill located four miles Butter arid Eggs at ses HOME-SEEKERS If you are looking for some real good bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our special list, or come and see us. ' We take pleasure in; giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. AMBLER 6c WATTERS ; :.' Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Gorvallis and Philomath; Oregon. varied line. for Safe on hand, all orders piomptly when required. Philomath, Ore. . It. F. D. 2. southwest of Philomath. - - , a. i Brothers For Sale. -Wasrons, hacks, plows, harrows. mowers, driving horses, draft ho buggies and harness: fresh cows you want to- buy, come in.. -1 can you money.' . n ti, m. stone. C. H. Newth, . Physician and Surgeon Philomath, Oregon. E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY A7 LAW. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Corvallis, Oregon, MAKES LOANS on approved se curity, and especially on wheat oats, flour, wool, baled hay, chlttim bark, and all other classes of produce, upon the re ceipt thereof stored in mills and public warehouses, or upon chattel mortgages and also ' upon other classes of good as curity. DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD upon tbe principal financial centers of the United States and foreign : countries thus transferring money to all parts of the civilized world. A CONSERVATIVE general bUBi ness transacted in all lines of banking. G. K. FARRA, Physician & Surgeon! Office up stairs in Burnett Brick idence on the corn er of Madison Seventh st. Phone i t honsea 1 1 i WILLAMETTE VALEY Banking Company CoHTALUa, Obeoon. Responsibility $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Bays County, City and School Warrants. Principal Correspondents. SAN FRANCISCO PORTIONS ( The Bank o SKATTLE r California TAOOMA - 1 NEW YORK Messrs. 3. P. Morgan A Co. CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub lic. LONDON, ENG. N M Rothschilds A Sons ; CAS AD a. Union Bank of Canada R. D. Burgess PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office over Blackledges furniture store. Hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5. Phone, office 216; Res 454 Corvallis, Oregon. H. S. PERNOT, . . Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffice. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. in. Orders may be eft at Graham & -t ham's drag store. B. A. CATHEY ' -1 Physician & Surgeon Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. Hoars i lO to 12 and a to 4. Phone, office 83. Residence 351. " Corvallis, ' Oregon. J. FRED FATES First Nat'l Bank Building, Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County B. R. Bryson, Attorney-At-Law. " Largest line of matting in the city at rBIackledge's. For Sale. Draft or carriage horse, weight i,2co ound and true, thoroughly broken to al lasses of work, perfectly safe for ladie nd children. Also new aj-inch "01 Hickory" wagon, and complete set o work harness. Inquire at City Stables corvallis. , ... CHOLERA INFANTUM. Child Not Expected to Live from One Hour to Another, but Cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itcmedy. Kuth, the little daughter of E. !N. Dewey of Agnewville, Va was seriously ill of cholera infantum last summer. "We gave her up and did not expect her to live from one hour to another," he says. "I happened to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy and got a bottle of it from the store. " In five hours I saw a change for the better. We kept on giving it and before she had taken the half of one small bottle she was well." This remedy is for s;ile by Graham & Wortham.