The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 11, 1905, Image 4

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Three Carlisle men in Indian E!ev
li en Game wa3 R?plete with
Interest Stubborn Defense
by Visitors in Suite of
Steckle's rcen bes
Root, 5; Williams, 5; Dolan, 4;
Root, a: Abraham. 3, carrying the
ball within ten yards of the vis-tors Tb ''Ce4fbr?'d Ia tlre Time
, J , I -the Ancient Roman. i
eoal. Dolan went 10 yards for the .
8U j-'uid" v, y I por ages j,ay ,jay na8 Deen a time ol
second touchdown, at the end of ,., rp1riif,in, An over Christen. 1
14 minutes of play, tooper kicked dom its advent is hailed with-delight I
goal. j The birds, the bees and the' flowers
Dolan kicked and the ball was loin us in an annual celebration of the
brought back to the 3c yard line. day. Nature has at last thrown off the
A Dlunee by a Chemwan netted ! snow quilt with which she has braved
three vards and a fake play cave i ravages
10 more. Chemawa punted atter
two more downs and OAC took the ,
ball on ceDier. Abraham tore off
6 yards, Dolan 10, Williams, 1,
Abe'l, and OAC was penalized game glad spirit, seeks the woods and
5 yards for holding. Root punted j the fields to revel in the wealth of ver
and it was Chemawa's ball on ber dure so lavishly spread out..
15 yard line. Three linebucksi Among the Romans this feeling found
yielded yardage p.vA then after two vent in their Floralia, or florea games,
downs the Indians were forced to I which bcsan on the 2Sth of APril and
r,f t;mo ,ac nallpH Iastea several days.
j the ravages of winter and glows re
1 splendent in buds and blossoms. The
! streams have broken their icy fetters
I and burst forth into joyous accompanl
i ments to myriads of bird choristers.
And humanity, overpowered by the
lasted several days. We read that
n 4 : t. l.i . 1 ..: 1
mi . , if j ,:.v. tUi luring uiuie ur ikss uieu vu-
The second half opened with the; from Rome
kickoff by Emily who ran in to the
the Cbemawa
Indians at footbail on OAC field
Saturday afternooa by a decisive
score of 18 to 0. The game was a
bard oue, and remarkable 'for the
uuuifccouragea losing ngnt put up
by the Cbtnsawaria in the face of
certain defeat and agaicft heavy
odds. It is a maxim that an It--diao
is game as loag &8 he is win-
nlGg but that he ia a quitter when
convinced of defeat. Not po with
tbe brawny lade from Chemawa
me pale iaces scored against
nero alter lour mmute-s of Llav
T1 . .... .1. . ' . . . r . .
xuey tore up ice ocugDty red itinn
Sine and forced thern back for gain
after gain. Tbey h?ld their own
ground sgaiist f-verv asFault ol th
-visHorp, and forced them to punt
time after time, but the dark efcirt
ned lads fought every inch ol the
way back to their own goal, rally
ing in the second half with enough
strength to prevent iSteckle'a men
from making more than a single
touchdown. Tbe presence of three
Carlisle men in the line, a tackle,
a guard and tbe center, with mus
cular recruits from other Indian
schools makes tb Chemawa bunch
this year an eleven thatr probably
&as surprises in store for some of
collegiate teams that they are pro
grammed to meet. Their lin? ia
splendid, their spirit magnificent,
their greatest weaknees being their
offense which could not make
yardage against the heevy line and
very good defense put up by
Steckle's men.
Th8 halves were 25 and 20 min
utes respectively. Abraham crossed
the line for the firet touchdown in
nrxactly four minutes of play, and
after only seven or eight formation
by the college boys. Dolan follow
ed him over for another touchdown
Xter ten minutes more of ctul
play, Cooper kiok'iDg goal in each
instance. At the end of 11 minutes
of play in the second half, Williams
went over U,x the fiaal touchdown,
and Root suited &.oal, raiding tbe
score to 18 f r OAC. Onoe during
the game the vit-i'ors made about
10 yards on a fake play, md at au--ottaer
time made yardage by a eim
aJfur Cake -and a couple of line bucks.
At all otbr times when
tbey had the bail, they were al
way forced to punt after two
down, except pdc, when they tried
a third down and loet the ball for
tank cS vardage. In all. the Cbe
ttEawans xny carried the ball 22
yards. S eckle's men carried it
1241 yard-. Tbe pplendid showing
at the OAC linemen was one of the
(features of tbe game. Ia tffense,
i t was not so good, for on more
than one occasioo the Indian play
rs managed to break through
;stopplog plays in a few instances.
"The offense, for so early in the rea
son wae good, though sometimes the
interference was not as smooth as
It wi'l be later on. The playing
by Williams was tbe fiercest and
best ever put up by that warrior
.All the other men in the team
plaved in their oldtime form, Abra
iam by his vigorous line plunges
eliciting from the sidelines the title
of "Piledriver Abraham." The
detail of the game, briefly told was
as follows:
Root kicked off and Chemawa
brought the ball back to the 25
yard line and fumbled to OAC on
the first down. In six downs, in
eluding big gains each by Root
Williams and Dolan, Abraham was
sent over for a touchdown with but
six inches of yardage to spare in
four minntes after the game open
cd. Cooper kicked goal.
Root kicked off and Chemawa
ran the ball back to the 45 yard
line. After trying two downs,
Chemawa kicked to Williams who
ran the ball to Chemawa's 45 yard
line. Mostly in straight and cross
tucks,Steckle's men advanced the
ball to the visitor's 20 yard line
with the following formations: Do
Ian. 8 yards; Laurence, 3: Abra
ham, 2: Abraham; 4; Williams,
Dolan, 2; Williams, 10; Root,
Hoot, 4; Dolan, 5; Laurence,
T.3 displayed by many a man enduring
-pains ot accidental Cuts, Wounds. Bruis
es, Burns, Scalds, Sore feet or stiff joints.
33ut there's no need for it. Bncklen's
Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure
the trouble. It's the best Salve on earth
for Piles, too. 250. at Allen & Wood
ward's, druggists.
35 yard line. Dolan bucked 10
xJ . ' .nt.vov ouuic
yards, Williams 8 and Root kicked ' and moderns alik
1st of May as the special time for
fetes of the same kind. With ancients
. i . r 4-. 1 1
40 yams. iieniawa mcu uwu
downs and punted. Root bucked
five yards and then three, and Abe
got four more. Williams got 2,
Abe, 5. Abe, 7, Williams, 6, Abe,
6, Abe, 4, Williams, 4, Abe, 4, and
the ball was lost on downs. Che
mawa tried two downs and punted
to Harding who ran in to 35 yard
line. Abe took four yards, Dolan,
8, Abe 6, Williams, 3, Root, 3,
Abe 7, Williams, 1, Root, 4, Abe,
4, and Williams went over for a
touchdown, ard Root kicked goal.
Score. OAC, 18; Chemawa, o.
Several second team men went
in as substitutes, and Dolan kicked
off. Indians tried two downs and
punted to Williams. Williams ran
seven yards and was knocked down
by an Indian player, but was drag
do A non n rA c m rTP Kxr T .a 11 rtir
before the play was stopped. Wil
bucked four, Abe. 4, Laurence, 7,
Williams, 5, Dolan, 4. and the game
ended with the ball on Chemawa's
15 yard line.
:e it was an instinctive
rush into the fields to revel in the bloom
which was newly presented on the
meadows and the trees."
The barbarous Celtic populations held
a heathen festival on this day, but we
are not told that it was in any way
connected with flowers. It was called
Eeltein and was celebrated by kindling
fires on the hilltops at night. Within
the remembrance of many the peasant
ry of Ireland, the Isle of Man and of
the Scottish highlands also held simi
lar celebrations. Table Talk. v
At King's Valley.
Gecrge Dodels and Miss Finnic
Bueh were married la?t week, and
visited the Fair. They arrived
home Sunday and the boys gave
them the usual charivari.
Art Miller has cloaed down his
logging C9mp for tbe winter.
Travel up the Luckiamute ha?
been bkekaded for the lact week.
The ford above Hoekine has bseu
full of saw logs.
Mrr. Cbailes T.oxel and her
augbttr, Clara, wh have been
cooking tor tie Miller camp re
turned home bundiiv.
The Valley school opens thi?
wpek, also tbe Hkinx aud Alex
ander scbro's.
The rain has put tbe ground in
ood cot dition fi-r il iwititr.
Gthps is growing nicely aud it
will eoon make good pasture.
It Was Probably In Its Original state
a Vegetable I'podnet.
Originally the diamond was probably
a vegetable product exuded from some
ancient tree. Positive evidence on the
subject is not forthcoming, but the con
currence of such authorities as New
ton, Brewster, Jameson and Lavoisier,
who trace it to a vegetable source,
must, in the absence of decisive nega
tive proof, make this hypothesis prob
able. The crystalline form of the diamond
Is undoubtedly due to the action of
heat, and the occurrence of these stones
In igneous rocks and mica slate, espe
cially at the Cape, lends color to the
view that they have been metamor
phosed, as has been the case with
This complete change may have been
directly or indirectly due to the inter
na heat of the globe or may have re
sulted from volcanic action. Indirect
ly it would be accounted for by the im
mense heat evolved In the crumbling,
fracturing and grinding together ef the
earth's crust in the attempt to adjust
itself to the cooling and contracting in
terior." Directly it may have been the
result of a change in the direction of
the internal heat, causing a fusion of
the rocks of the crust, the diamond and
other crystals being formed when they
again cooled.
Th e high wind whipped off mush
When a boiler
explodes carry
ing death and
destruction with
it, every body
says " Why : we
thought it was
strong enough.
It must have
had a weak spot
When a man
who has the out
ward appearance
of being sound and strong
suddenly falls a prey to
disease, his friends ex
claim: "why we thought
he was all rieht he must
have had a weak spot somewhere."
The lact is. almost evervbodv has a
weak spot somewhere. Death and dis
ease are always looking for weak spots.
11 your siomacn or your nver won't ao
its proper work, if your body fails to
get its full nourishment from the food
you eat, and your brain loses part of the
sleep it ought to have, no matter how big
your frame and muscular vour limbs mav
De, you wm give out; disease will una the
weaic spot, ana nature will give way.
Three years ago this spring I was at
tacked with severe dyspepsia," writes Mr.
W. A. Cain, of 414 West Madison St.. Hast
ings. Mich. "Was treated bv five diffRrant
doctors, but kept getting worse until I was
afraid to go to the table to eat, as the least
little tiling i ate distressed me so i could
hardly stand it. After suffering for nearly
a year and falling off In weight from 126
pounds to 109 pounds I commenced taking
'Golden Medical Discovery.' Before I had
taken all of one bottle I began to feel relief,
but kent on until I had taken eight bottles.
and now I am as well as ever, can eat any
thing I want, and I feel good. Am weighing
130 pounds and feel fine all tbe time. My
friends were surprised to notice such a quick
change in me after seeing me suffer so long.
Several said they never expected to see me
ent well. 1 have not had to take any medi
cine for stomach trouble since. I cannot say
enough in praise of your 'Golden Medical
Discovery. "
This glorious "Discovery" gives the
stomach and liver Dower to do their nat
ural work regularly and completely. It
makes healthy blood and steady nerves.
It helps the weak spots, making them
sound ana strong. . .
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be
used with "Golden Medical Discovery
whenever a laxative is required.
Tbe TTame Niagara.
"Everybody pronounces Niagara
wrong," said a philologist. The accent
of this beautiful Indian word should,
not be put on the syllable 'ag,' but
on the syllable 'ar' toe penult the one
before the last Niagara means 'hark
to the thunder.' Its accent should fall
en the penult because-the Indians them
selves accent it there, because in prac
tically all our Indian names of places
the penult Is the accented syllable.
T. ink of the Indian names you know.
I,u't yon accent nearly all of them on
ti. syllable before the last ? There are;
fc::- instance, Toronto,. Mississippi, Alle-pl.-ny,
Appalachieola, Narragansett,
Tvscaloosa, Saratoga, Ticonderoga, Oa
v. r roi Conshohocken.. Wissahickon aad
II' cheiaga. In all these names t'ae ac-
ee::t is n the penult. Niagara is a
Hr.ron word, and . if you can find a
Huron you will find that he accent It
as he does Saratoga! or Tuscaloosa. 1
don't know how we have fallen Sato
the habit of accenting it wrong." Chi
cago' Chronicle.
It pays to read our ads. It pays to visit our store. It pays
to patronize us. We are up to the minute in every
detail, News of Necessities will interest you. .
' j - ne:w
Nc w German Dill Pickles
New Alssa Honey
Ice Cream Jello, all flavors
Tetleys India and Ceylon tea
Imported Weir Senf Mustard.
Pickled Pearl Onions
Clam Chowder
- Sniders Pork and Beans
Use "Three Heart Soap"
3 in I Ammonia, Borax, Naptha washes in cold water.
We aim to keep all the late goods on the market, if
we haven t them, leave your order we get them for you
on short notice.
Hodest Grocery
a.- 7-s"sr ?w
t)ur ad., but our goods change hand3
every day. Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea.
Big Line, Fresh Groceries
Domestic and Imported.
Plain and Fancy Unaware
A large and varied line.
We always keep Vegetables when
when they are tobe had.
E mber for Sale
At Lowest "Possible Prices
Send in House Bills for estimates of cost
All kinds and grades of lumber on hand, all orders piomptly
filled. Lumber delivered when required.
OTIS SKIPTON, Philomath, Ore.
Bell Phone 4x2. R. F. D. 2.
Sawmill located four miles southwest of Philomath.
On the Bridge
" at Midnight.
$10,000 Scenic Production
Full of heart interest
Sparkling with fun
Opera Houss
Wednesday night Oct Ilth.
For Sale.
Wacrona. hacks, nlows. harrows.
mowers, driving horses, draft ho
ouggies and harness; iresh cows
you want to buy, come in. I can
you money.
H. M. Stone.
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeoo,
Office up stairs in Burnett Brick
idence on the corn er of Madison
Seventh et. Phone i t hoasea 1 1 ii
Banking Company
Cobvalus, Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Buys County, City and School
Principal eorrespon dents.
PORTLAN D (The Bank o
SEATTLE f California
NEW TORH Messrs. J. P. Moreno Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub
lic. LONDON, ENG. N M Rothschilds A Sons
CANAD 4. Union Rank of Canada
, R. D. Burgess
Office over Blackledges furniture
store. Hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5.
Phone, o&ce 216; Res 454
Corvallis, Oregon.
A Good Recommendation.
An Irishman was charged with a pet
ty offense.
Have you any one in court who
will vooch for your goodharacter?"
queried the judgei .
'Yes, sorr; there Is the chief con
stable yonder," answered Pat.
The . chief constable was amazed.
"Why, your honor, I don't even know
the man," protested he.
'Now, sorr," broke in Pat, "I have
lived in the borough for nearly twenty
years, and If the chief constable doesn't
know me yet, isn't that a character for
A Sequence of Title.
A German periodical states that a
very strange but none the less true
fact Is that the predecessor of the late
Queen Victoria of England was at one
and the same time William I., IL, IIL
and IV. He was William I. of Hano
ver, William IL of Ireland, William
IIL of Scotland and William IV. of
England. -
Getting: Serious.
"I guess Mr. Olden doesn't feel aa
young as he did several months ago,"
remarked the observant man. .
"Why do you think soy
"He used, to Joke with that undertak
er who lives near him, but he doesn't
do It any more." Philadelphia Ledger.
Bttttet and Eggs at
Moses Brothers
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoiSee. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & -ham's drug store.
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanH Bids'. Hoursi
lO to 12 and 2ta4.
Phone, office 83. Residence 351.
Corvallis, Oregon.
First Nat'l Bank Building,
Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County
E. R. Bryson,
Attorney-At-Law. "
Write Him.
T. W. McGowan, Jr.. established
I857 commission merchant, in hops, 36
& 38 Whitehall street. New York. . Lib
eral advances made on all consignments.
Highest market prices obtained and
quick returns. References: Bradstreets
Mercantile Agency, New York; Bunk of
America, New York.
A Sensitive Conscience.
Carrie Goodness, if s that horrid old
bore, Wllklns. Tell him I have gone
out Belle No, I won't tell a story,
but I will say that you have not come
back yet
Ber Secrets.
"Never tell a secret dear. It would
be a great breach of confidence."
"What must I do with It mamma?"
"Well bring It to meL"
. If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information you wish, also
showing you over the country.
Real Estate,' Loan and Insurance
Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon.
Largest Vne of matting in the city at
Child Not Expected to Iiive from One
Hoar to Another, but Cured bv
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Ruth, the Utile daughter of E. X. Dewey
of Agnewville, Ya., was seriously ill of
cholera infantum last summer. "We gave
her up and did not expect her to live from
one hour to another," he says. "1 happened
to think of C'hamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Kemedr and cot a bottle of it
from the store. In five hours I saw a change
for the better. We kept on giving it and
before she had taken the half of one small
bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale
by Graham & Wortliam. '