LOCAL LORE. For advertisements to this column the rate oli5 cents per line will be charged. Dr. Lowe the optician will be en Corvallis Oct. the 5th and 6th. Have you been to the new Reading Room. Ernest ' Miller has returned from a few days' stay in Albany. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Nolan left Sunday for a week's visit at the Fair. James Bier returned Sunday from a week at the Fair. Wanted, Hay and oats. I. D Bodine. Phone 290. J. D. Wells returned Sunday evening from a visit to the Fair. Miss Maud McBee returned Saturday evening from a week's visil in Portland. Mrs. Philip Phile returned Sun day from a week's visit wit1.! Port land friends and relatives. Any good books or magazines will be thankfully received at the new Reading Room. Drs. Ainslie and McConnell of Portland arrived Saturday and were guests over Sunday at the John Smith home. Mrs. George Bowers left Tues day for her home in Victoria, B. C, after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bier. Mrs. J. J. Flett and Misses Bessie Yates and Lura Flett left Monday for a visit at the Expos ition. Ernest Stewart, a lineman for the Independent Telephone Com pany, left Monday for San Francis co. Lieutenant and Mrs. Quinlan new occupy the new cottage next door south of the Reuben Kiger residence. Mr. Graves and family of In dependence now occupy the A. F. Peterson property on railroad street. x Tyra Smith and family, Mrs. J. R. Smith and daughter, and Mrs. Chester Avery are to leave to day for a visit to the Exposition. Richard Scott, one of Benton's enterprising young farmers, return ed Monday from a visit to the Exposition. An adjourned meeting of the county court was held yesterday for the disposal of various items of business. -TheW. C. T. U. will meet in their Reading Room on Thursday at 30 clock. All members are re quested to be present.' A handsome new home is be ing erected on the Gus Harding farm, to replace the structure re cently destroyed by fire. It is to cost about $1,700. Charles Heck , ert has the contract. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Misner, and D. M. Prince, of Edison, Neb raska, arrived Saturday for a weeks - visit with F. O. Gray. They will visit Southern California before re turning home. There was an apportionment made by Superintendent Denman Monday ot county school funds. Something over $13,000 was dis bursed, which is a neat sum for Benton. ' " Mrs. William Jenks passed through Corvailis Monday enroute to her home at Tangent. She had been at Yaquina, at the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Sidney Trask, who is recovering from a very critical illness. - Charles M. Smith, residing three miles west of town, sustained a stroke of paralysis yesterday morning. The attack is the second within the past six or eight months. The left side is affected, the organs of speech being more or less involv- . ed. The recovery from the first attack was sufficient to enable Mr. . Smith to get about, but not to do hard work. ' Two lots belonging to S. E. Young south of the college campus were recently purchased by Tru man W. Jones, recently arrived from Kansas. The new owner will begin at once the erection of a new houee on the property. The price paid for the lots was $210. The sale was made by Robinson and Stevenson. , . The early morning train Mon day, and the same train on Tues day was loaded to the guards with Fair-bound passengers. , In these last two weeks of the big show, a vast tide of travel will flow to and from Portland. What an immense amount of money has been drained out of the interior of the state and dumped into Portland by the Ex- position. This drain upon the in - terior is a shock to financial con ditions in a far greater degree than results from the shortened crop. Wheat 62. Oats 33 to 35. . : August Fischer and family went to Portland yesterday. The Misses Lough of Ashland have opened "dressmaking parlors over the Blackledge furniture store. Mrs. Maud Gilmdre of Riddles, Southern Oregon, was the guest Saturday of Dr. and Mrs. Cathey. J. L. Underwood aud family moved Friday into their handsome new dwelling on Fifth street. Mrs. B. A. Cathey returned Monday from a brief visit in Brownsville. -R. E. Fletcher and family moved this week into the Good man house just vacated by J. L. Underwood. . Dr. Connell and Messrs Honey- nun of Portland hunted pheasants on the McBee farm Sunday and Monday. Letters received in this city relate that' Frank Spagle is playing end on the Whitman col lege football team at Walla Walla. Dr. Lowe the optician will be at Hotel Corvallis Thursday and Friday of this week." Have him test your eyes foi glasses. M. H. Bell, a former well known Corvallisite, now of Prine- ville spent Sunday with relatives in Corvallis. Mr. Bell is a brother-in-law of W. A. Wells. Mrs. William Lynch of Har risburg was the guest over Sunday of E. B. Horning and family. Mrs Lynch was enroute to visit relatives in Polk county. M. M. Farrell and family mov' ed Monday into the Woodcock house on Fourth street, known as the Mackay property. Mr. Farrell comes from near Portland. The Ladies Coffee club is to give a dancing party Saturday eve ning. The music is to be furnish ed by Fechter's orchestra of Al bany and a good time is assured. J. G. Leverett and Miss Ena Leverett, brother and sister of Miss Ammee Leverett, arrived last week from Arkansas, and are " attending O. A. C. WHEN CHEHAWA PLAYS' College Lads Will Have to Hustle Big Game Next Saturday. Next Saturday is programmed for a football game on O. A. C. field in which Steckle's men will go aeainst Chemawa. --v The latter team is strong with veteran war riors like Reuben Saunders in the lineup. Saunders is one of the fiercest players that ever dived into a scrimmage, and interest is al ready keen locally over the ques tion of what he can do to the new O. A. C. forwards. Some say his rushes will penetrate it, and others that Sanders is not man enough to drive his way through the sturdy college lads who make up the heavy O. A. C. line. Besides San ders and his spectacular playing, there are other men of spirit and strength in the Chemawa line-up and a mighty interesting game is expected. By that time, the line up of the home lads will be more systematized, and some of the lightning dash that characterized the team last season,- may be ex pected to be seen in their onslaught on the Chemawa lads. In any event, the game will give every body a line on the new eleven, and for that reason, as well as for the expectation that the Indians will put up a whirlwind game, the kickoff is looked forward to with much antic ipation, and a big crowd is expect ed to be present. n AT DELINQUENT NOW. Wheat advanced in the local market Monday from: 61 to 62 cents. A firmer market in the East and a better demand for flour in the Orient is ascribed as the rea son for the rise. Remember Dr. Lowe does nothing but fit glasses. Been at it exclusively for over 18 years. A man cannot be good at everything, but Dr. Lowe is certainly a good optician. Good grass for the fall and winter seems assured by the late rains. Lower prices for hay and better prices for livestock are likely to be the sequel. Sheep are report ed advancing in price with sales of stock sheep at $3 and owners hold ing for four. A meeting will begin . in the New church in Jobs addition Sat urday evening at 7.30, conducted by Elder W. A. Prosser of Scholls, uregon. Mr. Grosser is a very able man and fluent speaker. Ev erybody invited to come and hear him. It is reported that two Carlisle maians are among tne players on the Chemawa football eleven that is to play on O. A. C. field next Sat urday. The Carlisle team is one of the great elevens of the country, and if ex-warriors from .that aggre gation show up on college field Sat-, urday there will be interesting sights to see. - . ; Monday's Portland Telegram says: "J. T. Murphy of Corvallis aged 68 years, lost his way while going from the home ofW. D. Fenton, 1 ro East Sixteenth street to the Perkins Hotel, Saturday, and has not been seen since. The pol ice have his description." If the missing man hails from Corvallis, he is not very well known. The postofflce people know nothing of him. .' Dow Walker and Will Abra ham, All Northwest center and tackle last year, John Allen, crack tackle from the - Baker City high school, J. B. McKinnan, 190 pound guard on O. A. C. second team last year, , and Frank Pendergrass, tackle and end from Fort Stevens are a few of the football notables who have enlisted at O. A. C. in the last day or two. Penalty and Interest Must" 1e Paid on all Unpaid Taxes. Two Paid Penalties. There has been strenuous tax paying at the sheriff's office for a week past. Monday was the day for unpaid taxes to become delin quent and the day after which pen alty and 10 per cent interest is add ed. Last spring a large number paid only half, leaving the other half of their taxes to be paid this fall. It was the rush to avoid the penalty and interest that made strenuous hours for the sheriff un til the omce closed Mcnday on what at that moment became the delinquent roll. In spite"of repeat ed notice and six months time, considerable number failed to make the final payment. Two of the latter came in to settle Tuesday. They thought penalty and interest ought not to be added. Sheriff Burnett , told them he had no alternative but to collect both penalty and interest, whereupon each of the citizens- was . wroth, They said one day of gTace ought to be allowed, to which the sheriff rejoined that if one day be given more and more days and weeks if not months of time would be want-i ed,. and that he' could not , on any account or for any body break the law. : - TO PIANO BUYERS. (53053) Fanion 34473- Will be at Monroe Childer's place 12 miles south of Corvallis and anybod wishiDg to breed mares this fall will find the horse there. . For Sale. r Seventy bead of good goa's. William Crees, - Corvallis. New lot of freshly loaded shotgun shells. All kinds of football supplies. -At Hodes Pioneer Gun store. Tall and UEinter Styles The authoritative productions of the leading manufacturers of clothing for boys are ready for your inspection. We are showing many exclusiue styles , patterns and color effects in all the wool iabrics. Norfolk styles. $2 50 to 7 00 Double Breasted styles. 1 50 to .0 Sailor, Eton, Cadet, Russian Blse 1 5O to 7 00 Steel Shod Shoes For boys $2 00 to $3 00 Quilted Bottoms, the kind that don't wear out. : " Red School House Shoes For boys and girls $1 25 to 2 50 Black Cat School Stockings No 15 for boys. No 10 for girls. Sold exclusively S. L. KLINE ESTABLISHED 1864 THE PEOPLES STORE CORVALLIS, OREGON. Our goods are moving every day, moving in from Portland and out among our hundreds of customers.' We want you to keep them moving. If you are fittin one or more rooms, it will be to your advanlage to talk with us before placing your order for house furnishings. Ask to see onrnew patterns; Columbia Brussels Carpet. 700 yards just received We handle the White Enameled Steel Ware, imported goods, nothing- like it on the market. Bargains all aloug the line. HOLLENEERG & CADY. The House Furnishers. of An Authorized Representative of Eilers Piano House a Resi dent of Corvallis. .: There ia probably not a finer judge of musical tone and genera construction of pianos, than the head of the piano department Oregon Agricultural College-. Prof, Tailandier. He is a man of fine musical attainment and broad ex perience in the musical field and his judgment may bs entirely re lied upon. We have arranged with Prof. Taillandier to represent us in Cor yallis and vicinity. - Dj not select jour piano until you see him. We can explain to you why you can buy of us to much greater advan tage to yourself in both price, and payment and also the superior mer it of the pianos carried by us, and will render you every assistance in securing a piano ' exactly suited to your needs and taste. The House of Eilers is known throughout the Northwest as the most liberal and reliable of piauo dealers.. Old instruments are accepted in part payment for new ones at a lib eral valuation. And every instru ment we sell fully guaranteed by both ourselves aud manufacturers. Prof. Taillandier can be consult ed every evening at his residence on College Hill, or anytime on Sat urdays. A telephone call , will bring him to your house. Inde pendent 185. EILERS PIANO HOUSE, ,' Largest leading and most res ponsible dealers in the Northwest. Call at Zeirolf s for fresh grass seed, timothy, clover, alfalfa, vetch. Reward Offered. For harvesting specs go to Hodes Pioneer gun -store. Also a fine assortment of King's triple beaded rifle sights and Sheard's hunting or target sights. The reward is in the good bargain to be secured. Wanted. An experienced girl or woman to do general housework. Good wages and permanent place for right party. Ap ply at Times office. Write Him. T. W. McGowan, Jr.. established I857 commission merchant, in hops, 36 & 38 Whitehall street. New York.. Lib eral adyances made on all consignments. Highest market prices obtained and quick returns.; References: Bradstreeta Mercantile Agency, New York: Bank of America, New York. Wanted" -:- A good girl or woman to keep house. Inquiie at Berman store. For Sale. Choice oats, vetch, and cheat seed to be had at reasonable prices, either at the Corvallis or Benton County Flouring Mills. ; " A. W. Fischer. Save Costs. To Taxpayers: Next Monday is the , date for closing the tax books. After that time 10 per cent penalty and 12 per cent interest will be added to all taxes unpaid. I shall have no al ternative but to enforce the law. M. P. Burnett. Sheriff of Benton County. 1905 Tall Goods Ready Lots of Fun. Ta :- e have fine cam. Graham & Wells. New Gasoline Wood Saw. - I am now ready to attend promptly to all orders. Ind. phone 835. W. R. Hansell. Hay?For Sale. l v . Vetcb and alfalfa, best cow hay in th Ind Tel 155. L. L. Brooks. Just received a large assortment of fall and winter dress goods. This shipment includes broad cloths, henriettas, eloenes, cravenettes, waisting and fancy mixtures; wool plaids for ladies waists and childrens dreases Palmer Garments Our first shipment of ladies and misses rain coats and childrens jackets has arrived. Ladies and Misses Empire coats in transit. ' Style, fit and quality are the essentials in womens gar ments. ' The Palmer Garment excels in these three points and more than that, it gives you the money value. Style, fit and quality that are right. You are invited to inspect this line, F. L MILLER First-Glass Job Work done on short notice at the most reason able prices at this office. See us before going elsewhere.