The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 30, 1905, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times
Official Paper of Benton County.
CORVALLIS, OR, SEPT. 30, 1905.
The Portland Telegram' s account
of the late local option trial in Cor
vallis, as telegraphed by . that pa
pers local correspondent is one of
the rare and unaccustomed things
occasionally encountered in human
experience. Speaking of the case,
the account says: "It is the gener
al opinion of disinterested citizens
that the prosecution has made but
a weak case, as there has been no
direct evidence to connect the de
fendants with the specific crime al
leged." With equal sincerity and truth
the correspondent might have add
ed that it is "also the general opin
ion of disinterested citizenss that
every good horse has fourteen tails
and no legs. The strength of the
prosecution is best measured by its
effect. These "disinterested" per
sons will admit that Mr. Wyatt,
defendant's counsel, is an able law
yer, and that he did all that was in
his power to make a defense. Yet
the case made by the prosecution
was so strong and so convincing
that the jury was only out long
enough to take one ballot and write
out a verdict, consuming in fact
less than fifteen minutes of time.
In the face of such a fact, why seek
to belittle and nullify the efforts of
Mr. Bryson, when he has the sym
pathy, confidence and support of
every "disinterested citizen" in the
community, a,nd of nineteen-twen-tieths
of all the people in Benton
county in his splendid endeavor to
uphold and defend the law.
The w orst feature of the account
however, is that it causes the Tele
gram to imp 5se on its readers an
other statement that is excuseless
in its piebald falsity. It says:
''Strong prohibition men, however,
o a the jury, make a conviction
probable." Is W. T. Small a pro-
bibitnnist? Is G. H. Carl a pro
Is G
Is O.
1 ibitiomst? Is O. V. Hurt a pro
hibitionist? Is J. R. Smith a pro-
mbitionirtr Is William tfogue a
prohibitionist? To say that either
ij, is a He.' io say that all are, is
t ve lies, and that is exactly the
i umber the correspondent managed
t tell in one breath. It all reminds
one of little Billie Investigator and
t'ae Dallas affidavits in the late wat
tr fight.
. The approaching football season
promises to be the most interesting
and spectacular in the Northwest.
Alt of the leading colleges are turn
ing out stronger teams than ever
before, and muck interest is being
taken in our own university team,
which is developing under Chaun
c;y Bishop's skillful coaching into
one of che most formidable aggre
gations Willamette has ever pro
duced. I
To the casual observer, football
doubtless presents merely the spec
tacle of vigorous physical exercise.
But a deeper insight will discover
the steady development of those
other qualities which make the com
plete man quick determination,
instant obedience, self-reliance, phy
sical bravery. It calls out not mere
ly the qualities wlrch make the
soldier, courage, endurance, self
control, but equally that mental
ocumen which makes the success
ful man in any of the affairs of life,
perception' discrimination, and
judgment. Despite the common
belief that football is a rough and
tumble game, the great lesson of
the gridiron may be put in a single
line: It teaches that brains ' will
always win over muscle. But the
great merit of this game is its prac
tically unlimited field of tactical de
velopment. The fascinating study
of new movements and combinations
Is never exhausted. The cause of
its attractiveness has - its . parallel
in war. No pages ot history are
more thrilling than : those J which
describe battles in which Napoleon
by scientific maneuvering and skill
ful strategy outwits an opponent
of equal or superior strength,
Those who are disposed to make
a scientific study of the game will
find that the popularity is not with
out a reasonable warrant.
Lieutenantcies in Philippine Constab
ularyLieut. Quinlin to Recom
mend. A position as third lieutenant in
the Philippine constabulary is open
to one or more graduates of OAC.
Twentyfive such third lieutenants
are to be appointed about the first
of the coming year, or when Briga
dier General Allen, who is in com
mand of the constabulary, arrives
at Washington D. C. The war de
partment has issued orders for the
appointments to be made from grad
uates of military colleges of a cer
tain standard of efficiency in the
United States. There are nine such
colleges in the country, OAC, the
Iowa State College and the Michi
gan Agricultural College being
among the number, and Lieuten
ant Quinlin has received instruct
ions from the war department to
recommend one or more graduates
of OAC for the places.
Accompanying the instructions
to Lieutenant Quinlin, is informa
tion with reference to the constab
ulary, and the positions, the duties,
pay and other conditions. The or
ganization numbers 7,000 men,
part of whom are mounted. Also
300 officer?, from the rank of third
lieutenant to brigadier general in
command. The privates are native
Filipinos, drilled and commanded
by American officers. The organ
ization is the police force ot the
Archipelago and details of officers
and men are scattered through the
various islands.
The salary of the third lieuten
ant is $1,100 per year; second lieut
enant, $1,200; first lieutenant, $1,
300; and captain, $1,700. In order
to be appointed the applicant must
agree to serve af least two years.
After two years, the appointee will
be reimbursed by the government
for the amount of his traveling ex
penses to the Islands, or the govern
ment will advance such traveling
expense and deduct it from the ap
pointee s wages, 10 per cent month
ly. At the end of two years a three
months' furlough on full pay is al
lowed for visiting the United States
with two month's half pay addition
al for traveling. Or, the furlough
may be allowed to accumulate and
at the end of five years a (longer
vacation is permitted.
The service requires strong, in
telligent young men with good
nerve, for some 01 the service in
the field is attended with occasional
hardships and some hazard. The
instruction conclude with the state
ment that the conditions on the
Islands are constantly improving,
and that the duties of the constab
ulary become constantly less ardu
ous. .
Lietenant Quinlan yesterday re
ceived his instructions, and in due
time will make recommendations
from among the OAC graduates.
The 'nstructions were accompanied
by three blank, forms for use of ap
plicants, whence it is figured that
OAC stands a show of getting three
of these appointments.
The service otters young men
with knowledge of electrical, min
ing and mechanical engineering
great opportunities on account of
the operations of corporations who
are exploiting the islands.
His Country Week.
C. D. Gibson sat on a piazza at
Dark Harbor, There was a superb
view over grassy lands and thence
out across the broad and silvery
bay, says the New York Tribune.
"Whenever I have a spacious
view like this, I think," said Mr.
Gibson, "of a little slum urchin
whom I accompanied on his first
visit to the country.
"It was years ago. A- newspa
per was sending the children of the
poor to ike country for a week. I
went with one of the bands in order
to make some sketches.
' 'Well, when the teain drew up I
helped out a thin urchin of about
six years. I lifted him into the
waiting farm wagon and we jogged
off through beautiful rolling past
ures miles on miles cf green vel
vet. -
'The little fellow was very much
excited over the scene.
" 'Gee,' he said, 'they must need
a lot of cops here.'
" 'Why so?' said I.
" 'There's so much grass to keep
off of,' said the child."
Write Him. -T.
W. McGowan, Jr.. - established
I857 commission merchant, in hops, 36
& 38 Whitehall street. New York. Lib
eral advances made on all consignments.
Highest market prices obtained and
quick returns. ; References: Bradstreets
Mercantile Agency, New York; Bank of
America, New York. :
For Sale
First class vetch seed a 1-2 miles south
of Philomath. -. .Address E. Conger
Corvallis, Or Bell phone no 16
A Conviction for Kline and his Bar
keeperTwo Days of Court.
A second time it has been dem
onstrated in a court st law that the
operations of the so-called club in
Corvallis are unlawful, and that the
place is an illegitimate saloon con
ducted without city license and in
utter defiance of the law. Deputy
District Attorney Bryson has shown
in court that liquors are sold to
the members jnst as they are sold
at a saloon, that each member pays
for these liquors according to the
amount consumed, that the prices
paid are about the same as at a Jsa
loon, and showed further by infer
ence, that in all human probability,
Milce Kline is sole owner and pro
prietor with Hooligan, Geer and
Milne as satellites and assistants,
barkeepers and the like and the fine
profit accruing from the business
probably' goes in large measure to
the said Mike Kline. A jury of
six good men, in a single ballot by
verdict returned after being out less
than fifteen minutes, found Kline
and Milne, the barkeeper, guilty of
violation of the local option law as
a result of the club operations,
and they are to be sentenced nexc
Monday. The offense of which
they are convicted in this second
trial was committed after Kline
had been convicted and sentenced
for a similar offense in the same
court, and as the law provides a
stronger penalty for a second of
fense, it is suppose that his fine will
be heavy.
The trial began Tuesday fore-1
noon, and did not end until hve
o'clock Wednesday evening. Most
of the two diys was consumed in
hearing the evidenoe for the prose
cution and in the argument. The
case throughout was a hot legal
battle with Deputy Attorney Bry
son for the state, and J. R. Wyatt
of Weatherford & Wyatt, for the
defense, pitted against each other.
Objections on the, part of the de
fense to the admission of evidence,
and arguments thereon with citation
of authorities were almost constant
during the introduction of testimony
The state had to rely almost solely
on members of the organization for
evidence, a fact that made convic
tion the more difficult. The attor
ney of the club made no effort to
get members excused from testify
ing on the ground that they .''would
incriminate themselves" which was
the main defense relied on in the
former trial when the Klines, P. A.
and Mike, appeared as counsel for
the defense. He made no motion
to "'squash the affidavit and clear
the whole thing off the boards' as
was frequently done in the other
case. He simply fought as hard as
he could, and that was ably, the
threads of evidence, here and there
that Deputy Attorney Bryson
wound around the accused, and
when it was all in, argued his case
intelligently and forcefully, but
without avail. The trial took place
in the circuit court room, and a
large crowd of interested spectators
was present throughout.
The jury. was. W. T. Small, G.
H. CarL A. W. Herbert, O. V.
Hurt. J. R, Smith and William
Uoerue. They were selected after
many veniremen had been examin
ed. The counsel for defense ex
hausted all its premptory challenges
in making up the final list. Kline,
the secretary and treasurer of the
shebang, and Milne, the steward,
were the defendants. George
Planter, a member of the club, was
the man to whom the liquor, as
charged in the complaint was sold.
He testified that on the 1st of Sept
ember he entered the place, and
that Mike Kline told Milne to go
out and wait on the boys. He got j
a bottle of whiskey or brandy, he j
could-not remember which, but
whether it was given him by Milne
or whether he got it himself, the
witness could not tell, John D.
Wells, constable, swore that in an
examination in Bryson' s office,
Plaster had sworn that Milne had
given him the bottle. Mr. Plaster
also testified that he had received
one card that called for an "assess
ment of about $3 or $3.50, and that
he had received other such cards.
It appeared from his and other tes
timony that a bill is rendered each
member of the amount due for the
booze they have received over the
bar, and that when a bill is render
ed it is called a card, that the act
of presenting the bill is -called an
assessment. The thmness of
the subterfuge to fool the court and
the officers is one of the distinguish
ing features of the operations of the
place. . -
There were a number of other
witnesses. John Linger swore that
he had paid two "assessments one
of twenty five cents and another of
ten cents. Tom Bell swore that he
had withdrawn from the shebang,
and also that he had been ' 'assess
ed" 40 cents for a flask of brandy
that ought not to have -colt more
than 25 cents at a saloon. The
testimony of George Lilly, cashier
at the First National, showed that
Kline paid for booze with his own
checks and not as an officer of the
club, practically establishing the
fact that he is owner and propriety? ;
and the club hypocrisy a mere
trick to fool the public.
. In the decisions presented in the
argument there was not one author
ity that held such a club could be"
carried on tinder a lacal option law
while a number of strong decisions
held that its transactions, even with
its members to be sales ol liquor
and ol course unlawful.
Four other cases against the es
tablishment are yet to be tried.
They are set for a week from Mem-day.
Marcus Butler left yesterday
for a week's visit with Portland
One of the wanders of the hour
is the Portland Journal's alleged
educational write-up of Oregon.
While every building that every
other institution can muster is fully
pictured, OAC, more than double
in attendance that of any other
school in the state, is represented
by a wretched illustration of the
girl's dormitory. Judged by the
write up and illustrations, OAC is
about the least educational institu
tion in Oregon, when in fact it has
more students than any two institu
tions in the state, and in point of
endowment, equipment and plant is
far in the lead of any other institu
tion. Wheelmen.
The law does not permit use of
the sidewalks by wheelmen until
November 1 st. "AH are expected
to govern themselves accord imgly.
W. G. Lane, Chief of Police.
Wanted -20
ton Vetch seed to fill car at Corval
lis this week. .
L. L. Brooks
Rates to Lewis and Clark Fair.
Corvallis to Portland via Albany.
The round trio rate Corvallis
to Portland, via Albany and the C
& E is the same as via the West
Side, viz $2.90, tickets good 30
days. C & E have reduced the
Fair rates to basis of one and one
tenth rate from all points.
A limited number of . pupils in
vocal music will be received by
Mrs. Ella J. Taylor at the Presby
terian Manse.
The marriage of Elwood L
Clark, Superintendent of the Expo
sition Post Office, Portland, for
merly of Corvallis and Miss Mattie
Yoder, was solemnized at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. M. Yoder at Oregon City last
Wednesday evening, Rev. Wood
of the Methodist church officiating.
The groom was attended by H. E.
Jones of Condon, and the brides
maid was Miss Nellie Scraffori.
The ceremony was witnessed by
about thirty relatives End intimate
friends. The young couple were
the recipients of many valuable
gifts. They will be at home to
their friends in Portland, after Oct
We have secured ."the Agen
cy for the Celebrated Browns
ville Clothing for Men. Suits
ready-to-wear and made to
measurement. For- farmers.
mechanics and working men
these goods have no superior.
J. M. Nolan & Son.
Wonderful Nerve.
Is distjlaved by many a man enduring
pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds, 3ruis-
r- t -1 n r 1 , rr '
es, uurns, ocaias, oore ieei or sun joints.
But there's no need for it. Bncklen's
Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure
the trouble. It's the best Salve on earth
for Piles, too. 25c. at Allen & Wood
ward's, druggists.
Sale of Water Bonds,
Sealed proposals will be received by the clerk
of the Water Committee of tne Olty of Corvallis.
Benton countv, Oiegon, until October 9th, 1905,
at six o'clock p. m. lor the purchase ot part of
all of 175,000 bond Issue of said city.
Bald bonds are authorised by special lagtsla
tive act of 1905, and issued to pay for the con
struction of a gravity water works system, bear
interest at the rate of four per cent per annum,
in denomination of from ? 100 to ;i,o00 payable
semi-annually, and. are payable at Corvallis,
Oregon, In TJ. S. gc Id coin 40 years after date of
Issue, at the rate of $2,000 annually after 7 years
with option to pay entire issue at end ot ten
years or any time thereafter. ---
The assessed valuation of the city of Corval
lis, 1 901, wast 834,860 of which the actual value
Is $l,25o,000; population within corporate limits
2100: no bonded debt, general warrant indebted
ness, $22,000 ot which $15,000 Is for construction
of sewer system.
Said Water Committee reserves the right to
reject any and all bids. Each offer must be
accompanied by a certlfyed cheok for 2 per cent
of amount of bid. to be forfeited If bid is accept
ed and not completed.
September 9, 19U5. . S, L. KLINE, Clerk,
r i '$y
0t$m east Mips!
The variety of choice and the
we sell deservedly the most famous ready-for-service clothing
in America intensify the' importance of the splendid opportu
nities which the early-season offering presents to you.
No Prizes
Chase I Sanborn High Grade
In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and
Chase & Sanborn High Grade
Bicycle & Sporting Goods Store
Is the place to get your Guns and
Ammunition for the opening of the
pheasant season. I have guns and
ammunition of every description.
Guns and- Bicycles for Rent
A full line of sewing machine sup
plies. I have anything in the um
brella line from a rib to a new um
brella. Everything you call for in
sporting goods line.
For Sale
Oak grub wood, Cheat and vetch hay
for sale, Satisfaction guaranteed
T A Logsdon
Phone 55 Mt View line
Field and Garden
Thatcher & Johnson.
When in need of hay and grub oak
wood in 4 ft . 16 inch length. Telep ho
L. Ir. Brooks
. Piano Wessons.
Mordaunt A. Goednough announces
the opening of his studio, at 4th and
Jackson Sts. Sept. 18th. Pupils received
at any time in Piano, Harmony and the
oretical subjects. - Send for catalogue.
Ind. phone 476.
high character of the Gothing-
go with our
agent for
All kinds of fresh grass seeds for
sale at Zeirolf's.
To contract from oae to three carloads
etch teed if prhe is reasonable.
"L. L.Brooks,
Telephone 155 Ml. View.
Don't forget the date of the
Auction Sale
Sept. 30th.
Of st and farm implements at
I. HJick in's farm 9mile8 west
ofCurvallia. See posters.
Do you shave yourself? Welt
just keep in mind that - our Witch
Hazel Extract is a distilled extract
and Hoe- not contain one drop of
wood alcohol. Price, bottle, 25.
o.aham & Wells.