The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 27, 1905, Image 1

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    Y St
Vol. XVIII.-No. 17.
and Proprl
em aflncl Beys
Our line of clothing this
year is more complete and
comprise some of the best
weaves the market produces
and our prices will interest
you. Our boys line of suits
and overcoats have lots of
style and good material.
Greatest line of Shoes in City
J.'-'S. fiARRIi
'till I 3 !".--' H'n
Fine Light Sample Rooms.
J. C. Hammel, Prop.
Leading HoteHn Oorvallis. Recently opened. New
brick building. Newly furnished, with modern con
veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam
ette Valley.
$ iM), $1.25 and $2.00 per day.
Be Alarmed ! !
Unless it is by one of our Alarm Clocks, . and you will
be spared the annoyance of an alarm at the wrong time.
Clocks guaranteed. A full line of Jewelry, 0. A. C.
Pins, OptLal Coode. Get ne.of our self-filling Foun
tain Pens. We do all kinds' of optical work. Eye
strain, headache, relieved by a pair of our glasses.
Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician.
Licensed to Practice Optometry in the State of Oregon.
Ask Your Dealer for Economy Jars
And take no other
Economy Jars are sanitary, no zinc, no poison,
no mould, no separate rubber ring.
Held Fast in a Sewer Pipe Land
lords Insists on Race Suicide
in New York Other News
Victoria, Sept. 23. R. Kayahara
editor of Yorodzu Choho of Tokio,
who arrived hera today by the Iyo
Maru, said there is a great outcry
against Baron Komura in Japan,
and it is probable that he will be
assassinated. Newspapers have
published cartoons of him with a
rope around bis neck, others with
Samurai handing him - a dagger to
kill himself. .
The Yorodzu was suspended for
making a bitter personal attack on
Baron Komura advising the people
to "turn their backs" when he re
The Osaki Asahi published a car
toon showing Admiral Togo being
borne io triumph on a portable
shrine of coolies, and a companion
picture of Komura being buried
The Baron is seated, dead, and
borne by beirers with tall hats and
cadaverous faces. Another cartoon
shows men with massive closed
fists ehakine them in the face of
Baron Komura wha is returning by
Salem, Oregon, January 31, 1904.
Kerr Glass Manufacturing Compa'rry". 1 - , ' ; .
Portland, Oregon. Dear Sirs
I used six dozen of your fruit jars last season and am very much pleased with them.
The Economy Jar is the nicest looking and the best jar I have ever used.
I canned all kinds of fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, pickles and chicken, and hadfine
success with the Economy Jar.
. I was awarded all the first prizes, consisting of 8 blue ribbons, at the Oregon State
Fair, 1903, for my exhibit of canned fruits and jelly.
Keno, JNev., Sept. A. man
with drafts and checks amounting
to several hundred dollars, togetb
er with a large amount of money
on his person, was arrested while
drunk on the streets of Truckee
last night. Three hours after ' he
was locked securely in the jail, the
officer went in to see if he was safe
and found him tightly wedged in
the sewer pipe.
io his drunken fancy, he thought
he could escape through the 12-inch
Dine, and attempted to - force -his
way through.
At the first joint his shoulders
caught and in this position he was
found by the officer. His limbs had
swollen and be could neither move
one way or the other. A block,
tackle acd five mfen were brought
to his aid. Their combined efforts
could not move him.
Then it was decided to tear
away the brick and iron of the jail
building. In this manner the
pine was reached and forn away
from around the man. He suffered
agony. It was found necessary to
cut his shoes from his feet.
The checks found on his person
are on a New York bank, in favor
of John Ray. The man refused to
give his name.
Reno, Sept. 23. Wadsworth
once the liveliest railroad town of
Nevaea, with a population varying
from 3 rao to 4ooo, but now a de
serted pile of shacks has been tak
en possession of by thousands of
wildcats. Thev are roaming the
stroets making their abode in ram-
shaekle buildings. At the sight of
human beings, they scamper over
each other, hundreds of them,
their mad flight for safety. This j
condition is caused by the fact that
the railroad people when leaving,
left the old family cats to their fate
Two or three hundred of them wre
abandoned in this way more than
a year ago and the thousands of
wild felines today are the result.
The Oregon commissioners bought all my fruit to represent Oregon at the St. Louis
Eair. I have been requested to put up fruit for. the Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition
1905, and I will use your Economy Jars. They are a sure seal, easy to open, and I prefer
them to any jar I have ever used.
Yours very truly,
Mrs. S. R. Foster.
It is worth your while to know YOUR preserved fruits and vegetables are free from
poisonous compounds? You know this if you use the ECONOMY JARS they are endor
sed and used by the
and other Colleges and Universities.
Prof. Snell of the Oregon Agricultural College especially recommends ECONOMY JARS
because the cover is Sanitary and free from any Possibilities of Forming Poisionous Com
' - -
pounds with the contents of the Jar
Wadhams 6c Kerr Bros. Distributors
Wholesale Grocers. Portland, Oregon
By the use of wigs and paints in an
artistic manner, be makes his char
acters . live before his audience.
Mrs. Day who appears with him iB
a reader of ability.
The fifth programme is a musical
one by the H. T. Butterworth Co.
Mr. Butterworth has toured the
country as base soloist, with Thom
as' famous orchestra, and is now
winning fame with the present com
pany, including Miss Hattie Rood
Grace, who has a pure soprano
voice trained by some of the best
teachers of the day. She is not
only a sweet vocalist, but a remark
ably good whistler. Miss Eliza
Rosentomer of Berlin, Germany,
is a violiniBt. Miss Mabel Wal
lace, the fourth member of the com
pany, is a graduate of theCumnock
School of Oratory, acd a reader of
The sixth entertainment is a
lecture on "The Great Paintings of
the World" illustrated by several
hundred stereoptlcon reproductions
of great paintings, and of the great
art galleries of the world. This
lecture will not only give views of
the great paintings, but will also
portray the artists, and outline the
history of art from ancient times to
the present.
be exact, six in the" four families,
and for that reason they were told
to look elsewhere for a home.
Andrew Garvin, one of the four,
who has been ejected, declares that
it is almost impossible to find the
kind of a home that he desires.
"My wife and I have hunted all
over the city," he says, "and I am
convinced that there is a general
conspiracy against children among
the owners of first class apartment
"We have been rebuffed time and
again when we had found places
that suited us. The fact that I am
financially good for any amount
that, I may agree to pay is lost
sight of because I have children."
. r Portland, Oregon, Oct, 25, 1905
The two Mason Jar caps has been examined. Upon examination the metal of the
new Mason cap was found to be pure zinc. ' The small pin holes in the old Mason cap
were undoubtedly caused by the action of vegetable acids. As a result the fruit in the
jar must have been greatly contaminated with poisonous zinc compounds.
1 regard the use of jars with zinc caps as very unsanitary and even dangerous.
Yours very truly, -J.
, State Dairy and Food Commissioner.
New York, Sept. 24. It is yearly
becoming more and more of a prob
lem for New York families to know
what to do with children.
In only two clashes of homes are
they welcomed, the cheap, dirty,
uncomfortable tenements on the
lower East Bide, and in private
houses. - '
It is an actual fact that a man
with an income from $60 to $200 a
week, is compelled to put in- the
hardest kiud of hard work, if he
wants to secure a dwelling in - pro
portion to his means, providing he
has children. ;
Landlords of the better class a,
partments are gradually becoming
converts. to the theory that chil
dren are unnecessary evils, and
tenants who have them are per
emptorily ordered to move as soon
as their leases expire.
This fact has been accentuated
during the past few days by the ac
tion Andrew Bowsej owner of an
apartment in the aristocratic River
side Drive section, in visiting four
of his tenants.
Each of the men paid from $2000
to $36oo a year for their apartments
and paid it promptly. But they
had. one or two children a piece, to
St. Louis, Sept. 23. The "mash
er" has become such a nuisance in
this city that it is proposed to en
act an ordinance in the municipal
assembly, fixing the penalty com
mensurate with the offense. So
great is the evil that women are
not safe from insult in the Union
station, the corridors of the post
office or streets. Scarcely a day
passes but one or more weak-kneed
sissy boys are not hailed before
the police,
Monday one was fined $3oo for
attempting to get up a flirtation
with a woman who had gone ti the
Union depot to meet her husband
who was coming home on the ev
ening train.
The present offense is punishable
with a maximum fine of $310 for
disturbance of the peace. The or
dinance to be iutroduced recognizes
'mashing" as a misdemeanor and
provides that "'any male who shall
disturb the peace of any girl or
woman by winking or staring a
her, or by making insulting re
marks, attempting a conversation
with any girl or woman without
the formality of an introduction
will be guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction shall-be fined
not less than $5 or more than $5oo-
vision is progressing rapidly. Two
hundred have already been built
and 4ooo more will be necessary to
shelter the homeless peopie who are
sleeping in the depots.
According to statistics, 20,000
cattle perished during the earthquakes.
Rome, Sept. 24. Another tor
nado today caused enormous dam
age to Calabria.
A gradual clearance of the build
ings ruined by ths recent earth
quakes, shows that tthe number of
persons who perished was greater
than in the firBt estimated. Large
numbers of bodies are being discov
ered daily.
The work of constructfng wooden
cabins under government super
Portland, Sept. 24. Covered with
scars and bruises as a result of a
terrible battle with a wounded bear
D. M. Roberts and E. E. Sleret of
Gresham ar'ived in Portland this
morning, from the south fork of tbe
Santiam river. That they escaped
from the infuriated beast and liv
ed to tall of their experience is con
sidered remarkable, for more than
once during the sanguinary fight
they were at the mercy of the bear.
Roberts and Sleret with Charles
Gedamke and Lonis Sdattuck, also
of Gresham, made up a hunting
party that started for the Santiam
several days ago. Oae day last
week Sleret and Roberts were "still"
hunting for deer at a large huckle
berry patch on the mountain aide.
Sleret, who was some distance from
his companion, suddenly came
upon a large brown beat, and shot
it at a distance ot 20 feet. Ibe
bear fell to' the ground - and rolled
over, and Sleret became excited and
ran to it, forgetting that a wounded
bear nearly always gets up and
and fights.
This bear being no exception,
immediately arose and fiercely at
tacked the hunter. He had shot
at it several times, at close quarters
and the magazine of his 3o-3o Mar
lin was empty. He turned and
shouted to Roberts to come to his
aid. In a run of forty feet through
the brush the bear knocked him
down twice, and was about to kill
him when Roberts appeared on the
ecene. The animal left Sleret and
attacked Roberts. The latter un
fortunately, stood in a position
where he dared not shoot at the
bear for fear of hitting his friend.
Before he could change his position
the animal had attacked him, and
there was a hand to hand battle of
several minutes between the two
men and the bear.
Roberts received a severe wound
on the right leg from the animal'a
paw. The bear with decidedly the
best of the fight, suddenly showed
fear and fled.
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