A BISHOP SPOKE. At First Chapel Exercises An Inci- dent of College Opening. 1 V The Oregon Agricultural College opened last Tuesday with an at tendance of about 400 students. On account of the Lewis and Clark . Exposition, a hundred or more students will be delayed a few days in order that they may take advan tage of the great fair. The exercises began promptly at 8.50 in -the morning with prayer by Rev. Simpson of Good Samaritan Episcopal church of Corvallis aud was followed by Bishop Morrison of New Orleans. Bishop Morrison took the following text from the 1st chapter of St. John: "Keep the good wine till the last of the feast." The entire address was full of well founded advice to the voune men and women, many of whom are away from home and parents for the first time in their lives: it consisted largely of words of sympathy for the girl and boy who are starting out for the higher life in business and in the intellect ual pursuits. He said; "Young men and women, you are now at the open- sag of a seaeon of books and letters Many of you have entered College for the first time in your lives: hence I desire to speak to you of ihe first grest miracle wrought by our Savior; it was His advent in the work miraculous: it was his first instruction to men and women for he was a teacher and he thought as no other man thought; he spake as no other man spake; he suffered as no other man ever suffered. You are here to eo. from the life you have lived to the enjoyment that living better will give you, This was Christ's entire trend. He was always doing somethiug good; ihe touched water and it became wholesome wine; he spoke aloud, the corpse arose and Lazarus came forth. Jlte sooner you come, young men and women, into touch with the teachings of Christ, the sooner you will come to your higher inter ests. In this college you will find many problems that your teachers will help you solve but there will foe many problems and many exi gencies ihat no teacher except Christ can solve for you. You will notice that the Savior, in his desire that the servants might have a part in his great mir acle, said: "Fill up the wa'er pots." In order that you may have a part in the greater life, you may expect to live, you will be called upon time and again to dc the things that a laggard might ex pect others to do for him. Your college life will prepare you (or a citizenship of 50 or 60 years at the most: thai is all; this Faculty pre pares you for such a citizenship but Christ's teachings prepare you for a citizenship of the whole universe and for eternal ages. You will also notice that He told them to f 111 the six pots of water to The brim full to overflowing; this as the way that God does business. He does not do things on the scant; when he made the ocean, he made it full. There is nothing narrow in God no narrowness or meanness; everything is kindness and fullness with God. You will notice also that Christ kept the good wine till the last of tfee feast ; this is the theory of the Christian life. The world says, "Drink the best first"; Christ says, "Keep the best wine for the last of the feast." Your college career is a part of the 'Christian theory which pre pares men and women for the best of life at the close a Christian sun set without a cloud. This you will have if you allow Christ to cul tivate the heart while these teach ers cultivate the head. Write Him. T. W. McGowati, Jr.. established I857 commission merchant, in hops, 36 fc 38 Whitehall street. New York. Lib eral advances made on all consignments, Highest market prices obtained and quick returns. References: Bradstreets Mercantile Agency, New York; Bank of America, New York. , Portland MarketReport. Wheat valley 71 Flour $3.60 to $4.10 per bll. Potatoes .65 to .75 per cent Eggs Oregon, 26c to 27c per doz. Butter 14 to roc per lb. Creamery 25 to 30c per lb. Corvallis, Wheat 6rc per bushel Oats 32c to 34 per bushel Flour 1. 00 per sack Potatoes $0.83 percent. 'Butter 50c per roll Creamery 75c per roll ISggs 23c per doz Chickens r5 per pound Iard 15c per lb In Memory of Clyde Tharp. One dear form lay on a slab, One form so still and white, Clyde, the wife and child's com- fort, Had gone to a home of height. O Clyde, my husband, the wife cried; How ran 1 give yon up like tbU! And then with a wail of pain, 6he pressed Upon bis brow a kiee. In silence they stood beside her, To comfort, tothe and calrr, The heart eo ciually bleeding, Because the husband wa from it torn. Don't weep for Dearest Clyde, now; Do not wish him back again; For he is only waiting on the! other side, A star for your golden crown! And when vou think , of that lin ed grave, That holds one form so dear, Remember father and mother that your Clyde, Is with our Blessed Svior; And try t)think that bye and bye When you are done with earth sod care That you, too, will go home with him to rest, In a mansion bright and fair. And remember that circling round you now, Are myriads of angpl forms And that Clyde, dear Clyde, i - with the baod, That shields you from all barm Then be earnest in Hia eervice now, Let your soul be filled with prayer For a few more days will show to you Your work God holds in store. J. I,. H. NOT SEVEN THOUSAND. Population in Benton 271 More Males Than Females in Corvallis. The male persuasion preponder ates somewhat in the population of Benton county. There are 271 more of him than of her within the county limits, according to the figures of Assessor Davis, just com pleted. Of him there are 351 1; of her there are, 3240. The total pop ulation of the county is. 6751. In the census of 1895, the figures for the county were, 4,483. There are ten more stern than fair sexed persons in Corvallis. Of males there are 1,035; of females, ,025; total. 2060. The figures do not include Corvallis suburbs like the Fischer's mill section, College hill, and about fifty families of per sons in Corvallis for school pur poses. The census of 1900 gave Corvalhs a population of 181 8. Philomath has a population of 12 with two more males than fe males. The summary of the cen sus i : Liable to military duty. 1 198 2035 2086 758 667 35" Legal voters, Males over 2r and upwards, Males under 21 and over ten, Males under ten, Total males, Females over 18 and upwards 1962 Females under 18 and over ro 629 Females under ten 649 Total females, 3240 Total males and females, , 6751 Population of incorporated cities, included in above totals. Corvallis. Legal voters, 6ri 634 Males over 21 and upwards, Males under 20 and over 10 Males under ten Total Males, 229 172 1035 Females over 18 and upwards, 675 Females under 18 and over 10 196 Females under 10, 154 Total females, 1025 Total males and females, 2060 Philomath. Legal voters, 148 Males over 2 1 ana upwards, Males under 21 and over 10, 148 61 Males under 10, 48 Total males, 257 158 Females over 18 and upwards, Females under. 18 and over 10 56 4i Females under ro, Total females,; , Total males and females, 255 512 Rates to Lewis and Clark Fair. Corvallis to Portland via Albany The round trip rate Corvallis to Portland, via Albany and the C & E is the same as via the West Side, viz '$2.90, tickets good 30 days- C & E have reduced the Fair rates to- basis of one and one tenth rate from all points. A limited number of pupils in vocal music will be received by Mrs. Ella J. Taylor at the Presby terian Manse. SAVED BY A GYPSY. &n Incident of the Anstro-Prusslan , War of ISCa. An incident of the Austro-Prussian war of 1S00 was told as follows by the Archduke Joseph: "On pur retreat be fore the advance of the Prussian army," said the archduke, "we camped In the neighborhood of a Bohemian town. I was lodged in a peasant's cot tage when about midnight I heard the sentry challenging some newcomer. Sly adjutant entered and reported that a gypsy wanted to see me in private. A soldier (a gypsy) entered, and on my asking what was the matter h told me that the enemy wiis approaching to surprise us. " 'The outposts have not heard any thing suspicious,' I said. 'No, your highness, because the enemy is still a long way off.' 'But how do you know this?' I asked. 'Come to the window, your highness,' answered the man. 'Do you see those biras nying over xue wood toward the south? JVes, I see them. What then?' 'What, then? Do not birds sleep as well as men? They certainly would not fly about if they were not disturDea. xne enemy is marching through, the wood and has frightened all those birds.' Emerson on Lincoln. The president impressed me more favorably than I had hoped. A frank, sincere, well meaning man, with a law yer's habit of mind, good, clear state ment of his fact, correct enough, not vulgar, as described, but with a sort of boyish cheerfulness, or that kind of sincerity and jolly good meaning that our class meetings on commencement days show in telling our old stories over. When he has made his remark he looks up at you with great satisfac tion and shows all his white teeth and laughs. He argued to Sumner the whole Case of Gordon, the slave trader, point by point, and added that he was not quite satisfied yet, and meant to refresh his memory by look ing again at the evidence. All this showed a fidelity and conscientiousness very honorable to him. When I was Introduced to him he said, "Oh, Mr. Emerson, I once heard you say in a lecture that a Kentuckian seems to say by his air and manners, 'Here am I; If you don't like me, the worse for vou.' " Diary of R. W. Emerson in The farmer reaps what he has pre viously sowed. The human body reaps likewise the natural crop of weakness, gain and death if the seeds of disease ave been sown by bad habits of careless ness in eating, sleeping and exercising. Keep well if you can and when you need a little help in keeping well use Nature's remedies, that do not roughly stimulate but gently quicken the action of Nature's functions in a natural way. Nature's laboratory furnishes the follow ing plants which enter into the manufac ture of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery: Golden Seal root, Queen's root. Stone root. Black Cherrybark, Bloodroot and Mandrake root. If in doubt as to your trouble or need ing advice, you can consult, free of charge. Dr. E. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. Buffalo. N. Y. All letters are considered confidential and answers bearinz correct medical advice returned in securely sealed envelopes. " ' suffered for nearly eight years," writes P!;.lip A. Fatch, Esq., of Mobile, Ala.. Deputy Siu'i-iff, "with malaria, which poisoned my ei.sire system ana aepnvea me of my vi ta. ,;y. I was cured in three months by using Lr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I kr.cw it was largely due to neglect and I pr.nl little attention to my trouble until I Ia- ame so run-down and weak that I knew 1 Lad to do something at once to regain my health. I began to feel better within four davs after I used the 'Golden Medical Dis cv.v ry,' and after using nine bottles I was rtv'ored to my usual health, feeling better thn for years." The most valuable book for both men and women is Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad viser. A splendid 1008-page volume, with engravings and colored plates. A copy, paper-covered, will be sent to anyone sending 21 cents in one-cent stamps, to pay the cost of mailing only, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. Wood Sawing Done promptly. Sa isfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable. ind phone 349 or 692. Cummings & Cady, Remember .When in need of hay and grub oak wood in 4 ft. 16 inch length. Telep ho L. L. Brooks Notice to Creditors. In the Matter of the Estate of James Robinson', deceased. Notice Is hereby given to all peisons concerned that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of James Robinson, deceased, by the county court, ot the state of Oregon for Benton county. All persons having claims against said estate of said James Roblu son, deceased, are hereby required to present the same, with the proper vouchers, duly veri fied as by law required, wtthiu six months from the dateheieof to the undersigned at his resi dence four miles north of Corvallis, Oregon, or at the law office of E. E. Wilson In Corvallis Or egon. - Dated this August 12. 1905. WILLIAM KNOTTS. Administrator of the Estate ot James Robinson, deceased. Notice to Creditors. In the Matter of the Estate) of I Louisa Ibwin, deceased. ) Notice Is hereby given to all persons concern ed that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed executor of the last will and testament of Louisa Irwin, deceased, by the county court of Oregon for Benton county. All persons having claims against said estate or Louisa irwin, ae ceased, are hereby required to present the same with the proper vouchers, duly verified as by law required within six months from the date here of, to the underslgnea at his residence ten miles south of Corvallis, Oregon, or at the law office of c wiison in uorvaii is, Oregon. Dated this August 12 1905. R. S. IRWIN, Execntor ot the last will and testament ol Loul sa Irwin, deceased. NEWS Or NECESSITIES! It pays to read our ads. It paysjo visit our store. It pays to patronize us. We are up to the minute in every detail, News of Necessities will interest you. N E:w; . Ne w German Dill Pickles New Alssa Honey Ice Cream Jello, all flavors Tetleys India and Ceylon tea t Imported Weir Senf Mustard Pickled Pearl Onions . Mapline Clam Chowder Sniders Pork and Beans Use "Three Heart Soap" 3 in I Ammonia, Borax, Naptha washes in cold water. We aim to keep all the late goods on the market, if we havent them, leave your order we get them for you on short notice. Hodes Grocery Independent Piioxe 203 Our ad., but our goods change hands every day." Your money exchanged for Value and Quality is the idea. Big Line, Fresh Groceries Domestic and Imported. Plain and Fancy Chinaware A large and varied line. We always keep when they are E. B Borning Cumber Tor Sale At Lowest Possible Prices Send in House Bills for estimates of cost All kinds and grades of lumber on hand, all orders piomptly filled. Lumber delivered when required. OTIS SKIPTON, Bell Phone 4x2. Sawmill located four miles Wanted Butter and Eggs at Moses Brothers HOME-SEEKERS If you are looking for some real good bargains " in Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in giving you all the reliable showing you over the country. AMBLER 6c WAITERS Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon. Vegetables when tobe had. Philomath, Ore. R. F. D. 2. southwest of Philomath. information you ..wish, also E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY Al LAW. G. K. FARRA, Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs in. Burnett Brick Idence on the corn er of Madison Seventh at. Phone t house 1 1 d WILLAMETTE VALEY Banking Company Corvallis. Oregon. Responsibility, $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Bays County, City and School Warrants. Principal Correspondents. 8AX FBANCISOO PORTLAND I The Bank SEATTLE f California TAOOMA . 1 KKW YORK Messrs. ,T. P. Morgan Co CHICAGO- National Bank of The Repub lic. LONDON, ENG. N SI Rothschilds & Sons' CANADA. Union Bank of Canada R. D. Burgess PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office over Blackledges furniture store. Hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5. Phone, o&ce 216; Res 454 Corvallis, Oregon. W. E. Yates Bert Yates Yates 6c Yates Law, Abstracting & Insurance Zierolf Building Both Phones. Corvallis, Or. H. S. PEE.NOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoffice. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & v -ham's drug, store. B. A. CATHEY Physician & Surgeon Office, room 14, BanH Bldg. Honrsi lO to 12 and 2 to 4. Phone, office 83. Residence 351. Corvallis, Oregon. J. FRED STATES ATTORN. l-AT-LAW. First Nat'l Bank Building, Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County P. A. KLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER Corvallis P. A. Klines line Phone r. O. Addr?ss, Box n. Fays highest prices for all kinds of Live Stock. Satisfaction gmiranteed. Twenty years experience. . R. Bryson, Attorney-At-Law, Sunday Excursions to Newport! ON THE G. & E. R. R. . Beginning Sunday, June 18 and continuing until the end of August EVERY SUNDAY Leaving Corvallis at 8:00 a. m., Philomath 8:15 a. m. Returning leaves Newport at 5 p. m. arriving in Corvallis at 9:15. at Albany at 9:55, Giving 5 hours at the beach Fare round trip from Albany, Corvallis and Philomath $1.50 Largest line of matting in the city at Blackledge's. CHOLEKA INFANTUM. Child Not Expected to liive from One Hour to Another, but Cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Ruth, the little daughter of E. X. Dewey of Agnewville, Va., was '. seriously ill of cholera infantum last summer. "We gave her 'up and did not expect her to lire from one hour to another," he says. "I happened to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and got a bottle of it from the store. In five hours I saw a change for the better. We kept on giving it and before she had taken the half of one small bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale by Graham & Wortham. i