The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 23, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XVIII.-No. 17.
b.f. iKvnni
nd Froprt
To secure for our store this sea son a line of
merchandise to eclipse any former season
We believe has been successful. Every de
partment teems with the best to be had for
the price from the different wants of the
country. An inspection is? solicited and we
believe our prices are as low' lis the -lowest.
Received Ladies Jacket :, Long Coats, Rain
Coats, Skirts. A big line dress goods, silks
etc. Shoes in all styles and prices.
For the students we can supply all of your
wants. . . . . , . .
Fine Light Sample Rooms.
' Hotel
J. C. fiammel, Prop.
Leading Hotelln Oorvallis. Recently opened. New
bricV. building. Newly furnished, with modern con
veniences'. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor.' Fine single
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam
ette Valley.
$ iX), $1.25 and $2.00 per day.
wdetits !
Be Alarmed ! !
Unless it is by one of our Alarm Clocks, and -yoirwill
be spared the annoyance of an alarm at the wrong time.
Clocks guaranteed. A full line of Jewelry, 0. A. C.
Pins, Optical Goods. Get one of our self-filling Foun
tain Pens. We do all kinds of optical work. Eye
strain, headache, relieved by a pair of our glasses.
Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician.
Licensed to Practice Optometry in the State of Oregon.
Ask Your Dealer for Economy Jars
And take no other.
Economy Jars are sanitary, no zinc, no' poison,
I no mould, no separate rubber ring.
Airship Carried Meesage From
Portland to Vancouver Rob
bery in the Affairs of the
Equitable Other
San Francieco, Sept. 19 The
Republican municipal convention
was turned into a free-for-all fight
tonight. Delegates fought on the
floor of the big auditorium, on the
etage, and in the .antc-rooms.
Great groups of politicians wrestled
on the floor, driving their fists into
eachothers faces, and sprinkling
the woodwork with blood. To add
to the turbulence the deputy sher
iffs and the police summoned to
restore order fought with each oth
er. . - .-'
The warring factions were the
reform delegates and the followers
of Reuf. When the smoke of bat
tie cleared away, the reformers held
the fort, After quiet had been en'
tirely restored the reformers pro
ceeded to put through their pro
gramme, calling for fusion with the
democrats denouncing Schmi'z and
Ruef in scathing terms.
There was a rumor early in the
day that Raef had planned to car
ry the convention by force. He
controls one wing of the party and
seeks to uee it to further the cause
of Mayor Schmltz who ' has been
nominated by the Union Labor
party for another term. He march
ed into the convention with 175
delegates. Opposed to him were
the reformers who had 223 dele
galea. j.kuci uau jauacu kuc gal
lery and as soon as the convention
assembled it was evident trouble
would break.
Everything went smoothly until
E. E. McGuBhen, a Ruef delegate
obtaining the floor tried to upset
the programme. He wa3 declared
out of order by Temporary Chair
man Sontae, but refused to leave
the Etage. Ssrgeant-at-arms Mc
Gee was told to escort McGushen
to his seat. As McGee attempted
to carry out his orders, friends of
Mr. McGushen rushed to his as
Gus Gilfeather, a Ruefite, struck
the eergeant-at-arms acrosB the face
with his fist and then the general
melee started. There was a wild
rush of delegates from ..all parts of
the auditorium to the stag",
An they reached the point of
combat they threw themselves
into the fray. Soon the entire hall
was a mass of struggling politicians
Women, who had been provided
SDecial seats in the hall, added to
the pandemonium by their screams
While the fighting raged a squad
of bluecoats arrived to restore or
der. At the same time a detach
men t of sheriff deputies in plain
clothes entered the hall. There
was a ciash of authority, and the
policemen and the sheriff's men in
stead ot trvine to restore order
fought wi'h each other,
. The policemen are under tb
control of Ruef while the
etands iu with the reformers.
Finally order was restored. Dan
Salem, Oregon, January 31, 1904.
Kerr Glass Manufacturing Company.
Portland, Oregon. Dear Sirs:- -I
used six dozen of your fruit jars last season and am very much pleased with them.
The Economy Jar is the nicest looking and the best jar I have ever used.
I canned all kinds of fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, pickles and chicken, and had'fine
success with the Economy Jar. . .
I was awarded all the first prizes, consisting "of 8 blue ribbons, at the Oregon State
Fair, 1903, for mv exhibit of canned fruits and jelly.
The Oregon commissioners bought all my fruit to represent Oregon at the St. Louis
Eair. I have been requested to put up fruit for the Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition
1905, and I will use your Economy Jars, They are a sure seal, easy to open, and I prefer
them to any jar I have ever used. .
Yours very truly,
Mrs. S. R. Foster.
: It is worth your while to know YOUR preserved fruits and vegetables are free from
poisonous compounds? You know this if you use the ECONOMY JARS they are endor
sed and used by the
and other Colleges and Universities.
Prof. Snell of the Oregon Agricultural College especially recommends ECONOMY JARS
because the cover is Sanitary and free from any Possibilities of Forming Poisionous Com
pounds with the contents of the Jar
Wadhams 6c Kerr Bros. Distributors
Wholesale Grocers. Portland, Oregon
iel A. Ryan of the reformers, was
made permanent chairman of the
convention, aod it was after, mid
night when the convention got
down to work. - A resolution fav
oring fusion with the democrats on
the city ticket was put through.
The nomination for mayor will
probably take place tomorrow. J.
S. Partridge, a young republican,
will be named and will receive the
endorsement of the democrats.
, ; ... . - Portland, .Oregon, Oct. 25, 1905
The two Mason Jar caps has been examined. Upon examination the metal of the
new Mason cap was found to be pure zinc. The small pinholes in the old Mason cap
were undoubtedly caused by the action of vegetable acids. As a result the fruit in the
jar must have been greatly contaminated with poisonous zinc compounds.
1 regard the use of jars with zinc caps as very unsanitary and even dangerous.
i Yours very truly,
, , ; - State Dairy and Food Commissioner.
New York, Sept. 21. President
Paul Morton of the Equitable Life
Assuranca Society will endeavor
to recover funds of the society il
legally diebursed to the amount of
The Western National Bank in
1885 had loaned $661,491 to Geo.
V. Turner, secretary to Louis Fitz
gerald, then president of the Mer
cantile Trust Company, on collat
eral which proved to be of little
value. A bank examiner condem
ning the security, the loan was
transferred to the Mercantile TruBt
Company and was guaranteed by
several financiers, including Henry
B. Hyde. The loan was . finally
transferred to the Equitable, hav
ing grown to a total of $718,264,
and that company paid this sum, to
the Mercantile Trust Company in
two payments, one of $218,264 on
.f tr.mry 3a. 19oo. and aDOther of
sheriirt$5JOOiooo en February 4, 1904.
J. W. Alexander, the former
president of the Equitable, certi
fied in 1900 that the Equitable was
pledged to the protection of the
Mercantile Trust Company, and
the executive committee of the Equ
itable, passed a resolution guaran
teeing protection to them.'
The Equitable has also paid
$285,ooq to the Mercantile Trust
Company on account of the mys
terious loan of $685,000 which the
latter company made to it, but all
the money has been refunded to the
Mr. Morton has notified the Mer
cantile Trust Company that the
Equitable is not responsible for the
Turner loans to the trust company
andjhaa instructed counsel to sue
for recovery of the $718,264 and in
Post Commander of - Vancouver
Barracks, nine miles away, and the
successful navigation of the air was
done to some purpose. For the
past two months the Exposition
has" be' n the scene 0 " numerous
successful airship flights, but not
until yesterday was an airship us
ed as a medium for carrying a mes
sage from one place to another.
The aerial messenger which per
frrmedjthis unique feat was the air
ship, "City of Portland." using the
gas bag of the airship "Gelatine,"
operated by the daring young aer
onaut, Lincoln Beacbey, who has
achieved glory and fame by his
wonderful airship performances,
The message carried and faith
fully delivered by Bachey follows:
Portland, Or., Sapt. 19, 1905.
General Constant Williams, com
manding Department nf Columbia,
Vancouver Barracks, Wasbiugton:
Dear Sir; I have ibe honor to con
vey to you, by bearer, the compli
ments of the president of the Ex
position, H. W. Goode, and to ex
press the hope that this uniquely
transmitted message will be deliv
ered to you safely nd promptly by
Aeronot Lincoln Baachey, the pi
lot of Captain B tld win's airship,
"City of Portland."
In this connection permit me to
say that if this message reaches yea
as we now have every confidence
it will, you will erjoy the distinc
tion of being the first one to have
ever received a document' under
similar auspices, and President
Goode and myself will share your
honors in being the first to trans
mit the same. Yours very truly ,
Theodore Hardee,
Assistant to the president.
Captain Baldwin, owner of the
"City of Portland" and a larg
crowd of spectators watched tb
airship as it etirted on its strange
mission, as a messenger through
space, from the Exposition ground
at Portland, on a journey through
the clouds to Vancouver Birracke
It, was 11:15 in the morning when
the airship started on its voyage.
Aeronaut Bsachey steered upward
until he reached a height of about
2,ooo feet and then headed for Van
couver. , A strong adverse wind
was encountered but the navigator
of the air continued on bis journey
regardless of impeding winds,
reaching Vancouver barracks and
delivered the message in 4o minutes
vetch seed at
alfalfa and
Eakitig Powder
Portland, Ore.: Sept. 2o A mes
sage by airship, the first in history,
....... 1 .1 m
was sent yesteraay Dy meoaore
Hardee, assistant to the president
of the Lewis and Clark Exposition,
to General ' Constant Williams,
Menkes Cleev.t Breacd
4 -
, .. -v ... . '
' With Royal Baking Powder there is
no mixing with the hands, no sweat of
the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest :
, facility, sweet, clean", healthful food.
-' Full instructions in the cf Royal Baker and Pastry Cook"
book for making all kinds of bread, biscuit and cake
with Royal Baking Powder. Gratis to any address.