The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 20, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XVIIL-No. 17.
B.F. IBTIira dlt
To secure for our store this sea son a line of
merchandise to eclipse, any former season
We believe has been successful. Every efe
partment teems with the best to be had. for
the price from the different wants of the
country. An inspection is solicited and , we
believe our prices are as low as the lowest;
Received Ladies Jacket:, Long Coats, Rain
Coats, Skirts. ; A big line dress goods, silks
etc. Shoes in all styles and prices.
For the students we can supply all of your
wants. . . . ...
ft S U-lHJW i is
Fine Light Sample Rooms.
J. C. Hammel, Prop.
Leading Hotel'm Oorvallis. Recently opened. New
brick building. Newly furnished, with modern con
veniences. Farnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. . Fine single
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam
ette Valley.
$ l.'X), $1.25 and $2.00 per day.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
and Silverware.
Eyes tested free of charge
and glasses fitted correctly
at prices within reach of all
Fine watch repairing a specialty
Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician.
Ask Your Dealer for Economy Jars
And take no other
Economy Jars are sanitary, no zinc, no poison,
no mould, no separate rubber ring.
Dog Fed on Adulterated Foods
Staggered in his Weakness
The Williamson Trial
Agricultural Day at
Fair Other News.
Las Vegas, H. M. Sept. 15. Mrs
H. D. Miynard. wife of a Santa
Fe conductor, was reported dead by
the physicians and members of her
family. The body was laid out
ready for the casket, arrangements
were completed for its' removal to
the undertaker, when to the un
bounded astonishment of all the
woman arose from the bier and
walked into the room where the
mourning members of the family
sat. Since reviving from a coma
tose state the woman is rapidly im
proving and it is believed will re-,
cover. t
Berlin, Sepf I4 A striking story
of love and self sacrifice comes
from Russia, Sergei Palkin, a well
known poet, had for years corres
ponded with an unknown g:rl. who
had first written to him to express
her admiration for one of his poems
This correspondence continued, and
so sympathetic and intelligent
were the eirl's letters that in course
of time, Pelkin felt that she and
noDe other must be his wife.
He had never seen her, and t,he
distance oetween tt. retersDurg,
where he lived, and Krasnoiarsk
was great. Last month Palkin
paid a visit to the home of hie be
loved. Ha set out lull j)Lhope .and
expectancy, and reaching the house
of his unknown bride-elect, was told
that she had died about an hour
Filled with anguish he made hia
way to the death chamber, where,
instead of a blooming girl, he found
a corpse of diminutive cripple,
hunchback and malformed. Her
face, however, still wort a strange
loveliness, and her beautiful hair
was an ornament of which any
woman might have been proud,
A letter was waiting for him. He
opened it. It was from his bride.
"Dearest Sergei" it began, "for
over a year I have deceived vou
You thought I was a young and
beautiful girl; and all might have
been well had you not declared
jour love for mo in one of your
dear letters. Had you seen me as
1 am, without loving me, neither
of us, perhaps would have minded;
but when you told me that you
loved me, I bad neither the cour
age or the heart to tell you of the
misshapen creature to whom you
were writing. To know tnat l was
loved by you had been everything
to me this glorious year. I die
happy, knowing that for many
months, at least, I was your chos
en bride.
New York, Sept. 16. News
reached here todav that Nan Pat
terson had been married in b 1
father home in Washington to
Leon C. Martin her divorced hus
band. Nan's friends were not
Salem, Oregon, January 31, 1904.
Kerr Glass Manufacturing Company. ' .
Portland, Oregon. Dear Sirs:
: I liftfid six dozfin of vonr frnit lars la.flfc aaasnn and am vprv mn nloaoArl wifVi fTiAm
J J " ' - v wu-a. j 1 uvu ivmiWVM f 1IIU UUVU1
The Economy Jar is the nicest looking and the best jar I-have ever used.
1 canned all kinds of fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, pickles and chicken, and hadfine
success with the Economy Jar.
I was awarded all the first prizes.' consisting of 8 blue ribbons, at the Oregon . State
Fair, 1903, for my exhibit of canned fruits and jelly.
The Oregon commissioners bought all my fruit to represent Oregon at the St. Louis
Eair. I have been requested to put up fruit for the Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition
1905, and I will use your Economy Jars, " They are a sure seal, easy to open, and I prefer
them to any jar I have ever used. -
Yours very truly,
' ' ' t . ..
Mrs. S. R. Foster.
It is worth your while to know YOUR preserved fruits and vegetables are free from
poisonous compounds? You know this if you use the ECONOMY JARS they are endor
sed and used by the
and other Colleges and Universities. ,
Prof. Snell of the Oregon Agricultural College especially recommends ECONOMY JARS
because the cover is Sanitary and free from any Possibilities of Forming Poisionous Com
pounds with the contents of the Jar
Wadhams 6c Kerr Bros. Distributors
Wholesale Grocers.
Portland, Oregon
greatly surprised at the news. 1
The marriage took place at noon
today, It was originally set for
last-night but was postponed.
. Martin was devoted to the former
Florodora girl during her term of
imprisonment at the Tombs.
He called at the prison often and
was the only man except her fath
er and lawyers who got to see her.
He sent food regularly among
other things. Nan Patterson shar
ed her meals with the women pris
oners and told them that there was
a man who wanted to marry her as
soon as she was free. This man
was Martin.
U After her failure on the stage last
spring, Nan Patterson came back
to New York where she was once
more a Broadway butterfly. She
recently disappeared after a scand
al with a Duluth man and not
heard of until the news of today.
Martin was in California with
Nan Patterson when she met Caes
ar Young. He was a hotel clerk
and had no fortune. Nan said on
the stand that Young had furnish
ed her with money which procured
the divorce from Martin. .
v : " ' Portland, Oregon, Oct. 25, 1905
The two Mason Jar caps has been examined. Upon examination the metal of the
new Mason cap was found to be pure zinc. The small pin holes in the old Mason cap
were undoubtedly caused by the action of vegetable acids. As a result the fruit in the
jar must have been greatly contaminated with poisonous zinc compounds.
1 regard the use of jars with zinc caps as very Unsanitary and even dangerous.
. Yours very truly,
State Dairy and Food Commissioner;
Portland, Sept. 15. The third
trial of Congressman Williamson
and bis codefendants in the federal
court is nearing a close. District
A toi-ney Heney informed the court
this morning that the prosecution
wouLd conclude its case today.
Counsel for the defense expect that
not more than a day will be requir
ed for the presentation of their evi
dence so that arguments to the jury
will probably begin on Monday.
In important respects the case
against the defendants has been
materially strengthened since the
former triale. Some entirely new
evidence has been adduced and sev
eral of the witnesses have testified
much more fully than before. Two
of them have acknowledged that
on the former trials they colored
their testimony in favor of the defendants.
How far the defense will be able
to offset the gains made by the
prosecution remains to be seen. It
is expected that all three of the
defendants will take the stand but
what additional testimony will be
ottered is not known.
district of S mora, Mexico, it is fear
ed may prove the last that will ev
er be found of four Arizonane, T.
Grindell, Olin Rolls of Douglas,
David Ingram, of Biebee and
Lieutenant Hoffman, who was an
officer in Roosevelt's Rough Rider
regimen, who passed through No
gales last June, with the intention
of exploring Tiburon island in the
Gulf of California.
The grewsemo find was made by
a Mexican cowboy while hunting
cattle. It is reported that E. P.
Grindell of Tucson was at Hormos
illa a few days ago, seeking - in
formation of the party. . The trag
edy indicated by the horrible rind
is unexplained.
Tiburon island is a large island
inhabited by a savage tribe of In
dians who have resisted all attempts
on the part of the Mexican gov
ernmt to civilize them by repeat
ing to inaccessible mountains.
The natives are cannibals and a
few years ago killed and ate the
captain and crew of the cnrio
schoonea "The World." of Santa
Diego, for which many of them
were deported by the Mexican gov
ernment. It is feared that Grindell and as
sociates may have shared the same
fate, as the natives often ravage
the mainland.
"Nogales, Ariz., Sept. 15. Four
hnman hands nailed to a wooden
stake, found driven into the ground
near the ruins of a deserted camp
tot far from Caborca, in the Altar
' Atlantic City, N." J. Sept. 15
Doctored for two weeks . upon
adult rated foods until what once
was a magnificent and powerful
animal had been reduced to a
whining, miserable wreck, Carlo, a
dog, was led today upon the ros
trum in the audience hall of the-
Hotel Rudolf, where the conven-1
lion of International Steward's as
sociation was being held. He is
now to be doctored , back to health
unless this feature of the tests un
der way should fail.
Staggering 'with weakness and
whining with misery, which looked
out of his big dull eyes, the aspect
of the unfortunate beast waB . so
pitiful that he furnished really a
sensational object lesson of the per
ils of adulteration.
Professor Eugene Girard of Ni
agaria Fall?, the chemist of the s
ssciaiion, under whose supervision
the dog has been treated, explain
ed the food upon which he had
been fed for the last two weeks. It
had been colored with coal t8r
dyes, exactly in the same propor
tion as the ordinary jams, jellies,
catsups and candies sold at the
Reno, Nevada, Sept. 15 Hazl
Dean, wearing men's clothing, en
tered Good Friends Hall, at Gold
field, dressed like the male habit
nes of the place, and joined in the
festivities. The first woman in th
crowd met her fancy and soon tb
two were engaged in dancing. Two
or three times they glided around
the hall, iher Miss Dean gazed m
her partner's lace. The next mon.
ent recognition came and with it
scene never before witnessed in
Goldfield. The daughter had rec
ognized her mother.
For many years Hazel Dean be
lieved that her mother was dead
and buried near her old home in
Mintreal, Canada. Each year she
sent flowers to bedeck the grave.
Explanations followed the recog
nition. Mrs. Dean in her new life,
had buried the memories of friends,
even of her daughter.
"Come with me, mother," the
daughter asked last night.
"No, child, I cannot," Mrs. Dean,
replied, and Hazel, her head bow
ed in shame, leaned upon the arms
of friends, and was taken from the
Tbe dance of pleasure, the clink
ing cf glasses and the voices of mer
rymakers', tbe light-hearted miners
and painted women had stopped.
Mrs. Dean was still in the danc
hall, Miss Dean had disappeared
Seaside, Sept 15. The firEt
Northwest conference of the Young
Womens Christian Association
held at Seaside, Sept. 5th t3 12th
has closed.
The number of delegates from
each etate were, Oregon, 47; Wash
ington, 32; Idaho, 5; Montana, 6;
Illinois, 3, Cal., 1, making a total
of 95.
The great success of the confer
ence was in a large measure due to
the leadership of Miss Helen Barnes
national secretary of the Y. M. C.
A, and Miss Harriet Vance, secre
tary of the Portland Y. M. C. A.,
assisted by Misses Margaret Klye
and Mabel Cratty, national eecre-'
taries, and Constance Mae Corkle,
state secretary. Reno Hutchineon
secretary of Y. M. C. A. of Port
land. Rev. John Dean of Seattle,
andvJDr. Brown of Oik'.and, Calif
ornia. The delegates were raoFt delight
fully en'ertained ai Hotel Moore,
where everything possible being
. continued on page 4