1905 Fall .Azmouncement 1905 J. M. HOL AH& SOB, COR V ALMS, 0 We make our first Fall Announcement with feelings of grati tude to our friends for their very liberal patronage extended to us during the past season. We now open the fall campaign with the choicest stock we ever brought into Corvallis. We shall continue to furnish our customers with the best results of our forty year's experience. We now extend to the people of Corvallis and vicinity a hearty invitation and a warm welcome to our store. Look in our windows, come and examine our stock and by your virdict we stand or fall. Our new fall stock merits the highest praise while our prices remain within easy reach. If you have money to spend this fall we want it and- we will make a stiff bid to get it if you can be influenced by HIGH GRADE MERCHANDISE AT POPU LAR PRICES. Our invitation is, come in and look. Our stock would do credit to a town with ten thousand population. Bring in your favonte catalogue from Portland or elsewhere and we will duplicate any price in it, in some cases less. DRESS GOODS This line contains ail the newest fabrics in woolen goods, embracing broad cloths, Voiles, Mohairs, Etamines, Serges, Sicilians, Henriettas, Panamas, Crav enettes, Granites, Venetians. Black goods in all the new weaves. Prices from 25 cents to $2.00 per yard. Broadhead dress goods have no superior Samples on application. SILKS AND VELVETS The line of black and colored dress silks we have to offer are really of the un paralledkind. Examine them. Note the magnitude of the values and we will convince you that this is the place to buy your silks. DRESS VELVETEENS 24 inch Nonpariel Dress Velyeteens in black, brown, bottle green, navy and marine blup, all colors, 7.5 cents tHe yard. Hoisery, Gordon Dye Our values :n this line will certainly please you. Ladies, Misses and Childrens Gordon Dye abso lutely stainless. Don't lose sight of the fact that our goods do not fade. We Sell and. Guarantee FAY ST0CK1HQS I For boys and girls. Something good ; no support ers. Button at waist. The ideal stocking for com fort, durability, economy and health. Summer and winter weights. Never wrinkle'or come down. m Cua, fed Due.- Oue ttbinrlwayased; Fully guaranteed. TRY THEM. Underwear, Ladies, Misses and Childrens, Forest Mills ; We have handled this line for several years with satisfactory results to ourselves and patrons. All sizes At lowest prices SHIRTWAISTS A large and varied assortment in Silk, Mohair, Lace, etc. Plain and new plaids, at prices from .50 to $10 each Come and see them. The art of proper gowning is largely dependent on the corset. ROYAL - WORCESTER AND RoyalWorceste m ton corsets KNOW NO EQUAL FOR PERFECT FIT We show the new high bust models, with Princess Hip and perfect lines, all daintily trimmed, and made to be com fortablein. $1.00 to 5.00 N l MAKCftS CHICAGO FALL CLOTHING The variety of choice and the high character of the clothing we sell, deservedly the most famous ready-to-wear clothing in America MENS FURNISHING We want the men to know that we have gathered for this season a varied and superb stock of underwear, hoisery, golf and negligee shirts, neckwear, suspenders, sweaters, belts, house jackets, hand kerchiefs, etc. All at popular prices. yTRAGO BOYS CLOTHING Boys suits and overcoats that have the appearance and wearing qualities of those we sell are difficult to find. Prices, $2.50 to $lo Mens and Boys- Heavy Shoes "We carry a full line of mens and boys heavy shoes, low and high cut. Eastern and California made, $2.50 to 5.00 the pair Rubber Goods . Complete line of rubber boo's, overshoes, arctics and oil clothing at right prices A Few Money Savers House Furnishing Dry Goods This department is at all times well stocked with table linens, towels, napkins, sheetings, pillow muslins, iace curtains, curtain nets, draperies, ready-made sheets, pillow covers, isorteries, lounge covers, pillows, blankets and comforters, f-ilkolines Prices always right. Petticoats A large range for selection in tilk, sateen and Pres de Soie black and colored. The famons McGee peticoats in Mack sateen only. Black sateen skirts from $1.00 to $3 50, black silk from $5 00 to $10.00, Pres de Soie, black and colored, $2 50. - SPECIAL Sale in Blankets and Comforters We have more blankets 'and comforters than we ha-e room for; lay in your wiuler supply cow and save money Wrappers and Kimouas Reliance wrappers, long and short kimonas, dressinsr eaqnes, slumber robes and furs. Dress Trimmings Our new Fall stock of dress trimmings, linings, buttons and notions is yery complete. . KEEP YOUR MONEY AT HOME Stop and consider whether you gain anything by buving from distant firms. Remember when you send your money to a mail order house you pay for the goods in advance without seeing them and with no chance to compare the quality. You also pay freight or express and when the article is received if it does not suit yott you have no redress. It would not pay to return it and the firm may not permit you to do so. If your order is damaged in trans portation you lose it. When you send your money away from home you are injuring your own town. Deterioration of the town injures the value of your property. Buy goods at home and build up your own community. If we have not got what you want We will take pleasure in sending away for it. Never send money away without giving us a chance to sell you the goods. Don't ask credit of a dealer and then send away cash in advance for unknown goods simply because the price is a few cents lower. We put these things before you honestly. Think them over ! Fall Coats, Wraps and Suits The new arrivals in Cloaks, Jackets and Suits, embrace all the correct style8 of the season. The suits are made in the extremely popular Redingote long coat style. Also Blouses and Etons. Our advance showing in Coats are the Long Coats, 50 to 54 inches. Empire coatB, 42 to 44 inches. Walking Skirts in great variety, too large a stock to give a detailed description. We have them for ladies and misses in Broadcloths, Homespun, Etamines, Serges, Cheviots, etc. Cloak and Suit department upstairs, Miss Thompson in charge. JVqs de ofe Is first cousin to silk NAME ON SELVAGE It isn't quite a silk, but it's silky nevertheless. Has the lustre the "feel" and the "cry" of that expensive fabric. Pres de Soie is without doubt the fulfillment of every wear promise made for a "guaranteed" taffeta and similar, fabrics. Pres de Soie is so different from cloths of its class that its like a discoyery in looming. Either of the two grades is pre-eminently desirable for making petticoats, slip skirt and "showy" linings. In black and an iridescent display of soft colorings. I j Bxitt'n, I .1 who's 1 li I ( fl Button Jj 1 For every one that comes off your W. L. Douglas SHOES The world's gieates't shoemaker for men. All toes, all leathers $2.50, 3.00, 3.50 and 4.00 during the first two months of wear, we'll give you Ten Cents. Should a seam rip, we'll give you One Dollar ! Dutchess Trousers are made of the cream of the market's best trouserings in all the neat fashionable colorings and patterns. Fall stock now in--$2.00 to $5.00 The new fall blocks are now ready Every hat guaranteed You can see them being made at the Fair The best $3.00 hat the . conn try produces Si t . or $3.50 Utz & Dann Shoes