The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 16, 1905, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men-. T
' tion and Other Items of '"' -Public
; Mrs. G. B. Keady and
daughter Mabel, and Miss Mary
Sutherland were among those leav
ing for Portland Wednesday.
f Miss Mildred Jackson gave a
party to a number of her little
friends Tuesday afternoon.' Ice
cream and cake were served and a
good time eDjoyed by those present.
i: Prof. W. T. Shaw, who left
Corvallis last CommeDcemenf day,
arrived Thursday from the East;.
His father is a noted scientist yd the
University of Minnesota, and his
brother a professor of Agriculture
at the University of Michigan.,
t At the United Evapgeiical
church the services will be as usual.
In the evening the pastor, C. T,
Hurd, will preach on "Christian
Endeavor, what it is . and how it
works." ' ' ;4 -,' r ' C,
A Linn county man thought to
have a few China pheasants out of
season. He burnished up his gun
and sallied forth r .into the fields.
His fine was Sis and costs. 'He
didn't know that a ' game warden
was in the vicinity. P'" "fc i
; v
' Presbyterian church, M." S.
Bush, pastor. Worship ii.a. m.
subject, "God's Rule of ' Obe
dience." Evening service at 7.30,
f A Dwelled in the :i;aw3f; Wander
Ing." Come and enjoy the open
ing song service.
! Beginning Monday, Sept. 18th
Maam Corsini will give iree em
broidery lessons demonstrat ing-the
Brainard & Armstrong silks at
S. L Kline's. The People's Store,
who has a full line of the B. & A.
silks, and also embroidery: ma
terials. ' -;.?
Congregational church.' Wor-.
ship and sermon at 11 a. m. C. E.
meeting 6 30. Worship and sermon
at 7.30. Rev. G. H. Feese,. pastor
of the First Methodist : church, has
very courteously consented to con-
her killed in theveollisioQr - itt-the
Park avenue tunnel three years ago
The Dumber of those injured od the
elevated exceeds the Dumber hurt
iD the Park avenue by"12. :
The New York;, Central- had to
pay more tban', i" $l,ooo,ooo in
death claims and .damages and it
is considered that the damages to
be paid by the Interborough jcom
pany, if the Park avenue "di&e'ter1
is taken as a precedent, will be con
siderably greater. , The. : .damages
recovered by those dependent on
the victim in Monday's erah -will
be based on the. earning .capacity
of the victim had he or - she ' li ved.
etal'ed throughout the nilire ter
nrory wnisn mc uas ocrarton.j
WilkSbarre arri t'n - o'her of the
largest cities in Pennsylvania, at
of the Susquehanna- river. More
than 4ou girls areerup 6yd in these
London, Sept. I3. The Japanese
delegation this evening gave.qutthe
text of the Russian Japan armitice
protocol- as; f 61! owg: u. ' : : o
First A certain distance as a
zone of demarkation' ' shall be fixed
between the froDts of the armies of
the twr powers in, JM,anchuria as
well)as dn'ihe 'regiof:fif the Tumen
River, Corta..
-'Second The-"naval force of one
of the belligerents 6hall not Lom
bard territory belonging to or' oc
cupied by the other."
. Thiid Maritime captures . will
hot be suspended by the armatice.
; Fourth During the .term of the
armistice Dew- reiniorcements shall
not be dispatched to the theatre cf
war. Those .which are already on.
their way shall; riot be) dispatched
north of Mukden on the part of Ja
pan, or 80uthof Haibinoo the part
LiV.. Hi; HJx !j -jv
01 js.usia.
Fifth The commanders of the
armiee and fleets "of the two powers.
eball determine in common accord
the conditions; of 4hejj armistice in
conformity " with (be provisions
above enumbrated.
Sixth The two governments
shall order their commanders 1m
medUte)a1tethp jsignmg'of (the
treaty of peace To pu t the " protocol
into execution.
The protocol was- signed by Mr
Wittcj'B iron p Rosen, Baron Komura
and Mr. Takahira.
Wocter, O., Sep'l3. Attorney
Sterling csed he ; argument on
behalf of M j, r Tigeart this morn
ingand atfeei ibt -toe hoys he giv
en Taggart to b atd r by his
p8retit8 and that Mr?. ' Taggnrt be
permitted to. vi-it tnem. The judge
and roan v t epectators as well -as
the parricipftnt t wer- ,-rfioved to
tears. Mrs.Taggart for - the -'fi ret
time broke down and had to he as
sisted from the ".room. . M'ljor
Taggart sobbpcL
W. A. Gellatly haiHSiJSiness here
Wednesday. e, ,
W. M, McDonald is gomg in on
hogs ralber exieoeivtly. - ;
Mr. and H. Ling, are Saltm
visitors: g
Mrs. L'ebe was a Fair viitor for
Mr. and Mrs. H. H-vrrison tre
vtmtiogih'Mr tori John, and daugb-
er; Mrs. Will Murray, at JilleDS-
b.qrg, Washington. They will re
main for the wiiitur.
Frunk Yantis- arrived Wednes
day "from Fossil, Etstero Oregon.
He also virited bis sister, Mre. Me
Cullougti of Albany.
R. R-VMiller was a Corvallis vi-
itor this wvtk.
Seatt!ei Sept. lS.-Baron ; Kpm
ura today notified Japanese Consul
S. Hieamida, that he obuld ,1 not
leave od the steamship Dakota,
Sept, 20th. He is too ili to make
the etart from New ;York in time
for the Dakoia'a saillDe, and will
come West over the Canadian Pa
duct the services and to preach cific sailing with four other of bis
morning and evening. Please ob- suite oh the Empress ' of ' Japan.
Octobers. H. VV. Dennison, the
American advisor to the foreign
department; epl-'l Takibana,, mill
tary attache, aed two secretaries
who will sail on the Dakota
yerve the change of the time of the
evening meetings.
GeoTge Carmichael of Weston,
was a Corvallis visitor Wednesday.
He is a leading farmer of Umatilla
county. His crop this season aver
aged 40 bushel for wheat and., his
oats went eighty bushels . per acre. Tokio, Sept. 1? - The govern
Umatilla wa ahnnt tVi rSilnVminiV I meat Veslerdat t)rd"eredJtb,e,sUspeti'
in the northwest that didindt" Kiiffe'r eiog'fj;th'e niewepaperl uiligheti
a reduced grain v crop. Mr. Car- rtspeclively at Kofu, Miligata, and
roichael broneht a snn tr OnrvnlHalOiaru.,for criticism on- tne, peaca
'-W-Letlers , received. r.late,,,i.k.t
Will G. Abraham, the well known Grants Pass, Sept? 13. Yester
O. A. C. football olaver is still in day afternoon the body 01
Eastern Washinpton.' : Hxfisfwaa rfouriddead by - the' TOad side in
o finish up thereby the end of a lonely pine woods along Rogue;
next week, when he will return to river, seven or eight miles below
Oreeon. There is some talk that here. A farmer coming to Grants
tie-will re-enter college ; for adyane-1 Pae&for, ,: fcopplies '-dlscoveted ' the
ed work in electrical engineering, body. ibe blood - atalns about tbe
but so far. nothinrr definite is body and the conditions about the
knswn on the subject.
'i The congregation? of the Con
gregational and First Methodist
churches unite, in services
Sunday. Rev. G. II. ' Feese - will
preach both morning and -evening,
He announces his subiects as fol
lows; Morning, ''The Ideal - ( f Hu
man Character and . Relation reach-,
ed in Christian Fellowship." "Eve
ning: "The Taking of , Jerico, or
How the Walls of' Jerico, Fell
down." These services will closethe
year for Mr. Feese before the com
ing of the conference in 'Albany
next week. The Epworth and In
termediate leagues will meet at the
usual time, 5.30 and . 6.30 p. m. in
the leoture room of the Methodist
church. The Sunday echool also
meets at the same place at thevusu
al hour. - 1
The last through excursion!
'. The last through excursion! ...
' The last through, excursion!
Detroit to Newport : and return on
the C. & E- Sunday Sept." 17; 1905.
. The last through ' excursion! O
J .. The last through excursion!
1! -.The last through excursion!
:Train leaves Detroit at 4.45 a. m
"JTrain leaves Mill City at 5.56 a. m
i'x ram leaves Albany at 7 30 a m.
At Summit.'
i aif rC-4-fTt!TCtff,ri:irMIt-t-:r.
It pays to read our ads: 'It pays to visit our store. It. pays.
to patronize us:,: We.are hp to the minute in every v."
1 -.detail, News of Necessities will interest you., . -7
1 N EWR:r
Nr. tV German pill Pickles -; - . V .
' . New. Alssa Honey . ' . , . ' - .'.y.: .::
. Ie Cream.-Jellot all flavors
.k:Usz : Tetleys India and Ceylon tea . : : . - . .. ' ..
'; ; Iniported Weir Sen f Mustard :: :
,5.," - :::0i;': Pickled Pearl Qnos': : :' ' - -.
' "."J",;". .- ..". Mapline"" r ' ':':-
hhr: 1 s.-'r tl .-i :::; Clam Chowder ' ; r.
.t!-::;nz lu-air.'. rh;;;;: '. :::: .. - Sniders. Pork .and ' Beans
Userafiiree Heart Soap,v --
3 'miM6 B6h:t Na'ptha washes in cold ater;
We aim'to keep all the lateo'ocls on "the ' faiarketif
we aveut, them, leave your order we get them for you.
on'-short notice. : -;-
H v Hodes' Grocery
3XT PlIONE 303
French Batl?r
Fair Tuesday.:
returned from the
Tjg-the Seaside. gnd', MourtnRer,
On and after Tune 1st. the Southern
Pacific in connection wi'h tte Corvallis
& Eastern raHroad will have on sale
round trip tickets from points on their
lines to Newport, Yaquina and Detroit
at very' low "ratesy good for return until
October 10th, 19c 5.
Three dav tickets to Mewport and Ya-
qnina good going Satnrdavs and return
ing Monday s arrf bIso on sale from all
eastside points from, Portland to Eugene,
inclusive, and from all westside points.
Season tickets from all eastside points
Portland --to u Eugene in elusive
and from all Westsid e points
are also on sale to Detroit' at -very ; low
rates with stopover privileges at JUill
City of any other poiut r east .enabling
jourists to visit the oantiam and Ureiten
bush hot the CaSKnae moun
tains whicn nil can be reached in s day
Season tickets will he good for return
frbin all noirits October loth. ;.Three day
tickets will be good going Saturdays and
returning Mondays onlv. -, tickets trpm
Portland and vicmty will be good lor
return via the east or the west side at
i ATI JSfT 1 1 11 tl: J irt'Tr r m TTil-t1o mm 1- 1 1 - I
gefj1 ansji vicvnHy wiiiqoe jgooa going via .n-6'uvvvcou i. uoatuicxnwco z.i.
Wibrion-SmehJdil)ranrh, it de-t
. , ,6ur ad., but our goods change hands
every dayv Your "money exchanged .
'. z, - fox iValue ; and 1 Quality is the idea. :r
Domestic rand ; Imported x -
PlpWif Eiiaware
: A large and varied line.
. We always keep -Vegetables when i
. when they are tobe had. ; . o :
S 15omitig;
Physician &: Surgeon,
' Office up stairs in Burnett B.-ick
idence on the corn er of Madison
Seventh st. Phone-i ,t house it -.a
Banking Company
Corvallis, Oregox;
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic -Exchange.
- : l c
Bays County, City and School -
' ' - Warrants. . :. '-
Principal Correspondents.
PORTI30 . I xho Bank o" . '
TAOOMA . : 1 . .
NEW rORK Bfemn. J. I. Morean A Go.
CHICAGO- National Bank of The Repub-
-. lie. - - . . . ' -. . ;
LONDON, ENG N IW RothsckildB SonZ
CANADA; Union Bank of Canada . .
R. D. Burgess
Office over Blackledges furniture
store. Hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5.
Phone, oBce 216; Res 454 -CorvalliSf
Oregon. :
Wf 1 Yates ; . Bert. Yates
Yates & Yates -2
L&w; Abstracting" & Insiirance
Zierolf Building
Both Phones. Corvallis, Or. r
H. S. PERNOT, ...
Physician & Surgeon
Office over poetoiBea. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. HourB 10 to
12 a.m., 1. to 4 p. m.' Orders may be
eft at Graham & -hain'8 drng store.
on Ya-
road would indicate that marder"
had been committed. The dead
man's identity ia not known, but;
it ia believed be waa either going
to or from the hopfieldsj on the Low;
er Koeue and ADnlegate. An in
quest .will be held. di"'
Omcere are etiU at wort on tn
Jennings murder mystery of Gran
ite Hill mining: camp.?-;: Less eus
picion is now placed on the family
or any of the relatives Btnoe it has
flanclnnol tViaf Tannin era lnft n.nrt
siderable money about- his CibiD.
The latest theory is that the ol4
man was murdered for his money;
Admittance was gained into the
house with but little trouble as
miners never lock a door.: - Hear
ing a disturbance, Jennings prob
ably arose in bed and . was shot
down immediately. As the chllr
dren had been up till ablate hour,
they undoubtedly slept. soundly,
and it is argued, could have slumj
bered undisturbed py " the shot, as
no sound apparently was made fol
lowing the pistol shot. 'if'J
Blr-u. liatfgage on Newport
chalked throuah to Ncwpoit:
qi la to Yaquina only.
. P. trains connect, with the U. & E.
atlbanv ind Corwellis for Yaquina
arSfewport. TrkiTis TjtPi&i ():&" E."
fii Detroit will leave A lhany at 7:3f a.
rr.. nabling tourists to the hot springs
jc -each there the same da . Train-fr--i
and to Corvallis connect with all
ea-' side trains oil the S. P- ' .
F'iU information as to rates, time ta
bles, etc can be obtained on application
to J. C. Mayo, Gen Pass. agt. C. & E.
R. R..; Albany; W. E. Coman, G. P, A.
S. P.: Co. Portland or to any S, P. or
C. & E. agent.
Kate fronjjCorvallis to Newport, 3.75.
;KatelW.r4; j " ' t yqnina1,$3.5
i " tos;ieJisoif,t: 3.9$.
JTha-eeidaT'. iate from Oorjssillia tpii sYa.
qnina ot; Newport, 52-5oli; i; i iJ, f P. $
tickets r Send in;Ho&eSIlfe
Timothy, clover, ?JU alfalfa
vetqb, seedj at pdlf'. p .;. .f
: Wood Sawing.
Done pr'ompirly." '"Sa'isfa'ction
guaranteed and,. price?Teasonable.
ind phone 349 or 692. -
o t -Gummings-.& Cady.-,
All kindsatd grades of lumber otf handb all orders pibmptly
(M E miPm RMbmath; Ore.
r'L- :' vBell Phone 4x2 A";;3LT. D."2.'."::
Sawmill located four miles southwest of Philomath. ;;:
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BaaK B!dg. ' Boortt
j 10 to 12 and 2 to 4.
Phone. offle83 Residence 551.
Cvvallis, . .; . Oregon.
. ATTORXu I-AT-LAIY, . , ;
First Nat'l Bank Building, -
Qnly Set Abstract Books in Benton County
c 1 Remember
grub oak
Telep ho
h. li. Brooks
-L1 S-1 j l'
Allentown. Pa. Sept. 16 The
Consolidated Telephone Company
has decided to epend $zoo,ooo injr
stalling girlesa tslepbone plantsj
here and io Hazelton, depriving
..-Train leaye's ;?hUomath.ajt.i2jJrrr. ilbf out asdon as "tie nev?
Three day tickets from all S. P. plants are ready,' probably t)3cem
sand j. &. a., points eooa eoine or her 1 . . The 60 cirls that are her
returning on excursionrir;gaxelarj, so jrossJabout it that many.6f
from.S- points j.l.OQrunStthem left
afly; Corval- DiifetsTdfH say they t'a're1 sorry for
When, in need of hay and:
wood in 4 ft. 16 inch length.
Hit 4', iff
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the Estate
ot f
James Eobinson, deceased.
Notice Is hereby elven to all nelsons concerned
that the undersigned has been duly appointed
administrator of the estate ot James Kobinson,
deceased, by the county court, ot the state ot
Oregon for Benton county. All persons having
claims against said estate of said James Robin
son, deceased, are: hereby required to present
the same, with the proper vouchers, duly veri
fied as toy law required, withlu six months from
the date hereof Xu the undersigned at liis , resi
dence lour miles north ot Corvallis, .Oregon, or
at me law omce 01 a. nson in uorvatns or
egon. : '- '::A 'z ;r.5v -.
Dated this Auguit 1251905. . .' . .
Administrator of the Estate ot James liobiuson,
XDne day J are from Alba:
lis and Philomath Sr.. 10 round trio. J tVio oirla Vnt ralnnlnfA that snch a
This positively the: la-st I throtlglil iTeki eyitena fwilDslaye t$25)oboPa
excursion this season. The last year. If the trial plants are buc-
rchance to ; enjoy the'n fseaside;eifafnl its-it is believect ; theflwill
Come one! Come all!
be, the'girle8s system, will be in-
inthe ar$r.bFJsatei , ,J
Notice is hereby given. to all persons concern
ed that the undersigned. bag freen duly appolnt-
ed executor of the last will and testament of
Louisa Irwin, deceased, by jhe county court ot
Oreeon tor Benton county. Alpersons having
claims againstrsatrfte of lauisa Irwin, de
ceased, axe hebyceinltd o present the same,
with the profTeYtti!hefs,lirtrerined as by law
required within six months from the date here
of, to tlfe uadifsigiiela ahisfgsideace ten miles
south of CotvaUieOrcptfn, or at hudsTaofiice of
K . E. Wilson in Oorvallis.iOregori. r- v a
Dated this August 12 1905.v " -
Executor of the last wiU-and testament of Loui
sa Irwin, deceased i-
Corvallis " v:
.': P, A. Klines' Hne'PhoDe I.' V'""
. O. Address, Box li; ' .'
Pays highest prices for all kinds of.
Live . Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience.: ' - -
E. R. Bryson,
It you' are lopldhg lorsome xeai - gdb
StockGrain,-Fruit and Poultry:RanGheswrite for.bur .
special listj or -come and see Ai "WS r'tikes,pieas&ridl
giving you. all the reliable, information you -wish, ;atso
.showing ypu.;oyer.the-.contryrf
, , .s;:'::si'Reai'15state Loaif aha liisuranceff " --"..
" ' ; .-.GorvalHs and Philomath Oregon; v ";:,;'-.";";"''
Sunday Excursions
to Newport!
ON THE G. & E. R R.
Beginning Sunday , June .18
and continuing until the end
of August
'; Leaving Corvallis at 8:00 a.
m.. Philomath 8:15 a. m.
Returning leaves Newport at
5 p. m. arriviDg in Corvallis
at 9:15. at Albany at 9:55,
Giving 5 hours at th3 beach
Fare round trip from Albany,
Corvallis and Philomath $1.50
Largest line of matting in the city at
Child. Not' Expected io Live from One
Hour" to 'Another,, "b'ut' Cured by"
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera "and'
-iiarrhtea Kemedy. ' V ' '
- Kutli.'llip' little,nter' of'JE.'K.'Dewey
of " Agnewville, -Yiu, was i-seriousiy . ill of
cholera infantum last summer.- "We gave
her up and did not expect her to live from
one hour to another," he says''I happened
to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy and got a: bottle of it
from the store: In five hoursl saw a change
for the -better. - We kept on giving it and
before she had taken the half of one small
bottle she was wel 1." This remedy is for sale
by Graham & Wortbam.
J i'