The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 16, 1905, Image 3

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For advertisements in this column the rate
of J5 cents per line will be charged.
Wanted, Hay and oats.
Bodine. Phone 290.
I. D
Dow V. Walker is to arrive to
day for a visit with friends.
Ralph Pruett returned Thurs
day from a week' s trip to Pendle
ton. Mr. and Mrs. James Horning
returned Wednesday evening from
the Fair..
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Porter
arrived Wednesday from a f e w
days' visit at the Fair.
Miss Emma Crawford left
Thursday morning for a week's
visit in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. -Irvine
came over from Brownsville Thurs
day for a day's visit with relatives.
A marriage license was issued
at the clerk's office yesterday tnorn
Jng to Allen Pierce and Miss Maxie
' Pluerd, both of Monroe.
Among the students arriving
Wednesday from Independence
were Sam Damon. - Ray Walker.
Claude Murphy and Chester Porter-
Albany Democrat: Sam Do
lan will report for duty at O. A. C.
next Mondav. Then there will be
something doing on the gridiron.
There will be services at the
Catholic church tomorrow as fol
lows: Mass at 10:30: vespers.
7:30. All are cordially invited.
Miss Sophia Spencer of Phi
lomath, is the euest this week, of
Corvallis relatives.
H. D. Eisman, a sophomore at
OAC, arrived from his home at
Grants Pass, Thursday, to resume
his studies.
Miss Anita Harkin of Loomis,
Washington, was the guest of Cor
vallis relatives and friends this
Dr. F. E. Smith returned
Thursday morning to Salem after a
visit at the bedside of his sister-in
law, Miss Louise Gilbert. Mrs
Smith is still in the city.
Charley Clark, who w as super
intendent and then receiver of the
Oregon Pacific ten or twelve year
aeo. is now a bookkeeper in San
Francisco. - - - -
A figure in the football squad
each evening now at practice is
William Lancefield of Amity. He
is a 200-pounder with a record of
11 seconds in the 100 yard dash.
Lieutenant and Mrs. D. P.
Quiulan arrived Thursday evening
from Hollywood, California, where
they spent the pat two months.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mangas
left Wednesday for an Eastern trip.
During the absence of Mr. Mangas
his store is in charge of Miss Emi
ly Horgan of Salem.
. Miss Lnla Senders of Harris
burg is to arrive today for a visit
with the Misses Davis. Miss Sen
ders is to be accompanied uy a
. brother, who is to enter O. A. C.
Harry.L. Beard, who is to be
bandmaster and instructor in the
physical laboratory at O. A. C. has
arrived and is to live at the Spang
. ler home.
F. P. Sheasgreen arrived Wed
nesday evening from Portland,
where he was initiated in the order
of Hoo Hoo, and attending the Pa
cific Coast Fire Chiefs convention.
-Harry Davis arrived home
Wednesday after a year's absence
in California. He is to return to
his position of relief agent on the
Sante Fe in about a month.
Here is good news for the girl
whose hair is thin: A visiting girl
in town wears a bow on her head
so large that no one has discovered
the color of her hair yet.
On Monday Sam McClain was
placed on the surgeon's dissecting
table and Drs. Newtk and Pernot
removed that monstrous wen from
the back of his neck, also a small
one from the top of his head. We
understand that he gave the big
wart to Boyd Kennedy as a keep
sake. Philomath Review. ,
Oregon Journal: What is
t. i-1 - j 1 . . 1
pruuauiy me largest peacn ever
grown is on exhibition at the Agri
cultural building at the Fair. It
grew in the orchard of Max Pracht
-of Ashland, whose peaches were
the finest shown at the Chicago
Fair in 1863 which fact is proved
by the medals in "his possession.
The prize peach at Chicago weigh
ed 23 ounces, while the peach on
display weighs 26. Ordinary peach
es run 60 to 80 to a box ; but it
takes only ten of the Jackson coun
ty wonders to fill a crate. Wash
ington and California horticultur
ists are; proud, not without reason,
of their articles, but they doff their
hats to ' Oregon in viewing the
Jackson county show. . -
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Elgin
have been at the Exposition since
Mrs. Allen, mother of the late
Elder N. W. Allen died at Philo
math Wednesday, at an . advanced
Mrs. S. D. Adams sustained a
stroke of apoplexy Wednesday.
The organs of speech and one arm
are affected.
Entrance examinations began
at the college yesterday, and there
were fifty applicants. All signs
point to a large attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard ' Kiger
returned Friday from a three days
visit at Newport. They are very
enthusiastic over salmon trolling.
Ed Berland, a football player
and three, other boys from Enter
prise. Oregon, arrived yesterday to
enter O. A. C.
Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Green are
this week in attendance at sessions
of the American Board of Missions
in Seattle. They expect to return
Sixteen hundred dollars bail
for Secretary and Treasurer Kline
and $1,200 for Vice President
Hooligan, of the Moral Welfare
Club, and more, they say, to come.
Verily, these efforts to better the
condition of heathen Corvallis
along "moral welfare" lines comes
high! The wonder is how long the
vice president and the secretary
and treasurer can afford t.
Picking is nearly finished in
the Kings Valley hop yards. The
yield in one or two of them is as
good as last year, but in most in
stances the crop is largely shorten
ed. The Valley has five yards
now. Among the new ones put
out is one by Howard Bush. Lou
Ritner has a yard of 10. r 12 acres,
in which picking havl5een finished.
The same is true of. the Tom Allen
yard of about the same size. The
Townsend yard and the Bump yard
finish the list of Kings Valley
yards. Some of the .fields are new
this year.
Mrs. Ruth Clark left Thurs-j
day for her Pendleton home after a
brief visit with Corvallis relatives.
The sermons tomorrow by
Rev. John Reeves at the M. E.
church, South will be the last to be
delivered belore a Corvallis audi
ence by tint ab'e preacher for some
time. Mr. Reeves has been trans
ferred by a conference of his church
to Dayton, Washington, and with
his family; is to leave for that place
next week to reside. The change
is largely for reasons of health, and
is very much to be regretted by the
local congregation, who hold their
late pastor in highest esteem.
Rev. Reeves has been in Corvallis
three years. In the new field he
goes into a much larger church.
Moral Welfare Club Officers
More Cases Brought
Hooligan was Jailed.
More trouble has befallen the offi
cers of the Corvallis Social and
Athletic Club. Hooligan had to
spend the night in "the Yamhill
county jail Thursday night, and as
this is written is stared in the face
by more jail doors, complaints;
bonds, bail and prosecuting attor
neys. He is the vice president,
and after that ; first trial in which
he was sentenced tc pay a fine of
$300 or spend three months in jail,
he left Corvallis and went to In
dependence. Corvallis authorities
found him there and left him . re
main undisturbed on tne promise
that he would not attempt to go
away. Thursday, he bought a
ticket for Portland and boarded the
train, only to te pounced upon by
the sheriff of Yamhill, when the
train pulled into McMinnville.
There he was thrown into jail and
so held until brought to Corvallis
by Officer Wells yesterday. He
is charged with violation of the lo
cal option law on three counts, and
wanted bonds in the sum of $1200.
The prospect was at the Times
press hour that no bail . would be
Vice-president Hooligan is not
the only officer of the club that has
trouble. Mike Kline is a defend
ant under three new indictments,
all for disposing of liquor to mem
bers of the "Moral Welfare Club.'jj
His bond for each is $400, so that
the aggregate of the bonds he has
given, including the original case,
is $1,600. His sureties are James
Horning and P. A. Kline. The
trial of the new cases is set for Mon
day, Sept. 25th.
Jack Milne, the barkeeper at
the club, is a defendant on two
charges of disposing of liquor. His
bond for each offense is $400 and
That Others wot not of Many East
erners Looking Through
Many Eastern people are being
shown over Benton county now by
local real estate agents. One firm
had no less than 10 persons from
east of the Rockies, looking over
farms in Benton during last Wed
nesday. The expense of this firm
in the past 30 days has been more
than $200, nearly all of which was
expended in showing prospective
settlers through the county. Some
people think all real estate agents
ought to be hung. If this were
done, who would perform the ex
pensive and highly beneficial ser
vice to Benton that is now rendered
by these men whose . good money is
liberally spent every day in con
vincing tourists from other parts
that this is a good section in which
to pitch a tent and cast a lot. The
ride via the railroad train up the
East or Westside from Portland to
Corvallis does not convince a stran
ger that Benton is a great county
or a desirable one in which to live
It takes more than . that. It re
quires a ride into the farming dis
tricts where the lands and homes of
the bnsy farmer? are brought into
view. "This is the poorest coun
try I ever saw, and I am in a hurry
to get out of it,." exclaimed a man
the other day whose knowledge of
Benton county had been gained
through a ride from Portland via
the Westside to Corvallis. He in
tended to take the next train home,
but a local real estate man induced
him to take a ride among the farms
to the west and south of town,
"It's a fine "country; T like it very
much. I did not know you had
snch a beautiful country out here."
That was his' remark after his re
turn to town, and before leaving he
declared that when he can sell out
in the East he will come back to
Benton ti buy a farm. That is
some of the work the much abused
real estate man is doing for Benton
county. It is a work that- no one
else will do, and that must go undone
unless our local agents keep it up.
It is a reason why business men
and others should not advise home
seekers to gteer,c!ear of the real es
tate agents. It were far better to
send them to the local agents, for,
by so doing, even if no sale be
made, opportunities will be given
the visitors to get a favorable im
pression of the country, which can
not be obtained if there is nobody
to show them around.
ine number or .Easterners now
touring the vicinity is larger than
usual, and is likely to so continue
until after the close of the Fair
Some are home seeking; others are
not. All are shown through con
tiguous farm homes by the real es
tate men.
P. A. Kline and James Horning
are xae sureties. rne titles to tne ind. phone,
inree new cases are, state or ure
gon vs. Milne, Kline and McMain
esr State vs. Kline and Milne;
Statue 'vs. Kline and McMaines.
The situation that begins to con
front the pfficers of the, club is in
the nature of a breath from the in
ferno. The penalty in .their first
case was $300 or , three months in
jail. They must win on the appeal
or pay the sum or go to jail. There
is not a lawyer in town but be
lieves and says they will. .. lose.
Meantime on the cases, the penalty
is a sentence and imprisonment,
because of second offense. Again
the defendants must win in the
courts, which it is almost certain
they cannot. Most men would
shudder a little to be in the mess
in which the club' officers find them
selves. Is is not foolish of th
members to encourage them in
such a business?
Preliminary Opening.
At Mrs. J. Mason's Millmery store
Friday and Saturday, Sept. 15 and 16.
Grand Display.
Pattern hats and bonnets on Sept
29 and 30. All are cordially invited.
Mrs. J. Mason.
Wanted, to Rent.
A good ranch on shares. Stock pre
ferred. S. A. Hall,
BoxnS Corvallis.
P. A. Kline line No 2.
Piano Lessons.
Mordaunt A. Goednough announces
tjie opening of his studio, at 4th and
Jackson Sts. Sept. 18th. Pupils received
at any time in Piano. Harmony and the
oretical subjects. Send for catalogue.
Ind. phone 476. '
For Sale.
Vetch hay. Grub oak wood in 4 foot
or 16 inch length.
Vetch, clover, Alsike and timothy seedp.
I. h. Brooks, Corvallis, Or.
Phone 155.
Millinery Opening.
I will have on display a fine line
of street hats, velvets,
feathers and millinery goods, Sept.
15 and 16 igo5. Pleasecall. -,
Mrs. C, A. Gould. ,
Tall and Winter Styles
The authoritative productions of the hading manufacturers of
- clothing for boys are ready for your inspection.
We are showing- many exclusiue styles , patterns and color effects
. in all the wool fabrics.
Norfolk styles $2 50 to 7 00
Double Breasted styles 1 50 to .0
Sailor, Eton, Cadet, Russian Blse 1 5O to 7 00
Steel Shod Shoes
For boys $2 00 to $3 00
Quilted Bottoms, the kind that don't wear out.
Red School House Shoes
For boys and girls $1 25 to 2 50
Black Cat School Stockings
No 15 for boys. No 10 for girls. Sold exclusively
If you have never been in our NEW Store; suppose you call today and see the
nice line of new goods we have lately received. If you have; come again. It vrill be
a pleasure for us to show you the goods. Remember, we guarantee satisfaction with
every deal made, ormoney refunded. "
Hop picking time is near and you will need a basket, tent or camp stove. Call,
early and place your order before the supply is exhavsted. Ati our stoves and shelf
goods are now in the hew store.
The House Furnishers.
Outing Suits at
Closing out
$10 50 Suits at $7 48
8 50 " " 5 98
7 50 " " ' 5 62
J. M. Nolan & Son
Tall goods Ready
Reward Offered.
For harvesting specs go to Hodes
Pioneer gun store. Also a fine
assortment of King's triple beaded
rifle sights and Sheard's hunting or
target sights. The reward is in the
good bargain to be secured.
C. H. Newth,
.... Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
Hodes' Grocery
Just received a large assortment of fall and
winter dress goods. This shipment includes
broad cloths, henriettas, eloenes, cravenettes,
waisting and fancy mixtures; wool plaids for
ladies waists and childrens dreases
Palmer Garments
Our first shipment of ladies and misses rain
v coats and childrens jackets has arrived. Ladies
and Misses Empire coats in transit. Style, fit
and quality are the essentials in womens gar
ments. The Palmer Garment excels in these
. three points and more than that it gives you
the money value. Style, fit and quality that are
right. You are invited to inspect this line,
First-Class Job-Work done on
short notice at - the most reason
able prices at this office. See us
before going elsewhere.