The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 16, 1905, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times
Official Paper of Benton County.
Ladies. Yourattention for a mo
ment. We would like to announce
when giving Teas, Parties etc, we
have just received a lull line
crackers and wafers, such as:
Social teas
Five o'clock teas
Vanilla wafers
Cocoanut macaroons
Cheese sandwiches
Vienna creams
Uneeda biscuits
Uneeda milk biscuits
Oat meal wafers
Ginger wafers
Graham wafers
Salt wafers
Nabiscos in all flavors
If Mr. Broders, Mr. Woldt, Mr.
"Wiley and Mr. Wuestfelt are not
permitted to conduct saloons in
Corvallis, why should it be the
privilege of Mike Kline and Hooli
gan to do so ? Last November,
395 persons voted against saloons,
and only 239 for saloons, yielding
a majority of 156 declaring that
Mr. Wilev. Mr. Broders, - Mr.
Woldt and Mr. Wuestfelt should
go out of the liquor business in this
town, and that no one should be
permitted to sell, dispose of or give
away intoxicants in Corvallis.
Does a majority in civilized count
ries have the right to rule? If a
majority is not to determine wtat
shall be the policy of a community,
who shall? Are Mike Kline and
Hooligan privileged characters who
may distribute intoxicants as they
-please, the expressed decree at the
ballot box of 400 Corvallis voters to
the contrary notwithstanding?
When 400 Corvallis persons by
vote decreed no saloons in Corval
lis, Mr. Broders, Mrf Woldt, Mr.
Wiley and Mr. Wuestfelt hauled
down their signs and went out of
business. So far as known not one
of them has sought to violate or
break down the law. Each has set
a laudable example of respect for
the law and obedience ' to it. Not
so Mike Kline. Not so Hooligan.
Not so ex-President Geer. With a
sham club whose assets are subter
fuge, whose defense is false pre
tense and vkose whole aspect is
fraud, these persons, defiant of the
t allot decree of an overwhelming
majcity of citizens, are disposing
of liquor to all kinds of persons and
ii all kinds of quant'ties within the
corporate limits of the city of Cor
vallis, where the privilege was tak
en away from other and better
men. . .
There can be but one outcome
to such a condition. Nothing but
trouble can come to the men engag
ed in this unlawful enterprise.
The law u impartial, and will deal
with Hooligan exactly as it would
have dealt with Mr. Broders. The
courts are both honest and discern
ing, and will not reward sham,, de
ceit, false pretence and hypocricy
by holding this one-horse saloon to
be lawful, and the legitimate, li
censed saloon that Mr. Broders ran
to be unlawful. If this club is not
a saloon, why, in the name of hon
esty, does it have a government li
cense to sell liquor? That is the
question'that will distress the high
priests and law givers of the Moral
Improvement Club, and , perhaps
confound and embarass some of its
' laity.
Don't forget the date of the
Sept. 20th.
Auction Sale
Of stock and farm implements at
Alfred Bicknells farm 5 miles north
of Corvallis. See posters.
Rates to Lewis and Clark Fair.
Corvallis to Portland -via Albany.
The round trip rate Corvallis
to Portland, via Albany and the C
& E is the same as via the West
Side, viz $2.90, tickets good 30
days. C & E have reduced the
Fair rates to basis of . one and one
tenth rate from all points.
New Gasoline Wood Saw.
I am now ready to attend promptly
to all orders. Ind. phone 835.
. W. R. Hansell.
List of Claims Ordered Paid at the
Septembe Term of County
The following bills were allowed
by the county court of Benton coun
ty, Oregon, at the Tegular term
thereof, September 6th and 7th,
A. J. Fenton. gravel $ 14 60
O. V. .White teachers exam 16 00
N. Tartar " 16 00
Benton Co. Review printing 1 75
E- Bennett Co. physician 7 50
Allen & Woodward stationery 8 50
Corvallis Times printing
64 25
M. ' P. Morgan stationary
Corvallis Ind, Tel. Co. tele.
Glass & Prudhomme books
C. A. Gerhard stationery
Graham & Wells "
J. D. Wells janitor
3 00
4 50
53 10
6 60
5 40
40 00
poor 118 25
Mrs. Huggins care Co.
Geo. Lilly house rent
Sargent 5 50
P. M. Zierolf gro Mrs. Siers 6 00
Ellsworth Post G. A. R. relief
indigent soldier 20 00
Benton Co. L. Co', lumber 10 90
C. C. Bardwell bridge work 22 00
J. C. Callagan
R. M. Gilbert "
R. R. Gilbert
Albert Schriber bldg bridge
T. T. Phillips ferry work
26 50
77 15
50 00
70 00
2 70
J. E. Michael Corvallis ferry 53 60
Geo. W. Davis lumber 9 00
John H. Simpson road sup. 8 30
Corvallis Transfer Co drayage 1 50
A. Wilhelm & Sons road sup. 29 85
Sam King road work
Thos. Flett
J. E. Millington "
Peter Rickard ' '
3 OO
12 00
1 30
20 OO
J. E. Henkle nails
R. M, Lamberson haul srravel 9 00
Corvallis & B. Co. F. M. C.
cement roads
G. A. Waggoner Lewis &
Clark attend.
N. L,. Raber L. & C. attend
S. E. Trask ex. L. & C. fair
H. S. French " " "
Robt. Johnson " " "
54 40
64 00
80 00
7i 05
15 70
12 50
Corvallis & Benton Co. F. M
Ex. L. & ;c.
P. L. Howe prunes L- & C.
E A. Pernot
Robt. Johnson ' "
A. J. Johnson "
B. M. Johnson
1 70
, 1 12
1 12
9 00
1 35
4 5o
John Kiger peaches "
5 00
11 50
J.D.Howell " "
H. L. French ex "
H. S. French "
F. P. Sheagreen work " .
Vidito Bros, team hire '
Jim Callagan wit. pros atty
Alex Schick "
Theo. Wellsher"
Hugh McFadden "
Robert Kyle road work '
H. S. French ex. L. & C
53 40
26 10
25 4-5
27 25
1 50
' 1 0
1 50
1 50
93 25
50 00
Corvallis Mill Co lumber
J. R., Fehler bid bridge
441 03
94 iS
Ji. J. Van Dusen bridge wk. 20 00
Willis Vidito gravel 18 00
W. H. Malone " 18 00
Mm. Broders wit. pros, atty 1 5o
Peter Rickard co. commission. 24 60
Attest:- ,
County Clerk.
Hay For Sale.
Vetch aod alfalfa, best cow hay in the
" Ind Ttl 155. L. L. Brooks.
20 ton Vetch seed to fill car at Corval
lis this week.
L. L. Brooks
The S. P. is selling round trip
tickets between Corvallis and Port
land for $3 good going Saturdays
or Sundays and returning Sunday
or Monday following, either on
East or West side, but good only
on afternoon train from Albany to
Portland on Satutdays if East side
is taken. Passengers to pay local
fare between Corvallis and Albany.
Sale of Water Bonds.
Sealed proposals will be received by the clerk
of the Water Committee of tne City of Corvallts.
Benton county, Oregon, until October 9th, 1905,
at six o'clock p. m. for the purchase ol part of
all of ?75,000 bond Issue of said city. .
Said bonds are authorized by special legisla
tive act of 1905, and issued to pay for the con
struction of a gravity water works system, bear
interest at the rate of four per cent per annum,
in denomination of from $100 to $ l,o00 payable
semi-annually, and are payable at Corvallis,
Oregon, in TJ. S. ec Id coin 40 years after date of
Issue, at the rate of $2,000 annually after 7 years
with option to pay entire issue at end of ten
years or any time thereafter.
The assessed valuation of the city of Corval
lis, 1904, was 834,850 of which the actual value
is SI, 25o,000; population within corporate limits
2100; no bonded debt, general wairant indebted
ness, $22,000 of which $15,000 Is for construction
of sewer system.
Said Water Committee reserves the Tight to
reject any and all bids. Each otter must be
accompanied by a certified check for 2 per cent
of amount of bid, to be forfeited If bid is accept
ed and not completed.
September 9, 1905. . - S, L. KIJNE, Clerk;
We have just received a new lot
of Columbia disc and cylinder rec
ords. . Also a lot of the American
Blue records, the best record that
is made. , Graham & Wells.
lime and Cement.
Best and highest grades of lime
and cement can be had at the Ben
ton County Flouring Mills, at the
lowest prices. Agents for T. S.
McRath & Co. r-,. -
At Rehabilitated Alpha Hall The
Place Opened to Boarders
The opening yesterday of Alpha
Hall to young . lady boarders was
a feature of the 'beginning of an
other college year. During vaca
tion the whole building has been
thorough repaired and renovated,
and the interior now presents an
attractive home. Mrs. Horner has
been made matron, and a great deal
of effort has been expended by that
lady to get the establishment pro
perly organized and equipped m all
its departments. Ai experience
of several years in Cauthorn Hall
has especially prepared Mrs. Horn
er for the work, and there is antici
pation that the year will be one of
profit and pleasure for young wom
en who find a school home in the
place. -In all, there are 26 rooms,
supplying accommdoations for 40
girls. The cooking' department is
presided over by Rainey, late of the
Y. M. C. A. cooking school of Port
land. Already the follow ing young
ladies have .secured rooms:
Misses Wilson, Canyon ville,
Misses Mallett, Ontario, Ore. .
May Martin, McMinnville.
Agnes von der Hellen, Wellen.
Miss Fisher, Suver.
Ida Lay, Enterprise.
Miss Thompson, Vale.
Minnie Diven, Vale.
Louella VanCleve, Baker City.
Bertha Watrous. Olympia,
Maud Graves, Odell.
Misses McAltee, Heppner.
Mamie Starr, Bellfountainr
Misses Davidson, lone.
Miss McNabb, lone. ,
Miss Mabe, Glendale. .
Inez Colvig, Canyonville.
Irene Sproat, Hood River.
Belle Bonney, Woodburn,
Mabel Kennison, Baker City.
Adah McDonald, Grants Pass.
Alice Edwards, Bellfountain.
Of R. F. D. Routes Ways to add to
the Happy lot of the Carrier.
The longest suffering thing on
earth used to be;the postmaster.
Perhaps now it . 'is the R. F. D.
carrier. The postmaster doesn't
have to lumber daily through roads
muddy enough to mire a snipe.
The carrier does. This and many
other disadvantages make the lot cf
the carrier no happier, if even as
happy as that of the plethoric post
masters, all of whom, so far as
known manage regularly to get
three square meals a day. It all
makes interesting the following
hints from an exchange on ceitain
points, vhich are as stone bruises
on the heel of the R. F. D. man:
Do not erect your box so any one
can get to it, try and find a place
no one can drive to except a car
rier; get a good high post, say as
high as your buggy top and erect
your box there, and if the carrier
misses a letter in it, cuss him for
you know he can do things you can'
not and always carries a ladder and
other necessary tools for getting
over bad places.
Do not start a letter until you see
the carrier coming, he has nothing
to do but to wait.
Do not buy stamps for only im-
mediste use, or not buy at all, just
scatter your change in the bottom
of the box, he can fix it for you.
Do not forget to ask him if you
have any mail, if you do he will
not leave it in your box.
Expect him at the box the same
time each day, he can make it.
If he nas no mail for you, make
him tell you why, he knows but he
just won't tell you why.
If you order a bill from New
York, look for it the next day, and
if you do not it get, take the.carrier
to task about it for it is all his fault,
make a good case if it takes a bottle
of colic cure to get over it, and
then go to the post master knd give
him a dose for he is no better than
the carrier.
When you go to town be sure
and go to the postoffice and get all
the mail that has accumulated for
you since your last trip, be sure
arid carry your wagon for there will
surely be a load of it.
Make the carrier tell you the
price of cotton, chickens, eggs and
all other kinds of produce, he
Do not leave any fruit , or any?
thing of that kind in your box, the
carrier will sure eat it and it would
be a dead loss to you. .
Pile all your old plunder, wagon
side planks, boxes, papers and old
clothes by your mail box and hang
your washing , and bedding all
around it, the carrier always drives
a blind horse that cannot get scared
at anything. Be sure and get as
much. around your box as possible.
After Roaming the WoricPover She
Thought Webfoot VfyBest
of all.
Thirty years ago when the town
hall was newly christened as Ham
ilton's Hall, there alighted from
the Albany stage a man of medium
size, who repaired to the Vincent
House. He was of spare build and
rather prepossessing in appearance.
When his order was called by Mrs.
Vincent, he said, "a little mush and
milk, if you please ma'am, nothing
more this evening." This was his
diet, for he ate so that -he might
stand out before the world as one
of the greatest thinkers of the coun
try. It was S, O. Fowler, the
greatest phrenologist of two con
tinents. - . .
That night he lectured before an
audience made up of people from
all the surrounding towns. He ex
plained phrenology as no man had
ever done before; and then he ex
emplified the work by examining
the heads of such as were willing
to place themselves upon the altar
of science. To some he said things
that were hopeful, and to others he
said, "Is your wife able to defend
herself ?' ' 'Your neighbors chick
ens ought to roost high for self-
protection when you are around."
"Hardly suitable for a nunnery."
As he ran along the line of exam
inations, knowing glances passed
down the audience, when Jim Rob
insonsaid aloud, "he knows em"
so true were the life stories told
by the stranger, who made -America
famous for his phrenological in
vestigations. '
The man that he told had a bad
head was this ' summer - coming
down the last hill from Wallowa to
Elgin, when he was told that a
beautiful aged lady driving past in
a buggy wa the widow of S. O.
Fowler, that she had come to make
Oregon her home, and that she
now superintends a fine farm in the
vicinity of Elgin. She is said to
be the greatest living phrenologist
since the death of her hustand, but
she has retired from the business
and prepared to spend her. ripening
age in the valley that charmed and
won her long ago.
In old Fisher Brick Vacant - Rooms
there to be Occupied.
The two vacant - rooms in the old
time Fisher brick are shortly to be
occupied. Workmen were to have
begun improvements to the place
yesterday morning . but were tem
porarily delayed on 'some account.
Among the improvements will be a
new and modern front to one of the
rooms now, and probably a similar
change for the other, later on. The
two rooms are to be occupied by
Moses Brothers who expect to be in
the new place in about three weeks.
An archway connecting the two
rooms is one of the changes to be
. Rumor has it that a brick is to
go up next year on the site of the
building now occupied by Moses
Brothers, and that this fact had
something tc do with the change.
The firm had the building leased
for five yearsjwitha contingent pro
vision that the lease -would hold
good for the term except in case
Mr. Porter, the owner of the prop
erty should desire to build a brick
It is reported that the firm receiv
ed notice from Mr. Porter of the
purpose to build a brick building
on the site next year.
For Sale
Oak grub wood, Cheat and vetch hay
for sale, . Satisfaction guaranteed. -,
T A Logsdon
Phone 55 Mt View line
Dress Making.
Miss Gertrude Lough will open first
class dress making parlors making a
specialty of ladies tailoring- about Sept.
25th, in the rooms formerly used as a
photograph gallery above Black ledge
furniture store. In the meantime those
wishing to leave orders for work may
call at the residence of A. K, Rnss, cor.
5th and Monroe Sis. opposite conrt
Our ladies, misses and chil
dren's cloaks, jackets and rain
coats have arrived. Latest
New York styles. Inspection
solicited. J. M. Nolan & Son,
For Sale. :
Grub oak wood, Address's.' A.
Gragg, Corvallis. Or leave orders
through Ind. phone 136, Corvallis.
Do you shave yourself? Well
just keep in mind that our . Witch
Hazel Extract is a distilled extract
and does not contain one drop of
wood alcohol. Price, bottle, 25.
Graham & Wells.
Notable Offer in
School Clothes
School days are approaching:, and it is the duty of parents
to see that their boys present as favorable appearance as their
classmates. We have made a special efforth in this department
and for opening day we have on display the largest assortment
of youths and boys clothing to be found in Corvallis.
Boys' Knee Pant Suit 7 to 16 years, out in double-breasted two
piece and single and double breosted Norfolks, cbeviote, tweeas and
homespuns, blue eerge3 and thibets, well tailored $3.50 to 7
Your Unlimited Ghoice of Suits for Boys in Russian, Admiral
bloae and our beauti.ul Junior styles; cheviots, serges tn many Beat
ebadep; tasteful, attractive aad durable 3 50 to 5
No Prizes
Chase & Sanborn Higb Grade
In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and
P. M
Chase & Sanborn Higb Grade
Longs Bicycle Store
Having bought the J, KT Berry bicycle Store
and repair shop, I have added a 1,200
stock of
which are now on display. Watch my ad
for further announcements. Don't forget
I have a first class repair shop.
M: M. LONG, Prop.
s "" " ' Lots of Fun.
Taking pictures. We have fine cam
, Graham & Wella. -
.Wonderful Nerve. ,
Is displayed by many a man enduring
pain a of accidental Cats, Wounds, Brais
es, Barns, Scalds, Sore feet or stiff joints.
But there's no need for it. Bucklen's
Arnica Salve will kill the pain and care
the trouble. It's the best Salve on earth
for Piles, too. 25c. at Allen & Wood
ward's, druggists. , ,
feast Si----
go with our
agent for
To contract fro m one to three carloads
e tch Eeed if price is reasonable.
L. L. Brooks,
Telephone 155 Mt. View.
Gasoline WoodSav.
I have purchased the Boddy gasoline
saw and can execute orders for wood
' promptly. Indp. phone 339,
- Link Chambers.
r - n ,
' ' "