The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 16, 1905, Image 1

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    Sour-ty Clerk's Oiftoe
1 J "
VoT:Xrai.-No.f :-;
aal Propel "
Ask Your Dealer for Economy Jars
' V And take no other -
Economy Jars are sanitary, ho zinc, no poison,
no mould, ho separate rubber ring. ; ? K
V;.-- :--&;?rSalek
. : -1
- - IK
? a
Great Bargains in
T 56 v. ant'. ; , , ,
Bi Stock to make
your selections . . ,
Get our Prices
. ; .
and make
-J. JEi
Fine Light Sample Rooms.
-Anrv -. fir -'
ff if f 5 ftS 3 ' .0 ff ! f 4
-Sm i .V- ,V .VII If II V W II II II II -r
J. C. Hammelj Prop.
"r Ft vs. :
Leading; Hotelln QojyqJl., . lecentlX ogened.JNew
bricV huildingi CjejflJ' flB&i&Ma taodertj-ton-veniences.
Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single
rooms, iiiiegant spues, ljeaaing noise ituo mam
- i
m. mm.
yJJi A '-$iX,;$1.25 and 2.00p6ray.l
s t s i! k
i f f r. " r a ,
It 8C
A f
s ij-g i i s
and Silverware.
' C tr"l''b;FJyesi1;e:sted;free;. ; t
' gy gial fit 'rectly
at prices within reach of all ,
-. r . ; - . i Fine-watch repairing a spe-. n
Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician.
Many Barns Damaged Addicks
Threatens to Expose- Graft In
Order to Make Hje Old
- Tims 'Followers Remain
Faithful Other 1 j
. . . NewsC .
Silverton,' Ore. Sapt. 12 A" ter
rific thunderstorm, accompanied by
a downpour of rain, b--gan last eve
ning about four o'clock and lasted
for several hours. A barn belong-
ias to H, E. Steen who lives in the
northern part of town, and a bam
belonging to John English, .- who
lives five miles north of Ablque
Creek, were set fire by the lightning
and burned. Two buildings on the
Upper Abiq ie Creek are reported
o have been destroyed in the same
manner." -
, The" rain continued all night and
if it does not clear up much damage
to unpicked hops will result. .
Salem. Oregon, January 31; 1904
Kerr Glass Manufacturing Company.
Portland, Oregon. . Dear Sirs: .- ' : ;'. .V ., '-T r
, ' I used six dozen Of your fruit jars last season and am very muchpleased -with1 them.
The: Economy Jar is the nicest looking and the best jar I have ever used." 'r"J '
I canned all kinds of fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, pickles and chicken, and hadfine
success with the Economy Jar. : - - " " :,y' '
-h I was awarded all the first prized, congisting of 8 blue ribbons, at' the Oregon ' State
Fair, 1903, for my exhibit of canned fruits and jelly. - ; . ,. :
; : The Oregon commissioners bought all my fruit to- represent Oregon at the St. Louis
Eair. I have been requested to put up fruit for the Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition
19Q5, and I will use your-Economy Jars. They are a sure seal, easy to open, and T prefer
them to any jar I have ever used. : ' . ;.- ; . ;. . . , ,
t , Yours very truly '. ': j 1-'r-"'
Mrs. S. R. Foster.
Mount" Angel, Or. Sept." 12 A
heavy rain began , .here at " four
o'clock this afternoon. It .was
preceded by an "electrical storm
more intensa than ever .known "here
befdft. The crashes of thunder
and lightning -were terrific . and
George Caney, a butcher , here,
was knocked down and stunned by
a stroke of lightniag. Hs is- still
half paralyzed. -
' The large new barn of John Eng
glisb two miles south, was Btruck
and instantly burst into flames.
I burned with nearly all its con-
jMa76rSo&waDr baYiTwas-etrxrcsq
and one end . blown , out., oome
other damage was done to telephone
and. light systems. r:rr :. -
: It is worth your, while to know' YOUR preserved fruits and vegetables are free from"
poisonous compounds? You know this if you use the ECONOMY JARS they are endor
sed and used by the - - - - :.' : : - : -' ' -:;
- . " ' and other Colleges and Universities. 1
?: Prof. Snellof the Oregon Agricultural College especially recommends ECONOMY JARS
because the cover is Sanitary and free from any Possibilities of Forming Poisionous Com
pounds with the contents of the Jar - , ;
Wadhams 6c Kerr Bros. Distributors
Wholesale Grocers. - x .... .' , . Portland, Oregon-
Wilmibgtod.'Dil.j Sept. 'J- 12
A plot to accomplish -the- politioal
annihuaUob of Ji Edward Addicks
hatched1 within the ranks of " :' the
Union men at the hands of his erst
whilje staunch Bupportars7-; 'Add cks
detertnined ib u8e;. every means in
his power to whip his men into? line
has let it-be known- however,' Uhat
be is ready to punish severely those
who desert him.- It is Baid that for
years he has kept a set of books,
containieg records of graft and cor
ruption in Delaware politics, and
will make exposures which he be
lieves will send to jail those"-who
turn against him; ' - k ' ---
A.rumor to this effect added to
day to the uneasiness of - the - taeh
who'are sitting On the- fence. Some
of the Addicks men - who are ready
to desert their ' chief have been
strangely silent. : ; -'
. . Chicago, Sepf, 12. "I waot to
make my position perfectly "clear;
I want to say to you that not only
ami not announcing a candidacy,
but I am not permitting a candidacy.".-;
'.a ;..;. : ; ;
' In these words, William; J. Bry
an administered ..a.cbeck to the en
thusiasm which at the : Jefferson
Club banquet given tonight in Mr.
Bryan's honor, greeted the speeches
f . s. V 1 ' Li r-r i ,f ..
BUDO-. .
-r'-t- -1 -r- i . ptt Hnrt, nnrl I )rficrnn . not. V'rt 1V1 f .
e two Mason Jar caps has been examined. Upon fixdmihation 'the metal of the
Lason cap- was launa pure-ZlPC me samupm nwui, j-ub uii lasqa cap r:
were undoubtedly caused by' the action of vegetabie acids. ; Asa 'result the'fruit iri'the-'
iaf mxiliWe' ieeb' etlycoiifaminated itlrdisoftoiisinc compounds.' & its;
f I jgard. the-use-of jars withine eaps as very unsanitary :and"evn dangerona.;. ,j
. - i , Yotlrrverjr truly,
ntr ;S:SBAILEY,. :
ad vocatingrinn3nTtronTotli5
third:time for the -presidency. -
1 here had been warm words - of
praise for Mr. Bryan, particularly
lrom cex-Represectative OUie M.
James of Ken4uckyv,and Judge - J.
B. Mrvin, of Covington Ky.c who
had declared . unqualifiedly for Mr;
Bryan a3 the -democratic nominee
far president ln-1908, and. from Al
exander Troup t)f New Bti ven who
declared that. Bryan was. the legiti
mate leader of. the . democratic par
ty in the coming campaign.' ?
When Mr; Bjryap; who came. last
on the; program,- Tose to;respond to
respond to, the toast,.-. Democracy
vs,- Centralization'': be deferred his
formal addreas for a few i moments
until he had returned : t-hanks for
the words. of. praise showered upon
him by. the speakers who : preceded
him and until he -had set himself
right upon the question of his can
didacy, for the presidency. . : . ;
I am not now," eaid.Mr. BryaD,
"a candidate for. any office.;. -I have
said that I never again would be a
candidate for office, but I want -to
sayinbw that ,talk of candidacy for
office does not-affect me as it once
did.: : I believe my. place in history
will be determihed,; not : by what
th 3 people: are ble to dp : for . i me,
but what I am able to do for ; the
people. I think it is how too soon
to choose a candidate for president,
t mtike the race three years, from
now; it - Is Jtpoarly to pledge our
selves to any one- man. . trust
that before the time comes to name
a man for. the . next presidential
nomination more, light may , be
thrown upon, our party's pathway,
and that a man may be chosen who
will be best able to do for the party
more than I have been able to dp,"
Covers were laid for 30O guests
at the banquet, and among; - those
present were, Representative H. L.
Rainey, of Illinois:; Ollie- M. James
of Kentucky; Mayor Edward F.
Dunne bi Chicago; Judge James of
Kentucky, o -r ; ;'.: ;jt
"ug"fofb3amc(J-t-p-6t'& VlBrVJfSt-tor"
er directly in front of them and af
ter splashing around for a minute
or more sank out of - sight. The
next day the same performance was
repeated;. According to the story
of thelonters the monster was pro
bablyv-30 feet long, with'a head as
large as an ordinary washtub.'-
-Th strange story is credited by
many Eugene psople, as in "yearB
past from time to time, this 'same
ureature'or -others similar, have
been seen in the lake,- and the des
criptions given by all who claim to
have seen it, are . precisely alike.
The Indians of the -Warm Spring
Agency, who frequently hunt in
that vicinity, often tell of. having
seen the mysterious- creature dis
porting itself in ' the waters of the
lake. '.
It is pointed out that 'ITiere was
very little combustible - material :
aboard the battleship, yet the flames -broke
out in several places - and
spread so rapidly that th'y could
not be extinguished. It is pointed
out that' the magazines are so ar- '
ranged that they' could have been
flooded yet the explosion occurred
an hour after .the fire was discovered-.
It is thought likely that : the
fanatic bad accomplices.
It will be remembered that in
May, 1896, six: 'of the Sumarai '
leaders committed suicide after th
treaty which deprived- Japan-1 of
Port Arthur, on account of the dis
grace brought on their native land"
This act is said to be the real start
of the warlike preparations made:
by Japan for the conflict with Rus
sia, which was partly to revenge
the deaths of these Samaurai lead
ers", whose deaths were regarded a
sacrifice for the nation. :
Anti-peace demonstrations con-, some provinces of Japan.
Last night troors were called to rer.
store order in Yokohama.
Eugene, Or.', Ssp't. strange
lookinganimal; f Msernbling. ; des
criptions of sea ssrpehts; has re
cently been seeb in the water's" of
Crescent' Lake ' in the" Cascade
mpuntaihs,: over 100 r fniles east of
Eugene, just cfpiithV ,'Une'r'irf
Crook county. ;IA party' of Eugene
hunters have jeturhed: ifrbm:'1 there
arid tellthe story pT Bow they en-,
countered the monster" in the lakeV
London,; Sept. 12 The feeling
is growing among the ' Japanese
members of the diplomatic corps
and citizens here, that the battle
ehip Mikaso was destroyed by a
fanatical descendant of the ancient
Samurai," ." whose " leading doctrine
is suicide rather than dishoqor.'it
being the general feeiiog among at
least the lower . classes of Japanese
that the peace terms were most dis
honorable; ' . '. -. .
. It .is believed " that a . member of
the. crew was Jwilling ' to r see the
grand ship sink ratber than to re
main' inactive because of the con
clusion of the peace which redacted
no credit pa; Ber--magnificent vict-
New York, Sept. 13. It will cost
it is estimated, the - T Interborough
Company more than $l,ooo,ooo to
satisfy the claims ' for damages that
will arise out pf the elevated raif
road accident. The number of
those who lot their lives in the ac
cident was three less than the nam
- continued onpage 4 '- - '
hot muffins ; hot; cakes,
ImadithlRbval Baking:
- t 'i:!;u-;iit-'-' ".- ;
tehi ? without feaft of
sine 1.i.s,jc-tr:;-t,tca i t,, . . .., . - -.,Vf 1 1 x uoy were uaomg uut 10 me mia-
. c ;i,HS,2 :r!S State Dairy-when: " suddenly' a
They wete fishing urc in 'the mid:
1 l'?5-'.''-. "'?'"? '
iX '.i -'xioc-r--'
V - A
7 ''