The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 13, 1905, Image 1

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    I - IB I IE B - 'SiV I II I I I I I III I B 1 IBB III I W
4 - v. 1 W
Vol. XVIII.-NO. 17.
B.F. IRVI1TB dlt
aal troprt
Great Bargains in
all Departments
Big Stock to make
your selections . . .
Get our Prices
and make
, -1 : - ; ; ,
Fine Light Sample Rooms.
J. C. Hammel, Prop.
Leading Hoteljin Oorvallis. Recently opened. New
brick building. 'Newly furnished, with modern con
veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam
ette Valley.
$iX), $1.25 and $2.00 per day.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
and Silverware. - -
Eyes tested free of charge
and glasses fitted correctly
at prices within reach of all -Fine
watch repairing a spe
cialty Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician.
Ask Your Dealer
Komura Played his Hand Well
Thousands Killed and Injured
in Earthquake Much
Property Loss Other
Washington, Sepl. 9. As with
all things jap arjcee, there is a little
joker hidden in the recent peace
treaty put there by the wily Kom
ura and the shrewd Takahira. It
means that, while Japan was, little
by little ceding her rights to an
indemnity for war costs, she was
covertly preparing a way to wrest
from the Russian bear a greater
money prize than he would have
ever been able to pay in the name
of an indemnity. The prize and
oker is contained in the ninth and
eleventh articles of the treaty: To
night all Washington is laughing
in its sleeve at the way that Rus
sia has handed over through these
clauses of the treaty, over $30,
000,000 annually, to Japan. -
The clause reads: - ,.
"Russia cedes to Japan the south
ern part of Sa kalin Island as far
north as the 50th degree of north
latitude, together with the -islands
dependent thereon. The right , of
free navigation is assured in the
bays of La Perouse and Tartare."
This seems to be very simple in
its phrasing but read article 11 and
you will see : the fine and craf'y
hand of the Japanese when the
clause states:
"Russia engages herself to make
ao agreement' with Japan giving to
Japanese subjects the right to fish
in Russian territorial waters, the
eea of Japan, the sea of Okhotsk
and Behriog sea." .
Both of these clauses it is assert
ed here by eminent authorities,
are nothing less than giving to Ja
pan paramount power in the Paci
fic placing her in advance of the
United States there and giving her
fishery rights in the seas of Behring
Okho'sk, Tartare and La Perouse,
worth a third more than are fish
ery uebts in the Pacific worth to
the Uuited States. .
Japau's rights an now under the
treaty, said to be worth $3 0,000,000
annually or more than those of the
United S ates there. If an indem
nity had been assented to, Japan
would not have gained these rights.
Uoder an indemnity clause all
she would have ever been able to
get from Russia is 5 per cent inter
est on the $600,000,000 she demand
ed. This would have amounted to
$30,000,000. If the firBt demand
had been accepted by Russia, a
sixth of it would have satisfied
Japan, Finding that she could not
get the indemnity reqoired, she,
Japan fashion, got it by fashioning
this joker and having it put in the
treaty. This is why Washington
smiles diplomatic Washington,
at least.
for Economy Jars
And take no other
Economy Jars are sanitary, no zinc, no poison,
no mould, no separate rubber ring.
. Salem, Oregon, January 31, 1904.
Kerr Glass Manufacturing Company.
Portland, Oregon. Dear Sirs:
I used six dozen of your fruit jars last season and am very much pleased with -them.
The Economy Jar is the nicest looking and the best jar I have ever used.
I canned all kinds of fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, pickles and chicken, and hadfine
success with the Economy Jar. -
I was awarded all the first prizes, consisting of 8 blue ribbons, at the Oregon State
Fair, 1903, for mv exhibit of canned fruits and jelly. :
The Oregon commissioners bought all my fruit to represent Oregon at the St. Louis
Eair. I have been requested to put up fruit for the Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition
1905; and I will use your Economy Jars. They are a sure seal, easy to open, and I prefer
them to any jar I have ever used. . -
Yours very truly, ,
Mrs. S. R Foster.
It is worth your while to know YOUR preserved fruits and vegetables are free from
poisonous compounds? You know this if you use the ECONOMY JARS they are endor.
sed and used by the..
. v and other Colleges and Universities.
Prof. Snell of the Oregon Agricultural College especially recommends ECONOMY JARS
because the cover is"Sanitary and free from any Possibilities of Forming Poisionous dom
pounds with the contents of the Jar
Wadhams 6c Kerr Bros. Distributors
Wholesale Grocers.
Portland,. Oregon
Toledo, O, Sept. 10. Norman B
Ream took another whirl at high
finance in a poker market on the
Kaiser Wilhelm, a week ago, and
x - Portland, Oregon, Oct. 25-, 1905
The' two Mason Jar caps has been examined. Upon examination the metal of the
new Mason cap was found to be pure zinc. The small pin holes in the old Mason cap
were undoubtedly caused by the action of vegetable acids. As a result the fruit in the
jar must have been greatly contaminated with poisonous zinc compounds.
1 regard the use of jars with zinc caps as .very unsanitary and even dangerous.'
Yours very truly,
State Dairy and Food Commissioner.
got away with a lot of gold that be
longed to several other exponents
of high-finance business.
George Westinghouse, the man
who invented the airbrake, and the
man recently selected by Thomas
F. Ryan as one of the three trustees
of the Equitable Life; Henry C.
Frick, the Piitsburg millionaire,
steel man, and F. Augustus Heinze
the Montana copper king, fell be
fore Mr, Ream's expert system . of
playing poker.
I be Kaiser Wilhelm landed in
New York last Thursday morning
and Mr. Ream was just $
richer than he had been a few hours
before. The night before, the last
game played in the saloon did the
trick. The four financial stars
played to a crowded saloon. The
game had been going on steadily
for four or five days, but Wednes
day night the limit was taken off,
and the financiers loosened their
belts and fell to.
The betting, started low enough,
but as the time left for play dwind
led the stakes grew. Big hand fol
lowed big hand, and at last the
watchers got a universal headache
every time they tried to count the
money. Some of the men in the
crowd .decided that the United
States mint had turned loose, and
formed a combination with the
hink of England, with the joint
riches of both on the gambling ta
ble. After several small jackpots of
$25,000 and other such trivial sums
the quartet of gamesters, after try
ing to quit for a long time, and
falling down before the fascination
of the game, agreed on one grand
finale, where all limits of past were
to be dwarfed and forgotten, and
then the fun began. The hand was
dealt around end the betting began.
Before the players drew cards, for
the final titanic struggle, there was
over $2o,ooo in the pot.
After the draw, the game con
tinued to grow faster and fiercer.
Somebody bet $looo and somebody
raised back, and the raising con
tinued back and forth, and every
bet higher than the one before, un
til somebody called.
There was $9o,ooo in the pot
when the call came. On the show
down,. Mr. Ream had the high hand
and he raked in the stake putting
him away to the good on the night
play, and making him one of the
best bet candidates for the high
honors so long held by John W".
Portland, Sept. 10 A movement
to initiate a number of amendments
to the Oregon constitution has
been started, and an organization
is forming to boom them for th
next June campaign when they
will be submitted to the electors of
the slate. The amendments will
be initiated by petition of at leaet
8 per cent of the number of voters
who cast their ballots for supreme
judge in the June election last year.
The first amendment on the list
would give the people power to call
the referendum on single items in
an appropriation bill; at present,
the referendum can be called only
on a bill as a whole. The same
amendment provides that the elec
tors of any town or county or elect
orial district in the state for which
the legislature passes an act, can
demand the referendum on the act.
The latter half of hls amendment
would give the people power to con
trol salaries of county, district or
city officers, end would take away
from legislators their dictatorial
powers over laws relating . to their
localities, The legislature is accus
tomed to pass local bills on recom
mendation of the lawmakers from
the affected district.
This legislative courtesy has giv
en large one-man power to legisla
tors over charters and salaries of
state and city officers.
On the single item part of the
amendment, the pamphlet sajs:
"The referendum petition now
filed against the appropriation bill
for the current expenses of the in
saoe asylum, penitentiary, deaf
mute and blind schools, University,
Agricultural College and Normal
schools, principally because of ob
jection to the appropriation for so
many normals, proves the need for
this amendment. In this case,
appropriations for about $800,000
which are necessary and to which
no one objects, era held up for the
election because they are included
in a bill with other appropriations
of about $2oo,ooo to 'which many
people do object. This causes in
convenience and the loss of much
money by the etat9 in the payment
of interest.
"We have not provided for ex
tending jhe veto pnwer 01 the gov-
eronr-to single items ot appropria
tiou bills because 11 seems unneces
sary when the voters can protect
themselves as they can if this a
mendmeut is adopted, and also be
cause we believe it is unwise to in
crease the one-man power in our
Under the present law a public
officer cannot be discharged un--less
he has committed some crime,
and says the pamphlet, "there is
not a farmer or a business man who
would hire -a laborer nnder such
terms. Every public officer should
hold his office only while his serv
ices are satisfactory to the people.
just as any other hired man who
holds bis job while ho pleases bis
employer. It often happens that
sheriffs say they cannot and will
not enforce the laws, Every yea
some assessors say they cannot pos
sibly make a fail assessment on
taxable property that will make
the burden proportionately- aa
heavy for the millionaire and the
great corporation as it is for the
small farmer and the owner of a
em ill house. If one fourth of the
voters could bring such officers
face to face with a public discharge
for incompetency, the officers would
do their work right or we should
get men who could and would. '
Rome. Sent. 8. All Italv is suf-
feiing from terrible depression be
cause of the news from the south
where one of the worst earthquakes
ever experienced occnrred today.
Although the earthquake was felt
all over Calabria, and to a certain
. : i . .
comes from Plzo and Monteleone
and from 18 villages, which are
said to have been completely dea-
According to the lateet news re
ceived 370 ppcons have been killed
and a great number injured. It is
as yet impossible to even estimate
the propertv losses.
The shock was felt at 2,55 0 clock
this morning. It lasted 18 seconds
at Cantanzaro, and soon thereafter
was felt at Messina, Reggio, Mon
teleone, Martinano. Stefacomi'-Tri-
paroi, Piecophio, Zammaro, Ces-
saniti, Naida, Olivadi, and other
SceneB of indescribable terror en
sued. Woman aroused from their
Bleep rushed half clad into the
streets screaming with fear, carry
lirtnrv tnAm Kahtao nn1 JvnMntnm
along their other children and call
ing for help on the Madonna and
the saints. The men escaped in
th9 open with their families calling
ou their favorite saints for protec
tion. The cafes, were taken by
assault by the strangely garbrd
crowd but as daylight broke with
out a repetition of the earthquake,
the crowd gradually melted away
until by 8 o'clock the streets had
almost resumed their normal ap-
coutinuel onpage 4