"WEEKLY .2XTJD SB1I-"WBEKL: Vol. XVIIL-No. 17. CORVALLIS, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 9. 1905. B. T. IKTINB mnl Proprl dlt 7: Summer 'Clearance Sale! Great Bargains in a 1 1 Departments Big Stock to make your selections . . . ' Get our Prices and make Gomparison. P Fine Light Sampl Rooms. , Hotel J. C. Hammel, Prop. Leading HoteFin Oorvallis. Recently opened. : New brick hnilding. Newly furnished, with modern con veniences.. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es capes, Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam ette "Valley. , $iX), $1.25 and $2.00 per day. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware. Eyes tested free of charge and glasses fitted correctly at prices within reach of all Fine watch repairing a spe . cialty Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician. HILLS MOVE TERRIBLE VOLCANIC ERUP TION MAKES THEM CHANGE i POSITION. Ask Your Dealer for Economy Jars And take no other Economy Jars are sanitary, no zinc, no poison, no mould, no separate rubber ring. Abuses in Government Printing Offic8 at Washington Peace Treaty is Signed and' En voys Leave Ports mouth Other News. ' ' Honolulu, Sept. 5. The steam ship Sierra, which arrived here from Australia on the way Jto Sao Francifcco, reports a volcanic out break on the island of Savaii in the Samoan group which is very ex tensive. The outbreak is three miles south of Mantiu and has cre ated a new mountain estimated to be nearly 7,ooo feet high. The lava flows from the base of this mountain a distance of several miles.- Travelers report that five or six hills are moving, apparently on lava foundations. Some have advanced several miles from their starting place, indicating a vast molten lava area beneath. Ernest Neill and George Furlong who visited the scene say many million tons of lava are being eject ed. ine mus are moving very slowly and the lava is . solidifying on the surface. This will event ually 8 top their further progress which threatened much damage. The natives have held gatherings and bad decided to abandon the threatened towns, but having be come assured that there is no dan ger of loss of life they are settling down again. . Portemouth, Sept. 5. The treaty of Portsmouth was signed shortly before 4 o clock this afternoon in the conference room of the naval general store at the nayy yard The firing of a national salute of 19 suns was the signal which told the people of Portsmouth, Kittery, and Newcastle, that the peace of Portsmouth was an accomplished fact and that the bells in the three towns were Boon pealing forth joyful refrain. For 47 minutes those outside the conference room anxiously waited the signal. Suddenly an orderly dashed to the entrance to the peace building and waved his . hand to the gunner a few feet away and the opening shot of the salute rang out on the clear air of the soft Septem ber afternoon proclaiming peace be tween Russia and Japan. Three o'clock was the hour set for the final session of the confer ence. An hour before that time a neavy tnunderstorm was in prog ress, but as Mr. Witte and Baron Rosen left the hotel in an. automo bile at 2:15 o'clock for the navy yard, the rain stopped. When Ba ron Komura and Mr. Takahira en tered their automobile twenty min utes later, the sun suddenly shone which called forth the remark from Baron Komura: "It is a good omen for peace. This remark was cheered by the crowd gathered to see the Japanese depart. The Russian plenipotentiaries reached the yard at 2:45 and receiv . ed an ambassadorial salute of 19 Salem, Oregon, January 31, 1904. Kerr Glass Manufacturing Company. Portland , Oregon. Dear Sirs: I used six dozen of your fruit jars last season and am very much pleased with them. The Economy Jar is the nicest looking and the best jar I have ever used. 1 canned all kinds of fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, pickles and chicken, and hadfine success with the Economy Jar. I was awarded all the first prizes, consisting of 8 blue ribbons, at the Oregon State Fair, 1903, for my exhibit of canned fruits and jelly. OFFICE OF" J. W. BAILEY JTATE DA I R V AND -ROOD OOMM IS6IONE ROOM -1Q, BREEDEN BLDQ. ' . Portland, Oregon, Oct. 25, 1905 The two Mason Jar caps has been .examined. Upon examination the metal of the new Mason cap was found to be pure zinc. The small pin holes in the old Mason cap were undoubtedly caused by the action of vegetable acids. As a result the fruit in the jar must have been greatly contaminated with poisonous zinc compounds. 1 regard the use of jars with zine caps as very unsanitary and even dangerous. Yours very truly, J. W. BAILEY,. . ' State Dairy and Food Commissioner, The Oregon commissioners bought all my fruit to represent Oregon at the St. Louis Eair. I have been requested to put up fruit for the Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition 1905, and I will use your Economy Jars. They are a sure seal, easy to open, and I prefer them to any jar I have ever used. Yours very truly, Mrs. S. R. Foster. : It is" worth your while to know YOUR preserved fruits and vegetables are free from poisonous compounds? You know this if you use the ECONOMY JARS they are endor sed and used by the OREGON AGRI. COLLEGE, LELAND STANFORD JR. UNIVERSITY, CALIF and other Colleges and Universities. Prof. Snell of the Oregon Agricultural College especially recommends ECONOMY JARS because the cover is Sanitary and free from any Possibilities of Forming Poisionous Com pounds with the contents of the Jar Wadhams 6c Kerr Bros. Distributors Wholesale Grocers. Portland, Oregon guns, ine yard presented a lively Bcene as the automobile bearing Mr Witte and Baron Rosen dashed up to the conference building. On one side in special full dress were two companies of marines ' com manded by Major Moses, who ren dered the prescribed honors as Mr, Witte and Baron Rosen their front. Washington, Sep. 5. When the committees of the United States senate are being organized next December a fight is to be made to wrest the chairmanship of the Is thmian canal committee from Sen ator Mitchll of Oregon. Bacause of the prominence which canal leg islation is likely to attain at tne coming session, it is aesiraoie mat that the senate committee snouia be in the hands of some good strong man, fully competent to conduct bearings, direct the work of the com mittee, and assume charge of what ever canal legislation may be re ported to the senate. It is recog nized hat Senator Mitchell can do none of those things. Therefore there is a general desire that a new chairmanbe selected. Even though he did not care to resign his seat in the senate, Mr. Mitchell might relinquish his chair manship in order that there be no figm topry him Ioosp. This would simplify the situation and make way for some other and more active man. But it is not believed Sena tor Mitchell will pursue this course It will be up to the committee on committees to solve this problem, and it would be along guess in deed to predict what that commit tee will do, Japanese party was also h artily cheered. At the navy yard the work has already begun of restoring the gen eral store to its former condition. The furniture will be shipped back to Washington, including the table on which the treaty was signed This piece of furniture may be pre served by the department of state, and also the chairs on which the plenipotentiaries sat. The build ing will be cOntinued to be known as the Peace building. Mr. Pierce, the assistant secre tary of state, will rema n here this week to wind up the government's business in connection . with - the conference. Captain Winslow, commanding the Mayflower, was among the last to take leave of Mr. Witte. The Russian plenipotentiary thanked Captain Winslow in his own name and the emperor's, for the hospit ality which Mr. Witte and his mis sion had eojoyed aboard the May flower, and presented an autograph photograph. In the . perpetuation of the historic part which the navy yard has played in the last month, it nas been suggested that a broeze tablet he placed on the walls' of the peace building commemorative of the "Peace of Portsmouth" brought about within its walls. Washington, Sept. 5. It is 'offi cially announced that the hou-e and senate committees on printing will assemble in Washington early in September, to begin an investi gation of the government printing office. Chairman Landis of the house committee, the man who put an end to the selling of liquor in the capitol building ' at Washington, has been itching all summer long to get at the investigation, but no other member of either committer has shown the least disposition t act. Senator Tom Piatt of New York, chairman of the senate com mittee and chairman of the joint committee has been unwilling to come to Washington "on account of the warm weather." Senato El kins, his able republican colleague, has been spending the hot spell in the mountains of West Virginia, and has put forth the excuse that as chairman of the interstate com merce committee, he has been obliged to devote his time to the railroad rate problem, but as a mat-. ter of fact, he has been directing his political beochmen to patch up his political fences, for Elkins comes up for re-election next year, and must overcome an opposition now in process of formation. Senator Arthur P. Gorman, perpetual prea sidential aspiraot, the' nominal bead of the democratic party in the continued onpage 4 Portemouth, Sept. 6 Life in the picturesque section of New England which for the past four weeks has centered around the proceedings of the peace conference, began slip ping back into normal conditions today with the departure of Mr. Witte and the Russian mission on a special train for New York and of the members of the JaDanese en tourage who did not go with Baron Komura last night. Mr. Witte was up early this morning and before he had taken breakfast a crowd had gathered on the hotel veranda to gee him off. He shook bands with each of the persons who had gath ered and wnen ne started ne was given cheers and crieB of adieus. Mr. Takahira, who beaded the &EuJaititl&ir There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which makes the food more digestible and wholesome. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by physicians, and they accord ingly endorse and recom mend it. ' ' ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. 1