The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 06, 1905, Image 4

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Tl?e Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Tersonal Men
tion and Other Items of
Public Interest. .
-M. M. Davis and family arriv
ed Sunday evening from Newport.
A. J. "Hall of Polk county was
a Corvallis visitor Friday and Sat
urday. Hop picking began in the Os
burn yard Monday morning.
Ninety pickers are employed.
E. B. Horning, accompanied
by his neice, Miss Odalite Horning,
left Sunday for a visit at theFair.
Miss Mamie Starr, of the Inde
pendent telephone office, left Mon
day for a week's visit at the Fair.
Misses JLillie and Frances Gel-
latly left Monday for cSuver, where
they will pick hops.
Mr. and Mrs John. Smith re
turned Sunday from a visit to the
the Fair.
Continued from page one.
colony 8 re feting'the visitors.
The Britieh Admiral has ordn-pd
a gunboat to accompany the CalUo
up the WeBt river.
Consul General Lav has at mind
ed an apology lrom the viceroy for
the insulting posters diaplayeri.
The viceroy has given ample 8sur-
aoces tha the leaders will be arreti
ed and given eevpre punishment.
Mr. laft and Mies Roosevelt will
be entertained today at a luncheon
by Sir Matthew Nathan, governor
of Hongkong.
Salem, Ore., Sept. 2 Alexander
Sinders, a farmer rendiun be
tween Aurora and Hubhard, wae
perhaps today fatally iLiured 10-
night, by being run over by ttip
poutbbound S. P. local train, near
Hubbard. It is thought he wat
attempting to steal a ride and fell
His right leg and arm are ciush-
ed to an extent necessitbting am
putation, and an injury to the
ekull was sustained. . Satders has
wife acd oae child.
Port. mouth Aug. 3. Toe As-focut'-o
I'repp io able u lve an in
trrsiiiii? dt-ttil in regard totbecon-
di'i' n- of peace. The most impjrt
ant ot U ih the fact tb-t tb for
mal r"H"i'm'id'i t J-p-iu's possess
ion ot t- Chinese Ea-tf-rn railroad
ht-low Ku-nchet-e involves the pay
ment by Russia to Cbioa of a sum
ts ionat-d at $75,n"ioo. This is
be Cntneen interest in the read and
Cnioi inu'-it be remunerated.
Tb- iueetion of the ul im.te pop
Feri.ib i f the rqad is a matter to be
s ttled ry J4 nan and Cnina. If she
el-tts the latt-r course J4pn there
fore w-s 'o obtain' s indmct ppoil
of war from Riusia tt e above men
tioned eum iu addi'iou to reimburse
tnent.for tse co?t of inaiLtainiog
the Russian prieoners of war for
which JapHii will piet-eut an item-iz-d
bill. Jxpnu hp given her
word to China that, she will not re
tain tb? taiload. But if China pre
fers money tho railroad Japan
will noed be accused of bad faith.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fulton left
Sunday for Portland, to see the
Fair. . ,
Lloyd Carrick of Brownsville
is visiting Corvallis friends this
Miss Margaret Evers, who has
been attending school at Portland,
is the guest of Corvallis friends.
Zach Taylor has returned from
Poft'and, where for some time he
has been employed.
Mrs Charles Blakeslee is visit
ing her daughter at Sellwood, and
attending the Exposition.
The W. C. T. U. will meet in
their new Reading Room on Thurs
day Sept 7 th at 3 o clock.
Miss Clayton Barnell left Sun
day for Portland, where she will
enter a business college.
Harry Sorg left Monday for his
home in Fayette, Iowa, after a visit
in Corvallis with former Iowa
Mrs. Joseph Neal of Polk
county was the guest Monday and
Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Heckart. , ' .
Dr. B. A. Cathey, Mike Bauer
and Collie Cathey formed a party
that left Saturday for a week's
hunting trip to Cascadia.
The new residence of Lee Hen
kle across Marys river has been
. completed, andis now occupied by
the family. The removal occurred
Art Henkle aud family are
now ' at Cheh3lis, Washington.
Mr. Henkle has a position there in
a box factory.
, Mr. and Mrs. Taillandier and
Prof. Knisely and family are at
Newport. The first occupy the
Gatrh, and the Kniselys the Cov
ell cottage.' . '
Among the Corvallisites who
went on the excursion to Newport
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Phillips and E. E- Wilson.
Koaa worK nas Deen going on
in the Philomath district for the
past six weeks with' considerable
energy, as a preparation for the
coming winter. The road fund for
that district bas all been applied
Sol Richardson and family
who have been visiting Benton
. county relatives for sometime, left
yesterday for a vis;t to the Fair en-
route to their home at Hoquiam,
C.,H, Barnell of this city has
purchased a saw mill on the Clack
amas river, about 40 . miles from
Portland, and will have it operated
for the' present by his brother-in-law
of that place. Mr. Barnell' s
plans for the future, relative to the
enterprise, were not learned.
Harry Waltz and daughter of
ban Francisco arrived Monday and
are guests of Corvallis and Benton
relatives until the 20th, when they
goto Albany as delegates from
their section to the Methodist
conference to be held in Albany
on that date. They represent their
League. ' .
" 4
William. Bledsoe, ,whohasfor
some time, been employed at Hotel
Corvallis, and who recently under
went an operation for some trouble
of the chest, left Saturday for his
home in i California, hoping the
change may prove beneficial to his
Portsmouth, Sept. 3- From an
official source the Associated Prets
is informed that the treaty ia com
pleted. It consists of a preamnje
and 17 articles the substance all of
which have been given in the As
sociated Press dippatehee. But
there were still differences about
the wording of the protocol of the
la-it sitting which must be signed
btfore the treaty itself can be 6igb
ed. The Japanese presented a pioiov
col to which the Russians took ex
ception. The differences however,
are expected to be straightened out
btfora noon tomorrow, and it seems
quite possible the, treaty wiU be
signed tomorrow afternoon.. Mr.
de Martens, who is extremely anx
ious to get back to Russia, baa en
gaged passage on La Lirraii.e,
sailing from New York Thursday,
and leaves here on Wednesday.
Nipl-8, Aug. 30 Violent earjb
q iab-f a-e n-poit-d at Sultana and
PoI-tujO himnitiuitourly with erup
tions at Vesuvius aud Stromboli,
whici are throwing out enormous
quantise- nt Java at.d ashes. Vil
lager re fleeing iu panic.
For pome months an eruption at
Vesuvius has ben expected. Trem-
bl-s of tue eunh at intervals have
been constant, and flashes of- fire
and snook wee vomited forth in-
termitiingly, cauting villagers npon
its fjotuuie to flee from their vine
yards, and garden-, List winter a
mil J eruptioo occurred,' but no
great damage was don . At pres
ent however, all indications point
to one of ths biggest eruptions in
the moui.tnios history.
The greatest eruption of Mount
Vesuvius took ylice in the year of
79 when Herculaneum and Pompeii
were des roved. Fur nearly 150o
vears after the volcani remained
in a condition of feeble activity.
Occasional eruptions occurred but
Done nf importnre.
New York, Aug. 3a John D
Rockefeller is planning to make
gifts of money tor educational pur
poBes which it i said will so f r
surpass any contributions he hith
erto has made that the announce
ment of which will . astonish toe
country. The method of selectit g
objects for bis bentfactionsis chaug
d, however, and hereafter they
will be made largely upon the ad
vice of his son, John D. Rockefeller
Jr. according to a system learned
by the younger man wnen be wis
Europe. ,
Rockefeller Jr. has left the Ad
rondacka with his family .lor Cleve
land, Ohio, wbere ne wiu conle
with hie father npoa soms of the
gifts to b made the coming au
tumo. When Kockeieiler was u
Europe he was impressed by tb
aree yifts of money made tor the
public good by several wealthy Eu
ropeans, and directly atter nis ar
rival in New York spoke to bis
father about making similar con
Madam Corsini, a very accom
pushed needlework demonstrator
will be In Corvallis shortly to give
free demonstration of the Branard
and Armstrong embroidery silks
which brand is carried by S. L
Tri: t. . i . ... ..
xvuue. nxact ciates will be given
laier. ,- , ,
We 'are here to do all kinds of ma
chine work, castiDg, repairing and
building engines, etc; on short notice,
and at reasonable prices. Work guar
anteed. Franklin Iron Works Co.
Enows enough to carry an umbrella
fc'herf i rains, but the wise one is he
who carries one when it is only cloudy.
ja.ny uum win
send for a doctor
when he gets
bed-fast, but the
wiser one is he
who adopts
proper precau
tionary, preven
tive and curative
measures when
first appear the
ills which, if un
checked and un
cured, grow into
serious illness.
Impaired diges-
11 on ana nutri
tion are generally
tne torerunners
of a nervous or functional break-down.
Aafure has provided remedies most
abundantly for all such conditions in our
native medicinal plants. With the use
ot cnemieaiiy pure glycerine, 01 proper
strength and at a proper sustained temp
erature, Dr. Pierce extracts from Golden
Seal root. Queen's root, Stone root, Black
Cherrybark, Bloodroot and Mandrake
root, medicinal principles which, when
combined in just the right proportions,
constitute his widely famed "Golden Med-v-nl
Discovery." It restores the tone of
tho stomach, the activity of the liver
ii:i.l the steadiness of the nerves, pouring
v:,ality into the blood till the once sick
r..a aeointatea one is so renewed in
lv tlth, strength and power that he can
r -siime his work, whatever it is, with
ixor.and elasticity.
All medical authorities, of whatever
S'-iiool, agree that Hydrastis, or Golden
Stl one of the essential roots in the
111 ike-up of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
1) sco very is of very great value as a
p ire tonic, and as an alterative 'valuable
in chronic affections of the stomach, in
testines and bladder.
This Low Price .
for next 20 days. Oak and ash
wood $3.50 per cord- Fir wood
$2.75 per cord. P. A. Kline's line,
phone No 1. - P. A. K.lme.
"The S. P. is selling round trip
tickets between Corvallis and Port
land for $3 good going Saturdays
or Sundays and returning Sunday
or Monday following, either on
East or West side, but good only
on afternoon train from Albany to
Portland on oatutdaysu East side
is taken. Passengers to pay local
fare between Corvallis and Albany,
Wood Sawing.
Done promptly. Satisfaction
euaranteed and orices reasonable.
ind phone 349 or 692.
Cummings & Cady.
We have just received a new lot
Of Columbia disc and cylinder rec
ords. Also a lot of the American
Blue records, the best record that
is made. Graham & Wells.
Lime and Cement.
Best and highest grades of lime
and cement can be had at the Ben
ton County Flouring- Mills, at the
lowest prices. Agents for T. S.
McRath & Co. "
TTtiw.rftt Not only the Original but the
XP2. best Little Liver Pills, first put
.ee D over 40 years ago, by old
" Dr. E. V. Pierce, have been
much imitated but never equaled, as thou
sands attest. They're purely vegetable,
being made up of concentrated and refined
medicinal principles, extracted from the
roots of American plants. Do not gripe.
One or two for stomach corrective, three or
four for cathartic
Gooa tor Stomach Trouble ana
"Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets have done me a great deal of good,"
says C. Towns of Rat Portage, Ontario,
Canada. "Being a mild physic the after
effects are not unpleasant, and I can recom
mend them to all who sutler from'stomach
disorder." For sale by Graham & Wortham-
Hay For Sale.
Vetch and alfalfa, best cow hay in
Ind Tel 155. h. L. Brooks.
Hop Picking Season.
''. ... ,'.',;
Hop picking will begin in the
Lilly hop yard Monday. Sept. 4th.
Will move camping outfits to yard
Wednesday, August 30.
' Jim Sing.
It pays to read our ads. It pars to visit our store. It pays
to patronize us. We are up to the minute in every
detail, News of Necessities will interest you. '
- - N e:azg-;
New German Dill Pickles
New Alssa Honey
r Ice Cream Jello, all flavors
Tetleys India and Ceylon tea
Imported Weir Senf Mustard .
Pickled Pearl Onions
Clam Chowder
Sniders Pork and Beans
Use "Three Heart Soap"
3 in I Ammonia, Borax, Naptha washes in cold water.
We aim to keep all the late goods on the market, if
we havent them, leave your order we get them for you
on short notice.
Hodes' Grocery
Indepexdext Phone 203
Office up stairs in Burnett Brick
Idence on the corn er of Madison
Seventh at. Phone thoaseaal di
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
, Exchange.
NEW TORK-Memrn. J. P. Morgan A Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub
LONDON, ENG.-N M Rothschilds A Sons
CANADA. Union Bank of Canada
Our ad., but our goods change hands
every day. -Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea.
Big Line. Fresh Groceries
Domestic and Imported.
Plain and Fancy Chinaware
A large and varied line.
We always keep Vegetables when
when they are tobe had.
E. B Horning.
Cumber for Sale
At Lowest Possible Prices
Send in House Bills for estimates .of cost
All kinds and grades of lumber on hand, all orders piomptly
filled. Lumber delivered when required.
OTIS SKIPTON, Philomath, Ore.
Bell Phone 4x2. R. F. If. 2,
Sawmill located four miles southwest of Philomath.
Physician & Surgeon,
Banking Company
Corvallis, Obbgon.
Bays County, City and School
Principal Correspondents.
The Bank o
R. D. Burgess
Office over Blackledges furniture
store. Hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5.
Phonef office 216; Res 454
Corvallis, Oregon
W. E. Yates
Bert Yates
Yates 6c Yates
Law, Abstracting & Insurance.
Zierolf Building
Both Phones. Corvallis, Or.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over poatoiEee. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hoars 10 to
12 a. m.. 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & V'- -thain'a drug store.
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK BIdg. Hoarsi
IO to 12 and a to 4.
Phone, office 83. Residence 351.
Corvallis, Oregon.
First Nat'l Bank Building,
Qnly Set Abstract Books in Benton Oxieiy
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the Estate
ot 5
James Eobisson, deceased. )
Notice Is hereby given to all peisons concerned
that the undersigned has been dnly appolatod
administrator of the estate ot James Robinson,
deceased , by the county court, of the etate of
Orenon for Benton county. All persons having
claims against said estate of said James Robin
son, deceased, are hereby required to present
the same, with the proper vouchers, duly veri
fied as by law required, within six months from
the date hereof to the undersigned at his rest?
dence fonr miles north ot Corvallis, Oregon, 'or
at the law office of E. E. Wilson in Corvallis Or
egon. . - ,
Bated this August 12. 1905.
Administrator of the Estate ot James Robinson,
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the Estate)
'. of. I
Louisa Ikwin, deceased. )
Notice Is hereby given to all persons concern
ed that the undersigned has been duly appoint
ed executor of the last will and tettament of
Louisa Irwin, decepaed, by the county; court of
Oregon for Benton county. All persons having
claims agaiDBt said estate of Louisa Irwin, de
ceased, are hereby required to present the same,
with the proper vouchers, duly verified as by law
required within six months from the date here
of, to the underslgnea at his residence ten miles
south of Corvallis, Oregon, or at the law office of
E E. Wilson in Corvallis, Oregon. .
Dated this August 12 1905.
Executor of the last will and testament of Loui
sa Irwin, deceased.
Butter and Eggs at
- P. A. Klines line Phoce i. -
O. Address, Box n.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction gmiranteed.
Twenty vears experience.
E. R. Bryson,
- - -
If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and see us. We take1 pleasure in
giving you all the reliable, information you wish, also
showing you over the country. ' .' '
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
. Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon.
Sunday Excursions
to Newport!
ON THE G. & E. R. R.
Beginning Sunday, June 18
and continuing until the end
of August
Leaving Corvallis at 8:00 a.
m., Philomath 8:15 a. m.
Keturning leaves Newport at
5 p. m. arriving in Corvallis
at 9:15. at Albany at 9:55,
Giving 5 hours at the beac h
Fare round trip from Albany,
Corvallis and Philomath $1.50
Largest line of matting in the city at
Child Not Expected to liive from One
Hoar to Another, but Cared by
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Kemedy.
Ruth, the little daughter of E. N. Dewey
of Agnewville, Va., was seriously ill of
cholera infantum last summer. "VVe gave
her up and did not expect her to live from
one hour to another," he says. "1 happened
to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy and got a bottle of it
from the store. In five hours I saw a change
for the better. We kept on giving it and
before she had taken the half of one small
bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale
by Graham & Wortham. -