LOCAL LORE. For advertisements in this column the rate of 15 cents per line will be charged. - ir-George Coote was a passenger for Newport on Monday's train. Wanted, Hay and oats. I. D Bodine. Phone 290. Bay your wood of P. A. Kline then von will he sure to eet it. ' TM t 1 A .f D A i. nose won uuy wuuu ui i. xi. Kline are guaranteed prompt deliv ery and, full measure. Vance Taylor left Monday for a week's visit at the Fair. Thomas Hoover and family left by team Saturday for their home in the Prineville couLt-y. Misses Melvina and Mary El gin arrived Saturday from a week's visit In Portland and the Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gilbert of Salem, were guests over Sunday of Corvallis relatives. Mi. and Mr?. S. L. Shedd have arrived from their Newport cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wicks returned Saturday from a two week's outing at the coast. O. C. Hollenberg, Fred and Sim Darby left yesterday for a hunting and fishing trip in Alsea valley. They will be absent a week. -- . " Clyde and Clara Starr of Mon roe were in Corvallis Monday, where they boarded the train for Portland for a week or two at the Fair. , Mrs. Crees wishes all those with whom she has dealt in repair ing the Free Reading Room, to pre sent their bills to her by Thursday, Sept. 7thi A new dwelling house is short ly to be erected in Job's addition for A. S, Lewis. Charles Heckart has the contract. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Houck of Gold Hill, and Mrs. D. O. Houck arrived last week after a two weeks' camping trip at Sodaville. Mrs. Ward Wisecarver of Mc Minnville, arrived Monday, hav ing been called here on account of the illness of her sister, Miss Louise Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Calla han are at Glendale on a two weeks hunting and fishing expedition. . Mr. cauanan lett Friday ana Mrs. Callahau joined him Monday. Miss Margaret Herron return ed Monday from Seattle where she has been visiting for several months with her sister Mrs. Bushnell. Mr. and Mrs. Bushnell accompanied her on the return trip as far as Port land. : Clerk Victor Moses was a busy man during the two hours that he spent in his office Monday, which was Labor day. Thirty-four pen sioners appeared with papers to be signed, and many oiher callers dropped in for hunter's licenses and on other matters of business. The Board of Equalizat'01 which was in session all last week, woundup its business Saturday. There were but four or five appli cations for change of assessments. Several matters that were brought before the board were, by that body, continued for action at the county c urt, today. Last Thurs-Jay evening a very pleasant social event occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Crees. It was a reception given by members of the G. A. R. and W. R' C. in honor ot Mr. and Mrs. Hamden and daughter, of Ava, Missouri. Ice cream and cake were the refreshments, and everyone present had an enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Hamden left the fol lowing day for Denver, where they are to, attend the G. A. R. encamp ment, enroute to their home in Missouri. The Evening Tribune, pub lished at Everett, Washington, has the following to say about Harold Belt, a former Corvallisite and OAC student: "Further proof of Belt's efficiency was given at the Sunday matinee, when that estimable pitch er trimmed the inland crew and passed them the unlucky end of a thirteen inning affair. The good or bad luck attached to a baker's dozen depends upon the point of ,vlew, and Mr. Belt seems to possess the optimistic temperament that re flects the sunny side of the thirteen hoodoo. This is his second thirteen- inning victory on the local field, the first being taken from Bel lingham but a short time ago. In that instance Belt shut out the en emy, Owing to a slight error of judgment on the part of Mr. Irby, Spokane was allowed the consola tion prize of one run in the first in ning, but after that Mr. Belt and his assistants became exceedingly stingy and the final score stood 2 to 1." Clerk Victor Mose? was a vis itor to Albany Monday. Miss Helen Crawf rd i in Portland attending the Fair. G. V. Skelton and little son are Fair visitors this week. Masses Eva and Elva Johnson of Portland are guests of Miss Ed na Groves'. Miss Hazel Weller left Tues day lor her home at Brownsville, after a visit with Corvallis friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Hall re turned Friday from a week's visit at the Fail and other points. Mrs. A. J. Hall of Polk county hai been the guest since Monday of Corvallis relative?. To date, 182 hunter's licenses and 84- fire permits have been issu ed in Benton. Mrs. M. Jacobs and daughters are Portland visitors. They are to be absent for two weeks. Mrs. Lura Campbell, a former teacher in Corvallis schools, is to teach at McCloud, California, the .coming year. Miss Letha Patton of Halsey, a former Q. A. C. student, has ac cepted a position in Hamilton's store at Albany.' J. W. Roberts, after a visit with Corvallis friends, left Monday for Albany, enroute to his home at Arapahoe, Nebraska. Miss Lavina Wood .has been confined at home with illness this week. During her absence Miss Mabel Wood is clerking at Moses Bro. store. Mrs. Sherman Wade of East ern Oregon, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Rickard, for a week expects to leave for her home Friday. Levi Oren has been laid up for several days with a very sore hand, caused from a splinter piercing it. An operation was performed on the member, and Mr. Oren is able now to be about. - Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Trask re turned Sunday ti Yaquin3, where Mr. Trask will resume charge of the general merchandise store that he formerly onducted. Her friends and relatives are much concerned about the health of Miss Louise Gilbert who is suf fering at the family home in this city with lung trouble. Members of the family are all at the bedside. One of the best crops reported is that of Don Longbottom in Alsea The yield of the farm was 45 bush els per acre for oats and 30 bushels for wheat. On farms generally in the Alsea, the crop is below the average. Benton county is practically cn a cash basis. This year the coun ty paid cash for everything from March 29th to J une 8th. The same condition prevailed last year. Ben ton is the only debtless county in the state. Mr. Melvin who was so rough ly handled by a bull last week is rapidly recovering from the many bruises he sustainedin the mixup. He still at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hall, west of town. The county board of Equaliz ation was in session all last week. Very few taxpayers applied for adjudication of their assessments. But few changes wene made, the principal being two reductions, of valuations to the amount of a few hundred. A large number of mat ters were continued for action by the county court. ' - H. Snook of Salem, who is seperintending the construction of a high school building at Klamath Falls, a few days ago fell through a stairway hole twelve feet to the floor below and was considerably bruised and somewhat crippled. Mr. Snook was the contractor that built Mechanical Hall. Connections over the Inde pendent telephone line with New port are delayed temporarily pend ing the installation of. a switch board at Summit. The local sys tem has a line working to Summit, and a "line to Summit from New port has been completed save the installation of phones . and the joining with the switchboard. . The Summit-Newport line is built by farmers along the way at a cost of more than $2,000. " By an explosion of gasoline, Mrs: W. S. McFadden was severely burned last week. The family is at the Junction farm while the grain and fruit are being harvested. As is the frequent practice with house wives. Mrs. McFadden was using srasoline for cleaning clothing, when on some account there was an explosion. The report was heavy, to the extreme fright of the household. It was one arm that was most affected by the burn, and in a letter to a Corvallis friend, Judge McFadden says Mrs. Mc Fadden will wear the mark of the accident through life. E. R. , Bryson arrived yester day from a business trip to Dallas. Miss Essie Adams and Miss Louella Van Cleve returned Mon day from a week's visit at Airlie. Hoppicking began in the Ire land yard yesterday morning, with 150 pickers. Marriage licenses were issued Monday to Thomas Stacey and Catherine Hanson ani Jasper Hay den and Agnes Cathcart. G. W. Fuller, F. E. Edwards J- vviu ua v v. LVil c f Dointed appraisers of the estate of ; TT..1 J 1 xiuiuan j. jtsrown. A hundred people went over the Corvallis & Eastern on last Sunday's excursion to Newport. The excursions are to be continued until after September 15th. Mrs. Charles Heckart and niece Miss Ethel Higdon, left Mon day for Portland to see the Fair and incidentally to meet a brothi r of Miss Higdon, who is arriving from Colorado to enter OAC. Miss Higdon was in college last year. Her parents are to arrive later to reside in Corvallis. . It took a dozen men to arrest, flames that ran along a fence and spread in every direction on the Mc Elroy farm near Monroe last Sun day afternoon. It swept over the major 'portion of a stubble field and under the impulse of a light wind threatened for a time to grow bc yond the control of the fire fighters. By dint, however, of extreme ex ertions the trouble was finally ar rested, but not until $ 100 worth cf fence had been reduced to ashes. BIG ALFALFA YIELD Six and a Half Tons of Hay per Acre A College Farm Crop. Alfalfa on the College farm made a yield of green feed this season that measured in cured weight would have made six and one-half tons of hay per acre. It is a yield strikingly at , variance with the grain crop, because it is fifty per c:nt larger than any former crop, all in spite of bugs and the drouth conditions of the late season. It inspires wonder that more farmers do not grow alfalfa, since this col lege alfalfa crop was produced on land no better than ' the ordinary wheat land, without a nickel's worth of artificial fertilizer, and un der ciicumstances applicable . on nearly any wheat farm in the Wil lamette Valley. The two acres yielded four cut tings of alfalfa, that all told aggre gated 82,775 pounds of green feed. The highest yield in - any former year since the field was seeded to alfalfa was 55,744 pounds of green feed, equivelent to nine and one fourth tons of hay for the two acres. The average yield per sere during the four years that the field has been cropped is four and a half tons of hay per acre. The yield in green feed during the four years has been as follows: 1902, 27,142 pounds; 1903, 55,744; 1904,50,970; 1905, 82,775. The field was cut during the season of 1905 on the following dates, April 19th, when the yield was 40,080 pounds; May 31st, 22.030; July i4thi 10,525; August 25th, 10,140. A young man and his sister want rooms for light housekeeping, if i possible with private family. They I are coming from Grants Pass to en- ter OAC. Information on the sub 1 ject may be telephoned or written to the Times. list mm 4. Advance Fall Styles of "Hart, Schaffner & Marx" Ready-to-wear v . Gothing. The latest y- weaves and colorings, all "Hand Tailored' Now is the time to buy Price $10 to $30. S. L KLINE Copyright 1904' by Hart Schaffner &? Marx, ESTABLISHED'INj 1864 The Peoples'Store Corvallis, Oregon r A Card. To the Public: It has been falsely reported by interested parties that, when I have been unable to make a sale, I have been in the habit of running home seekers out of the country. I de sire to say that all such reports are unqualifiedly false and without foundation. I have lived in Ben ton county through a period of more than 30 years, and have done an humble part in aiding to upbuild it. I am not the man to seek to tear down the community that I have made my home , through so many years. The statement that I ran Mr. Brandt out of the country is its own denial as a few weeks will prove. I sold him a farm with in a few miles of Corvallis, and as soon as he can close up his inter ests in Iowa he-will be out with his family to occupy it. James L. Lewis. x If you have never been in our NEW Store; suppose you call today and see the nice line of new goods we haye lately received. If you have; come again. It vnll be ' a pleasure for u.s to show you the goods. Remember, we guarantee satisfaction with every deal made, or money refunded. Hop picking time is near and you will need a basket, tent or camp stove. Call early and place your order before the supply is exhavsted. All our stoves and shelf goods are now in the new store. . , HOLLENBERG & CADY. The House Furnishers. mi ins Outing Suis at Closing out Prices $10 50 Suits at $7 48 1905 Tall Goods Ready 1906 J. M. Nolan & Son Chickens For Sale. Full blooded Silver Penciled Hamburg cockrels for sale. $1.00 each. Delivered at either R. R. depot free. Roscoe Tartar. Ind. phone 368. Corvallis. ' . For Sale. Grub oak wood, Address S. A. Gragg, Corvallis. Or leave orders through Ind. phone 136, Corvallis. 8 50 .7 50 44 44 tt 44 5 98 5 62 Reward Offered. For harvesting specs go to Hodes Pioneer gun store. Also , a fine assortment of King's triple .beaded rifle sights and Sheard's hunting or target sights. The reward is in the good bargain to be secured. C. H. Newth, Physician and Surgeon Philomath, Oregon. - ALSEA HONEY y y ; AT ' Hodes' Grocery Just received a large assortment of fall and winter dress goods. This shipment includes broad cloths, henriettas, eloenes, cravenettes, waisting and fancy mixtures; wool plaids for ladies waists and childrens dreases Palmer Garments Our first shipment of ladies and misses rain . coats and childrens jackets his arrived. Ladies and Misses Empire coats in transit. Style, fit and quality are the essentials in womens gar ments. - The Palmer Garment excels in these three points and more than that, it gives you the money value. Style, fit and quality that are right. . You are invited to inspect this line, F. L MILLER First-Class Job Work done on short notice at the -most reason able'prices at this office. See us before going elsewhere.