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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1905)
.... Corvallis Times, Of ficiaf. Paper of Benton .Cojinty. CORVALLIS, OR, SEPT. 6, 19C5. TO SELL BONDS. BURNED TO ASHES. And Call for Bids for Material The N ew Mountain Water Survey. At a meeting Monday night, the water board took action for the floating of $75,000 in water bonds, ordered the issuance of an adver tisement for bids for material to be used in constructing the plant, heard the report of Engineer Mil ler with reference to the new sur vey, and discussed various phases of the situation. It is figured that 30 days will be required in getting bids for the bonds. It is desired that information as to the issue shall be placed before Eastern investors to the end that the best possible bonds may be secured. The inter est rate has been fixed at four per cent. Some favored a slightly higher rate, but some sales of sim ilar bonds as published in a late copy of a banking paper indicated the sale of many securities on a four per cent basis, and it seemed un wise to propose a higher rate under the circumstances. The date on which the bids will be opened has not been set. The report of Engineer Miller on the new survey shows a working margin of about $5,000 between es timated cost of the works and the limit of money provided for in the the bond issue, It will not be as large a margin as is desirable, con sidering the possibility of litigation, but the board has determined to take the chances, at least to the extent of selling bonds and call ing for bids for material. The new survey taps Rock Creek 600 feet above the point where the Peak trail crosses the strerm. It passes close to the Gellatly school house, goes through the Gellatly place, the Dentler place, follows the coun ty road for nearly a mile, passes through Main street ' Philomath as far as the railroad depot and then follows the line of the C. & E. .-traight into Corvallis, save the diversion for the reservoir on Os burn hill. A large part of the pipe line will be 12 inch, and there is in all only 800 feet of steel pipe lequired via the new route, the former estimate requiring 13,000 feet. The present volume of wat tr at the intake is 1,800,000 gallons . enough for Corvallis when a city many times her present size. It is estimated that not more than two weeks will be required to get bids on ma'erial. PHILOMATH ITEMS. Corvallis Dwelling House Billy In vestigator Recalled. The Emil Liebe dwelling house, better known to the public as the Berlin house on College Hill was burned to the ground in the early hours of Saturday morning. The blaze was discovered shortly before three o'clock by Prof. Crawford who lives a block to the East ward. ' He happened to be astir at the time, and the light attracted his attention. The Denman house stood between him and the burning building, but from the latter a huge column of flame shown far above the Denman root. . le turned in the alarm with his Independent phone and within scarcely a minute from the time he saw the blaze the fire bell was ringing. There is, however, no fire protection in the neighborhood, and the firemen could do nothing tc arrest the flames. The two chemicals were run out to the scene for use in saving other buildings if neces sary, but there was no wind, and acccrdingly but little danger of oth er fires. A large crowd of people congregated on the grounds and watched the structure through the process of being reduced to ashes, Most of those who remarked on the subject agreed that it would be a fortunate day for a large portion of Corvallis from the standpoint of fire protection alone when the new wat er system shall have been installed. It looked hard to stand by and see a building burn, with not a drop of water to turn on it, or on other property in the neighborhood that might have been lighted by the flying sparks. The occasion called to the minds of many the curious mission of the late little Billie In vestigator. As stated, the fire must have been started about 2 .-30 o'clock in the morning, an unseemly hour, The house was not occupied, which fact obviously reduces the danger of fire to the minimum. It all looks dangerously like incendiary, and yet, perish the thought, and let us all live in the belief that there is no one witnin our gates who would wantomly apply a midnight torch to the property of a fellow being. No one is able to say .. whether or not the property was insured. The building is estimated to have been worth $1000. HIS FUNERAL. Mr. Schaffer, living one mile west cf Philomath, died Sunday night after several months' illness. Mr: and Mrs. Arthur Tungland of Toledo, came over from the Bay Friday and on Saturday went to Portland to spend a few days at the Fair. Hoppicking commenced in the Ireland yard Monday morning and will begin in the Alford yard Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Tangent, was over last Sunday on a visit to their, daughter, Mrs. S. Moses. Two Mrs. Parkinsons, sister and niece of Mrs. Sarah Klsor are here on a visit from the East. S. Wallace who left here to set tle in California several months ago has bought a place near Cottage Grove. He returned last week for some of his goods. G- A. Scott and family visited the Fair last week. Mr. Pugsley took his place in the store during his absence. S. McLain had a large tumor removed from his neck last week by Drs. Pernot and Newth. Surveyors were laying out a line for the Corvallis water main, through Main street last week. b. (.Tibbons and wite are among the Fair visitors this week. There are several fires in the mountains west of town making the atmosphere very smoky. Mrs. Weed returned from an ex tended visit at Hood River last week. Mr. Burnap has sold the prop erty which he recently bought of Mr. Ambler, and Mr. Albin will remove to the Mael property. HER DEATH. Oar ladie3, misses and chil dren's cloaks, jackets and rain coats have arrived. Latest New York styles. Inspection solicited. J. M. Nolan & Son. Paralysis was the Cause Died in her Chair Mrs. Garlinghouse. The funeral of Mrs. William Garlinghouse, one of the old resid ents of Southern Benton, occurred at Monroe yesterday. Mrs. Gar linghouse died at the family home east of Monroe at one o'clock Sun day morning at a moment when she was sitting in a chair. Some time ago she sustained a paralytic stroke, and anhour before her death sustained a second one. The lat ter proved fatal and' death was sud den. Tie maiden name of the de ceased was Mary Jones, and at the time of her death her age wss in the eighties. The funeral was from the late home, and the service was conducted by Rev. M. M. Waltz. The interment was in Monroe cem etery. William Garlinghouse, the husband has long owned a farm east of Monroe, and was at one time in the mercantile business Monroe. ' Wanted. - Red Clover and Alsike seed, half car of each to fill an order, only pure clean seed wanted. Also 100 Shropshire backs. L. L. Brooks, Corvallis, Or. Phone 155, At Ballefountain. Mr. Hadley and family gone to the Bay for a few rest. bave weeks' ; Albany Bread This bread is free from alum. Bakery. guaranteed to For sale by Smal m. Sunday Excursions. . Taking effect Sunday and continuing; every Sunday throughout the summer excursion trains on the Corvallis & East ern will run sharp on the following schedule: Leave Albanv. 4 Corvallis ' Philomath Wren . Blodgett ' Summit ' Nashville Nortona Eddyville Chitwood ' Morrison Elk City Toledo Arrive Yaquina Portland Market Report. Wheat valley 71 Flour $3.90 to $4.10 per bll. Potatoes .85 to .90 per cent Eggs Oregon, 24 c per doz. Butter 14 to 1 6c per lb. Creamery 27 to 30c per lb. Corvallis.. Wheat 63 c per bushel Oats 33c per bushel Flour ,1.10 per sack Butter 50c per roll Creamery 75c per roll Eggs 20c per doz Chickens 17 per pound Lard 15c per lb Mrs. Coon has recqvered fromher recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Huggina were Cor vallis visitors this week. Mrs. Stanturf and Mrs. Britdan. have gone to the hop yard. Mrs. J. H. Edwards has been suf ferine from neuralgia of the stom ach but is improving. The party at W. C. Bslknap'd in honor of Miss Stella Belknap was a decided success and was largely attended by her classmates and friends. A dainty lunch was serv ed and the remainder ct the even ing was spent in music and games Miss Belknar leaves fOrSalem in a few days wheie she expects to at tend echool. S. N. Warfield of Alsea, passed through this place Wednesday. He reports everything on the move in the valley. Several wagon loads of chittim bark have passed through this place from the Alsea and Lobster coun try. Monroe seems to be the place in view. Neighbors Came From Far and Wide to Bury Clyde Tharp The Accident. The funeral of the late Clyde Tharp, who was killed in a runa way accident Friday, occurred at Bellefountain Saturday afternoon. The service was under the auspices of the Grange, of which the deceas ed was a member. The attendance included everybody tin the neigh borhood as well a9 relatives and friends of the family from Corvallis and elsewhere, and was verv large. Addresses in harmony with the oc casion were made by Rev. M. M. Waltz, Ed Belknap and Mrs. Ed Belknap. Mrs. Belknap was a for mer teacher of the dead young man, and her tribute to his life and mem ory was tervent and eloquent. The members of the family were pros trated by the tregady. The moth r fainted at the grave, and was not restored to consciousness until nine o'clock in the evening, six hours afterward. 'Later accounts of the accident differ but little from that given in Saturday's Times. With others, Clyde Tharp was hauling gravel on the roads, and with his wagon heavily loadd was passing down the hill at the Pern Starr place. Marks on it seem to indicate that the brake block slipped to the side of the wheel instead of pressing it from the front. The wagon rushed on to the horses, and the driver was unable to hold them. After passing over a bench in the hill the outfit went out of the view of those who watched from above. A few moments later the horses, detached from the wagon and run ning at full speed, appeared below. At the bottom of the hill the wreck of the wagon, and the young man, frightfully injured, were found. The victim was still breathing, but lite lasted only a few minutes.- He was lying on his back, and across his breast was one of the boards of his gravel bed, and on the board and the prostrate form of the man a heavy weight of gravel. Blood was gushing, the flow of which was only staunched by death. The young man bore a high rep utation in the community'. He was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Al Tharp, and was 25 years of age. SPECIAL BLANKETS AND SALE! COMFORTS We bought more Blankets and Comforts than we have room for, on Saturday Sept. 2nd we will begin a 10 days Spe cial Sale. Don't fail to attend this as it means money saved to you. Get ready for winter and buy NOW. Hotel keepers and Boarding houses should "not miss Money Saving Sale. ' ' The Blankets are made from Oregon Wool by the Salem Woolen Mills. , . ted. Mrs. J. Mason announces that she has twenly-seven and one-half doz en very fine new street hats,- all the latest styles, that she will dispose of at one-half Portland p ices these are the finest hats ever brought to Corvallis. She has also a very fine selection of velvet suitable for dress trimmings. One Dollar Savwd Represents Ten Dollars Earned. The average man does not save to exceed ten per cent, of Jus earnings. He must spend nine dollars in living expenses for every dollar saved. That being the case he can not be too careful about unnecessary ex penses. Very often a tew cents properly in vested, like buying seeds for his garden, will save several dollars outlay later on. It is the same in buying Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It 'costs but a few cents, and a bottle of it in the house often saves a doctor s bill of several dollars. For sale by Graham & Wortham. of Mrs. Mack suffering with considered out of The little child which has been bloodpoisoning is danger. Mrs. Clem who has been sick for the past ten days is proving elowly. " 7 :3 a 8:o0 8:12 8:31 8;50 ' 9:05 ' 9:25 ' 9:39 10:00 . ' 10:13 ' 10:21 10:29 10:55 ' 10.-20 ' , Newport 12-00 N. . Leave 5-00 p. in. Returning trin arrives ! at Corvallis at 9-2o p. m. ; Albany 9-55 p. m. . Fare Corvallis, philomath lo New port and return,' 1 .50. West of Phi lomath to Chitwood inclusive, $1; all points west of Chitwood to S'orrs inclu sive .75; all points west of Storrs, 50 J. C MAYQ, , Gen. Pass. Agent. v EXCURSION Seaside Excursion!!! on the Gorvallis & Eastern Railroad Sunday Sept loth. That Popular Seaside Resort, NEWPORT Many attractions are pro vided, including fishing, surf- batning, crossing tne Dar on the Lorens, picking water agates, visiting lighthouse and grand maratine drill on the bay by the Usual Rates. quite im- Remember When in need of hay and grub oak wood in 4 ft. 16 inch length. Telepho L. I,. Brooks New Gasoline Wood Saw. I am now ready to attend promptly to all orders. Ind. phone 8. W. R. Hansell. Do you shave yourself? Well just keep in mind that our Witch Hazel Extract is a distilled extract and does not contain one drop of wood alcohol. Price, bottle, 25. Graham & Wells. I HAVE YOUR i i I step 1 buy It Now. Now is the time to buv Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. It is certain to be needed sooner or later ana when that time comes you will need it badly you will need it quickly. Buy it now. It may save life. For sale bv Graham & Wortham, . For Sale Household goods, including large chiffonier, couch, organ, ex tension table and etc. Must be sold soon. Mrs. A. F. Peterson, Cor . 9th and Van Buren Sts. "I stuck to my engine, although every joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo comotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa. "I waa weak and pale, without any appe tite and all run down. As I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bit ters, and after taking it, I felt as well as I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly, run down people' always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by Allen & Wood-eard. Price 5o cents. PRINTED NOW (.MORGAN. DOES THE WORK I Cor. 3d & Jefferson Sts., Corvallis this The Comforts, were made in Columbus, Miss., hand knot- For Sale. C M. VIDITO For Bicycles, Ammun ition, Fishing Tackle,' Sporting Goods, Etc. J K Berry, Salesman The Right Prices. " All Fresh Goods. Two Doors South of the Post Office. No Prizes go with our Grade Chase & Sanborn High COFFEE In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and SATISFACTION P. M IEROLF Sole agent for Chase 8c Sanborn High Grade COFFEE Wonderful Nerve. Is displayed by many a man enduring pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds. Bruis- es, .Burns, scaias, sore ieeiorsun joints. But there's no need for it. Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble. It's the best Salve on earth for Piles, too. 25c. at -Allen & Wood ward's, druggists. ' For Sale. Wagons, hacks, plows, harrows, and mowers, driving horses, draft horses, buggies and harness; fresh cows. If you want to buy, come in. I can save you money. H. M. Stone. Vetch hay. Grub oak wood in 4 foot or 16 inch length. Vetch, clover, Alsike and timothy seed?. li. Li. Brooks, Corvallis, Or. Phone 155. Reduction in Rates. Sept. 1, the round trip fare to Portland, account Exposition will be reduced from $3.50 to $2.90 for a 30 day ticket but not good after October 31st. This is a voluntary reduction made by the S. P. R. R. and will be appreciated by the pub lic as the last six weeks of the Fair will be the beet part and see the largest crowd. J. E. Farmer, apt. Corvallis. W. E. Coman, G. F. & P.Agt, Portland. All new wall paper at Blackledge's. Wanted. To co n tract frcm one to thiee carloads e Ich seed if pike is reasonable. L. L. Brooks, Telephone 155 Mt. View. Gasoline Wood Saw. I have purchased the Boddy gasoline saw and can execute orders for wood sawing promptly. Indp. phone 339, Link Chambers. I,ots of Fun. Taking pictures. We have fine cam - , - Graham & Wells. Hop Pickers. L,ight barrels, just what you want for hop picking, for sale at 25 cents eachr at the creamery. H. W. Kaupisch REDUCED FXCURSION RATE To the Seaside and Mountain Re sorts for the Summer Va- On and after June 1st. the Southern Pacific in connection with the Corvallis & Eastern railroad will have on sale round trip tickets from points on their lines to Newport, Yaquina and Detroit at very low rates, good for return until October 10th, 19c 5. Three day tickets to Newport and Ya quina good going Saturdays and return ing Mondays ara also on sale from all eastside points from Portland to Eugene, inclusive, and from all westside points. Season tickets from ail eastside points Portland to Eugene in c 1 u s 1 v e and from all VVestsid e points are also on sale to Detroit at very low rates with stopover privileges at Mill City or any other point east enabling jounsts to visit tne Santiam ana Ureiten bush hot springs in the Cascade moun tains which all can be reached in a day Season tickets will be good for return from all points October loth. Three day tickets will be good going Saturdays and returning MondayB only, lickets irom Portland and vicinity will be good lor return via the east or the west side at option of passenger. Ticksts from Eu gene and vicinity will be good going via the Lebanon-Springfield branch, if de sired. Baggage on Newport tickets checked through to Newpoit: on Ya quina to Yaquina only. S. P. trains connect with the C. &E.. at Albany and Corvallis for Yaquina and Newport. Trains oa me v. oc iu. for Detroit will leave h Ibany at m. enabling tourists to the hot to reach there the same day. from and to Corvallis connect east side trains on the S. P. FuU information as to rates, time ta bles, etc can be obtained on application to J. C. Mayo, Gen. Pass. agt. L. & R. R.; Albany; W. E. Coman, G. P, S. P.: Co. Portland or to any S, P. C. & E. agent. -Bate from Corvallis to Newport, J3-75-Rate from " to Yaquina, $3. " to Detroit, $3.95 Three day rate from Corvallis to Ya. quina or Newport, $2-5' 7:3o a. springs all E. A. or