The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 06, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XVIII.-No. 17.
aol Proprl
1 Summer
Great Bargains in
all Departments
Big StoGk to make
your selections . . .
Get our Prices
and make
X fi. HA:
Fine Light Sample Rooms.
J. C. Hammel, Prop. '
Leading HoteHn Oorvallis. Recently opened. New
brick hnilding. Newly furnished, with modern con
veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es
capes. Hot; and cold water on every floor. Fine single
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam-'
ette Valley. " ;
$1X), $1.25 and $2.00 per day.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
. -
and Silverware. ,
Eyes tested free of . charge.
1 and glasses fitted correctly
at prices within reach :of all . "
, Fine watch repairing a spe
cialty ...... '.
Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician.
Earthquakes in Southern Califor
nia All the Terms of the Peace
Protocol are Agreed to
Envoys Soon to Sign.
Portsmouth, Sept. 4. A clause
has been added to the treaty which
which provides the armies .shall
have 18 months in which to evac
uate Manchuria. This decision
was reached only after the fulleet
discussion. Military experts with
the commission produced 'data to
uphold tbeir claim that it would be
a physical impossibility for an
earlier withdrawal of the enormous
forces now in tbe field. The de
sire of the envoys was to . remove
the armies at as early a date as pos
eible, but they became convinced
the position taken by the experts
was correct and decided according-
It comes from authority of un
doubted reliability that the Rus-
ians will be permitted to maintain
a railway guard of. approximately
ten men to about a mile, or a total
of from 15.O00 to 2o,ooo in Man
churia. The Japanese are given
the right of policing Manchuria.
Clauses to that effect have been ad
ded to the treaty.
Portsmouth, Sept. 3 The sev
enteenth and concluding atticle of
tbe treaty provides that the ex
change or ratifications shall occur
within 50 days after its Signature
by the plenipotentiaries. The Bus
sian ratification will be com muni
cated to the Japanese government
by the French minister at . Tokio
and Mr. Meyer, the American am
bassador at St. Petersburg, will
communicate the Japanese ratifica
tion to the Russian government.
If the Russians are ready the treaty
will be f-igoed tomorrow afternoon
at five o'clock, this date having
ben euggeeted by Baron Komura.
Ask Your Dealer for Economy Jars
And take no other
Economy Jars are sanitary, no zinc, no poison,
no mould, no separate rubber ring.
Salem, Oregon, January 31, 1904.
Kerr Glass Manufacturing Company.
Portland , Oregon. Dear Sirs:
I used six dozen of your fruit jars last season and am very much pleased with them.
The Economy Jar is the nicest looking and the best jar I have ever used.
1 canned all kinds of fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, pickles and chicken, and hadfine
success with the Economy Jar.
I was awarded all the first prizes, consisting of 8 blue ribbons, at the Oregon State
Fair, 1903, for mv exhibit of canned fruits and jelly. .
The Oregon commissioners bought all my fruit to represent Oregon at the St. Louis
Eair. I have been requested to put up fruit for the Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition
1905, and I will use your Economy Jars, They are a sure seal , easy to open, and I prefer,
them to any jar I have ever used.
Yours very truly,
, . Mrs. S. R. Foster.
New Yoik, oepi. 2. The hund
red of thousands who saw what ap
peared to be a gigantic skyrocket
shooting across the 6ky above New
York last night may be assured
that they witnessed the flight of
the most remarkable shooting star
that has bseo turned loose in this
vicinity in many years. The fact
that the meteor broke just as it ap
peared to be about to strike the
earth, resolving itself into thous
ands of wbiriing fragments, con
vinced nearly everybody that saw
it that it was a piece of fireworks.
Confirmation of the fact that the
spectacle was furnished by a me
teorite comes today in the shape of
letters from different sections of the
city indicating that it was seen in
an area practically comprehending
all of New York.
People on the Btreet3 were at
tracted by the swiftly moving me
teorite at about 7:30 o'clock. At
the same time it was seen by many
residents in Brooklyn. . In the
northeastern heavens an immense
ball of white fire seemed to be drop
ping from the zenith. It was mov
ing wi h t emendous speed and
leaving a white nebulous tail tht
faded Blowly. While the. epecia
tors gazed spellbound the projectile
broke like a gigantic shell, frag
ments weie hurled in every direc
, Portland, Oregon, Oct, 25, 1905'
' The two Mason Jar caps has been exainined.'SUpbn examination the metal of the
new Mason cap was found to be pure zinc. 'The small pin holes in the old Mason cap
were undoubtedly caused by the action of vegetable acids. As a result the fruit in the
jar must have been greatly contaminated "with poisonous-zinc compounds. t . '
' V ' 1 regard the use of jars with zinc caps as very unsanitary and even dangerous.
Yours very truly,
State Dairy and Food Comrnissiqner.
It is worth your while to know YOUR preserved fruits and vegetables are free from
poisonous compounds? You know this if you use the ECONOMY JARS they are endor
sed and used by the m '
. and other Colleges and Universities.
Prof. Snell of the Oregon Agricultural College especially recommends ECONOMY JARS
because the' cover is Sanitary and free from any Possibilities of Forming Poisionous Com-,
pounds with the contents of the Jar 1
Wadhams 6c Kerr Bros. Distributors
Wholesale Grocers. Portland, Oregon
Portland, Sept. 2. Portland was
plunged into total darkness for 35
minutes follawing the hour of 7:30
last night. A cross circuit on the
wires in the power plaDt of the
Portland General Electric company
in North Portland, caosad the
switchboard, on which were con
nected all the feed wires supplying
the city with power -to burn out.
Business houses were, without
lights, streets were in darkness, a
dark pall hung over the Exposition
street car traffic was stopped and
all lines of business dependent on
electric power were demoralized for
more than an hour.
The accident occurred at the
busiest hour of the evening, when
thousands of people were on their
way to the Lewis and Clark Fair,
the Oiks and the theatres, or were
in tbe city doing their shopping.
The Exposition grounds . were
crowded with people and when tbe
lights went out consternation reign
ed. The same state of affairs ex
isted at the Oaks, where thousands
of people bad gathered to see the
pvrotechnic display at the "Fall
of Pompeii." At both resorts the
grounds were in total darkness for
more than halt an hour and at the
1 tter place the lights were so dim
that the attractions were unable to
run after 9 o'clock.
Albany, Or. Sept. 2 The forest
fires up tbe Santiam river are re
ported to be pretty well under con
trol tnis evening, a lorce or men
have been busy fighting the flames
and while considerable damage is
yet being done, the danger to small
towns along the line of the railroad
is about over.
The track of th6 railroad has been
repaired and the trains made the
usual runs today. , People interest
ed are hoping for raid as nothing
can stop the fires. Six farm houses
and three barns, with . all their con
tents were destroyed by fires, , the
occupants barely escaping with
their lives, between Mill Citv and
Lorain, O., Sapt. 2 On the point
of capture by the sheriffs posse
Peter Pitts, the man who terrorized
the country from Avon Beach to
Lorain for three days is dead by
his own nana.: He shot himself in
the head in full view of the band
of armed farmers who were pursuing
him, and sank dead on the ground.
The three days ia which he ran
amuck through a territory m les in
extant, firing upon men and women
burning farm bouses, and driving
the population from their homes
to places of safety in the city,
marked one of the strangest and
most sensational episodes in the
history of the county. Friday
night 500 men patrolled the high
roads, waiting for Pitts, their guns
sacked and loaded.
The climax came when word wa?
received that Pitts, still armed and
raving had been seen at his grand
father s home at French Creek.
Thither a posse of a 100 men gal
loped without sleep. At a turn of
the road they saw Pitts in the .dis
tance and they formed ready to fire
He turned and watched the squad
a moment, drew his revolver and
vaulted a fence and then, while
the posse grimly - watched, he shot
himself four times and fell a corpse
Cincinnati, Sept. 2 Pay ' check
forgeries on dhe Baltimore & Ohio
Southern railway are said "to be
turning up along the entiie dis
tance of the road from Washington
Ind. to Baltimore. It is said also
that a number of checks have been
floated aloug the line of tbe Chica
go division. The aggregate amount
all over the system may reach
society, and for years ranked Bee
ond to none of the socitty leaders.
Mrs. Caton not only inherited tbe
estate of her husband, but a larg
portion of the estate of her father.
She is reputed to be worth between
$1,000,000 and $2,oooiooo.
Los Angeles, Sept 2. An unus
ually heavy earthquake shock was
experienced here at 9:30 tonight.
The disturbance was of about - six
seconds' duration. The police wa
besieged with telephone calls from
people who believed that a " dyna
mite explosion had occurred. At
Second $ Spring streets a crowd of
2000 persons had congregated, be
lieving that a terrific explosion,had
occurred in the vicinity.'
Several small fires resulted from
the shock. At one restaurant the
flue was tumbled down and a blaze
started which brought out the fire
department. In making the run
the engiae ran down a garbage
wagon and a pony and phaeton,
the latter being dragged under the
engine for more than a block.
Assistant City Electrician Col
burn, sleeping in the tower of the
City Hall, was thrown from his bed
and pinned beneath it by a falling
bookcase. He telephoned to the
police tbat the City Hall was being
Lindon, Spt. ' 2 Marshall
Field,' the wealthy Chicago merch
ant, has been granted a special li
cense to marry Mrs. Delia Spencer
Caton, also of Chicago. The wed
ding will be solemnized at St.
Margaret's church. . ; ; .
Mr. Field has bean a widower for
years. Mrs. Caton's husband, a
well known whip and sportsman,
died suddenly at a hotel in this
city during the borseshow last win
ter. ..
Chicago, Sept. -.2 There have
been frequent rumors tbat Marshall
Field and Mrs. Dolia Spencer. Ca
ton, who is the widow of Arthur J.
Caton, would marry Marshall Field
whose wealth is estimated at be
tween $loo,ooo,coo and $15o, 000,006
was 7o years of age on August 18.
Mrs. Caton who was Mrs. Dalia
Spencer daughter of the man who
founded the hardware establishment
of Hibbard .Spencer, Bartlett &
Co., is 46 years of age. '' She is one
of the leading figures in Chicago'
HongKong, Sept. 3 The trans
port Logan with Secretary of War
Taft and paity on board, arrived
bere at 10, o'clock this morning.
All the party are well.. Owing to
the unpleasant anti-American dem
onstrations and the display of post
ers in'Canton, as planned or not.
Consul-General Bragg advised that
the visit be not made.
Secretary Taft, however, decided
to go at 9 o'clock tonight. He will
arrive there in the morning. Only
men will be guests at the banquet
which will be given by the viceroy,
who will be absent. Interesting
developments are liable to result as
an outcome of Mr. Taft's visit.
Miss Alice Roosevelt, having
obtained the consent of Mr. Taft,
will leave at 3 o'clock this . after,
noon for Canton, on a visit to Con
sul General Lay. Miss Roosevelt
will be accompanied by Miss
Boardmau, Miss McMillan, Mrs.
Newlands and Representatives
Longworth and Gillette. They
will return to HoogKong Tuesday.
The governor of Hongkong Sir
Matthew Nathan, and tbe British
continued on page 4