(l i t H i 1 1 1 "WEB Vol. XVIII.-No. 17. CORVALLIS, OREGON, AUGUST 30. 1905. B.F. IRYIHS dtt anl Pfoprl i Summer Clearance Sale! Great Bargains in a 1 1 Departments Big Stock to make your selections ... Get our Prices and make Gomparison. i. HARRIJ iX'll " -Mr3 7 "71 Fine Light Sample Rooms. Corvallis J. C. Hammel, Prop. Leading HoteHn Corvallis. Recently opened. New brick bmlding. Newly furnished, with modern con veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam ette Valley. $1 X), $1.25 and $2.Q0 per day. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry . and Silverware. . Eyes tested free of charge and glasses fitted correctly at prices within reach of all Fine watch repairing a spe cialty . Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician. PEACE OR WAR OUTCOME OF PEACE CONFER ENCE SEEMS TO HANG ' IN BALANCE. Ask Your Dealer for Economy Jars And take no other Economy Jars are sanitary, no zinc, no poison, no mould, no separate rubber ring. Russians Still Unyielding in Refer ence to Payment of Indemnity Negotiations may Fail Other News. Portsmouth, N. H., Aug. 26 As indicated in these dispatches last night there was no rupture in the peace negotiations today. Peace is by no means assured, but an im portant crisis has been tided over, and the fact that the life of the conference has been prolonged into next week adds materially to the chances of a favorable issue. According to the Russian veision it was Japan and not Russia which weakened this afternoon, Mr. Witte publicly announced after the sitting thot it was Baron Komura who asked for an adjournment un til Monday, in order to have time to submit a new proposition. Yet it is known that Mr. Witte has re ceived instructions after the pres ident's intercession at Peterhoff through Ambassador Meyer, to agree to the division of Sakhalin, and to permit liberal compensation for the Russian prisoners of war and the cession of the Chinese East ern ra lroad, but to continue absol utely to refuse to Day war tribute under any guise. This was des cribed as Russia's "ultimatum" leaving the same old question of money the stumbling block to an agreement. In the regular course of proced, ure, after the presentation of the Japanese compromise proposition on Wednesday, the diplomatic move passed to Russia, and it was Mr. Witte'a turn naturally to present the counter-proposition of his gov ernment. If he succeeded as is in timated, in withholding his card and forcing the Japanese to play again, be undoubtedly gained a point in the game. But no adequate account of the proceedings of today's meeting U forthcoming. The plenipoten tiaries, by agreement) excluded the secretaries. There were no min utes. There are no records. This in itself, is extremely significant. When men who are fighting a desperate battle lock themselves in a room alone, it is the best evidence that tbey are terribly in earnest. It is a hopeful sign. All that is form ally announced is that the minutes of the last sessioQ were approved and upon Baron Komura's motion the conference adjourned until Monday at 3 o'clock, but whether or not the counter-proposition of Russia was submitted at this after noon's eession, it seems to be up to Japan to formally renounce her de mand for the cost of the war and try to obtain a partial recompense in another way for instance, by a bona fide sale of the northern half of Sakhalin. Emperor Nicholas reply to Am bassador Meyer and his instruct ions to Mr. Witte are regarded as his last word, as form as indemnity is concerned. A comDromise by which Japan can secure a compar auve moderate sum 01 money is open. , But the gulf to be spanned is stil . Salem, Oregon, January 31, 1904. Kerr Glass Manufacturing Company. Portland , Oregon. Dear Sirs: I used six dozen of your fruit jars last season and am very much pleased with them. The Economy Jar is the nicest looking and the best jar I have ever used. 1 canned all kinds of fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, pickles and chicken, and hadjfine success with the Economy Jar. . I was awarded all the first prizes, consisting of 8 blue ribbons, at the - Oregon State Fair, 1903, for mv exhibit of canned fruits and jelly. The Oregon commissioners bought all my fruit to represent Oregon at the St. Louis Eair. I have been requested to put up fruit for the Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition. 1905, and I will use your Economy Jars. They are a sure seal, easy to open, and I prefer them to any jar I have ever used. - Yours very truly, - Mrs. S. R. Foster. It is worth your while to know YOUR preserved fruits and vegetables are free from poisonous compounds? You know this if you use the ECONOMY JARS they are endor sed and used by the , OREGON AGRI. COLLEGE, LELAND STANFORD JR. UNIVERSITY, CALIF and other Colleges and Universities. Prof. Snell of the Oregon Agricultural College especially recommends ECONOMY JARS because the cover is Sanitary and free from any Possibilities of Forming Poisionous Com pounds with the contents of the Jar Wadhams 6c Kerr Bros. Distributors . Wholesale Grocers. Portland, Oregon J. ofice of- W. BAILEY STATE DAIRY AND FOOD COMMISSIONER ROOM -IS, BREEDEN BLDQ. Portland, Oregon, Oct. 25, 1905 The two Mason Jar caps has been examined. Upon examination the metal of the new Mason cap was found to be pure zinc. The small pin holes in the old Mason cap were undoubtedly caused by the action of vegetable acids. As a result the fruit in the jar must have been greatly contaminated with poisonous zinc compounds. 1 regard the use of jars with zinc caps as very unsanitary and even dangerous. , . Yours very truly, x J. W. BAILEY, k State Dairy and Food Corrirnissioner. wide between the two adversaries. Russia is now willing to divide Sakhalin. Japan on Wednesday, claimed the entire island by right of occupation, offering only to sell back the northern bait at toe price of the cost of the war. And it should be borne in mind that the elimination of articles lo and 11, surrender of Russia's interned war ships and limitation of Russia's sea power, was conditional upon her acceptance of this proposition. Bar on Komura and Mr.Takahira want time to consult their government before agreeing to yield further. The most competent Japanese au thority said tonight: . "The question ot peace or war still baDge in the balance.". f or the brat time there appears to be some dissension in the Japan ese camp as to tne advisability ot making another conciliatory step. Many of the attaches are strongly of the opinion that they should not recede another inch. The most nrominent of them said tonight - to the Associated Press: 'We only offered one half of Sak balin upon condition that we should receive for it the price we faxed. The island is ours by right of con quest. If Russia imagines we will eive ud half ot tt tor notnlne, sne is much mistaken. Our answer phild be, come and take it." The main hope ot peace rests, as before, upon the fact that both sides are at heart seriously endeavoring to end the war. . All the principles involved in the war have been set tied in favor of the victor, and with each dav 6 prolongation ot tne ne gotiations the pressure on both sides will increase not to allow mere Question of money stand be tween them. Portland, Aug. 22 The embry onic science 01 aenai navigation scored a point at the Lewis and Clark Exposition yesterday morn ine when the airship City of Port land, made the most successfu night yet effected at the Expoei tion. From every standpoint the flight was satisfactory, and the per formance yesterday must rank with the best nights ever made. The vessel was in the air for half an hour during which time the ma chinery worked without a hitch. The vessel changed its course at will of the navigator, describing circles and loops and 1 traveling against the wind and with it. Th cratt, in making a spurt, covered a distance of one mile in a trifle more than three minutes. It mad this record traveling with the wind which recorded a velocity of five miles an hour at the time. Return ing against the wind the vessel made from two to five miles an hour. Thousands of people faw the flight and joined in cheering the successful feat as Aernaut Lincoln Beechey made a safe landing in identically the same spot from whence he had ascended. velopments. A telegraph wire has been placed directly in connection with the navy yard and Oyster Bay, with Assistant Secretary Pierce has been provided with a cipher which he and the presid ent only understand. New York, Aug. 23 Five thous and men, women and children turned in terror to stampede from the grounds at Sjuth Orange Park last night, when an enormous Af- ican lioness, an attraction at the Greater Electric Park Amusement company, daehed through an open door in her cage, after knocking down her keeper, and sprang snarl ing across the platform toward the audience, standing shoulder to shoulder for 200 feet back from the stage. Many had the clothing torn from their backs in the rush to the main enirance, and only the promptness with which the guards threw open the big gates, prevented a tragedy, for the great mass of people rush ing around would have, hurled themselves against the barrier and scores would undobtedly have been trampled to death. - The lioness, one of the largest of her species, was enraged when she left the cage, btrange to say, she did not pursue the flying throngs, but leaped to the ground from the end of the platform and made off down the pike carrying terror in her mad run down the thoroughfare. She took refuge at 11 o'clock be hind one of the buildings at the southern end, where Carl Gorman, her trainer, responsible for-her es cape, with half a doz'n employes. is trying to dislodge the beast. A cordon of 200 men, armed with ri fles, revolvers, and pitchforks has been thrown across the park to pre vent the escape of the animal. Charleston, W. Va., Aug.26 " The vicinity of Big Otter Creek in Clay county, 65 miles north of this city, was visited by a cloudburst yesterday afternoon, in which five lives were lost and much damage was done to property. The tre mendous downpour of rain raised Big Otter Creek so rapidly that the home of John Pickering was sur rounded by water before the occu pants wer aware of their danger. The family consisting of father, mother and four children, the eld est a daughter 17 years old, was swept away by the flood, the moth being the onlv one saved, she hav ing clung to some floating debris. Portsmouth, Aug. 23 Meetings of the peace envoys were resumed this morning after an interval of four days. Since they adjourned Fjiday they were apparently almost hopelessly divided. Many things have happened, and much has been accomplished, which leads to the belief that today's session may re suit in something definite. Special arrangements have been made to keep the president informed on de- Salem, Or. Aug. 26 Al Downs, of Silverton, charged by his broth er, Robert Downs, with the offense of hunting without a license, was brought to the Marion county jail today and will spend five days be hind the bars. He refused to pay a fine because he felt an injustice had b en done him. The story told here is that Al Downs sent to Salem for a hunter's license but for some reason it was not procured and he went to the mountains 10 company with Ray McKinley to hunt deer. On their return they told Robert Downs that they had killed two deer. Rob ert unknown to them is a deputy game warden and immediately made complaint against his broth er and his frieud. Both pleaded guilty, declined ah offer of being let off with the minimum fine of $25, and were given the minimum sentence of five days in jail. McKinley and Al Downs say Robert Downs knew they were go ing huofiLg without licenses and if he is willing to send them to jail under such circumstances they are willing to serve their time. Warsaw, Russian Poland, Aug. 26, Another massacre of Jews marked by atrocities worthy of eav ages, has occurred in Biali3tork, about 50 miles southwest of Grod no. Little is known outside of Rus sia of this slaughter, while even in . continued onpage 4