The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 26, 1905, Image 4

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The Comings and Gpitfgs of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items
Public Interest.
returned Wednes
weeks' sojourn in
Mrs. Isbell
day from a six
Mrs.- LilHe King returned
Wednesday from a few days trip to
Mrs. S. N.' Wilkins returned
Wedneslay from a week's visit at
the Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wilkins
returned Thursday from a week's
fishing trip at Elk City.
H. S. Pruner. the Nashville
merchant, was a Corvallis on busi
ness, Thursday.
Mrs J Mason returned Thurs
day from a two weeks' business vis
it in-Portland.
R. C. and H. C. Herron of
Irish Bend were Corvallis visitois
William Baker and family left
Thursday for Brownsville to resid',
Mr. Baker having bought a black
smith shop in that place.
Mrs. Sarah Pugh of Oakville,
was found in her bed, unconscious
Tuesday morning, and it was later
found that she had suffered a severe
stroke of paralysis.
Miss Alice Jones left Wednes
day for Philomath for a visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bay Rick
ard. Of hunter's licenses in Benton,
150 have been issued, 50 of them
since the 9th of August. Foity
fire permits have also been issued
by Clerk Moses.
Lee Wigle left Monday for his
home at Prineville. Mrs. Wigle
and the children remain until the
first of next week, when they go to
Hood River for a visit, enroute
Miss Jennie Brown returned to
Corvallis Wednesday from Wells,
where she was a cook during har
vest with A. A. Williamson's ma
chines. Judge Durroch, a boyhood
friend and old neighbor of P. A.
Kline has arrived for an extended
visit. His home is at Kentland,
The free reading room that is
being fitted up by the W. C. T. TJ-,
is now newly papered and presents
an attractive interior. New walks
have also been made about the
premises, and other improvements
- made.
Numerous repairs are to be
made to the Howard house, just
south of the Rosendorf home.
This is the house that, was damag
ed on July 4th, when the Greer
bouse burned. Adams Bros are
engaged to do the work.
Corvallis has a certain - citizen
who is passing swift as a money
maker. He goes down to the club
of an evening with half a dollar in
his pocket and after taking two or
three ten cent drinks comes out
worth a million.
Peter Mangas, of Defiance,
Ohio, has arrived and is a guest at
the home of his son. Henry Man-J
gas. He is well remembered bv
old Corvallisites who met him when
be vi -ited here six years ago.
x Adams Bros, have secured the
eontract for a handsome new resi
dence that N. Wilkinson,- cashier
of the Willamette Valley bank, is
to build. The structure will o
cupy the lots recently purchased by
.Mr. Wilkinson of Abe Locke, . just
east of Aga Alexander.
Man slaughter is the charge
brought against the wife of a
wealthy Cleveland manufacturer
who drove her auto into a passerby
and killed him on the spot. Per
haps the court will let her off with
a small fine because she only killed
one man during her reckless ride;
or on that better grounds that in
the swiftness 01 her pace she mis
took the man she annihilated for
her own husband.
Philip Krigh, known as' 'In
diana's 700 pound man," is dead at
his home in Stilesville, Ind. He
had been ill for several months
with dropsy, and suffered greatly
during the hot weather. For sev
eral years Krigh was in the employ
of a circus where he was exhibited
as the largest man in the world
His weight often reached 775
, pounds. He was over six feet tall
but his bones were very small. It
required two tailors to take measur
ments for his clothes, as it was ini
possible for one man ' to reach a
round his body. It took several
yards of double width goods to
make him a suit.
Continued from page one.
In reality the adjnumncent over the
two days was to give each side an
opportunity to consult its govern
ment for the last time. . -
The cutlook is black. 'Many be
Hive it was never so black as to
night. The Japanpee are not talk
ing. Iodeed tonight they appear
to be more taciturn and more res
olute than ever. - .
The only possible line of further
Japanese concession is considered
to lie in the diminution of the
amount of the purchase money de
manded for the north half of Sak
halin. The decision rests therefore
as it baa from the first, with Rus
sia Unless the emperor agree? to
yield between now aod Saturday,
the end is likaly "o come on that
day. And the dispatches from Pet
erhoff, instead of raising the chan
ces, indicate even a firmer determ
ination to yield neither territory
nor indemnity, eugar-coated as the
latt?r may b .
snd for reimbursement of its war
expenses. ' '
"The inevitable inference from
these facts is that after the czar
learned from the Kaeier at their
interview off thecoaH of Finland
that William intended to take no
action toward France that would
require Russia to espouse the case
of ber ally, the czar instructed Mr.
Witte to yield not an inch of ter
ritory, and not a kopeck of indem
nity. "From a political point of view,
the reformers are glad that the au
tocracy appears bent on hasiening
its own destruction by continuing
the bloody farce in the far East.
At Bellfountain.
Bjrn, to the wife of Prof. Mack,
Oct. 18 h, a son.
A couein from Illinois, of Geo. R
Hall, is spending the summer in
Oregon He is well pleased ' with
this country. .
The grain in this vicinity will all
be harvested in a few days. The
yield is very light, owing to the
aph s aod hot, dry weather.
Crysial Limb has been very eick
for the past two weeks.
C. E. Banton has completed bis
woik for E. E. Brimmer aod is
now taking a band in the harvest
Peter Hoover ' passed through
this place Tuesday with a load of
salmon which he hoped to retail at
7 cents per pound.
Mrs. Haugbton has returned to
her borne on Coos Bay, after spend
ing several months with her daugh
ter, Mrs.' J. R. Buckingham ot
this place.
Born Sunday, to Mr. and
Ira Lemmon, a daughter.
Edith Buckingham came home
Tuesday from a weeks' visit in
Portland and the Fair. .
J. L. Caton will leave thin week
for a et iourn at the Bay. He will
also visit the Fair before returning
Joa Stanturf and Charles Brit-
tain have returned from Eastern
Oregon where tbey have been
working in the harvest field. They see the country, and report
a gcod country, but very hot.
Annual Regatta
O egon City, Or.. Aug. 22 Af
ter serving one day of a 45 days'
sentence for wife-beating, August
Young, a painter, recently frem
Corvallis, found himself today
fscd with a divorce suit brought
by the wife on the grounds of cruel
aod inhuman treatment. When
the papers in the divorce suit were
served this afternoon, Young plead
ed lor his liberty from the jail sen
tence, agreeing to pay $08, the un
served portion of his sentence;
This was agreed to by City Re
corder Dimick, who required that
an additional sum of $60 be paid
the wife with which to defray the
costs of the divorce suit, and order
ed that Young leave the city im
The terms of the compromise
were subscribed to by Young who
eft the city this evening- Young
who is aged about 50 years and had
more than $2oo with him, escaped
prosecution and the inevitable pun
ishment that awaited him for wife-
beating yesterday because Acting
Deputy ProBeouting Attorney U'Ren
declined to prosecute the cnarge,
for the double reason that he doubt
ed the ability to prove the com
plaint and because of bis doubt as
to the constitutionality cf the act
providing whipping for wife-beat-
Clam Bake
Mm 26 and 21 ib
Rowing races of all kinds,
Gasoline Launch races, etc.
Musical entertainments dur
ing day and night, excursions
of all kinds. - AH races take
Saturday Aug 26th.
The low rate of $2 50 from
Albany, Corvallis and Phil
omath good going Sat or Sun
morning and returning Sun
evening or Mon morning.
Sunday Excursions.
Taking effect Sunday and continuing
every Sunday throughout the summer
excursion trains on the Corvallis & East
ern will tuu sharp on the following
Leave Albanv. 7:30 a. m.
' Corvallis 8:ol '
Philomath 8:12"
' Wren 8:31 '
Blodgett S;50 '
Summit 9:05 '
' Na-hville 9:25 '
Nortona 9:89
' Eddvville 10:00
Chitwood 10:13 '
' Morrison 10:21 '
Elk City 10:29
' Toledo 10:55 '
Arrive Yaquina 10:20
, Newport 12-00 N.
Leave 5-00 p. in.
Returning trin arrives at Corvallis
at it 20 p. m. ; Albany 9-55 p. m.
Fare Corvallis, philomath lo New-
pott and return, $ 1 .50. West of Pbi-lo-ii
iih to Chit wood inclusive, $1; all
points west of Chitwood to S'orrs inclu
sive .75; au points west 01 btorrs, 50
Gen. pass. Aeent.
Hay For Sale.
Vetch and alfalfa, best cow tiay iD
Ind Tel 155. L. L. Brooks.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter nf the Estate
James Eobinsos, deceased. V
Notice Is hereby (riven to all pel sons concerned
that the UDderslgned has been duly appointed
administrator oC the estate ot James Robinson,
deceased , by the county court, ot the state ot
Oregon for Benton county. All persons having
claims against said estate of said James Robin
son, deceased, are nereoy required 10 present
the same, with the proper vouchers, duly veri
fied as by law required, within sis months from
the date heteol to the undersigned at ' his resi
dence four miles nor'h ot Corvallis, Oregon, or
at the law office ot E. E. Wilson In Corvallis Oregon.
uaiea tnis August 12, im
Administrator of the Estate ot James Robinson,
ChicaervAue. 22 The corree
pondent of the Daily News in Mos
cow save:
"If Mr. Witte withdraws irom
the Portsmouth conference rather
than admit that the principle of
Indemnity and agree to the cession
of Sakhalin, that act will Bhow that
his instructions have been modi
fied since he left St. Petersburg
As your correspondent has stated
before, an authority hitherto often
tried and found trustworthy in
formed him at the time of the Rus
sian envoy's departure that the czar
had sanctioned the payment of $5oo
000,030 and the cession of half of
Sakhalin Island.
"It was never supposed for a
moment in St. Petersburg, not
withstanding the protestations of
Mr. Witte, that Japan - would be
so self-denying aa to refrain from
asking for the strip of land lying
off the mouth of the Amur river
Ball masons Royal and CUeir
Stone Jars
Tumblers and Jelly Glasses!
Diamond W Jar Rubbers,
Parafine and Sealing Wax j
we: sell the
Flat, Polished, Double Pointed
Price 5 cents per Box.
Hodes ' Grocery
Independent Phone 203
Our ad., but our goods change hands
every day. Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea.
Big Line Fresb Groceries
Domestic and Imported.
Plain and Fancy Cbinaware
A large and varied line.
We always keep Vegetables when
when they are tobe had.
. B Borning
: Cumber Tor Sale
At Lowest Possible Prices -Send
in House Bills for estimates of cost
All kinds and grades of lumber on hand, all orders piomptly
filled. Lumber delivered when required.
OTIS SKIPTON, Philomath, Ore.
Bell Phone 4x2. R. F. D. 2. .
Sawmill located four miles southwest of Philomath.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the Estate) .
Louisa Ibwin, deceased. J .
Notice is hereby given to alt persons concern
ed that the undersigned boa been duly appoint
ed executor of the last will and testament of
Louisa Iiwin, deceased, by the county court ot
Oregon for Benton county. All persons having
claims against said estate ot Louisa Irwin, de
ceased, are hereby required to present the same,
with the proper vouchers, duly verified as by law
required within six months from the date here
of, to the undersigned at his residence ten miles
south of Corvallis, Oregon, or at the law office of
E. E. 'Wilson in OorvalilB, Oregon.
Dated this August 12 1905.
R. 8. IRWIN,
Executor of the last will and testament of Loui
sa Irwin, deceased.
Notice to Taxpayers.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the County Board
of Equalization for Benton county, state of Ore
gon, will attend at the office of the county clerk,
of Benton county, Oregon, in the county court
house, In Corvallis, said county and state, on
Monday, August SSth, 1905, .the same being the
last Monday In said month and the Ume:fixed by
law for the meeting of said baard) and continue
t whtah time they will examine the assessment rolls ot said
KnnfATi rnnntv. Cirfttrnn. lor the year 1905, and
correct all errors In valuation, description or
qualities of lands, lots, or other property. All
persons Interested are required to appear at the
place aua time above appointed.
, T. H. D.WIS,
Assessor of Benton County, State of Oregon,
. Dated this 1st day ol August, 1905.
Butter and Eggs at
Moses Brothers
If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information you wish,' also
showing you over the country.
! Real Estate, Loan and Insurance ! '
Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs in Burnett Brick
idence on the corn er of Madison
Seventh at. Phone i t honseand rfi
Banking Company
Corvallis, Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Buys County, City and School
Principal CorrcsDondenis.
SEW TDRK !nm. -T T ltTn.n . rv.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub
LONDON, ENG. N M Rothschilds & Sonft
CANADA. Union Bank of Canada
R. D. Burgess
OS.ce over Blackledges furniture
store. Hours 10 to 12. 3 to 5.
Phone, o&ce 216; Res 454
CorralliSf Oregon.
W. E. Yates
Bert Yates
Yates 6c Yates
Law, Abstracting & Insurance.
Zierolf Building
Both Phones. Corvallis, Or.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over poatoffiee. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. . Orders may be
eft at Graham & v-tham's drug store.
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. Hoarst
lO to 12 and a to .
Phone, office 83. Residence 351.
Corvallis, Oregon.
First Nat'l Bank Building,
Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County
P. A.. Klines line Phone I.
O. A.ddrss, Box n.
Fays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years ex perience.
E. R. Bryson,
Sunday Excursions
to Newport!
ON THE G. & E. R. R.
Beginning Sunday, June 18 '
and continuing until the end
of August
Leaving Corvallis at 8:00 a.
m., Philomath 8:15 a. m.
Returning leaves Newport at
5 p. m. arriving in Corvallis
at 9:15. at Albany at 9:55.
I Giving 5 hours at the beao h
Fare round trip from Albany,
Corvallis and Phiiomath $1.50
Largest line of matting in the city at
Child Not Expected to Live from One
Hour to Another, bat Cared by
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Euth, the little daughter of E. K. Dewey
of Agnewville, Ya., was seriously ill of
cholera infantum last summer.' "We gave
her tip and did not expect her to live from
one hour to another," he says. "I happened
to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Eemedy and got a bottle of it
from the store. In five hours I saw a change
for the better. We kept on giving it and
before she had taken the half of one small
bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale
by Graham & Wortham.