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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1905)
LOCAL LORE. NEWS OF CORVALUS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. The Comings and Goings of People Social Gossip, Personal Men tion and Other Items Public Interest. of A SEA SERPENT. Samuel Hartsock is spending a few days at the Exposition. Roy Hollenberg was a Portland visitor, Sunday. Charles Porter wa? a visitor to the fair at Portland Sunday. R. J. Moses was a business vis itor to Bellefountain, Monday. Wade Malone was in Corvallis Mondav from Alsea, en route to Portland. Mrs. Margaret McCormick ar rived Sunday from Lebanon for a visit with friends. Professor J. B. Horner arrived Saturday from Eastern Oregon af ter a three weeks' absence. W. H. McVabon and family returned yesterday from a month's camping at Belknap springs. Burbam Hyland, of Eugene, spent Sunday in this city with his sister, Mrs. W. J. Dinges. Ud to the present, the clerk of Benton county has issued 20 fire permits this season. Mrs. Friedenthal and daughter, of Portland, spent Saturday in Cor vallis with friends. -Mrs. S. B. Bane is spending ten days in Portland, visiting rela' lives and attending the fair. Miss Ella Cameron, of Smith field, 111., arrived in Corvallis Mon day, and is the guest of Mrs. W, C. Schriber. The Evangelical Sunday school is to hold a picnic tomorrow. The event promises to be interesting for those attending. Miss Ada Winn, who has been attending the summer school in Al bany, arrived Saturday for a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. A T Grugett . Louis Oren.'of Portland, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs LeviOren, inCorvallis. He was accompanied home by his niece, Miss Phoebe Dunham. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cameron were to arrive yesterday from Un ion, Eastern Oregon, for a week's visit with Amy Cameron and sister. Misses Minnie and Elsie Hein arrived Sunday from. Hubbard, Iowa, for a visit with their uncle, Lous Hollenberg and family. Mrs. W. C. Schriber, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs J. W. Came On Exhibition at Newport Fisher men Caught it in the Ocean Its Teeth and Tushes. Those who went on the excur sion to Newport Sunday returned eloquent in description of a sight they had of a sea serpent that was caught on Friday m the ocean off Newport, and which was on exhi bition by a local butcher at 10 cents a look. Though small, the mon ster, according to all accounts, made up in appearance for all it lacked in dimension. It was . five feet four inches in length. Its body was only about a foot long, and its head, less. All the remain der was tail, and such a tail! All along its entire length it had queer appearing fins, evidently used in locomotion. The same excresences appearea also on the body. It is the head, however, that is the stunning part of this unusual and unsightly ocean reptile. Though it looked like nothing any body ever saw, the head mostly re sembles that of a dog. There a-e two big eyes as large nearly, as those of a human being. Their stare is described as enough to raise the hair on a bald bead. There is a nose somewhat like, a dog's nose, and a mouth with rows of bij, sharp teeth. Near the front of the mouth. there are huge tushes. The sublime effect of all this com bination is, that a weak nerved man, should .he- be in the act of pulling the thing out of the water with bis book and line, would after one hurried, startled, paralyzing glance, be iikely to let loose all holds and jump overboard. That, at least, is what a Corvallis man said who had paid ten cents for a look at the thing. The serpent was caught by a member of a patry out deep sea fishing Friday. Jt is on exhibition at a local butcher shop in Newport at 10 cents a sight, and many peo ple are paying the fee to see the thing. One returning passenger said that the butcher, when he was there, had deserted his knives and block altogether, to run his sea serpent side show. Sea bathing may be a pleasurable diversion, and doubtless is. there comes the thought of a reptile like this one, disporting itself between a gentle man s legs, and then ugh. v Philomath Items. ' Mre. Sarah Kisor returned home from a vieit in Corvallis oa Sun day and went over to Newport Mon day, for an extended stay at tbe seaside. Born, Monday, August 7tb, to the wife of J. E. Caldwell, a son. Bisbop Cattle preach d to a large and appreciative audience last Sun day morning. Mr. : Gihbonp, the butcher, furn ishes mi at and bread to several of the large thrtebing crews in this vicinity. M-wRrs. Jenkins end CUnady have started u fish market on Maiottrnt Mre. S. C. Caldwell and famiiy are here on a visit from Nebraska. Mr. Caldwell ia tbe j propoeitirn of starting a bank in Poiiomath. Rev. K-nnedv. of Corvallip, preached at the Keeztl chapel last Sunday morning and eveniog. Prof. O V. White,reiurned home last Tuerday. He has been in Southern Oregon for Rome time in tbe interest of the college, and for the last two weeks, has been attend ing the 'air in Portland, accompan ied by his family. Miss Lillie Webster has been in AUea on a vieit for two weeks dur ing which time Miss Leonard has taken her place in the Review office. Guy Frink and family returned last week from a short visit at the fair. Rev. MaClain is expecting to pur cbae a dwelling and live in Philo math during; his pastorate of Philo math c rcuit. ron, or bmithtield, II.. arrived m .Corvallis, Wednesday, from a visit to the fair. , The open season for bunting deer began yesterday, and nimrods were seen early in the morning go ;ng in all directions, armed with hunters' licenses and shooting iron. Mrs. Ida Countryman and daughter of Hanna, North Dakota, and Mrs. Frema Countryman, of Portland, left for Portland Monday after a vi-it with T. T. Vincent and family, who are relatives of the vis itors. At their home in Job's Addi tion last Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Schriber gave a recep tion in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. W Cameron. There were about 25 guests present. The social given Friday eve ning on the court house lawn, by the Epworth League of the M. E. church, was a pleasant affair. Th attendance was good, and $24 was the amount taken in from the sale of ice cream. Burt Geer, a former O. A. C. student, now a writer on the Boston Journal, was in town Saturday. His stunt is reportorial work, short stories and occasional verses, at the latter of which he was handy while in college. He is in Oregon on two months leave of absence. Robert Gellatly, who had a leg broken by being thrown by norse, is getting along as well as could be expected. Saturday Dr Newth, of Philomath, assisted by Dr. Cathey, put the limb in a plas ter cast, and it is thought Robert will soon be far on the road to re covery PrincipalJ Holmes of the pub- 11c school, began yesterday the erec tion of a residence on Sixth, just south of the Neil Newhouse home The site adjoins the lots on which Joseph Underwood is bnilding a Home, and presents the feature of two nouses going up on tne same block at the same time. The Holmes house is to be a square building with hip roof and containing six or eight rooms. Water Bonds. All persons desiring to purchase Corvallis City water toads, soon to be issued by "The Water Commit. ee appointed by the, Act of tbe Legislature of Oiegou," passed at the lat session thereof and approv- ry tbe govermr and tiled in the office of the secretary of state, Feb- uary lo, I9O0, will plpae com-. muoicate o itjk ii writing bftore the first day of Set tember, 1905, the amount of such hood nacb per- on . notifying am iepeit vly d sires to and will purchase ff said bunds, aid bonds to bea interest at four per cent, per annum, paya ble eem --n-iuallv. Dated this tbe 15th day of August, 1905. S L.KLINE, Clerk of ibe Water Committee. Special Circus TRAINS over the G. & E. Railroad Circus Day Cburs Hug 241b From Corvallis On Circus day trains for Albany will leave Corvallis as follows: 1 st train 6:30 a. m 2nd " 3rd 4th" Returning, trains as follows: . 8:56 .11:30 , 6:00 p leave Albany m. 1st train. 12:45 P- m. 2nd " 2:40 ' 3ra 500 4th " 10:00 " . The last train, 4th, will wait un last performance of circus is ont. Fare Round trip 50 cts. Good on any train. For Sale. Household goods, toilet articles. Also two milch cows and two calves Enquire of Mrs. E. S. Murray. REDUCED FXCURSION RATE To the Seaside and Mountain sorts for the Summer Va- Re- On and after Tune 1st. the Southern Pacific in connection with tie Corvallis & Eastern railroad will have on sale round trip tickets from points on their lines to Newport, Yaquina and Detroit at very low rates, good for return until October 10th, 19c 5. Three day tickets to .Newport and Ya quina good going Saturdays and return ing Mondays ara also on sale from all eastside points from Portland to Eugene, inclusive, and from all westside points Season tickets from all eastside points Portland to Eugene in elusive and from all Westsid e points are also on sale to Detroit at verv low rates with stopover privileges at Mill City or any other point east enabling jounstB to visit the bantiam and reiten bush hot springs in tne Cascade moun tains which all can be reached in a day Season tickets will be good for return from all points October loth. Three day tickets will be good going Saturdays and returning Mondays only. .tickets irom Portland and vicinity will be good for return via the east or the west side at option of passenger. Ticksts from Eu rene and vicinity will be good going via the .Lebanon-soringneia prancn, 11 ae- sired. Baggage on Newport tickets checked through to Newpoit: on Ysl- auina to Yaauina only. S. P. trains connect with the C. & E, at Albany and Corvallis for Yaquina and Newport. Trains on the (J. & iu. for Detroit will leave h lbany at 7:00 a. m. enabling tourists to the hot springs to reach there the same dav. Train from and to Corvallis connect- with all east side trains on the S. P- Fnll information as to rates, time ta bles, etc can be obtained on application to J. C. Mayo, Gen. Pass. agt. C. & E. R. R.: Albany; W. E. Coman, G. P, A. S. P.: Co. Portland "or to any S, P. orl C. & E. agent. Rate from Corvallis to Newport, Rate irom " to Yaquina, $3. " to Detroit, $3.25 Three day rate from Corvallis to Ya quina or Newport, 2.50. Hay For Sale. Vetch and alfalfa, best cow hay in the Ind Tel 155. L. 1. Brooks. . Notice, to Qeditors. In the Matter nf the Estate 1 ot James Bobinsos, deceased. Notice Is heroby given to all ueisons concerned that the undersigned has been duly annotated administrator of the estate of James Robinson, deceased, by the county court, of the etate of Oregon for Benton county. All persons having claims against said estate of said James Robin son, deceased, are hereby required to present the same, with the proper vouchers, duly veri fied as by law required, within six months from the date hereof to the undersigned at his resi dence four miles north of Corvallis, Oregon, or at the law office of n. K. Wilson lnuorvaius Oregon. Dated this August i-i. iauo. WILLIAM KNOTTS. Administrator of the Estate of James Robinson, deceased. . Hop Pickers Wanted. Register at Hop Gee Laundry. Price will be the same as paid else where. Notice to Creditors. In the Matter of the Estate) of 5 Louisa Iewin, deceased. .) Notice Is hereby given to all persons concern ed that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed executor of the last will and testament of Louisa Irwin, deceased, by the county court of Oregon for Benton county. All persons having claims against said estate of Louisa Irwin, de ceased, are hereby required to present the same, with the proper vouchers, duly verified as by law required within six months from the date here of, to the undersigned at his residence ten miles south of Corvallis, Oregon, or at the law office of E. E. Wilson in Corvallis, Oregon. Dated this August 12 1905. . .R. S.IRWIN, Executor ol the last will and testament of Loui sa Irwin, deceased. Notice to Taxpayers. NOTICE is hereby Riven that the County Board of Equalization for Benton county, state of Ore gon, will attend at the office of the county clerk, of Benton county, Oregon, in the county court house. In Corvallis. said county and state, on Monday, August 28th, 1905, :the same being the last Monday In said month and the tlmelflxed by law ior the meeting ol said ooaraj ana continue In session one week, at which time they will examine the assessment rolls ot said Benton county, Oregon, tor the year 1905, and correct all errors In valuation, description or qualities of lands, lots, or other property. All persons interested are required to appear at the piace aua time above appoinieo. T.H. DAVIS, Assessor of Benton County, State of Oregon, Dated this 1st day ol August, 1905. JARS! JARS! Ball masons Royal and ttleir Stone Jars Tumblers and Jelly Glasses! BUY THE Diamond W Jar Rubbers, BEST ON EARTH Parafine and Sealing Wax 1 we: sell the: SAGINAW TOOTHPICKS Flat, Polished, Double Pointed Price 5 cents per Box. Hodes' Grocery r Independent Phone 203 Our ad., but our goods change hands every day. Your money exchanged for Value and Quality is the idea. Big Line, Fresh Groceries Domestic and Imported. Plain anil Fancy CWnaware A large and varied line. We always keep Vegetables when when they are tobe had. E. B Horning 1 S-S-Sx.-Si-S.-S.-Si t WE DO MOT OFTEN CffifflGE. E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY AT. LAW. G. K. FARE A, Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs in Burnett B rick Idence on the corn er of Mad ism Seventh st. Phone t honseand o ffi WILLAMETTE VALET Banking Company COUVALLW, ObKGON. Responsibility, $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Bays County, City and School Warrants. Principal Correspondents. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND SEATTLE TAOOHA 1 The Bank o California KEW YORK Messrs. ,T. P. Morgan ft Co. CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub lic. , LONDON, ENG. N SI Rothschilds Sons Z CANADA. Union Bank of Canada R. D. Burgess PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office over Blackledges furniture store. Hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5. Phone, o&ce 216; Res 454 Corvallis, Oregon. W. E. Yates Bert Yates Yates 6c Yates Law, Abstracting & Insurance- Zierolf Building Both Phones. Corvallis, Or. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over postoSce. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hoars 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & '-"ham's drug store. B. A. CATHEY Physician & Surgeon Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. Hoursi lO to 12 and 2 to 4. Phone, office 83. Residence 351. Corvallis, Oregon. J. FRED FATES ATTORAnl-AT-LAW. First Nat'l Bank Bnilding, Only Set Abstract Books in Benton County Wanted Butter and Eggs at Moses Brothers P. A. KLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER Corvallis P. A. Klines line Phone I. ' . O. Address, Box ir. Pays highest prices for all kinds of Live Stock. Satisfaction goiiranteed. Twenty vears experience. E. R. Bryson, Attorney-At-Law. HOME-SEEKERS If you are looking for some real good bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. AMBLER, 6c WAITERS Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon. ' Sunday Excursions to Newport! ON THE G. & E. R. R. Beginning Sunday, June 18 and continuing until the end of August EVERY SUNDAY Leaving Corvallis at 8:00 a. m. , Philomath 8:15 a. m . Eeturning leaves Newport at 5 p. m. arriving in Corvallis at9:i5. at Albanv at 9:55. Giving 5 hours at the beac h Fare round trip from Albany, Corvallis and Philomath $1.50 Largest line of matting in the city at Blackledgb's. CHOLERA. INFANTUM. Hour to Another, but Cured by J Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy. Buth, the little daughter of E. N. Dewey of Agnewville, Va., was seriously ill of cholera infantum last summer. "We gave her up and did not expect her to live from one hour to another," he says. "I happened to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and got a bottle of it from the store. In five hours I saw a change for the better. We kept on giving it and before she had taken the half of one small Dottie sue was wen. i nis remeay is ior saie by Graham & Wortham.