The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 02, 1905, Image 4

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The Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items of
Public Interest.
Floyd Williams spent Sunday
in Corvallis.
Born, July 25th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Taylor, a daughter.
Mrs. Inez Wilson left Friday
for Portland for a week's visit at
the Fair.
Miss Alice Wicklund of the O.
A. C. class of '05, left Monday for
her home at Logan, Utah.
In Benton county the total
number of fire permits issued to
date is. 1 7; hunter's licenses, 92.
Miss Winnie Logan of Kings
Valley is sp8nding a few days in
Ray Walker of Independence
has been a seaside visitor, returning
home Monday.
Willard Cauthorn, of Wells,
was Monday appointed deputy
assessor of Soap Creekprecinct.
Sam Damon was a Corvallis
visitor Sunday. He returned
Monday to his home at Indepen
dence. Rev. Feese returned Saturday
from a trip to the Yachaats, where
he visited the camp of O. J. Black
ledge and family.
Miss Helen Holgate entertain
ed a number of friends Saturday
evening. Whist was the amuse
ment, and all had a pleasant time.
Miss J. F. Silva left Sunday
for her home in Sacramento, Cali
fornia, after a week's visit with her
s:ster, Mrs. John Lenger.
The commissioners' court
holds its regular monthly ' meeting
today, at the court house, for dis
posing of the usual grist of bills.
Mr. and Mrs. Callahan arrived
Sunday from a four week's vaca
tion, spent at Newport and Beaver
Among Benton people who
spent Sunday at the beach were
Rich Irwin and Monroe Childers
and their families.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Care , of
North Yakima. Washington, for
merly of Nez Perce. Idaho, arrived
Sunday and are guests of O. L
Davis and family.
Harrison D. Barrett, president
of the National Spiritualist Associ
ation, is to lecture in Barrett Ly
ceum this city, Friday evening,
August 4th. The public is cordi- J
ally invited. !
Mrs. Ruth Clark, who has
been visiting in Corvallis with rel
atives, left Saturday tor a visit at
Newport. She will be joined this
week by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Win
slow of Pendleton.
A farmer in town Saturday
asks the Times to call attention to
the fact that ( pheasant shooting is
in progress to the northward of
Corvallis. It is, according to his
account, the purpose'to secure pros
ecutions of the parties. The Times
knows nothing as to the identity of
the shooters.
A Corvallis man who hal oc
casion to get certain information
that oniy farmers could give, start
ed out the other day to settle the
matter. He spent most of the fore
noon and a part of the afternoon,
and having found but one farmer
in town during all that time, con
cluded it wasn't a good day to find
out what he wanted to know. One
farmer in town in a whole day is
a score to smash the record.
Butter fat is 22 1-2 cents at the
local creamery. ' It is a good figure
for the summer season. The price
has averaged high all spring and
summer. It was below 19 cents
but two weeks and was then only
. down to 17 1-2. During the past
three weeks the output of the
creamery has dropped off 4 000
oounds Der week. Nearly 12,000
- pounds of butter was manufactured
but the cream delivery nas drop pea
off until the weekly product of but
ter is now down to 7,000 pounds
per week.- . '
Lawrence Helm who has visit
ed for two weeks with Corvallis
relatives f and friends, after a ten
vears' absence, left Monday for
Portland, whence, after a few days,
he leaves for his home at Weather-
ford, Texas, the land where the
erowth of corn stalks is so swift
that it is death on small boys
reckless enough to try to climb
them. No returning prodigal ever
had a better time than did Law
rence during his fortnight's visit in
Ralph Shepard epsct Sunday
with Corvallis friends.
Harper Mecklin and Hallie
Wilkins leave today for a ten days'
stay tt the Fair.
A. E. Bell and family left Mon
d8y to visit the Fair at Portland.
The families of William Dun
ham and Mr. Sargent left yesterday
for Waldport for a teD days outiDg.
Tbex Biuer-Bjgue psrty re
turned today from a two weeks'
camping trip at Caecadia.
Charles Young arrived Satur
day from Elk City. He expects to
move bark to CorvalfTs in the near
future to remain.
C. A. Clancy, wife aDd eon,
are making a tour of the Coast.
They have visited Portland, Oregon
City, Eugene, and are now at Cor
vallie, the guetti of J. J. Cady and
family. Tbey will go over to the
Bay Thursday.
A memoiiil strvice is to be
held at the First Methodist church
in honor of General Blackmar, com-maDder-in-chuf
of the G. A. R. of
the Ual'ed States', who died recent
ly at B;i-e City, Idaho.
Kbersuv, Manchuria, July 29.
The Japanese are apparently con
centrating iu considerable force far
to the eastward, with the aim of op
erating agaicst Kirin and Ningutz
and geitiug betwen Vladivostok and
the Russian Manchurian army.
3It is reparted that the Japanese
have landed at several places in
the Siberian Lit'oral between Nich
olaievfk and De Kastriee, and that
the telegraph line to Aicholaievsk
has been cut. These landings, how
ever, are re orted to be by email
The rains are moderating and
the roads are passable.
We are here to do all kinds of ma
chine work, casting, repairine and
building engines, etc; on short notice,
and at reasonable prices. Work guar
anteed. Franklin Iron Works Co.
Notice to Taxpayers.
NOTICE is hereby elven that the Countv Bonrd
of Equalization for Benton county, state of Ore
gon, will attend at the office of the county clerk,
of Benton county, Oregon, in the county court-
noute, in corvallis, saia county ana state, on
Monday, August 2sth, 190.5, .the same being the
last Monday In said month and the timetixed by
law for the meeting of aaid board) and continue
In session one week, at which time they will
publicly examine the assessment rolls of said
Benton county, Oregon, lor the year 1905, and
correct all errors in valuation, description or
qualities of lands, lots, or other property.. All
persons interested are required to appear at the
place aud time above appointed.
Assessor of Benton County, State of Oregon.
Dated this 1st day ol August, 1905.
To Lewis and Clark Fair Over the
Southern Pacific.
Individual Rates
Rate One and one third fare for the
round Hip, 3.50.
Sale Date Daily from May 29th to Oct
ober 15, 1903. v
Limit Thirty days but not later than
October 31st, 1905.
Parties cf Id or more
Parties of 10 or more from one 1 otnt,
must travel together on one ticket both
wajs, party tickets will be sold as follows;
Rate One fare for the round trip, $2.60.
Sale Date Daily from May 29th to Oct
ober 15th, 1905.
Limit Ten days.
Organized Parties
For organized parties of one hundred or
more moving on one day from one place
individual tickets will be sold as follows:
Rate One fare for the round trip, 2.60.
Sale Date Daily from May 29th to Oct
ober 15U1, 1905.
Limit Ten days.
continued from page 1
was however, made of our Sheriff
and Green soeudiog one day in the
wilds of Sap Creek on a fishing
ing excursion, nor that Green met
toe EbeMff of Liuccln tt the train in
a carriagejiatt Friday week, nor
that Green upon reaching Toledo
was approached by Jack Alphin for
a bailiff-hip in his court, supposing
him to be Judge Harris.
Mre. Green was treated by the
sheriff of Linn with equal consider
ation, she being a constant com
pinion of the sheriffs wife, doing
shopping for the sheriff's family
and constituting one of the sheriff's
family during her four month's so
journ in Linn. Sheriff Whit9 and
wife took enough interest in their
prisoner, or gu s', to go to Toledo
for two days duricg court toempha
izd tbeir appreciation of Mrs.
Some sheriff are broad enough to
recrgoize the "brotherhood of man"
and . not make life burdensome to
thoee whom they believe to be in
nocent of crime.
Vienna, July 29. The aged em
peror of Austria evidently doss not
propose to be caught napping like
the aged king of Sweden. There
has been so much talk regarding
the possible peaceable separation of
Hungary, Austria playing the part
of Swedtn, Hungary the part of
Norway, that the rulers of the dual
kingdom have apparently decided
to put a stop to it, and tbey are
preparing to show the people of
Hungary that any attempt at seces
sion will be put down with the
The Alledeutsche Tageblatt of
Vienna is authority 'Jot the state
ment th8t the military authorities
of Austria are preparing for the
eventuality of a campaign against
Hungary, should that country con
tinue its resistance to the emperor.
The nsws is correct. At the com
mand of the heir of the thrown, the
Archduke Francis Ferdinand, who
represents the emperor in the su
preme command of the army, mili
tary preparations are already bing
made with a view to adopting forc
ible methods should Hungary se
cede or declare her intention to do
so in open parliament.
As it was feared that Hungary
might tnke this etep, the Hungari
an parliament on the day of its op
ening was adjourned to September
Portland, July 30. Oregonian
As the result of the decision of
Judge Frazer granting Trail mana
gers' permission to keep oDen their
places of amusement on Sunday,
prominent ministers at home and
abroad will likely refuse to come to
Portland to make addresses at the
Notwithstanding the attitude of
churchmen, the Trail will do busi-
n'8 on Sunday. Henry Reed said
la t night that the decision of the
cc urt would have to stand. "The
m tter has been decided." Faid Mr.
R d, "and there is nothing we cao
d '. The court bas ruled that the
T .U can run and that is all there
if ti it. . I do not see that we caD
re gnize any proteston the part
of me ministers."
All new wall paper at Blackledge's.
Whereas, The Secretary of State of the State
of Oregon, has notified me in writing that pursu
ant to the provisions of an act entitled "An act
making eflective the tniiiative and referendum
provisions of Section 1, Article IV, of the Consti
tution of the State of Oregon, and regulating
elections thereunder and providing penalties lor
violations of provisions of this Act," approved
February 24th, 1903 there was duly filed In his
office on May ISth, 1905, a referendum petition
containing 6 312 signatures properly attached
thereto, and certified in accordance with law or
dering that House Bill Number 370, entitled an
"Act to appropriate money for the payment of
the expenses oi me maiiiLouauue, reimaio, im
provements, equipment aiiu f uxiisiit cicuwra mi
the Inane Asvlum, Penitentiary, Eeform, Deaf
mute and Blind Schools, University, Agricultur
al College and Normal Schools, and other cur
rent expenses ol tne state, ana ueciaiiiig iu
emergency" passed by the Twenty-tnira legis
lative Assembly, Bhall be referred to the people
of the state of Oregon ior tneir approval or in
jection at the regular general election to be held
on the 4th dav of June, 1906; that said 6,312 sig
natures to salO petition are more uiau uvo jrot
nant rtf tha whole number of votes cast for
Mnstice of the Supreme Court at the last regular
election, . ,.,,
Now, therefore, I, George E. Chamberlain,
governor of the State of Oregon, in obedience to
the provisions of said act hereinbefore mention
ed rin hprehv make and Issue this proclamat on
to the people of the state of Oregon announcing
that were nag peen nieu uu me
tlon with the requisite number of signatures athannpn iiraeriUK mem xruuav
ber S70 entitled -ab kc ".'
for the payment of the expenses ol the main
tenance, repairs, improvements, equipment and
current expenses oi " t?jl"?rZ.' T 7
."Z4Vt T&rnrm rioftf-mnte and Blind Schools,
wuuciij.uv. TLr-,..i iv,n. uu
Normal Schools and other current
Pinenses of the state, and declaring an
' r- .. , V. ,1.. rrnanrv.tblrrl 1.001.1.
emergency.' past,eu uj uc inuv, ......
nf the mate of Oregon at the ree
ular sessioD of said Legislative Assembly, be
submitted to the legai eiecwiro 01
fn t,ir flnnroval or reiection at the
regular election to be held on the 4th day of
June, 1906, the same being the first Monday in
T....A ,un -
Done at the Capitol in the city of Salem, State
of Oregon, this 31st day 01 May, iwn.
Sunday Excursions.
Taking effect Sunday and continuing
every Sunday throughout the summer
excursion trains on the Corvallis & East
ern will run sharp on the following
L eave Albanv. - 7 -.30 a. m.
' Corvallis 8:o0
Philomath 8:12
Wren S:3t '
Blodgett 8;5U
' Summit 9:05 '
' Na'hville 9:25 '
Norton s 9:39
Eddvville 10:00
Chitwood 10:13
' Morrison 10:21 '
Elk City 10:29 '
' Toledo 10:55 '
By the Governor-
F. I. Dunbar.
Secretary of State.
Ball masons Royal, and lUeir
Stone 3arsv
Tumblers and Jelly Glasses!
Diamond W Jar Rubbers,
Parafine and Sealing Wax
we: sell the
Flat, Polished, Double Pointed
Price 5 cents per Box.
Hodes' Grocery
Independent IPiioxe 200
Our ad., but our goods change hands
every day. Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea.
Bis Line Fresh Groceries
Domestic and Imported.
Plain and Fancy Chinaware
A large and varied line.
We always keep Vegetables when
when ikej are tobe- had.
B- Horning
Butter and Eggs at
Moses Brothes
Arrive Yaquina 10:20 1
, Newport 12-00 N.
Leave 5- P- m
Returning trin arrives at Corvallis
at 9-20 p. m. ; Albany 9-55 p. m.
Fare Corvallis, Philomath lo New
port and return, $ i .50. West of Phi
lomath to Chitwood inclusive, $1; all
points west of Chitwood to Storrs inclu
sive .75; all points west of Storrs, 50
Gen. pass. Agent.
The S. P. is selling round trip
tickets between Corvallis and Fort
land for $3 good going Saturdays
or Sundays and returning Sunday
or Monday following, either on
East or West side, but good only
on afternoon train from Albany to
Portland on Satutdays if East side
is taken. Passensrers to pay local
fare between Corvallis and Albany
Talcintr nictures. We have fine cam
Graham & Wells.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
and Silverware.
Eyes tested free of charge
and glasses fitted correctly
at prices within reach of all
Fine watch repairing a spe-
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs in Burnett Brick
idence on the corner of Madison
Seventh st. Phone at hjisiiil . i
Banking Company
Corvallis. Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Burs County, City and School
Principal Correspondents.
tag oar. a
The Bank n
NEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan & Co
CHICAGO National Bank of The Kepnb
lic. LONDON, ENG. N SI Rothschilds & Son;.
CANADA. Union Bant of Canada
R. D. Burgess
Office over Blackledges furniture
store. Hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5.
Phone, o&ce 216; Res 454
Corvallisr Oregon.
W. E. Yates
Bert Yates
Yates 6c Yates
Law, Abstracting & Insurance
Zierolf Building
Both Phones. Corvallis, Or.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & 'ham's drag store.
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. Honrsi
lO to 12 and 2 to .
Phone, office 83. Residence 351.
Corvallis, Oregon.
First Nat'l Bank Building,
Only Set Abstract Books fn. Benton County
P. A. Klines line Phone i.
O. Address, Bos n.
Pays highest prices for all kinds o?
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience.
E. R. Bryson,
Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician.
Sunday Excursions
to Newport!
ON THE G. & E. R. R.
Beginning Sunday, June 18
and continuing until the end
of August
Leaving Corvallis at 8:00 a.
m., Philomath 8:15 a. m.
Returning leaves Newport at
5 p. m. arriviDg in Corvallis
at 9:15. at Albany at 9:55.
Giving 5 hours at the beach
Fare round trip from Albany,
Corvallis and Philomath $1.50
If you are looking for some real good bargains, in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, -or come and see us. We take pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information you wish, also
showing you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon.
Largest line of matting in the city
Child Not Expected to Live from One
Hour to Another, but Cured by
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Itemedy.
Kuth, the little daughter of E. 2f. Dewey
of Agnewville, Va., was seriously ill of
cholera infantum last summer. "We gave
her up and did not expect her to live from
one hour to another," he says. "I happened
to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy and got a bottle of it
from the store. In five hours I saw a change
for the better. AVe kept on giving jt and
before she had taken the half of one small
bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale
by Graham & Wortham. '