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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1905)
KLT. Vol; XVIIL-No. 17. CORVALLIS, OREGON, AUGUST 2. 1905. B.K. IRVTNK dlt H Summer Glearance Sale! Great Bargains in a 1 1 Departments Big Stock to make your selections . . . Get our Prices and make Gomparison. J. I. HARRIS, IMA .v ' .-5; ! J 1 7 Fine Light Sample Rooms. CorvalMs J. C. Hammel, Prop. Leading HoteFin Corvallis. Recently opened. New brick hrulding. Newly furnished, with modern con veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire. Es capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam ette Valley. $1 X)t $1.25 and $2.00 per day. Star Brand Shoes are Better! For Shces, Clothing, Hats, Gloves, Hosiery, Notions, Fruits, Meats, Staple and Fancy Gro ceries, see .j 5 WELLSHER 6c GRAY. Highest Market Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce Star Brand Shoes are Better! As Your Dealer for Economy Jars, And take no other Economy Jars are sanitary, no zinc, no poison, no mould, no seperate rubber ring. Read the endorsement from the Oregon Agricultural College. OFFICE OF MISS MARGARET C. SNELL HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY AND HYGIENE Corvallis, Oregon, Nov 9, 1904. Kerr Glass Manufacturing Co,, Portland, Oregon: Dear Sirs:- I have used the Economy Fruit Jars in canning this seasons fruit and have found them most sa'isfactory in every way. Especially would I commend their simplicity in sealing, and the freedom of the co ver from forming poisonous compounds with the fruit. Yery truly yours, Maegaeet C. Snell, Prof H. Science & Hygiene MERRY BATHERS ARE KILLED BY LIGHTNING WHILE HUDDLED UNDER BATHHOUSE AT CO NEY ISLAND. It is worth your while to know YOUR preserved fruits and vegetables are free from poisonous compounds? You know this if you use the ECONOMY JARS they are endor sed and used by the OREGON AGRI. COLLEGE, LELAND STANFORD JR, UNIVERSITY, CALIF and other Colleges and Universities. Prof. Snell of the Oregon Agricultural College especially recommends ECONOMY JARS because the cover is Sanitary and free from any Possibilities of Forming Poisionous Com pounds with the contents of the Jar Wadhams 6c Kerr Bros. Distributors Wholesale .Grocers. Portland, Oregon SHERRATT'S DEATH AND THE WILL HE EXECUT ED IMMEDIATELY AFTER BEING SHOT. The Popular Grocery & Crockery Good Things For Eating Butter Always Fresh from the Dairies, tasty and good. . Pickles. . Sweet and sour, Hienzes bottle and bulk. Eggs. Fresh and always direct from the hens. See our Garden Truck, nothing but best, grown by good gardeners. The best canned Fruits and Vegetables on the market. . OUR METHODS OF BUSINESS All appeal to the thrifty housewife who wants the very best groceries for the least money. ' HERE IS THE STORE P. M. ZIEROLF. A Strange Case, Indeed, a Marvel ous Case, if the Murder Theory of Lincoln County Author ities Be True. We publish the following which has been on file in the office of the county clerk of Lincoln county, for some months', as throwing much light on the E. G. Sherratt death and as a part of the evidence before the grand jury with only sufficient comment to make same understood. Sherratt was found shot with a small bullet near Adam's apple ranging toward left ear about 8 a. m., January 21st, and unconscious. Alter being given some stimulants he regained consciousness an1 was able to talk. He reouested Effie Sfaoton to get piper and pen and write what he dictated eaying, "Be quick, I wiil not last long." She proceeded 1o do as di'ected, writing with a lead pencil. Her husband came into the room while she v. thus writing and seeing his wife writiog with a lead pencil said in effect, "that will Be no good written with lead pencil." Sherratt then said, "you copy what Effie has writ ten." He did so. Then S. asked for his glasses and after the writing and readicg the same siid, "that is all right." Handing the writiog back to Stanton she said, "Now you take the balance as I dictate it." After Stanton had completed the writing Sherratt taid, "Hand it tome give me my glasses." He read it and said, "hat is all right give me a pen and book to write on." This was done and he signed his name thereto. He thon addressed the Stan tons and said, "you sign over there under where it says, "Witnes ses." Upon doing so he said, "this is my last will and you are the wit nesses to it do you understand?" After it was executed he said, "give it to Minnie," which was handed to her. The writing is as follows: "I, E. G. Sherratt, being of sound mind, feeling I am about to leave this world, I leave and bequeath all my property, pergonal and whatso ever I possess at the time of my death to Mr. F. Green and Mrs. Minnie Green to share and share alike." Edward G. Sherratt. Lutgens, Or., January 2l, I9O5. Witnesses: CharleBE S anton.Mrs. Effie Stanton. Sherratt then said, "I owe Fred Green $400, which I borrowed from him and put into the store. I want jou to all understand that I owe him that $400. I have a writing i 1 a tin box in the store that will show all about it; but for fear that it may be lost or destroyed I want you all to understand that I owe Fjed that $400. The writing re ferred to was found in Sherratt's hand as folio we: Lutgens, Or., 2 Sept., 1904. To whom "it may concern: In consideration of Fred W. Green, having this day loaned me the sum of $400 (the said sum being trans ferred through the Security & Trust Co. of Portland, Or.) . I, Edward G. Sherratt, do hereby assign, trans fer and bargain unto Fred W. Green and Minnie Green, his wife, all my interest in the Alsea Trad ing Co. stock of merchandise, bark, etc., together with all moneys on deposit in my savings account in the Security Savings & Trust Co. of Portland, Oregon, the above to become operative in the event of Bnvtbin? happening to the under- s jdopd " Edward G. Sherratt. ciigued in tbe presence of the fol lowing witness. Witness, D. E. Cox. The above money was invested in the Alsea Trading Co. After speaking of the $400 to the parties present, he then said, "Henry Nice owes me $200 for work I did for him in the cannery. Hand me my glasses, paper, pen and that book to write on," all of which was done. He then wrote the following: "Mr. Nice, please pay two hundred dollars for money due me for servi ces; pay the Greens." E. G. Sherratt. January, 21, 1905. Witnesses: Mrs. Effie Stanton, Charles E. Stanton, and then handed the order to Minnie Green. Immediately following this he stated, "I have between $700 and $800 - in the Security Sav ings & Trust Co. of Portland," and while speaking of that money Fred Green entered the room, addressing GreeD, he said in substance, "Fred go to the store and get my bank book see what I have deposited and what I have drawn out. Bring me a check for the balance in the bank. ' Green did as directed and returned with a blank check. Sher ratt ask for the check, his glasses and something to write upon, which being given to him he wrote out a check as follows: 190. $749.03. & Security and Savings Trust Co., of Portland, Oregon Pay to Fred W. Green or bear er Seven hundred and forty- nine and three hundredth dol lar i and charge the same to my account. E. G. Sherratt Witnessed by Mrs. Effie Stanton, Minnie Green which, upon mak ing out, he gave to Fred Green. Sherratt was the postmaster at Lutgens at the time of his destb. In tbe sack which containrt the Dostoffice money was left a writing by Sherratt as follows: "This is pottoffice money." All the foregoing writing are now I with the clerk of this county save only the last writing referred to which is at this tirre in the posses sion of C. E. Hawkins, Eeq'r., of Toledo. It will b9 remembered that Mr. Sherratt lived some fight days after January 21st. Our grand jur spent much time in a thorough investigation of many witnesses extending from Monday to the following Friday afternoon, assist d throughout by Prosecuting Attorney George M. Brown, and af ter a full examination of all the ev idence under oath returned "Not a true bill" in favor of the parties held to answer for Sherratt's alleg ed murder. There can be little or no doubt that it was a clear case of suicide. F. W. Green was supposed to have been confined for the paBt four months in the county jail of Benton while Mrs. Green was in the custo dy of tbe sheriff of Linn for a like period to answer- for the- alleged death of Sherratt. It is evident from the kindness that Green re ceived at the hands of Sheriff Bur nett that he did not regard Green in any serious light as be treated him more in the sense of deputy than one charged with a crime. Green was accorded full church of fice and other privileges as the sheriffs guest. The Albany Herald even claiming that Green conduct ed the office of sheriff in the ab sence of our sheriff and his deputy on several occasions. No mention continued on page 4 ' Five Killed and Nine Injured Terrific Storm Rages Man Killed While Under Tree Car Is Set on Fire in New York. I New York, July 30. During a thunder storm of terrific intensity which passed over New York this afternoon five persons were struck by lightning and instantly killed and nine were seriously injured at the Parkway baths, Coney Island. At the same lime one man whs ! killed and three others prostraud at Gravesend Beach. The intense heat of the morning attracted a great multitude tc t be shore resorts, and late in the after noon the storm blew up from the; westward, the Dark and beach was thronged with bathers and specta tors. The rain descended in t r rents and hundreds of men, women -and children Eought shelter unoi-r the big bathhouse, which is elevat ed above the eand on piles. The lightning was incessant a d terrific thunder claps shook the bathhouse, to the terror of the crowd huddled together beneath it. A few minutes before five o clock bolt (truck the flagstaff and grounded in the very thickest of the crowd. Nearly 50 persons were prostrated and the crowd rushed out into the storm. Those who had remained in the water were al-o panic stricken and ran in all direc tions, not daring to enter the bath house, which appeared to be on fire. Ambulances were summoned from all the nearest hospitals and on their arrival five persons were found dead and nine unconscious under the bathhouse. The bodies of all were ecorched by the electiic fluid. The nine injured were it moved to the hospital, where it was said that some probably would die. Many persons less seriously hurt were taken home by friends. A slight fire in the bathhouse was quickly extinguished by the rain. At the same time Hemy Ran? weiler was struck and killed while sheltering under a tree at Graver end Beach, and his son Williarr, with John Apple and Daniel M -Cauley, were rendered unconsciou.-. Lightning struck at various points in the city. A store in Flu sing avenue, Brooklyn, was burned and a car in Sixth avenue, Manhat tan was set on fire, but the occu pants escaped unhurt. The electric light and the tele phone wires in B llvue hospitsl were struck several times, extin guishing all lights and causing much alarm among the patients. Los Angeles' Cal., July 2g. For nearly five hours George Comez, a rancher, fought with death in a crude oil slump-hole in the dry bee of the Los Angele-ie River. When he was found at 8 o'clock tonight, be was a maniac. Devoid of cloth ing, bis body covered with oil and filth, he was pulled out of the hole, cdotb dead than alive. While crossing the river bed ear ly in tbe after noon, Gomez, a straoger in Los Angeles, came up on a sump-bole filled with refuse of the o.l we-li-.. He stepped boldly upon tbe surface, which had the appearance of solid ground. In a moment he was floundering help lessly. rfis shrieks for help were not heard by passers on the Aliso-street bridge, and not until this evening was be discovered by two men. Physicians say Gomez' mind is af fected permanently. Albany Bread. This bread is guaranteed to free from alum. For sale by Smal Bakery. One . Dollar Saved Represents Dollars Earned. Ten The average man does not save to exceed ten per cent, of Lis earnings. He must spend nine dollars in living expenses for every dollar saved. That being the case he can not be too careful about unnecessary ex penses. Very often a few cents properly in vested, like buying seeds for his garden, will save several dollars outlay later on. It h the same in buying Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera - and Diarrhoea Remedy. It costs but a few cents, and a bottle of it in the hou-? often saves a doctor's bill of several dolla.o. For sale by Graham & Wortham.