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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1905)
LOCAL LORE. t' NEWS OF CORVALLIS AND VICINITY TOLD IN BRIEF. The Comings and Goings of People Social Gossip, Personal Men tion and Other Items of Public Interest. Miss Ruth Lilly left this week for a visit at the Fair. Prof. J. B. Horner was a pas senger for Newport Thursday. Bush Davis was a passenger to Newport Thursday. F. A. Pierce of the Benton county saw mill, transacted busi ness in Corvallis 'Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. LafFerty are enjoying a - vacation at Elk City: They left Thursday. F. P. Clark, the Philomath merchant was in Corvallis Thurs day, looking after business affairs. R. W. Hinton of Bellefountain transacted business in Corvallis Thursday. Presbyterian church. M. S. Bush, pastor. Morning subject, "Justification." Evening topic, "Drifting." . -Sid Starr of Bellefountain was in Corvallis Wednesday, seeking to rent a house for occupancy this fall. T. D. Campbell left Wednes day for Portland. He is to operate ar threshing machine at Hillsboro until September ist. Mrs. G. H. Feese and children returned Tuesday from a three weeks' visit with ' friends at and Bear Cottage Grove. ' Mrs. Newt Thompson, after a risit of several weeks with Cor vallis, relatives, left Wednesday for her home in Seattle. . Recent real estate transfers are J. W. Foster and wife to S. W. Bowser, 20 acres East of Bruce, $175; A. W. and D. C. Rose to S. L.Kline, south 1-2 lot 8 bl. 4, Cor vallis, $10. D. C. Rose has let to Adams Bros, the contract for a $950 cot tage . of handsome design, to be aect?d on his ranch two miles west of Corvallis. Work' begins at once. Hnnters licenses have been is sued this week as follows: W. I. Huggins, David H. Lewis, T. H. Hughson, Bush Davis, and R. W. Huston. 1 he total number ot li censes so far issued by Clerk Moses Is 7-5. David Campbell, a Hillsboro man was stung to dtath by bees Wednesday. He was an expert in taking honey from the hive, and was so employed at the time, when attacked and stung in the forehead, temples and face. He fell in a 3tuDnr and did not recover con sciousness. Congregational church. Morn ing sermon, "The Power of Gent'e- Hess." Communion service. Strang ers invited. Evening "sermon, "What is an All Round Christian Life? Opinions of Great Men." Service at Plymouth at 3 o'clock. The ministers of Corvallis have a standing invitation from Samuel Bane to make free use of his vege table garden near town." He has an abundance of almost every va riety of vegetable, and pastors can have them in quantities to suit without money and without price. Spraying for lice is. in process at the Luly hop yard. The work R done by J. S. Powell and son, who are experts in the industry. They have just finished a ' double spray ing of the Beach yard across the Willamette, and the accounts are, that where there was an abundance of lice,, there are now none. They had a lively blaze in the Linderman-Brooks neighborhood the other day. In some manner unknown, fire started in the grass in the Linderman pasture: It burned furiously under the fanning process of a vigorous wind, and threatened for a time to do much damage. It was finally gotten un der control, however, before it had done more damage than the burn ing of a few rods of fence and the destruction of a quantity of good grass. There was a pleasant picnic on the Groves ranch, iust west of town, yesterday. Armed with well-filled . lunch baskets the party proceeded to the shade of Oak cieek trees, and there enjoyed a day of rest. Amone those who went were, Mrs. Groves, Mrs. C. IX Thompson, Mrs. Inez Wilson, Mrs. Walter Wile?, Miss Edna Groves, Miss Lillie Groves and the Horning children. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hayward left Wednesday for a visit of sev eral weeks to Mr. Hay ward's lather at Victoria, B. C. J. B. Horner was a bayward paeeengtr Thursday. He expects to visit for a few days with bis fam ily in their Newport cottage. Mrs. R. H. Huston and little daughter, together with Mr. and Mrs Callahan, are enjoying the salt air at Beaver Creek. Mrs. M. E. Lee and Diece, Miss Elstoo, left Tuesday for Port land and Dayton, Washington. After a visit with Mrs. Lee's broth er at the latter place. Miss Elfton trill return to her home in Indiana. Joseph Dixon, aeed 70, of Job's addition, fell from a load of hay the other day and eustiitied severe io- jurief. His bead aDd right leg are involved. He is able to get about limited'y on crutches. A log-drive containing nearly a million feet of ash and run pie is to be t-tarted Monday from Harrie burgtothis city, for the E. W. Strong 88w mill. The booming erf w left Thursday f r that place, to eet things in motion. Beginning Sunday and contin uing throughout the season, the Corvallis tae-ba'l tam will play a series of games with different teams. The Corvallis team has reorganiz ed and bave a very string aggrega tion of play ra. The Bilver wa'ch advertised in the Times as lo&f, has been recov ered and the owner can secure it by celling at the Times office. It was found on the state road a dozen miles touth of Corvallis by J a met, Newman, who brought it to the Times office yesterday. The watch is an heirloom and is highly prized by the owner. Jerry Henkle, of Philomath, was foreman of the Williamson- Gesner-Bigga jury in the federal court at Portland. The case went to the juiy at three o'clock Tuea- dav and alter wrestling with the xerdict for two days and nights the jurors were discharged Thursday without having reached an agree ment. Ten jurora were, for convic tion and two hung out to the end fir acquittal. Odo was O. H. Flook, of Olalla, and the ether G. 0. Walk er, of Eugene. The Evidence Hgainet the defendants in the cts) was imooistakable, and in the eyes of moat unbiased men, the verdict ia "guilty a charged," Juror Flock and his colleague to- the contrary notwithstanding. At Bellf ountain. Edna, the little daughter of J. R. and Fanny Buckingham was buried at Bellefout tain cemetery Tuesday at 10 o'clock. Tne services were cooducted by Rv. M.' M. Waltz and a large crowd followed the lit tle one tt her resting place. She was a lovely child and will be missed by every one la the neigh borhood as well as in the home. W. C. Eees and wife artived a few days ago from Wasco. Mrs. Rees wnl remain in the neighbor? bo 3d during the summer while W. C. will go to the harvest fields of Eastern Oregon. A few daya ago while in op ration, the big separator of Mr. Waliz exploded, sending milk, cream and iron in every direction. A party consisting of Ry S'arr, Joe Stantrnff, Irwin Rickard, Clif ford ard Eddie Oaks, Charlie Brit tain and Angie Beauchick have gone to Eastern Oregon for the bar vest fields. . Golda Howard returned from the mountains Sunday. MIsb Inez Williams has closed a very successful term of school at Summit and will come home after a week a visit with Dr. ana Mrs. Carter. Elmer and Leonard Lyles are ependiDg a week at the fair. Mr. and Mre. E. H. Belknap went to The Dalles to attend the funeral of Mrs. Belknap's brother, George Booth. On the return trip they will visit the fair. Mr, Spraight. of Arcadia, Cali fornia, is visiting friends in this place. He spent a month at the fair and will Btop off again as he returns home. EXCURSION Newport Sunday Notice. We are here to do all kinds of ma chine work, casting, repairing and building engines, etc; on short notice, and at reasonable prices. Work guar anteed. Franklin Iron Works Co. Albany Bread. This bread is' guaranteed to be free from alum. For sale by Small's Bakery. CORVALLIS RATES To Lewis and Clark Fair Over the Southern Pacific. Individual Kates. Rate One Mid one third fare for the round trip, 3.50. Sale Date Daily from May 29th to Oct ober 15, 1903. Limit Thirty days but not later than October 31st,. 1905. Parties of lo or more Parties of 10 or more from one ) oint, must travel together on one ticket both wajs, party tickets will be sold aa fol lows;. Rate One fare for the round trip, $2.60. Sale Date Daily from May 29th to Oct ober 15th, 1905. Limit Ten days. Organized Parties, For organized parties of one hundred or more moving.on one day from one place individual tickets will be sold as follows: Rate One fare for the round trip, 2 60, Sale Date Daily from May 29th to Oct ober 15th, 1905. Limit Ten dayp. Stop-Overs. No stop-overs will be allowed on any of the above tickets; they mut be used for continuous passage in each direction, For further information eall on W. E. Coman, lien. Fas. Agt. . E. Farmer, Agt. Corvallis. A Very Close Call. "I stuck to mv eneine, although every joint ached and everv nerve was' racked with pain." writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo comotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa. ''I was weak and pale, without any appe tite and all run down. As I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bit ters, and after taking it, I felt as well as I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their ubp. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by Allen & Wood-eard. Price 5o cents. Lots of Fun. Taking pictures. We bave fine cam Graham & Wells. REDUCED FXCURSION RATE To the Seaside and Mountain sorts for the Summer Va- Re- On and. after Jun ist. the Southern Pacific in connection with tte Corvallis & Eastern railroad will have on sale round trip tickets from points on their lines to N6wport, Yaquina and Detroit at very low rates, good for return until October 10th, 19c 5. Three day tickets to Newport and Ya quina good going Saturdays and return ing Mondays ara also on sale from all eastside points from Portland to Eugene, inclusive, and from all westside points. Season tickets from all eastside points Portland to Eugene in elusive and from all Westsid e points are a'.so on sale to Detroit ht very low rates with stopover privileges at Mill City or any other point east enaoliog tourists to visit the Santiam and Breiten bush hot springs in the Cascade monn tains which all can be reached in a day Season tickets- will be good for return from all points October loth. Three day tickets will be good going Saturdays and returning Mondays onlv. Tickets from Portland and vicinity will be good for return via the east or the west side at op-1. m of passenger. Ticksts from Eu-gei.- and vicinity will be good going via lh- Lebanon-Springfield branch, if de-sir-. .. Baggage on Newport tickets cb. ked through to Newpoit: on Ya qin to Yaquina only. S. P. trains connect with the C. & E. at Albany and Corvallis for Yaquina am! Mewport. Trains on the C. & E. for Detroit will leave A lbany at 7:3o a. m. '-tiabling tourists to the hot springs to reach there the same da. Train froHi and to Corvallis connect with all eat" side trains on the S. P- Full information as to rates, time ta bles, etc can be obtained on application to J. C. Mayo, Gen Pass. agt. C. & E. R. R.; Albany; W. E. Coman, G. P, A. S. P,: Co. Portland or to aay S, P. or C. & E. agent. Rate from Corvallis to Newport, f 3.75. Rate from " to Yaquina, $3. JJ " to Detroit, 3.75 Three day rate from Corvallis to Ya quina or Newport, 2.50. Proclamation. Whereas, The Secretary of State of the State ot Oregon, has notified me in writing that pursu ant to the provisions of sn act entitled "An act making efleetive the initiative and referendum provisions or Sertion 1, Article IV. of the Consti tution of the State ot Oregon, and regulating ricviiumi uioniuuuer uiu piuvuing penalties lor violations of urovlr-lona of this Act." annrnvml February 2b, 1903 there was duly filed in his office on May 18th, 1903, a referendum petition containing 6 312 -ignatures properly attached i Hereto, ana certinea in accordance with law or dering that House Bill Number 370, entitled an "Act to appropriate money for the payment of the expenses of the maintenance, repairs, im provements, equipment and current expenses ol the Insane Asylum, Penitentiary, Reform, Deaf- mute ana mina schools, university. Agricultur al College and Normal Schools, and other cur rent expenses of the state, and declaring an emergency' passed by the Twenty-third Legis lative Assembly, shall be referred to the people of the state ot Oregon for their approval or le jectlon at the regular general election to be held on the 4th day of June, 1906; that said 6,312 sig natures to said petition are more than five per per cent of the whole number of votes cast tor Justice of the Supreme Court at the last regular election, Now, therefore, I, George E Chamberlain, governor of the State of Oregon, In obedience to the provisions of said act hereinbefore mention ed, do hereby make and Issue this proclamation to the people of the state of Oregon announcing that there has been filed with the secretary of state of the state of .Oregon a referendum peti tion with the requisite number of signatures thereto attaohed ordering that House Bill Num ber 370 entitled "An act to appropriate money for the payment of the expenses of the main tenance, repairs, improvements, equipment and current expenses of the Insane Asylum, Peni tentiary, Reform, Deaf-mute and Blind Schools, University, Agricultural College and Normal 8chools and other current expenses of the state, and declaring an emergency," passed by the Twenty-third Legia tive Assembly or the state of Oregon at the reg ular session of said Legislative Assembly, be submitted to the legal electors of the State of Oregon for their approval or rejection at the regular election to be held on the 4th day of June, 1906, the same being the first Monday in Juue, 1906. Done at the Capitol In the city of Salem, State oi uregon, this 3lst day or May, ioo. Signed GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN, Governor. By the Governor: Signed F. I. Dunbar. - Secretary of State. JARS! JARS! Ball masons Royal ana lUeir Stone Jars Tumblers and Jelly Glasses! BUY THE Diamond W Jar Rubbers, BEST ON EARTH Parafine and Sealing Wax we: sell th e: SAGINAW TOOTHPICKS Flat, Polished, Double Pointed Price 5 cents per Box. Hodes' Grocery Independent JPiioxe 203 WE DO MOT OFTEN CHANGE Our ad., but our goods change hands every day. Your money exchanged for Value and Quality is the idea. Big Line Fresh Groceries Domestic and Imported. Plain and Fancy Cbinaware A large and We always keep Vegetables when when they are tobe had. 6. B Doming ''5V - WATCH Keep your eyes open for the Clearance Sale at Moses Brothes Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware. Eyes tested free of charge and glasses fitted correctly at prices within reach of .all Fine watch repairing a spe cialty Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician. HOME-SEEKERS t If you are looking for some real good bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our special list, or come and see us. We take pleasure in giving you aS the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. , AMBLER 6c W A TERS Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon. -O' varied line. 1 E. E. WILSCX, ATTORNEY Al LAW. G. li. FARRA, Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs in Burnett Brick idence on the corner of Madison Seventh st. Phone a n ua 1 1 a WILLAMETTE VALEf Banking. Company COHVALLW, OkEGON. Responsibility, $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic ' Exchange. Bays County, City and School Warrants. Principal Correspondents. SAN FRANCISCO ) PORTLAND ( The SEATTLE f r.,ifln, TAOOMA 1 J NEW TORK Messrs. T. P. Morgan ft Co CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub lic. LONDON, ENQ N M Rothschilds & Sons CANADA. Union Bank of Canada R. D. Burgess PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office over Blackledges furniture store. Hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5. Phone, office 216; Res 454 Corvallis, Oregon. W. E. Yates Bert Yates Yates 6c Yates Law, Abstracting & Insurance. Zierolf Building Both Phones. Corvallis, Or. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over poatoiBea. Residence Cor. Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hoars 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Graham & - ham's drug store. B. A. CATHEY Physician & Surgeon Office, room 14, Bantt Bldg. Honrsi lO to 12 and 2 to 4. Phone, office 83. Residence 351. Corvallis, Oregon. J. FRED FATES ATTORN I -AT-LA TV. First Natl Bank Building. Qnly Set Abstract Books in Benton County P. A. KLINE LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER Corvallis P. A. Klines line Phone I. O. Address, Box II. Pays highest prices for all kinds of Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. Twenty years experience. E. R. Bryson, Attorney-At-Law. Sunday Excursions to Newport! ON THE G. & E. R. R. Beginning Sunday, June 18 and continuing until the end of August EVERY SUNDAY Leaving Corvallis at 8:00 a. rn., Philomath 8:15 a. m. Returning leaves Newport at 5 p. m. arriving in Corvallis at 9:15. at Albany at 9:55, Giving 5 hours at ths beach Fare round trip from Albany, Corvallis and Philomath $1.50 Largest. l;ne of matting in the city at Blackledgb'b. CHOLERA INFANTUM. Child Not Expected to Live from One Hour to Another, but Cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. Ruth, the little daughter of E. N. Dewey of Agnewville, Va., was seriously ill of cholera infantum last summer. "We gave her up and did not expect her to live from one hour to another," he says. "I happened to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and got a bottle of it from the store. In five hours I saw a change for the better. We kept on giving it and before she had taken the half of one small bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale by Graham & Wortham.