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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1905)
t Times Official Paper of Benton County CORVALLIS, OR, JULY 22, 1905. JUROR FLOOR. With the debut of the Flookes in the role of jurors, why worry about future abuses of the jury sys tem. The late act of Obadiah Flook and G O Walker in holding up the Williamson-Gesner j ur y for 46 mortal hours when 10 men vot ed constantly for a verdict of guilty and they insisted upon acquittal is one of the great jury box feats of this age. According to the viewof Flook and) Walker, the 10 men should have come over to them and have return ed a verdict of acquittal. It often happens that two men know more than 10 men as to what a verdict should be especially if one's name is Flook. When one's name is Obadiah Flook and he hails from Olalla, then it is almost certain that the other jurors in the case so far as law points are concerned, don't know enough to be at large. With Flook and Walker in the jury box, Judge DeHaven's notions of running a court don't cut much ice. The judge's ideas of what is perjury, and of what are the rights of the minority on a jury may be according to the law books and the supreme court of the Unit ed States but to one of . Obadiah Flooks lofty views of jurisprudence and human ethics they cut but little figure. Who is Judge De Haven anyway, compared to the Flookses, when it comes to fine points of law ? Who is Judge De Haven, who is Heney, who is The odore Roosevelt, who is the su preme court of the United States and all its decisions compared to Obadiah Flook, of Olalla, and Mr. "Walker of Eugene. Of course the 10 men on the jury had views and of course they endeavored in the jury room to impress those views on the two, but what of that? Of course, too, the views of the 10 men in the opinion of all the people of Oregon are cor- Tfrt. but what rf tViattnan incnirpd pair of jurors like Flook and Walk er. The fact that the pair offered to vote for the conviction of Gesner and Biggs if the ten would vote for the acquittal of Williamson, makes the blind goddess of justice squirm, It suggests that if, instead of the ten men, ten cherubims had been on the jury the result would have been the same, the Flookses and Walkers would have hung the jury. 1 heir superior wisdom on evidence aid law pints, apparently, knocks the courts all holler. Property Changes. The following sales have made by Ambler & Watters: been A. W. Pugsley to Dr. Newth, house and lot in PhiLmath, $1000. J. L. VanBlaricum to J. D. De- laney of Chehalis, Wash., 176 a. 4 miles s. w Philomath, 1000. A. Ambler to M. Burnap, house 2 lots Philomath, house and lot Newport, $2600. J. R. Brown to M. D. Hall, 93 a 5 miles Corvallis, $3250. A Bicknell to Albert Denny, 215 a. 7 miles north Corvallis, $ 6000. Fridley Bros, to Jas. P. McBee, 35 a. 7 miles 's. w. Corvallis, $4050. BASEBALL! BASEBALL! Corvallis vs. Siletz at Newport day, July 23. -Sun A 'series of baseball games has been arranged to be played at New port every Sunday during the sum mer season hereafter. The ' first game will be played tomorrow, Sun day, between the Corvallis team and the Siletz Indian boys. Iow Sun- . day excursion rates from all points on the C. & E. Come and enjoy the national sport and a day at the seaside. Fare from Albany, Cor vallis and Philomath, $1.50 for the round trip. Gasoline Wood Saw. I have purchased the Boddy gasoline saw and can execute orders : for wood sawing promptly. - Indp. phone 339. Link Chambers. Corvallis WANT TO BE BIDDERS. On Construction Mountain Water Works Applications Poor in. Tbe Water Board is encounter ing slight delay in getting things in motion. Confirmation of the es timates aud an endorsement of the plan of Engineer Miller with refer ence to caoacity and character of materials, is desired by the Board before a final start in the operations is made. It was originally estimat ed that in the two weeks that have elapsed since the bond election this result would have been arrived at, but such is not the case. The members ot the board seem to be unanimous in the opinion, that no decisive move should be made un til such confirmations are available. Any step taken now by the board. meansan expenditure of money. The re is no money available and none is to be had except by sale of bonds It is not desirable to sell bonds un less the thing is certain to be a go. The closeness of the estimate to the money limit, makes it of prime im portance that every end meets, that every estimate be accurate and that every part in the whole plan be in harmony, There is some talk of asking at once for bids on the various kinds of pipe. With this information at hand, the board would be in posi tion to determine with a fair degree of accuracy as to the probable cost. Requests for opoortunity to bid on the work are ccming in from all of the country. One man has been here from Ashland, looking over the ground with aview of becoming a bidder.' Another who wants to bid is F. A. Ericson of Salem, a well known contractor. Applica tion has also been received from the Pacific Bridge & Dredge Company, one of the biggest contracting firms in Seattle. A large Walla Walla concern is also among those who want to bid on the work. The committee meantime, is not idle, but is busy with details and investigation, and moving forward with all the celerity that is com patible with safety. By the end of 10 days, more active conditions will probably be presented. FROM SCHOOLMASTER. To Affluence Senator Walter Pierce Was in Corvallis. Walter Pierce, of Pendleton, sen ator from Umatilla county, was in town Wednesday, attending: the annual meeting of the board of re gents: of which he was appointed a member by Governor Chamberlain, last January. The present instance was his first attendance at a board meeting. Senator Pierce is one of the heaviest operators in an , agri cultural way in Eastern Oregon the story being that last year he marketed 100,000 bushels of wheat grown by himself on his own lands. It is not, however, in his weatlh that Senator Pierce is an interest ing figure. He is a man, that though a democrat, became by vir tue of his talents distinctively a leader in the last senate. His no table characteristics are a genial disposition with a keen apprecia tion of humor, directness of state ment, certainty and accuracy of knowledge and loftiness of purpose, all of which have been iactors that contributed much to his success as a man. He was educated at Northwestern University, Illinois, aad after graduation began life as a school master in Umatilla county. Afterwards he was elected county school , superintendent, where he servedwith the same distinction and efficiency that later marked his ca reer as senator. . A ting to make Senator Pierce of striking interest locally, is the fact that he is a devoted and en thusiastic admirer of the education al institution of which he is regent. The college had attracted his atten tion and enlisted his sympathy and observation long before he was made a member of its board, and his idea of its character was set forth in a speech Wednesday after noon when he declared OAC to be not only the leading educational institution in the Northwest, but one doing the most effective and most beneficial work of any on the Coast. Being both a college and a school man whose own career is a monument of his judgment and a bility, the statement of Senator Pierce is worth while. He will be a future factor in affairs jof the col lege, and nis Droad, progressive character will leave its impress for good on the institution. Mrs. Walter Pierce is a cousin of Theo. Wellsher of this city. Wood Sawing. Done promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed and prices reasonable, jnd phone 349 or 692. Cummings & Cady. AFTER FORTY YEARS. Charles Tower's Residence in Corval lis Ends Buried Thursday. Charles Tower, ' a wellknown character in this section of Oregon, where he resided for almost 40 years, died at the county poor farm' Wednesday morning. The ailment that caused death was of an asth matic nature. The remains were brought to Corvallis by S. X. Wil kins Thursday morning, and the funeral occurred from the under taking parlors at 3:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The service was conducted by Rev. Green of the Congregational church, assisted by R-ivs. Feese and Bush, and the interment was in Crystal Lake cemetery. Neatly attired , and rest ing in a white lined casket, on which lay numerous floral pieces, the old man presented an appear ance of rest and peace that comes by right to the laborer after a long life of toil. Deceased was a native of Massa chusetts If he had any relatives he never speke of them to friends here. To Mrs. Huggins at the poor farm, he stated that he was 72 years of age, and there the in formation concerning him ends. In his day, Mr. Tower was one of the best brick and stone masons ev er in this section. He had been an inmate of the poor farm only a few months, when death closed his life story. THE SHORTAGE. Figures are Unchanged Stand Over Two Thousand. at There are no new developments in the shortage case. The figures still stand at $2,049.61, and it is believed now that the amount will not be materially changed. At the jewelry store, many persons are calling for watches left there to be repaired. In some instances the watch cannot be identified some times due possibly to the fact that the movement has been taken from the case which renders it difficult to make identification certain. There has been talk that some of the stock had been removed before the flight, but there is nothing in the state ment. Sam Woods of Blodgett is more familiar with the stock than is anybody else, having served many times as a substitute in the store when the owner was away. Mr. Woods was in a day or two ago, and he says the stock is about the same now as it has been for some years, and that there is noth ing in the story that articles have been removed. It is known now that wholesale jewelry dealers have claims aggre gating $500 or more against the store. Some believe the pressure of these c'aims had as much as any thing else to do with the flight of the owner. Urgent demands for money from some of them dated about the time of the disappearance are known to have been received. As to' talk going the rounds that much money was taken away by Mr. Greffoz, that. is generally be lieved to be nonsensical. It is pointed out by friends that even in the palmiest days in the jewelry business when there was little or no competition, there was no more than a living in the store. Since then, one jewelry establishment af ter another has come into the town until now there are four. Some of of these are strong establishments with large stocks and larger means, all of which does much to account for the necessities in the way of finance that finally weaved the ter ible web round the lad that fell. - Supervisors Claim. I hereby certify that the following is a true list of the claims of supervisors as filed in my office for services for the quarter ending June 30, 1905. A R Locke Super. H M Fleming W A Schmidt O L Davis P F Altermatt E M Dodele John Price Dist. No 1 $ 62 50 " 2 6750 3 4 5 6 7 8 ' 9 10 12 11 13 14 7 50 33 75 25 00 56 25 47 50 47 5 73 75 68 75 90 00 125 00 58 75 W M Clark A Cadwalader W P McGee E A Buchan?n, J R Fehler J E Bantou EN Starr DBFa.ley J M Herron Doke Gray S R Strow Henry Hector B.W.Harris J 0 Wilson AM' Gray no. IS 1 &2 118 75 No' 16 15 00 17 ' 18 19 20 21 22 50 00 29 37 i8 7S 21 25 48 12 Published by order of county court. Dated July 7th, 1905. Victor P. Mosee, . County Clerk Benton Co., Ore. . Cows for Sale. , Three good young cows in full milk, Alfred Bicknell. Five miles north of Corvallis. Attention. You who have painting or papering to let by contract should get my figures on tbe same before placing contracts. My estimates will cost jou nothiDg and might save you dol lars. Headquarters at H. M. Stone's office. Independent pbone. Dixie line Charles Holt. ' Cord Wood Sale. Call up So. 1 Phone, P. A. Kline line. P. A. Kline. All new wall paper at Blackledge's. Notice of Final Settlement, Notice is hereby given that the under signed, administratrix of thf estate of Jacob Whitaker, deceased has. filed in the county court of the state of Oregon, for Benton county, her final account as such administratrix of f aid estate, and that Saturday the 8th day of July, 1905, at the hour of ten oclock a. m. has be en fixed by said court as the time for hear ing objections to said report and tbe settlement thereof. Nancy L. Whitaker. Administratrix of he estate of Jacob Whitaker, deceased. Good for Stomach Trouble and ' Constipation. "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets have done me a great deal of good," says C. Towns, of Rat Portage, Ontario, Canada. "Being a mild physic the after effects are not unpleasant, and I can recom mend them to all who suffer from stomach disorder." For sale by Graham & Wortham. New Gasoline Wood Saw. I am now ready to attend promptly to all orders. Ind. phone 835. W. R. Hansell. Hay For Sale. Vetch and alfalfa, best cow hay in the Ind Tel 155. L. L. Brooks. Use Good Paint S. W. P. the best. We have paint for every purpose. All colors. Graham & Wells. For Sale. Wagons, hacks, plows, harrows, and mowers, driving horses, draft horses, buggies and harness fresh cows. If you want to buy, come in. I can save you money. H, M. Stone. Ladies skirts all kinds and price at Moses' Bros. Call and see them .fio.Btewn Ctoe And see the fine display of NEW OIL STOVES in Cady's second hand store. They are something new and warm weather prices $3 00 to $8 00. Remember second hand Go-Carts for sale or rent. You will find our large room chuck full of a better cass of goods than we have ever carried before. ' We wish to call especial attention to our New Oak Bed Room Suits.. New line of matting just received and many other things neccess ary for the comfort and convenience of the home. Yours for Honest Goods at Honest Prices. HOLLENBERG & CADY. The House Furnishers: Suitable Reward. Will be paid for the return of a silver watrch, lost on the State road. Finde leave at Times office. Oak Wood for Sale Enquire of S. A. Hall on P. A. Kline no. 2; or I. D. Bodine, Ind. phone 290. Blackledge sells refrigerators Wonderful Nerve. Is displayed by many a man enduring pains of accidental Guts, Wounds, Bruis es, Burns, Scalds, Sore feet or stiff joints. But there's no need for it. Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill the' pain and cure the trouble. It's the best Salve ou earth for Piles, too. 25c. at Allen & Wood ward's, druggists; ' People who have a telephone only to notify Graham & Wells time they want drug store goods, guarantee to satisfactorily fill any phone order you may send in. need any We tele- Great Dissolution Sale! The partnership existing for many years and known as NOLAN & iC ALLAH AN has been dissolved. Mr Callahan having: withdrawn his entire interest ' The remaining partners J. M. Nolan & Son wishing to reduce their stock $10,000 within the next 30 days will begin a Great Dissolution Sale beginning Saturday July 8th, at 8 o'clock Great reduction in price will be made to accomplish this result a GOLDEN OP PORTUNITY to all economical buyers Be on hand to eret your share of the bar- gains in store tor you Pioneer Gun Store Hunters' Supplies, Fishing Tackle, Sporting Goods, Sewing Mach. Extras, Keys of all Kinds, and Fine Cutlery H. E. HODES, - CORVALLIS, OR. m Zbt 15 w Store G M. VIDITO For Bicycles, Ammun ition, Fishing Tackle, Sporting Goods, Etc. J K Berry, Salesman The' Right Prices All Fresh Goods. Two -Doors South of the Post Office. Street the window of Hollenberg & just what you want this they keep Camp Stoves also