The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 15, 1905, Image 2

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    Corvallis Tijnes
Official Paper of Benton County.
Senator Mitchell of Oregon is not
alone in his disgrace. On the
other side of the continent there is
a man more notable who can grieve
with the senator in his grief and
sympathize keenly with him in his
Senator Chauncey M. Depew of
chief after dinner speaker of the age
widely popular socially for a genera
tion and an all round athlete in rail
roading, politics and business has
even a greater stigma on his name
than has the melancholly senator
from Oregon. Depew who once
had a strong vote in the national
republican convention for the pres
idency, whose name for decades has
been as much mentioned flattering
ly in the newspapers as that of any
other man . who has held a position
in the public eye attained by few
men, is apparently guilty of trans
actions far more shady than that
of which Senator Mitchell has been
found guilty. Though not a law
yer, save that long years ago he was
admitted to the bar, he has for
years been drawing a salary of
$20,000 a year as attorney for the
Equitable Assurance Society,
which society has been the pecul
iar and especial prey of high-toned
pirates for a long time. To this is
added questionable transactions of
the Depew Land Company in which
large sums of the Equitable's mon
ey seems to have been squandered,
the expose of which has set Yale
College graduates to engage in a
movement to force Senator Depew
out of the Board of control of that
institution. Though without a
conviction in the courts and per
haps beyond reach of it, Depew at
theage of 73 falls from a pedestal of
lofty and respectable repute to the
level of an ordinary grafter, over
whelmed with contumely, loaded
with shame and jeered at by the
The story of Depew, that of the
notorious Judge Hooker of New
York, the exposure of swindles in
the cotton bureau in the department
of Agriculture, the revelations of
the packing house robberies and
other known and unknown swind
les by prominent figures among
men is all interesting reading here
in Oregon, in that it is evidence
that we are not the only sinners
and that our own notorious John
H. is not the only grand old fraud.
As to who has Paid for Sewers
JShortage Nearly Two Thousand.
Those who have paid the police
judge for lateral sewers construct
ed in Corvallis are requested to
notify the finance committee of the
council, consisting Of P. Avery,
George Lilly and W. G. Emery.
Such as have receipts are request
ed to show them to the committee,
so that it can be definitely ascer
tained which of the laterals have
and which have not been paid tor
by the property owner. Until this
point is settled, by the committee
which is now working on the Gref
foz books, the true amount of the.
shortage cannot be fixed. The
figure now stands at$i,875. The
sum that has been turned over to
the treasurer, is $9,139. If the
committee has now the correct
facts as to what sewers have been
paid for,' the sum turned over
should have been $11,014. The
latter is about the sum if no inter
est has been collected. If interest
was collected the figures may be
slightly raised.
As far as the committee can de
termine, the shortage is confined
entirely to sewer funds. The city
paid with warrants for the sewers,
and entrusted the collection to the
police judge. Instead of paying all
. amounts so received over to the
treasurer, some of them seem to
have been withheld, and it is tfius
the shortage occurs. All the fines,
and all the licenses seem to have
been regularly and faithfully turn
ed over to the treasurer. As soon
as the committee can communicate
with all who have bad lateral sew
ers built, the whole question will
be accurately settled and the report
be ready for the council
Over Five Hundred Miles They are
ten Years old and Upwards.
A novel feature of life was pre
sented Wednesday and Thursday in
the visit to Corvallis of the Congre
gational Cadet Corps from Eureka,
California. The corps comprises
67 boys from 10 to 19 years of age.
The lads have marched every step
of the way from Eureka to Corval
lis, a distance of 413 miles, and ex
pect to continue the journey afoot
to Portland, by which an additional
98 miles will be covered. They
have been a month on the way, and
are to reach their destination by the
20th, which is Humboldt day at
the Fair. Their arrival in the Ex
position City will be at 10 o'clock
in the morning, and they will be
met by 200 people of Eureka and
be escorted to their camp site on
the Fair grounds where they are
to rendezvous for eight days. After
that they return to Eureka by
In Corvallis, the lads were gen
erally admired for the good Amer
ican grit they manifest in their long
march. They were neatly uniform
ed in blue shirt, Khaki trousers,
leggings and canvas hat, and pre
sented a comely appearance. One
youngster was but 10 years of age
and several others were but little
more. They had. no trouble what
ever in making 20 miles a day if oc
casion required, was the statement
of Captain Emery, U. S. A., in
cnarge ot tne corps. 1 ne average
march was however, much less,
netting between 13 or 14 miles per
day. There were d;versions on the
trip with hunting and fishing in the
mountains through several chains
of which the boys passed. In the
entire month when Corvallis was
reached, there had not been a single
case of sickness in the camp.
The corps camped on Third
street in the rear of the steam
laundry. They are well provided
m the way of camp outfit, two
wagons doing duty for their bag
gage and commissary. Thursday
at noon they gave an exhibition
drill on Main street, going through
military maneuvers with creditable
precision. The same afternoon
they played a game of baseball with
Corvallis lads, and got gracefully
skinned, In the evening they gave
an entertainment in the Opera
House, which was' witnessed wifi
much satisfaction by a good au
dience. The proceeds went to de
fray as far as it would, the current
expenses of the little travelers
The account, is that .these boys
never swear, that they do not use
tobacco in any form, and they are
universally kind and considerate of
each other, and that their manli
ness is not only manifest while on
the march but in the bivouac. Af
ter a two days sojourn at Corvallis
they broke camp early yesterday
morning, and left for the north
The boys doubtless will, as they
ought to, command much attention
when they reach Portland. Their
officers are, Clark L,. Emory, U. S.
A., captain; Joe Moore, 1st lieuten
ant: Wallace Mulland,- 2nd lieuten
ant; Fred Brown, seargent.
The Hotel Corvallis Shaving
Parlors will be open and ready for
business Monday morning. July 17.
We are equipped with the finest
baths in the city. Give us a trial
and if everything is not satisfact
ory your money refunded, Every
thing now and firstclass.
Krancisco & Taylor.
Sunday Excursions.
Taking effect Sunday and continuing
every Sunday throughout' the summer
excursion trains on the Corvallis & East
ern will ruu sharp on the " following
schedule: . .
Leave Albany. 7:30.8. m.'
' Corvallis.. 8:oO '
Philomath 8:12 '
Wren ' 8:31 '
Blodgett 8550 ' '
V ' Summit 9:05 ' '
' Nashville 9:25 '
Nortona ' 9:39 '
Eddvville 10:00 '
- Chitwood 10:13 1
' Morrison 10:21 '
' Elk City 10:29
' Toledo . 10:55 '
Arrive Yaquina rd:2o '.
, Newport 12-00 N
Leave - 5-00 p. in.
Eeturning trin arrives at Corvallis
at 9-20 p. m. ; Albany 9-55 p. m.
Fare Corvallis, philomath lo New
port and return, 1.50. West of Phi
lomath to Chitwood inclusive, $1; all
points west of Chitwood to S'orrs inclu
sive .75; all points west of Storrs, 50 -
v J. C. MAYO,
Gen. Pass. Agent.
, HayJFor Sale.
Yetcb and alfalfa, best cow hay in the
'Ind Tel 155. L. Brooks.
To Corvallis And Things Seen En
route Some Observations.
Mrs. M. D. Lowe, now on a vis
it to her son, J. C. Lowe, was ask
ed by the Times for her impres
sions of Oregon. Below is a brief
article contributed by her. Mrs.
Lowe is a member of the Eastern
Star, the W. C. T. U. and oft he
M. E. church South, and during
her stay at Hotel Corvallis is not by
any means without good friends.
"Through Oklahoma," says Mrs
Lowe. ' 'the eye is relieved by green j
growing corn, harvested wheat and
oats and new mown, hay until
Western Kansas is reached. There
it is a desert, stretching miles and
miles where nothing living is seen,
beast, bird nor insect. Colorado
Springs is indeed a glorious change
villages, towns and cities ot enter
prise are passed, with much scen
ery indescribably grand, on either
side, many miles of which, through
the Rockies, there is only room for
the train to pass. Utah and Idaho
presented little to the tourist's eye.
Oregon grew and grew in magnific
ence and grandeur as on we sped un
til "Watch Tacoma grow" seemed
the pass word. 'See Oregon grow'
is what it seemed to us from the
time we entered the state until we
reached Portland, feeling that city
was full grown, wideawake and
duly sober, yes, sober to her best
interests. The whole atmosphere
is impregnated with the perfume of
fine roses.
"Speaking of Corvallis, here the
college, the schools, the hotel and
the churches bespeak much for the
enterprise of your people, and tell
the story of their character. From
my window in my hotel the move
ments of busy men and woman
passing hither and thither, tell the
story of 'thrift and enterprise. The
flowers, the fruit, the freedom with
which the owners use them, give
the visitor from less favored climes
the heartiest welcome and a lofty
estimate of this spot. , The cordial
ity of the people, the mild climate,
the exhilaiiting sea breeze, the
massive shade trees, offering pro
tection from sunshine and rain, all
these make the visitor loth to leave
"To my mind, one of the most
creditable establishments is Hotel
Corvallis. For a country town, it
fis a caravansary with its magni
ficent service, to be proud of, and
one that brings your town into
most favorable notice, not only at
home but abroad."
Suitable Reward.
Will- be caid for the return of
a silver watrch, lost orl the State
roaa. Jfinae leave at limes ornce
Oak W6od for Sale
v Enquire of S. A. Hall on P. A
Kline no. 2; or I. D. Bodine, Ind.
phone 290.
Blackledge sells refrigerators.
Wonderful Nerve.
Is displayed by many a man enduring
paios ot accidental tints, wounds. Bruis
es, Burns. Scalds, Sore feetor stiff joints.
But there's no need for it. Bucklen's
Arnica Salve will kill the pain and care
the trouble. It s the best Salve on earth
for Pile, too. 25c. at Allen & Wood
ward's, druggists.
People who have a telephone need
only to notify Graham & Wells any
time they want drug store goods. We
guarantee to. satisfactorily fill' any tele
phone order you may send in.
Supervisors Claim.
I hereby certify that the following is a
true list of the claims of supervisors as
filed in my office for services for the
quarter ending June 30, 1905.
A E. Locke Super, Diet. No 1 $ 62 50
H M Fleming " "2 67 50
W A Schmidt "3 750
O L Davis ' ' 4 33 75
P F Altermatt S .
E M Dodele ' 6 , 25 00
John Price f ." 7 56 25
W M Clark " " 8 47 50
A Cadwalader " ' 9 47 50
W P McGee " ' 10 78 75
E ABuchan?n, ' "12. 7873
JRFehler - ' "n 9000
j Hi canton , " ii 12500
ENStarr ' ' " 14 5875
DBFa.ley' " no. I5 1 &2 118 75
J M Herron No 16 ' 15 00
DokeGray " " I7 5000
SRStrow ". "18 2937
Henry Hector " 19 18 75
B. W. Harris " "20
J 0 Wilson " " 21 2X 25
A M Gray " ' 22 48 12
Published by order of county court.
Dated July 7th, 1905.
Victor P. Moses,
County Clerk Benton Co., Ore.
Lots of Fun.
Taking pictures. We have fine cam
Graham & Wells.
You who have carpenter work, hcuse
painting or papering to let by contract
should get my figures on the same before
placing contracts. My esiimates will
cost you nothing and might savyou dol
lars. Headquarters at H. M. Stone's
office. Independent phone. Dixie line
Charles Holt.
Cord Wood Sale.
Call up No. r Phone, P. A. Kline line.
P. A. Kline.
All new wall paper at Blackledge's.
Notice of Final Settlement,
Notice is herebv eiven that the under
signed, administratrix of the estate of
Jacob Whitaker, deceased has filed in
the county court of the state of Oregon,
for Benton county, her final account as
such administratrix of f aid estate, and
that Saturday the 8ih day of July, 1905,
at the hour of ten oclock a. m. has been
fixed by said court as the time for hear
ing objections to. said report and the
settlement thereof.
Nancv L. Whitaker.
Administratrix of 1 he estate of Jacob
Whitaker, deceased.
For Sale or Rent.
Seven room house, bern and 12 lots in
Wilkins addition, known as the Mc
Caustland block.
S. H. Moore,
Iud. Phone 713.
New Gasoline Wood Saw. .
I am now ready to attend promptly
to all orders. Ind. phone 835.
W. B. Hansell.
ISO cords oak wood, stove len&th readv
for delivery on ehort notice,
j. L,. Brooks
Use Good Paint
S. W. 2. the best. We have paint for
every purpose. All colors.
Graham & Wells.
For Sale.
Wagons, hacks, plows, harrows, and
mowers, driving horses, ' draft horses,
baggies and harness; fresh cows. If
you want to buy, come in. I can save
you money.
H, M. Stone.
Ladies skirts all kinds, and price
at Moses' Bros. Call and see them
(Bo Down
And see the fine display of NEW OIL STOVES in
Cady's second hand store. Th'ey are something new and
warm weather prices $3 00 to $8 00. ' Kemember
second hand Go-Carts for. sale or rent.
You will find our large room chuck full of a better cass of goods than we have
ever carried before. . We wish to call especial attention to our New Oak Bed
Room Suits. New line of matting just received and many other things neccess
ary for the comfort and convenience of the home. Yours for Honest Goods at
Honest Pric. s. -
The House Furnishers.
Chicken stealing has been in
vogue over in Linn county and the
sequel to it Wednesday evening was
a shooting in which a thief got a
dozen buck shot. The shooting
transpired on the premises of Mr.
Bullis, half a mile west of the Oak
ville church and about six miles
from Corvallis. A sick horse kept
Mr. Bullis up till a late hour. For
a month, the- nocturnal disappear
ance of chickens from various
farms has kept the neighborhood
on the alert. The click of the latch
to tne chicken.; house door attract
ed Mr . Bullish attention while he
watched with hfshorse about mid
night. It was loon apparent that
ajthief Jwas at work. With a
gun in hand, Mr. Bullis waited his
opportunity, and fired. A second
shot brought a yell of pain from
the intruder as he 7 fled from the
place and disappeared in the brush
near by. Thus the incident ended,
and thus one thief got dose- that
will cure him of his tf ouble, tem
porarily at least.
Great Dissolution Sale!
The partnership existing lor many years
and known as NOLAN & iCALLAHAN
has been dissolved. Mr Callahan having
withdrawu his entire interest
. The remaining partners J. M. Nolan &
Son wishing to reduce their stock $10,000
within the next 30 days will begin a
Great Dissolution Sale beginning
Saturday July 8th, at 8 o'clock.
Great reduction in price will be made
to accomplish this result a GOLDEN OP
PORTUNITY to all economical buyers
Be on hand to get your share of the bar
gains in store tor you
Pioneer Gun Store
Hunters' Supplies, Fishing Tackle,
Sporting Goods, Sewing Mach. Extras,
Keys"of all Kinds, and Fine Cutlery
he Street
M Clfoe Wm Store
C M.
For Bicycles, Ammun
ition, Fishing Tackle,
Sporting Goods, Etc.
IC Berry, Salesman
; The Right Prices. All Fresh Goods.
Two Doors South of the Post Office,
the window of Hollenberg &
just what you want this
they keep Camp Stoves also