The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 12, 1905, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times
Official Paper of Benton County.
The late visit of Eastern Good
Roads experts to Corvallis is a mat
ter over which progressive citizens
rejoice. These experts expect to
come again in August for a further
discussion of best highways. Next
spring they are to come and build
a mile of model road for an object
lesson to our people in the -art of
Derfect road building. All this is
inauguration of a movemeut of in
estimable ;mportance to Benton and
to Benton people. We, who lead
the world in so many things, are
according to all accounts, half a
century or a century behind the
times in the matter of road build'
ing. It all seems strange that we
should be laggards in the latter par
ticular, when so very much of hap
piness, prosperity and well being is
contingent upon the character of
the public road.
The Times believes that in the
visits of the Eastern Good Road
experts, Benton stands on a thresh
hold of an era of road development
such as the county has never dream
ed of, and in which our people will
be stirred to action" as never before.
Out of it ought to come conditions
to place amid our people environ
ments that will delight and bless
them. The Times expects to be
abreast of this movement, and to
lend all possible aid to its fruition.
The attempt to gull Corvallisites
on the subject of water did not en d
withthe bondelection and its decisive
verdict. The new thing is an an
alysis that purports to show that
Willamette water is better than
Rock Creek water.
Unfortunately for the proposition
ordinary common sense dictates
that with the Corvallis mills sewer
emptying its load of filth but a few
hundred yards above the intake of
the present water works, Willam
ette water is scarcely purer than
Rock Creek into which no sewers
discharge. Unfortunately, too,
for the contention, no graveyard
discharges its seepage and cairn in
to Rock Creek, while for aught we
know underground passage may
carry Crystal Lake's corruption
unobstructed into the Willamette.
In further contravention of the
claim, Rock Creek is the sewer for
Tiothing, the Willamette carries
a-vay all the sewage of the whole
Willamette valley; which should be
the purer? In view of the facts,
it might, if people were all fools, be
possible to convince them that Wil
lamette water is the better, but as
one person is ordinarily about as
smart as another the effort will not
be fruitful. It will be about as
effective as the late efforts of the
Investigator to fool the people of
Job's addition on the - subject of
sewers. The effort tell so flat that
every voter in the addition but one
voted for bonds.
With reference to the new and
spectacular analysis it would be in
teresting to know ' who got this
sample of water from Rock Creek ?
From what part of Rock Creek was
it taken ? Was the sample when
taken, put in a sterilized, or a con
taminated vessel? 3
However, there have been other
anaryses. On file in the office of
the police, judge is a succession of
them, made from water taken ev
ery week for several months, show
ing Rock Creek water to be purity
itself. The highest number of
germs found in a cubic centimeter
of the water, according to this re
port was about 120. The ordinary
run was 20 to 40. The number of
germs ran as low as nine. No sus
picion attaches to water
until the germ content approaches
5oo. It may be of interest to the
public to know that there are rec
ords of bacteriological analysis of
Willamette water that show the
presence of as high as 1,000
germs. , , -
Planning to Begin Operations as Soon
as Possible Features of Sit
uation. An informal meeting of the Wat
er Board was held Saturday even
ing. The object was to devise
plans for carrying into effect the
instruction of the people as announ
ced in the decisive vote last Thurs
day declarative of an emphatic de
sire for mountain water tor Cor
vallis. Every phase of the situa
tion was considered. Most of the
members favor pushing matters i
with all the celerity compatible with
proper caution. On account of the
closeness of the' estimate to the
money available, it was resolved
to have the figures of Engineer
Miller checked over by another en
gineer, and at the same time to have
Engineer Miller s plan of the sys
tem passed upon in the same way.
Thess steps were considered es
sential inasmuch as it has been
made plain that the individual
members of the board will become
responsible for any expenditure of
money in excess 01 the $75,000.
If the system should cost the $74,.
000 as estimated, but $1,000 would
be leit for securing the right of way
for printing of bonds, and for pay
ing various other small but neces
sary expenses, of which there are
various items. It is also talked
that there will be litigation with the
present water company, that will
tend to delay and which will prove
expensive. The board is fully ad
vised along these lines by compet
ent legal opinion, and it is under
stood, does not in a general way
anticipate serious trouble in this di
rection. Dr. Farra is an old citi
zen of the community and is one of
the chief stockholders m the com
pany. He is a man of lofty char
acter, and beyond taking such act
ion as he may feel essential in pro
tecting his own interests, it is be
lieved that he will be disposed to
aid rather than obstruct. It is
known that he has long cherished
the idea of bringing mountain wat
er to Corvallis, and that if sufficient
capital for the enterprise had been
available, he would have done so.
He offered last winter to build such
a system provided the city would
issue bonds and pay half the cost.
It was while the special water com
mittee of the council was working
on his bid and the bid of A. J. John
son and associates that the idea of
city ownership of a plant was evolv
ed and the Corvallis water bill in
troduced in the legislature. It be
came apparent that in any private
system based on Rock Creek water
there would have to be aid by the
city. A strong sentiment became
manifest in which it was held that
if the city should pay half, it might
as well issue more bonds and own
the whole business. By the latter
plan whatever profit should inure
from operation of the system would
belong to the people and not to a
private individual. This proSt in
20 or 30 years when Corvallis shall
have doubled, trebled or perhaps
quadrupled its population would
become a matter of large propor
tions. This future growth of the
town, in fact, and the greater rev
enues to flow from the water busi
ness, is a great factor to ultimately
demonstrate the wisdom of last
Thursday's verdict by the voters.
The splendid water supply, but five
hours from its source in the moun
tains, and the relultant growth is
likewise a factor in promot
ing the income of the system.
Those most familiar with Engin
eer Miller's estimates have no
douDt as to the outcome of a furth
. er checking them over. It
is known that Mr. Miller indicated
to a certain member of the water
board that there would be a good
working margin between the money
available and the actual cost of con
struction. When this view is con
firmed, which will take but a few
days, it is planned to begin opera
tions towad construction. Perhaps,
the first thing along this line will
be further surveying for the pur
pose of finally locating the line, and
with a view of shortening it to the
utmost. What can be accomplish
in this respect, only the actual field
work can determine. With the
line actually located, the securing
of the right of way, the advertising
for bids for bonds, and the adver
tising for bids for construction will
all be in order. Mr. Miller advises
that the. board receive bids for
material, for pipe laying, for exca
vating and so on, separately as well
as otherwise. He especially ad
vises that the board buy its own
material on competitive bids. The
idea in having the board buy its
own material is for the same reason
that many people when they come
to paint their houses buy their own
paint aud contract with the work
man to put it on.
In advertising for bids for bonds,
it is expected that a considerable
premium will be realized. It is not
determined as yet what the interest
rate will be. The water act pro
vides that the interest on the bonds
shall not exceed five per cent.
Most five per cent bonds now sell
ing bring a pretty fair premium.
It is specially hoped by all friends
of mountain water that a ' large
part of the bonds may be taken at
home. There is no safer invest
ment for those who have idle mon
ey. It is a security that can al
ways be turned into' cash, or be
used at any bank as collateral if
there is desire to temporarily bor
row. The lending of money, es
pecially by the inexperienced, is
always attended with a certain per
cent of loss by reason of bad loans.
Money invested in municipal water
bonds never meets with a loss, and
on that account is particularly fa
vorable for those not skilled in the
science of lending money. It is
very certain that the bonds will be
made in small denominations, per
haps from a $ 100 up, so that all
classes of investors will have op
portunity to secure them. The
interest on every bond bought at
home will be paid to home people
and be spent at home. If all the
bonds could be widely owned
throughout the county, it would be
most fortunate in every respect.
One of Hottest Days on Record at Cor
vallis Last Saturday.
The hottest day of the season,
so far at least, was last Saturday.
It was a successor to two or three
other days in which the tempera
ture was elevated far above the
usual. The day broke with a
slight breeze from the north, a
quarter from which old timers aver
the hot days come. They also say
that when the wind blows from the
north, the afternoon sea breeze nev
er rises. Whether it be the rule or
not, such were the conditions Sat
urday, and they made a day that
perhaps broke all records in Cor
vallis. The college thermometer
rose to 102. Several down town
stood at the same notch. Nine
ty nine to 100, according to en
vironments, was the notch at which
various other instruments stood. It
was a day of wilting, blighting cal
oric that caused thoughts of the
seaside, the mountains, icebergs,
snowstorms and refrigerators. It
made red lemonade and ices in de
mand and confection shops were
much frequented during the after
noon and evening,
Mrs. A. J. Johnson was-prostrated
by the heat. Her throat swell
ed and it became difficult for her to
breathe. Her face became purple
almost with the throat affection,
and her case was at one time critic
al. Medical aid was speedily sum
moned however, and by vigorous
use of ices, water and medicines,
she was gradually restored, Her
husband, Mayor Johnson was at
McMinnville at the time. He was
summoned by wire, and after going
to Dallas on the evening train, and
thence via motor to . Independence,
he drove home, arriving at one
o'clock Sunday morning. Mrs.
Johnson is now restored and in her
usual health. ' '
Real Estate Transfers.
The following real estate . trans
fers have been filed for record:
John Rickard to George Brown,
120 a. north of Corvallis, $3,000.
C. W, Pugsley and wf. to C. H.
Newth and wf. , lot in Philomath,
S. P. Hunt and wf. to Evan Mc
Lennan, 1 1-2 lots in bl. 14 Co. ad.
Corvallis, $200.
Supervisors Claim.
I hereby certify that the following is a
true ljst of the claims of supervisors as
filed in my office for services far the
quarter ending June 30, 1905.
A E Locke Super. Dist. No 1 $ 62 50
H M Fleming ' " 2 67 50
W A Schmidt " "3 7 50
OL Davis ' "4 3375
P F Altemiatt ' . " 5
E M Dodele " " 6 . 25 00
John Price " "7 56 25
WM Clark " " 8 47 50
A Cadwalader " " 9 47 5"
WPMcGee ' " 10 7875
E A Buchanan, " "12 7S75
J R Fehler " " n 90 00
J E Bantou " " 13 125 00
EN Starr " " 14 5875
D B Faley " no. Is 1 &2 118 75
J M Herron " No 16 15 00
Doke Gray " "17 50 00
SRStrow " iS 2937
Henry Hector " "19 18 75
B.W.Harris " ." 20
J O Wilson " "21 21 25
AM Gray -'22 48 12
Published by order of county court.
Dated July 7 th, 1905.
Victor P. Mosee,
County Clerk Benton Co., Ore.
Lots of Fun.
Taking pictures. We have fine cam
Graham & Wells.
You who have carpenter work, hcuse
painting or papering to let by contract
should get my figures on the same before
placing contracts. My estimates -will
cost you nothing and might save you dol
lars. Headquarters at H. M. Stone's
office. Independent phone. Dixie line
Charles Holt.
Cord Wood Sale.
i Call up No. 1 Phone, P. A. Kline Hue.
P. A. Kline.
All new wall paper at Blackledge's.
Notice of Final Settlement,
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, administratrix of the estate of
Jacob Whitaker, deceased has filed in
the county court of the state of Oregon,
for Benton county, her final account as
such administratrix of f aid estate, and
that Saturday the 8th day of July, 1905,
at the hour of ten oclock a. m. has be en
fixed by said court as the time for hear
ing objections to said report and the
settlement thereof.
Nancy L. Whitaker.
Administratrix of 1 he estate of Jacob
Whitaker, deceased.
For Sale or Rent.
Seven room house, barn and 12 lots in
Wilkins addition, known as the Mc
Caustland block.
S. H. Moore,
Ind. Phone 713.
New Gasoline Wood Saw.
I am now ready to attend promptly
to all orders. Ind. phone 835.
W. R. Hansell.
150 cords oak wood, stove length ready
for delivery on ehort notice,
L. li. Brooks
Use Good Paint
S. W. ?. the best. We have paint for
every purpose. All colors.
Graham & Wells.
For Sale.
Wagons, hacks, plows, harrows, and
mowers, driving horses, draft horses,
buggies and harness; fresh cows. If
you want to buy, come in. I can save
you money.
H M. Stone.
Ladies skirts all kinds and price
at Moses' Bros. Call and see them
(So Down Cfee
And see the fine display of NEW OIL STOVES in the window of Hollenberg &
Cady's second hand store. They are something new and just what you want this
warm weather prices $3 00 to $8 00. Remember they keep Camp Stoves also
second hand Go-Carts for sale or rent.
You will find our large room chuck full of a better cass of goods than we have
ever carried before. We wish to call especial attention to our New Oak Bed
Room Suits. New line of matting just received and many other things neeeess
ary for the comfort and convenience of the home. Yours for Honest Goods at
Honest Pric s.
C. H. Newth,
Physician and Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
Again Open. "
The repair department of my bicycle
and sportiDg goods business is again
open for business second door south of
postoflice, Quick repairing or first class
work a specialty.
James K. Berry,
For shoe repairing see' Fowells sec
ond door west of Berman grocery.'
Wood Sawing.
Done promptly. Satisfaction guaran
teed and prices reasonable. .
Cmnmings & Cady.
Ind phone 349 or 692,
Wood Sawing"
I am prepared to saw w ood on
short notice with gasoline wood
saw. ;jas A. Hoyt,
Ind. phone 351.
Great Dissolution Sale!
The partnership existing for many years,
and known as NOLAN & iCALLAHAN
has been dissolved. Mr Callahan having:
withdrawn his entire interest
The remaining partners J. M. Nolan &
Son wishing to reduce their stock $10,000
within the next 30 days will begin a
Great7 Dissolution Sale beginning
Saturday July 8th, at 8 o'clock.
Great reduction in price will be made
to accomplish this result a GOLDEN OP
PORTUNITY to all economical buyers
Be on hand to get your share of the bar
gains in store lor you
be Biew
The House Furnishers.
0 Rl
For Bicycles, Ammun
ition, Fishing Tackle,
Sporting Goods, Etc.
J K Berry , Salesman
The Right Prices.
Two Doors South
: All Fresh Goods.
of the Post Office.