The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 12, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XVIII.-No. 17.
andPr oprte
Great Bargains in
a 1 1 Departments
Big Stock to make
your selections ,
Get our Prices
and make
Fine Light Sample Rodms.
J. C. Hammel, Prop
. Leading Hotel in Oorvallis. Recently opened. New
brick huilding. Newly furnished, with modern con
veniences. Furnace Heat, Electric Lights, Fire Es
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam
ette Valley. . ' . . ''
$1X), $1.25 and $2.00 per day. ,
Star Brand Shoes are Better!
-For Shoes, Qothing, Hats, Gloves, Hosiery,
Notions, Fruits, Meats, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, see & ' &
Highest Market Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce
Star Brand Shoes are Better!
Particles of BGne and Flesh Were
Scattered Over a Radius of Two
Hundred Yards From
the Scene Other
" News.
Hairisburg, Pa., July 9. Eight
men were blown to pieoes and two
others were injured by the prema
ture explosion of a big blast of rock
powder on tbe Pennsylvania rail
road improvements near New Cum
berland at 7 :6b o clock this morn
ing, ine acciaent occurred direct
ly across the Susquehanna-river
from the scene of the Pennsylvania
railroad accident May 11, in which
23 persons were killed and many
others injured, y
All of the victims of today's dis
aster were employes of P. S.. Ken-
baugh & Cp,, Inc., contractors, who
are now building the double tiacks
tor the Pennsylvania railroad to
connect with the Enola yards. The
bodies of the men were terribly
mangled aud particles of flesh and
bones were scattered for a distance
of 200 yards from tha scene of the
An inquest was held this . after
noon, ine jury rendered a verdict
of premature explosion from an. un
known cause and no blaraerattach-
ed to the contractors'. "
that they had acted under compul
sion, ine coal supply of the muti
nous battleehip was nearly exhaust
ed, but there was ample food on
' A Russian priest after the trans
fer held a service of purification on
board the Potemkin, sprinkling the
vesssl arjd her flags' with holy water.
,Tbe Russian admiral's squadron,
which brought a crew for the Po-
tVtnkin, 6ailed with her for Russia
this evening.
'"Odessa, July 6. Forty-five eail
ovs, who were recently relieved from
duty with the Russian Black Sea
fleet, have been courtmartialed and
shot because they declined to take
the oath ot allegiance to tbe czar.
It is understood that all dissatis-J
fiad sailors will be given their choice
of swearing loyalty or being shot
Kuetecji, Roumania, July 9.
Admiral -Kruger this afternoon
boarded and took possession of the
Russian battleship Ktiaz Potemkin,
King Charles of Roumania . having
sent instructions to the commander
of the Roumanian squadron that
Portland, July 7. The trial of
Congressman Williamson, Dr. Van
Gessher, Marion Biggs and others
charged with conspiring to defraud'
the government of public domain,
commenced today. The case pro
ceeded with remarkable celerity, the
jury being secured and the opening
arguments made in time to allow
of the examination of one witness
before the court adjourned.
District attorney Heney stated,)
in opening argument, that the gov
ernment proposed to show that Wil-!
hamson and the other defendants
entered into a conspiracy to suborn
100 persons and cause them illegal
ly to obtain from the government
valuable pasture lands in Eastern
Oregon. The district attorney stat
ed that of these 100, forty-four se
cured claims and that other patents
wera pending as the' indictments
were returned.
H. S. Wilson, attorney for the
defendants, asseited that there had
been no conspiracy. He stated that
Williamson and Gessner, 'j in
order to secure pasturage for stock,
bad offered to advance money to
the settlers to come into the .coun
try and take up the claims. He
Russia Wants Roumania to Break
Word and Give Them Up
Pledges of Safety Was Giv
en Them Naval Bat
talions Mutiny
Riots in Many .
Odessa, July 8. Vice-Admiral
Choukcia, when informed of the
surrender of the Knias Potemkin,
dispatched two warships and six
torpedo boats to Kusterji to take
over the battleship.
been smashed by the mutineers, and
everything inside the building has
been destroyed.
The situation is serious. All tbe
officers of the battalions and of the
district have been summoned to
their poets.
Berlin, July 9. A report is in
circulation- here that the Roumani
an governmenthas asked the powers
to -advise what treatment shall
he accorded the crew of the Russian
Battleship Kniaz Potemkin, which
mutinied and who surrendered to
the Roumanian government today.
Russia demanded that the crew
be surrendered to her; Austria and
Germany advised Roumania to give
them to Russia, while England,
France and Italy advised their liberation.
the vessel be delivered to the -Rus
sian authorities without raising any laseertfid . that the : defendants- had
i rr 1 . I i 1 I 1 I . I 1
The Popular Grocery & Crockery
Good Things For Eatirrg
Always Fresh from the
Dairies, tasty and good.
Sweet and sour, Hienzes
bottle and bulk.
Fresh and always direct
from the hens. '
See bur Garden
Truck, nothing Tnit best,
grown by good gardeners
The best canned Fruits and Vegetables on the market
All appeal to the thrifty housewife who wants the very best
groceries for the least money,
The torpedo boat" which accom-
ranied the Kniaz Potemkin, . how
ever, lett tor Udessa, without sur
rendering, declaring that she bad
not mutinied, but that the Kniaz
Potemkin bad forced her to follow.
Admiral Krugtr arrived with his
squadron this morning, and, after
exchanging the customary salutes,
intimated that he had come to ar
range for the transfer of the Knias
Potemkin. Admiral , Koslinski,
commander of the - Roumanian
squadron, bonded the Russian bat
tle ship Tchesme and informed Ad
miral Kruger that King Charles
had ordered him to turn the vessel
over to the Russian Admiral. The
formalities of the transfer were
completed this afternoon, and Ad
miral Kruger boarded the Kniaz
The Associated Press representa
tive inspected the Knias Potemkin
attar the withdrawal of the Rouma
nian guard. Despite the efforts of
the Rumanians to get things in
ship-shape 01 board, the battleship
waB in a state of wild disorder.
The officers' cabins were stripped of
everything of valup,and bloodstains
were everywhere. There was suffi
cient ammunition aboard' tbe Po
temkin to have enabled tbe mutin
eers to make a desperate resistance.
It is said that during tbe last
few days the vessel was navigated
by two engineers' and ao officer with
revolvers at their heads. :
All of the sailorsSwished to sur
render with the exception of Mat
uschenko, the leader of the mutiny,
who resisted for some time, and
wanted to blow up the ship.
foeven omcers were prisoners
aboard the Knias Potemkin. They
were in a pitiable condition for ill-
treatment. They declare thatMat
uschenko himself killed ten officers
of the battle ehiprAirthe papers
and books belouglng to the vessel
were destroyed. 1
It appears that the decision to
surrender the ship was made when
it became evident that no other
vessel would join In the,-mutiny.
The crew of the battle ship seemed
to be unaware of the surrender of
the Georgi Pobiedonostseff,. and ex
pected that she also was coming to
Kuetenji to capitulate to Roumania.
Twenty tailors from the ship have
appuea 10 tne Russian consul here
to ba 1 sent back to Russia. -
The crew on the torpedo boat No.
26Z were given half an hour In
which to surrender or leave port.-
A: considerable number, of the
crew of the Potemkin surrendered
to the Russian squadron, alleging
taken Mortgages in in the property
and during the time the patents
were pending agreed that the de
fendants should have the right to
the pasture. He stated that no
agreements were made that com
pelled the patentees ' to turn over
ther claims to Williamson . and
Gessner, and that tne defendants
had exerted no claim of ownership
after the return of their money. He
stated thatjon several occasions Wil
liamson 8nd Gessner bad bought
land from these claimaLti after the
patent had issued, but said that
these had been entirely separate
transactions and not connected with
the advancing of money to the
claimants. "" . -
Campbell Dnncan, the first" wit
ness for the government, stated he
had been told by Marion Biggs,
that Gessner wanted land, and if he
would go on to the claim and secure
the patent to it, - Williamson and
Gessner would advance the necessa
ry money, in the neighborhood of
$400, and when the claim was pat
ented they would pay him $500 for
the claim- Duncan testified 'that
he had agreed and Williamson and
Gessner selected the land, advanced
the money end he gave a mortgage
Ion it for $400.' When the claim
came to patent, he said, tbey paid
him in the neighborhood of $100,
When Duncan's examination was
concluded the court adjourned. .
The S. P. is selling round trip
tickets between Corvallis and Port
land "for $3 good going Saturdays
or Sundays and returning Sunday
or Monday following, either on
East or West side, but good only
on afternoon train from Albany to
Portland on Satutdays if East side
is taken. Passengers to pay local
fare between Corvallis and Albany.
Suitable Reward. - '
, Will be paid- for-the return of
a silver watrch, lost on the . State
road. Finde leave at Times office.
Oak Wood for Sale
Enquire of S. A. Hall on P. A.
Kline no. 2; or I. D, Bodine, Ind.1
phone 290,
Blackledge sells ' refrigerators. ; '
St. Petersburg, July 8. The ad
miralty late this afternoon was in
formed of the surrender of the
Kniaz f otemkin to tne Kouman a
authorities at Kuttenji, but the of
ficials here have no details of the
igements made between the
Roumainian government and the
mutineers. No diplomatic steps
have been taken, but the foreign of
fice undoubtediy will make the
strongest representations against
the mutineers being treated ai sim
ple des6rte'rsand will demand their
surrender to answer not only ,for
mutiny but also for the murder of
their officers, the bombardment of
Odessa and inoitemeat to a revolu
tion. .
The vainglorious proclamation is
sued by tbe mutineer at Odessa
will also weigh heavily against
them. .Their crime is considered
the most odious by all nations, and
it is thought to be imperative that
the strongest justice be meted out
to the ringleaders as an example to
the fleets of Russia and the- whole
Rear-Admirl Kruger's squadron,
so Boon as it can be found, will be
ordered to proceed to Kustenu to
take over the battle ship and place
a crew on board. There is a strong
sentiment manifesting itself here in
favor of wiping the name of Kniaz
Potemkin from the navy register
and giving the ship a new name,
The situation in the Caucasus is
so bad that the authorities there
dare not publish an official account
of the naval mutiny and the events
at Odessa. There are disorders at
Tiflie, and the government is tak
ing measures to dist'ibute arms
and ammunition among the Rus
sian population of tbe Caucasus. -;
At Kieff, a Doncommltsioned of
fleer has been tried by court-martial
and sent to prison for dissemination
of revolutionary literature among
the soldiers.
- Much anti-Semitio rioting b as oc
curred m the district around Nlzi
Novgorod. The working classes
have also been attacked.
The police of Markarieff are pow
erless to stop the excesses there.
The town -was given over to the
mob for sjveral hours.
The publication of the emperor's
reply to the reactionary deputation,
in which H113 Majesty addressed
th delegates as "gentlemen and
brothers," has created a favorable
impression even among the Liber
als, as it is noticed that the empe
ror reiterated his promise to . sum
mon an assembly without discuss
ing the deputation's suggestions
looking to a more restricted body
than outlined in the Bouligan pro
ject,' and also that his majesty failed
to comment on their advocacy of a
continuance of the war.
KuBtenji, Roumania, July 8.
The mutinous crews of the Kniaz
Potemkin and her consort, the reb
el torpedo boat, have surrendered
to the Roumanian authorities, Lave
been landed, and are now being dis
patched in small parties to different
places in Roumania.
The mutineers wanted to take off
the treasure which was on board the
Kniaz Potemkin, but the authori
ties declined to acquiesce. '
The Russians will gradually be
couveyed to any frontier they nwy
select and will then be liberal ed,
the local officials, having given an
understanding to this effect.
ine Roumanian nag, as well as
the Russian, has been hoisted ovr
tbe Russian war vessels, so as to
prevent any attack on them in R u
manian waters by the vessels of tie
Russian squadron which are report
ed to be in pursuit of the mutineers.
The mutineers offered to surren
der as deserters, and the Roumanian
authorities demanded the breech-
locks of the battle ship's guDS a
pledge of good faith. The mut u
eers offered to present the baule
ship to tbe Roumanian government
as tbey declarejtbey are anxious
that she should not be handed over
to Russia.
The Kniaz Potemkin arrived here
today, accompanied by a torpedo
boat and now lies in the outer har
bor near the Russian guardsbip
Psez ouape. The Roumanian cruis
er Eelzabeta and tbe training ship
Mercea are in close proximity. Soon
after she anchored, the Kniaz Po
temkin began exchanging eignale
with the royal guardship Psezonape
and it was the belief ashore that
the mutineers contemplated sur
rendering in accordance with tbe
terms qfiered by , the Roumanian
government when the battle vship
visited this port. -
The mutineers asked the Rouma
nian authorities to guarantee that
thev would furnish the sailors who
surrendered with Roumanian pass
ports and also guarantee that tbey
shall not be extradited to Russia.
London, July 8. A dispatch
from St. Petersburg says it is re
ported that tbe crew of the battle
ship Catherine the Great has joint d
the mutineers.
A dispatch from Theodosia says
that the Potemkin stopped a Brit
ish steamer end compelled her 10
follow the battle ship and a quan
tity of coal was taken from the
steamer. According to this dispatch
the Potemkin left Theodosia last
Reports to the effect that the Po
temkin bombarded Theodosia axe
untrue, as is the reported destruc
tion of the warship. Her present
whereabouts is unknown. The torpedo-boat
destroyer Stremitelny ar
rived several hours after the Po
temkin departed, and after hurried
ly coaling put to sea.
At Valea, Crimea, there is intense
excitement owing to the fear that
the Potemkin will bombard the
A St. Petersburg dispatch says
reports are current today that tend
to confirm advices from Moscow to
tbe effect that the emperor has pre
pared to go to Kremlin lo issue a
Tnanif sto summoning representa
tives of the ptopie. .
Buy It Now.
Now is the time to buy Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Eemedy. It is
certain to be needed sooner or later and when
that time comes you will need it badly you
will need it quickly. Buy it now. It may
6a ve life, j For sale by Graham & Wortham,
r 1 f. " . 1 -.1 -n.
ot. retersourg juiy a. ine re
volt against the government con
tinues to spread. A report which
reached here ahnonncs a eerious
outbreak among the members com
prising the Fourteenth and Fif
teenth Naval Battalions, stationed
at the Krinkovski barracks. All
the windows of the barracks have
St. Petersburg, July 8. The
whole Crimean peninsula is on the
verge of revolt and anarchy reins
in the mountains of the Caucasus.
At Theodosia the workmen are back
ing tne mutineers aud the soldiers
refuse to fight them.. TThe crews of
the several ships in the harbor have
joined forces with the crew of the
. News of the mutiny was a signal
for a genral revolt in the Caucasus
and troops and police are practially
powerless to cope with the situation.
London, July 7. The Tokio cor
respondent of the Daily Telegraph
declares that General Linievitch
has sentenced several Russian offi
cers to death for circulating sedi
tious circulars, and on tbe author
ity of the pap5r th Japanese cor
respondent at Ti.fcio, Japan asserte
that all the Poles and Jaws in
Linievitch's "army are mutinous
and are constantly surrendering h
as to enjoy pleasant captivity a
prisoners of the Japanese: