The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 08, 1905, Image 4

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The Comings and Goines of Peoole
' Social Gossip, Personal Men- ?
. tion and Other Items of
Public Interest.
Sheriff Burnett was an Albany
visitor this week.
Judge Harris held an adjourn
ed term of circuit court in Benton
Sim Damon and - Rae Walker
of Independence spent the 4th in
this city.
M ss Robena Smith left for
Salem .Wednesday to attend the
summer school.
C F. Florin of Red Oaks,
Iowa, has arrive 1 and is a guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bauer.
Rev. E. T. Simpson will hold
'services at the Episcopal church on
Sunday next at 11 a m. and 7.45
p. m. All are invited to attend
these services.
W. O-'Heckaft and wife are to
reside in Monroe for the next two
months. Mr. Heckart has the con
tract for building a palatial new
home for A. Wilhelm.
A restaurant has been opened
by philanthropists in New York
City where a good meal can be
served for Eve cents. One menu
is barley soup, roast beef, tea and
bread. Of course, it is crowded.
--Presbyterian church, Rev. M.
S. Bush, pastor. Worship n a.
m.' subject, "Bound With God."
Evening service at 8, subject, ,,A
iiign lower. you will enjoy
the music.
One of the neatest combina-
ttion road ana speeding carts ever
seen in Corvallis was completed by
Horning Brothers at their shop
Wednesday. The vehicle was
made fof John H. Simpsou.
Among the Albanyites in Cor
vallis vesterdav were! Hon. and
Mrs. J. K. Weatberford, Miss Flora
Mason, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Ma
son and Mr. and Mrs. Ander
son Cannon.
' Congregational church tomor
row. Morning service at 11 a. m.
Evening topic, The World's Fu
ture, "The Yellow Peril." What
is it ? The Anglo Saxon and the
A uum.. VVHIL Udl. Will LUC VJU1L-
ed States play in tbat Future.
Service at Plymouth at 3 o'clock.
. At a Diseoui game, one 01 tne
inSelders had mide an error. A
girl in the grandstand turned to the
young man at her fide, and said;
"Why don't they put a wooden ci-
a. -i i vi in t 1 1 ' 1 i t f 1 it-1 T-k 1 n -vt i n n t-
mnon-t'aced duffer with the split
cipher running gear and the glass
arm? That fellow . couldn't stop
a toy bnlloon if it was lobbed right
"into his fingers."
-Christian church, Frank E.
Jones, pistor. Services tomorrow
will be as follows; Preiching at 11
subiec't. "A trreater work than mir
acles," . Preaching at 8, subject.
"Joseph and his brethem." This
will be the second of the series of
short Sunday evening talks on Bi
ble heroes and heroines. All are
welcome to thesa services.
A delightful evening - was
spent on the river,. Tuesday, by
about twenty five young people.
The boat used was Strong's gaso
line launch and four hours passed
all too quickly. Luncheon was
served in an orchard about four
miles before town. Among those
composing the party were; Mes
dames Elgin, Patterson, Hemen
way, Hall, McCullum.' Misses Es
1 sie and Florence Adams, Melvena,
Sophia snd Mary Elgin, Louella
Van Cleve, Harriet and Mabel
Sheasgreen, Nellie ' Cameron. Etta:
Hall and Ethel Linville. Messrs
Ross Adams, Charlie Porter, Amy
Cameron and F. E. Hall.
At the United Evangelic .1
church in Kings Valley Saturday
evening the graduating exercises of
the 8th grade pupils of the Kings
Valley school took place. The
church was handsomely decorated
with flags, bunting and cut flowers,
and .the programme was made up
of musical and literary numbers by
various members of the graduating
class, assisted , by a trio of male
voices.' The class address was by
T. T. Vincent of Corvallis, and
Supt. Denman presented the dipla
mas. There were eight graduates.
The attendance was laige, being
made up of visitors from Kings
Valley, Ward, Alexander, Hos
, kins, and Wrenn school districts.
Wiir.Dm Jolly and family left
yesterday for a visit to the Fair.
Gale Perrin, of Inavale, was
the guest of Corvallis relitives this
Dr. and Mrs. Bennett, of B'lle
fountain, vieited in Corvallis Wed
nesday. Mr. and Mr. S. L. Shedd left
yesterday to Fpmd the summer in
their cottage at Newport.
Mies Pauline Divis returrjfd
Wdmsday from a three weeks' vis
it in Poit!nnd.
Mis? Ruby Lewia arrived
Thursday from Portland .for a visit
at the Lte HeDkle borne.
-Will MtCullom airivpd Thrr--
day to join bis wife at tne Lee Heii
kle home. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Minor Sickand
Mrp. Stewart are to leave Mordy
for an otiog at Sulphur Springe.
O. J. Blackledge and family are
to depart Wednesday for a mouth's
outing at Newport, Waldport and
Mr. Burn8p and family are to
move the first m the week into one
of the W. I. Price hous-s, in the
S3uth-westen part of town.
Mr?. Virgil Wutters is expect
ed to rach home tonight from Pert
land, where she has been in a hos
pital. Her many friends will be
pleased to harn of her recovery.
Henry Amblt-r and family are
1o take up tbeir residence in Cor
vallis within a few das.' They will
occupy tjre-residence recently nur
cbastd by Mr. Ambler of Mr. Bur
Mrs: B. L. Arnold and son
Ernest W. expect to 6ail August
4t.h for Europe, where the latter
will etuily for a year or more. -They
leave today fcr a week's stay at
Tne first watermelons to reach
Corvall h this season were on dis
play at Homing's grocery, yester
day. They came from Texas, and
were ripe arid sweet. Tcey sold
fioai 60 cents up.
A party consisting of Missc
Leah and Gertrude Barel-iy, Misses
Edna and Ada Fioley, Mrs. Hwitt,
Arthur Buchanan and Mark McAl
lister of Balem, spent the Fourth
on M i'a Peak. Io the evening
d splays of .fireworks at many of the
riitint valley tuwns fcraaed astrik
ing pancrima.
Mr. and M s.W. B. Brown, of
FittJher, Ohio, have been visiting
relatives in this vicinity for the
past two weeks Mr. Brown is a
pon of ?. K. Brown, deceased, and
H visiting the scenes of bis child
hood for the firs', lime in five yars.
After a month's stay Mr. and Mr.
B?on will return to Ohio, visitiug
California eproute.
What eame rear being ad;sas-
trons firs transpired 00 the W. H.
McBee farm near Willaase'.te
Grange hall Thursday. Ab iuitwo
weeks ago McBee fired astrawstack.
It was damp weather at the lime
and 1 1. was expe( tja mat ire siacK
conld be safety barr.ed. The fire
however, smouldered, and in a stiff
breez o! Thursday was fanned into
ac-ive flames. A fence took fire and
a half mile 'of it was burned. Mr
McBee lives on another farm, but
the Vhilb3s discovered the trouble
and by use of the rural phone, soon
got a sufficient force of neighbors
together to arrest the fire. When
floally put out the flames had ad
vanced to within a few yards of the
McBee baro. Foitunately the grain
fieids were hardly dry enougb, or
the story of the burn would have
been far mere serious.!
The absence of Police Judge
Greffoz was in part explained
Thursday by the receipt of two let
ters from him. Both were dated at
Albany and one was to P. Avery
and the other to F. A. King.
Both related to "business matters
and gave directions with reference
to private affairs in Corvallis.
They were mailed at Albany while
Mr. Greffoz was enroute to the Cas
cades. He was ill when he left
home and is supposed to have still
been unwell when the letters were
Wallace Baldwin, who first
came to Corvallis more than 39
years ago, and who for many, years
was one of the leading business men
of the town has been a local visitor
for a dav or two. He was for
manv vpars the iunior member
of the well known firm of Wood
cock & Baldwin, which, did an im
mense business in the building now
occupied by Huston's hardware
store. Mr. Baldwin retired, from
the firm in 1888. For the past
nine vears he . has been with
the Hatcn Brothers steamboat
company, which operates a line of
steamers between San Francisco
and Vallejo. . ;
When vou want a pleasant laxative that
is easy to take and certain to act, use Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For
sale by Graham & Wortham. -v
Real Estate Transfers.
M, J, McCartney to A. D. Shel
don, 50 a. near Monroe, 125.
Emil Leibe'and wf . to John Gort
maker, tract near OAC, $845,
Wallace Baldwin to Morris
Senders, 80 a. n, w. Corvallis, $100
J. F. Mayberry & wf to W.. D.
Morris, 10 a. near Albany, $771.
Mrs. Martha Avery to Mrs. M.
E. Brown, 2 lots in Corvallis, $1.
Mrs. M. E. Brown and bus. to
Rebekah Sseley, 2 lots in Oorval
lia, $1,100.
J. O. Wilson and wf. to S. W.
Holmes, 1 lot Avery's 2nd add.
Minnie A. Wilson to S. W.
Holmes, 1 lot Avery's 2nd add,
Mehala K. Robinson et al to F.
Francisco, 90 a s. w. of Corvallis,
C. C. Chandler and wf. to E.
E. Wilson, 80 a. in Alsea, $10.
Eliza A. Belknap and bus. to R.
J. Watts, lots 3 & 4, Wells & Mc
Elroys add, $2,500.
Wallace Baldwin to Morris Send
ers, 80 a. north of Philomath, $100
A. N. Woods and wf. to G. D.
Cooper, 160 a. rt. w. Corvallis, $1.
S. K. Brown et al to Teresa Mc
Donald, lot in Philomath, $175.
A. J. Jenkins to Melvinajenk -it
s, lot in Philomath, $90.
Mary H.. Whitby and hus. to
Edward Bennett 1-10 acre in Mon
roe, $1000.
- A Very Close Call.
'I stuck to riiv engine, although every
joint ached and everv nerve was racked
with pain.' wnies V. w. Bellamy, a lo
comotive fireman, of Burlington, lows.
I was weak and pale, without any appe
tite and all run down. As I was about
to give up. I got a bottle of Electiii: Bit
ters, and alter taking it, I ielt as well as
I ever did in my life. ' Weak, sickly,
run down people alwavs gain new life,
strength and viaor fiom their use. Try
them. Satisfaction guaranteed by Allen
W oud-eard. f rue 00 cents.
Socil for Stomach TrotiIe ai
Constipation. '
"Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets have done, me a ereat deal of good,
savs C. Towns, of Rat Portage, Ontario,
Canada. "Being a mild phvsic the after
effects are not unpleasant, and I can recom
mend them to all who suffer from stomach
disorder." For sale by Graham & Wortham
Newport Sunday
Wonderful Nerve.
Ksplaypd by many a rr:an endurina
ol accidental Cuts, Wounds. Bruis
irns. Scalds, Sore feeor stiff joints,
lere's no need for it. Bucklen's
1 8lve will kill the pain and cure
mble. ' It's the best Salve on earth
es, !
But -Ar.
the '
for rue
too. 25c. at Allen & Wood-
TV pie who have a telephone
onl.v o notify Grabam & Wells
tini ney want drug store goods,
"uari itee to satisfactorily fill anj
phone order you may send in.
Whereas, The S?eretiry of State of the State
of Oregon, has notified me in wrltinsrthat pursu
ant to the provisions of an a't entitled ''An act
making eHective the iniiitive and referendum
provisions of Section 1, Article IV. of the Consti
tution of the State of Oregon, and regalatiug
elections thereunder and provi :ing penalties lor
February 2ith, l'J03 there was duly filed in his
office on May 18tb, 1903, a referendum peUtiou
containing 6 312 signatures properly attached
thereto, and cei titled in accordance with iaw or
deriug that House Bill Number 370, entitled an
"Act to appropriate money lor the payment of
the expenses of the maintenance, repairs, im-
pruveiuenu, equipment ana current expenses oi
the Insane Aslum. fenitentiarv. Reform. 1nf.
mute and Blind Schools, University, Agricultur
al College and Normal Schools, and other cur
rent expenses ot the state, and declaring an
emergency" passed by the Twenty-third Legis
lative Assembly, shall be referred to the people
of the state of Oregon for their approval or le
jectlon at the regular general election to be held
on tne n aay oi June, lauti; that said 6,312 sig
natures to said petition are more than five per
per cent of the whole number of votes cast ior
Justice of the Supreme Court at the iast regular
ow, tnerefore. I. Geors-e E. Chamherl.iln.
governor of the State of Oregon, In obedience to
the provisions of said act hereinbefore mention
ed, do hereby make and issue this proclamation
to the people of the state of Oregon announcing
that there has been filed with tbe secretary of
state of .the state of Oregon a referendum peti
tion with the requisite number of signatures
thereto attached ordering that House Bill Num-
... urn b...i.iou au iu upLiroprimt) money
for the payment of the expenses of the main
tenance, repairs, improvements. eauiDment and
current expenses of the Insane Asylum. Pent-
remmiy, neiurm, uear-mute and uuna schools,
University, Agricultural College and
Normal Schools and other current
expenses ot the ftate, and declaring an
emergency,' passed by tae Twenty-third Legio
tive Assembly ot the state of Oregon at the reg
ular sespioD of said Legislative Assembly, be
submitted to the legal electors of the State of
Oregon for their approval or rejection at the
regular election to be held on the 4th day of
June, 1906, the same being the first Monday In
Juue, 1906.
Done at tne Capitol In the city of Salem, State
of Oregon, this 31st day of May, 1905.
, Signed : GEO. . CHAMBERLAIN, '
By the Governor:
. Signed F. I. Ddkbar. -
Swretary of State.
Buy It Now.
Now is the time to buy Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Eemedy. It is
certain to be needed sooner or later and when
that time comes you will need it badly you
will need it quickly. Buy it now. It may
save life, i or sale by Graham s Wortham,
Ball masons Royal and iUeir
Stone Jars
Tumblers and Jelly Glasses!
Diamond W Jar Rubbers,
Parafine and Sealing Wax
we: sell the:
Flat, Polished, Double Pointed
Price 5 cents per Box.
Hodes' Grocery
Independent Phone so3
Our ad., but our goods change hands
every day.' Your money exchanged
for Value and Quality is the idea.
. ' ' :
s iiif Lino.. Fiiil Giub6rio
Domestic and Imported. .. .
A large and
We always keep
W when they are
Keep your eyes open
for the Clearance
Sale at
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
and Silverware.
Eyes tested free of charge
and glasses fitted correctly
' at prices within reach of all
Fine watch repairing a spe
cialty Pratt The Jeweler 6c Optician.
If you are looking for some real good bargains in
Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our
special list, or come and see us. We take . pleasure in
giving you all the reliable information you wish, also
showing you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
Gorvallis and Philomath, Oregon.
varied line.
Vegetables when
tobe had.
V?" V7 -2 -2?
Physician &ISurgeon,
Office up stairs in Burnett Brick
idence on the corner of Midison
Seventh at. Phone it . j n;i 1 1 -i
Banking Company
Cohvallis, Oregon.
Responsibility, $100,000
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City and School
Principal Correspondents.
The Bank o
NEW YORK Messrs. .1. P. Morean Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Repub
lic. LONDON, ENG. N HI Rothschilds & Sons
CANADA. Union Bank of Canada
R. D. Burgess
OUce over Blackledges furniture
store. Hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5.
Phone, office 216; Res
Corvallis, Oregon.
IF. E. Yates
Bert Yates
Yates & Yates
Law, Abstracting & Insurance.
Zicrolf Building
Both Phones. Corvallis, Or.
Physician & Burgeon
Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. in., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham'& v' "'ham's drug etore.
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. ' Honrsi
IO to 12 and 2 to .
Phone, office 83. Residence 351.
Corvallis, Oregon.
First Natl Bank Building,
Only Set Abstract Books in Benton Cotfnty
P. A. Klines line Pliune r.
O. Address, Box n.
Pays highest prices for all kinds of
Live Stock. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Twenty years experience.-
E. R. Bryson,
Sunday Excursions
to Newport!
ON THE G. & E. R. R.
Beginning Sunday, June 18
and continuing until the end
of August
Leaving Corvallis at 8:00 a.
m., Philomath 8:15 a. m.
Returning leaves Newport at
5 p. m. arriving in Corvallis
at 9:15. at Albany at 9:55,
Glvinc 5 hours at tha beach
Fare round trip from Albany,
Corvallis and Philomath 1.50
Largest l:ne of matting in (he city at
Child Not Expected to Iiive from One
Hour to Another, but Cared by
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Kemedy.
Ruth, the little daughter of E. If. Dewey
of Agnewville, Va., was seriously ill of
cholera infantum last summer. "We gave
her up and did not expect her to live from
one hour to another," he says. "I happened
to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Kemedy and got a bottle of it
from tlie store. In five hours I saw a change
for the better. We kept on giving it and
before she had taken the half of one small
bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale
by tf raham S VV ortnam. ,