The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 08, 1905, Image 1

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    Vol. XVIII.-No. 17.
and Pr opriet
Great Bargains in
a 1 1 Departments
Big Stock to make
your selections . . .
Get our Prices
and make
Fine Light Sample Rooms.
:f '09gA, . Hotel
llSpllliili"'! Corvallis
Eammel, Prop.
Leading Hotel inOorvallis. . Recently opened. New
brick building. Newly furnished, with modern con
veniences. Furnace Heat,. Electric Lights, Fire Es
capes. Hot and cold water on every floor. Fine single
rooms. Elegant suites. Leading house in the Willam
ette V&Hey.
; . $ ' .0, $1.25 and $2.00 per day.
Star Brand Shoes are 1 Better!
For Shces, Gothing, Hats, Gloves, Hosiery,
Notions, Fruits, Meats, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, see 2 2 '
Highest Market Price Paid for all Kinds of Produce - .
Star Brand Shoes are Better!
Wife Arms Herself for the Tragedy
She Sought a Reconcilia
t tion Without Avail
- . Other Newe.
Northern and affords an unobstruct
ed, view of the scene of, the tragedy.
"I was standing on the front
pirch, whf n I saw the ouple walk
ing east on Northrup street," said
Mrs-. Hart. "He was ahead of her.
Suddenly the woman drew some
thing from the folds of her skirt,
rushed up behini the man aud there
was an explosion. I .-thought she
was trying t9 frighten him with a
firecracker, but saw him fall to the
ground and kDew it was something
awful happening. Instantly she
turned the revolver for I saw . she
had one and fired a second shot,
then dropped to the ground. I ran
The Popular Grocery & Crockery
Good Things Eor. Eating
Always Fresh from
Dairies, tasty and good.
w Sweet and sour, Hienzes
bottle and bulk.7
Fresh and always direct
from the hens
See our Garden
Truck nothing but best,
grown by good gardeners.
The best canned Fruits and Vegetables on the market.
All appeal to the thrifty housewife who wants the very best
groceries for the least money, - ,
Portland, July 5. After break
fasting together in the home of
friends who had labored to recon
cile them, Mr. and Mis. Thomas J.
Dodgeon went out for a stroll yes
terday morning, but quarreled and
the wife shot her husband dead in
his traeks and thtn took her own
life, at Thirteenth and Northrup
Just as they were returning to
the home ot Mr. and Mrs Harry
Rever, io the Hotel Northern, where
they had taken breakfast before go
ing for the stroll, the tragedy was
enacted. They were to accompany
those who had- endeavored to reu
nite thrm on. a happy excursion,
and while Dolgson lay deaa and
bis wife fatally wounded in front of
the hotel, the Reveis were dressing
for the day's trip.
The direct caur-e cf the murder
and suicide was alleged unfaithful
ness both on the part of the hus
b md and the wife. '
False friends had carried tiles to
eah about the other, bringing about
the double tiagedy. The wife had
decided upon ending" fcer own ca
reer, for sh8 openly said so' to Mr.
and Mrs. Rever, who were intimate
friends. Sue decided, when start
ing for the stroll in the morning,
eitner to become reconciled-to her
husband or to kill him and herself.
The. frenzied wife armed her.-elf
for the occasion with a 38 caliber
revolver of the hammerless pattern,
which she purchased at a local
hardware store the previous day.
But for the pleadings of Mrs. Rever
it is probable the affair would have
transpired. the previous evening, for
Mrs. Dodgson wanted to leave the
apartments of the Revers and go to
408 Everett street, where her hus
band roomed, and await hiscoming.
"If he refuses to come back to me,
I'll scare him with this revolver,"
was what Mrs. Dodgson told Mr.
and Mrs. Rever.
By means of long persuasion,
Mrs Dodgfon was willing to wait
until morning, when her husband
had promised he would come to tie
Revers apartments and breakfast,
to meet his wife and talk over their
maltjrs. The revolver was taken
from her and hidden, bnt, unknown
to tbe Kevers, she regained posses
sion of it, and took it with her when
she and DodgsSn left lat-r.
Tbe story of events leadirg up to
the tragedy are cleatly related by
Mrs Dudgi-on's best friend.
"Mrs. Dodgson came to me yes
terday and begged me and my hus
band to do-something toward effect
ing a reconciliation' said Mrs. Re
ver. "She had been staying at my
sister's residence, 349 Not tb. Four
teenth street. I invited her to re
main with me through the night,
and together with' my husband we
talked matters over. Finally my
husband went ont to the Fair
grounds, where Dodgson worked,
and persuaded him to meet Mrs.
Dodgson in our rooms.
"Mrs. Dodgson remained all night
and in tbe morning her husband
came. He was inclined to treat her
coldly, but she begged him on bend
ed knees to return to her, telling
him she would die unless he would.
During breakfast we talked of
various things, and when wefinish-
ei tSey agreed to go for a stroll,
Baying they would return after
awhile and we would go out to the
Oaks to spend the Fourths They
left our rooms and never returned."
"When I arranged for that meet
ing, i naa oniy ine nest 01 mten
rions," said Mr. Rever. "She was
anxious to take her husband back,
and I thought that he was willing
to return to her. Some people had
been carrying tales to both of them.
I thought if we could but get them
together they would agree to forget
the past and start life over. We
feel Terrible because of this, thing, !
but. what we' rdid was what we
thought would be for the best.1?
Among those who witnessed 'the
shooting were Mrs. D. Hart and
one of her sons, who resides at 465
Northrop street. Their front porch
overlooks the court cf the Hotel
io, for my heart failed me. My eon
CO nr tVn enma ftimne "
out buc aaiAid tuiugs. .
.-. When policemen reached the
scenej Do3gson was dead, but Mrs.
Dodgson was alive. She was con
veyed immediately to Good Samaritan-Hospital,
where she died
shortly afterwards .
DoigsoH was inclined to take to
the stage for a career, a,nd did play
roles in small companies through
towns near Portland. This was the
bpgioning nf the trouble between
him aod his wife, it is said. The
leading lidy of tie troupe is said
to have exerted . an influence over
him net to tbe likicg of his wife.
. A
I " . - --si
Virgil A. Pinkley,
Who will give his famous, "Med'
ley Programme" in the Presbyter
ian church, next Tuesday, July
irth, at 8. p. m. The M. E. and
Presbyterian churches have charge
01 the entertainment
Admission 25 cents.
GO TO Newport
on 0. ;&B.
Rufusal of Armistice by Japan
May Hasten Revolution, Leav
ing No Government to
Make Treaty World's
Peace Involved.
St. Petersburg. July 5. The sit
uation regarding the armistice is as
follows: Russia has formally signi-
on pain of bombardment. This con
sternation became terror this morn
ing, when it became known that the
mu tineers had obtained a large part
of their requirements and were head
ing for Batoum, in the Caucasus, to
take on coal and recruits from the
revolutionists there.
Further di6ma was caused this
morning by confirmation of a re
port wired yesterday that the mu
tineers had issued to the powers a
proclamation declaring war on tbe
Romanoff dynasty and promising
to respect the rights of neutral na
tions. Ooly a feeble attempt to suppress
the text of the official proclamation
1 was made, and that was aba' ottd
when the emperor's advisors learn-
fiprl tn Prpcirlpnf TJnnapvplt. her He-1 fid DDpitivfll V that, iha munnii J-
sire for a lasting peace, not only by ready had been received by the gov
ernments 01 tbe several other coun
tries. Proclamation of rebels "The
crew of the Potemkin," said the
proclamation, repeated from tie
Crimea, "notify the foreign powers
that the decisive struggle has begun
against the Russian government.
We consider it to be our duty t
declare that we guarantee the com
plete inviolability of foreign ships
uavigating the Blask Sea, as welt
1 as the inviolability of foreign ports "
xi was not until alter 1 o cjock
this morning that tbe czar's advi
sors apparently realized the revr t
;of the Potemkin V crew had swelled
beyond the boundaries ot mutiny
and threatened to become a domi
nant factor in the general revolu
tionary movement. Sturdily as oi
ficials of the navy department had
defended Kruger's course in retir
ing before the defiant, Potemkin and
in permitting the then equally mu
tinous crew of the Georgi Pobied
onosteff to go over to the rebels,
They were much more vigorous
this morning in condemning his
action, and referred openly to his
retreat not only as "withdrawal,"
but as flight.
Salem, Or-, July 4. Governor
Chamberlain yesterday "received two
petitions for the commutation of the
death sentence. The first was for
George W. Lauth, who is sentenced
to be hanged July 13, ind the other
is for Dodson, wbo is sentenced to
be hanged August 11.
Tie Lauth petition contains
about 3OO names, and asserts tbat
his paramour, whom be killed, was
partly to blame. Thev asked tbat
his sentence he commuted to life
The Dodson petition contains
about 45 names, and asserts that
Djdson should not die when the
mao who really did tbe killing and
wbo would not have bpen convicted
lit it had not bsm for Dodson's tes-
uuiuiiy, gets off with life imprison
ment. Dodson snd Ingram killed
a man by tbe name of Dunlap in
September, 1903. Ason of Ingram
wbo was bid in the brush, was the
only witness to the deed. Tbis boy
kept his secret until a few 'months
ago, wnen be told tbeomcars what
he knew.
"Dodson and Ingram were at once
arrested and charged with the crime.
Dodson pleaded guilty and was sen
tenced to be haDged. Ingram plead
ed not guilty, and on the evidence
of Dodson and the boy, he was
found guilty of murder in the sec
ond degree by the jury and was ac
cordingly sent need to life impris
onment. - '
the appointment of Dlenipotentla-
ries, wbo will be accompanied by
eminent experts, fully empowered
toionclade a treaty subject only to
the ratification of tbe respective
government?, but as a final step has
mdicaton her readiness to suspend
hostilities. Sae has avoided form
ally asking for an armistice, as a
matter of pride. Uncer the circum
stances, Russia could hardly go
turther than she has.
Japan, so far as ktown, has not
yet indicated her att tude, or if she
has, Russia up to this forenoon has
cot been eo informed. In diplomat
ic circles, tha most earnest hope is
expressed tbat Japan will consent,
both for the sake of avoiding furth
er bloodshed in manchuria, and
perhaps in order to prevent a. catas
trophe in Russia' which may shake
the Romanoff thrcua and appal
the world by its horror?. An emi
nent ambassador of a great Europe
an, power said to the Associated
"If Japan declines, it may prove
to be a misfortune for the whole
world. The position of Russia is
critical. Tha empeior, crushed by
the defeats in the Far East and
with almost civil war at home, has
,bowed his head to the inevitable.
He wants peace and Japan has the
proofs in her possession. Japan
has vindicated her power and has
won the admiration of the world.
Nothing becomes a victor so much
as a broad spirit of magnanimity.
"If Japan still insists oa bum
bling the emperor's head in the
dust aud forcing a usaless battle
which will result in the loss of tens
of thousands, of lives, she may pro
duce a cateclysm of anarchy greater
than that of the French Revolution,
which will leave her no government
to negotiate with, besides threaten
ing the pease of Europe.
-"The usual precedents for the
conclusion of a war are reversed in
this case. An armistice generally
precedes an agreement on the time
and a place for a meeting of the ne
gotiators. Now that the steps which
usually follow a suspension of hos
tilities have been arranged, why
should Japan, simply because
she enjoys the advantage of a mili
tary situation, inflict a defeat with
its accompanying slaughter? Noth
ing wctl'd be gained by it and much
might be lost."
The Bourse Gazette considers that
the war is over and tbat a battle af
ter what has been accomplished bv
President Roosevelt worj0d be an
anomallv. .
That su3den Bblft of department-
opinion was due to realization of tbe
predicament in which Admiral Kru
ger bad placed primarily the ad
miralty and, in a still more danger
ous sense, the imperial government
by leaving the two powerful fight
ing machines at large to ravage and
to stir up rebellion along the whole
Russian coast ot the Black sea.
Although the repentance of tbe
Georgi's mutineers and their sur
render to the port admiral of Odes
sa still wa3 credited in official cir
cles, the fact that the more determ
ined crew of the Potemkin was as
free as it had been since the massa
cre of its officers and the hoisting cf
the red flag of revolution of Jun
28 outweighed the solice to be de
rived from tbe- capitulation of th;
secood company of. the naval insur
gents. .
Sunday Excursion-1
Tomorrow to Newport
Farel:50 '
Leaves Corvallis at 8.
Pendleton. July 5. One of the
rxo3t extraordinary sessionsof circuit
court tver held in Oregon convened
in Pendleton Monday. Judge W.
R. Ellis and 12 grave jurors listen
ed to evidense of a witness in the
case of Wesley Dodson, in a notori
ous resort on Cottonwood street.
Dodson, who was under tha
charge of living with and accepting
the earnings of a prostitute, was
found guilty of the crime, and was
given until today to file a motion
tor a new trial. . ; "
Ons of the most important wit
nesses in the case was Sadie Turner,
landlady of the "Stock Exchange,"
a house of ill repute, who produced
a doctor's, certificate showing that
she was too ill to appear in court.
Not to be daunted the prosecu
tion moved tbat court adjourn to
meet in the "Stock Exchange," and
consequently court was again con
vened in one of the strangest court
rooms ever heard of, the parlor of a
house of illf fame.
St. Petersburg.' July 6. Official
secrecy was forgotton for the mo
ment yesterday when consternation
seized the imperial government on
receipt of direct dispatches ' irom
Theodosia, Crimea, announcing the
arrival there of the battleship Po
temkin with a demand for. coal,
provisions, medicine and a eurgeonj
At BeUfoontain.
Tae infant child of M. M. Waltz
was buried last Sunday. The in
terment was at Simpson's chapel
cemetery. The Eervice was couduct
ed by Rev. Zimmerman.
There were a goodly number of
people gathered at Long Tom to
celebrats the glorious Fourth. Bath
ing in the placid tt'eam was among
the amusements of the da3'. This,
however, almost proved fatal totwo
cf the crowd, Clyde Starr and Lau
ra Casterline. While in the water
tbey suddenly stepped into a deep
bole atd wett down the second time
te'ore help reached them. No seri
ous results are expected.
Wild blaakbprries are very scarce
in these parts thi year,
Mr. Hadle'y and family have ar
rived from Washington and now
occupy the Perin bouse and are
ready for any work that tbe farmer
may have in the lineof blacksmith
ing. ...
The big team of Mr. Rees ran
away with a mower recently. The
horses were pretty badly used up,
and the machine a total wreck.
Mrs. McCla:n and family are vis
iting hei father Joseph Gragg.
George Humphrey and family
are spending a week at tha fair.
Leroy Humphrey, whose collar
bone was broken recently, is now,
fmproving but he expects to be laid
up for tbe summer.
C. P. Starr whose arm was bad
ly ppraiued in a fail from a lead of
shingles is badly twolieu end very
Hay harvest is in full force now
and some will start their binders
next week. ' ,..-.
t -.