The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 05, 1905, Image 4

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    nn -sr in .11. u -
MOSES BROS Stock of Dry Goods,
Hats, Groceries,
Thousands of people visited this sale last week thousands more will come this week
ie Stock Must Go -We Must Have tiie pfieyi
Come, Come this week and join the happy throng in the carnival of economical buying :
, Matchless Money-Saving Bargains i.
Mark this the second and last week of this great sale. Every marked in large plain fig
ures and at such low prices as are bound to move the entire stock.
If you Value Money don't fail to get here this week.
'The Comings and Goings of People
Social Gossip, Personal Men
tion and Other Items
Public Interest.
Get the best fire works for the
ilaes money at Hodes gun store.
Mrs. Leslie Lilly and children
-are , guets . Corvallis relatives.
They arrived Saturday.
Up to date; 54 hunters' licens
es have been issued to Benton
county sportsmen.
Misses Margaret and Ruby
Fowells and Miss Pearl Guthrie are
at Stavton, guests of Editor and
Mrs. E. D. Alexander. They will
be at home the latter part of this
week. " .
Sidney Trask and family re
turned Monday from a vi-it wi h
relatives at Woodburn. They will
visit for some time 'at the P. A.
Moses home, beiore returning to
The, bond of Charles "Arm
strong as administrator for Nancy
Jl Armstrong, deceased, was filed
at the clerk's office Monday. It is
for $280 and Charles Williams is
During less than three years in
the capacity of county clerk of
Benton, Victor Moses has issued
1-98 marriage licenses, and only
eight divorces. He . considers
the record one of which to be
Tudse McFadden ' went to
. Newport Monday, where he deli v-1
ered the Fourth of July oration yes- j
terday before an immense crowd.
The effort was one .of the Judge's
usual successes and met with great
favor from the crowd present.
Mrs. Mary Sours of Taylor
ville, Illinois, Mrs. Eliza McCon
key and Miss Lyle Burdick, of
Stonington,' Illinois, arrived Mon
day for a three months' visit with
Mrs. J. C. Young, who is a sister
of the two former ladies and aunt
of Miss Burdick.
A Corvallis man who was in
the southern part of Benton county
Sunday, declares that the prospects
were never better for a bountiful
crop. Hay, he says, will yield a-
bundantly;- oats and wheat are
goo'd, with some aphis, but not to
' . amount to anything. ' Haying
now on afidw everyone is busy ; at
the ranch homes. -
Salem Statesman-.r-Mrs. ;.Jane
Hitchens died Saturday at the'home
of her daughter. 'Mrs. William
Staiger. Deceased was :. born in
England," January 4, 1825, and
came to this countryat the age of
twenty years, making ner home at
, Mineral Point, wis. She was mar
ried to Samuel Hitchens, and all
their children were bora there. In
" 1880 they came to Oregon," living
at Buena Vista, Polk county, for a
" time, 'then- going to ' Corvallis,
where the deceased :' resided till the
last ten years; HV'r husband died
at Corvallis thirteen years Rgo.
Crockery etc., now
- , The Worlds Gaeatqst Bargain Givers
G. W-Groves &
Alva Miner and family return
ed a few days ago fiom a week's
visit at the Fair.
Mrs. E. W. Strong, was called
to Beaverton Monday by the ser
ious illness of her mother.
Miss Belle Bonney, an O. A.
C. student read the Declaration of
Independence yesterday at Wood
burn. T. T. Vincent delivered the
oration of the day at Summit yes
terday. His subject wis, "Our
National Heritage."
A woman Is suing the manu
facturer of a porous plaster for
damages because it left a mark vis
ible through a thin shirtwaist.
County Surveyor Jones " and
family left Sunday for a two
months' sojourn at Seaside. Dur
ing the absence of Mr. Jones, G.
V. Skelton will act as'surveyor.
John Quackenbush left Thurs
day for Gresham. enroute to his
home in "Kansas, after a visit to his
cousin, Piot. Holmes, in CorvalliS.
' Robert and Thomas Vidito,
accompanied by their families, left
Monday to spend the Fourth at
Alsea. -
The Abe . Locke residence
property in the northern edge of
the city changed hands Monday,
The new owner ' is Allie McLaugh
lin, a former well known resident
of Polk county. The place con
tains four acres with a nice dwell
ing, and the price paid was $3,600.
Possession is to be given this fall. '
1 At the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Vid
ito, in Corvallis Sunday, occurred
the marriage of Mrs. Rachel Mur
ray to. A. C. Fieeman. - The cere
mony was performed at noon by T.
T. Vincent, only immediate friends
and relatives being present. The
bride was suitably gowned in white
and carried a bouquet of roses.
She was attended by Mrs. Clarence
Vidito, Clarence Vidito acting as
best man. Mr. Freeman is engi
neer at the Benton . County saw
mill south of Philomath, and with
his bride will reside in that lo
cality. , ' ' ' - ';
... - '. Notice.
We are here to do all kinds of ma
chine work, casting, repairing and
building engines, etc; "on short notice,
and at reasonable prices. Work guar
anteed. ' Franklin Iron Works Co.
, Albany Bread.
This bread is guaranteed to be
free from alum. For sale by Small's
Bakery. "''
Oak Wood for Sale . ";
Enquire of S. A. Hall on P. A
Kline no. 2; of I.'D. TJodme, Ind
phone 290
Notice oEFinalttktfekvt
In the Matter of the Estate ot Jrlne
znhefh. Fishpr. deceased. - t,'-.
': Notice is hereby eivea that the under
feigned as administrator .withthe' vili aiK
nexed of the estate 01 jane iMiaoern
Fishei , deceased, and has hie final
.Miwiitit' as finch administrator. Witfc'the
dark of the county court :of the sta'e of
Oregon, tor Uemon county, ana tne saia
coittfcias fixed Saturday; the Sth day .'of
Tulr loos, at the. hour of- II" o'lock'"ia
forenoon of Bald day as the timet, and
the county court room in the court house
in Corvallis, Oregon as ; the ' place for
hearing any and all objections to tiaid
account, tfnd fosettlemenfelhereouy
''"Dated June lo, 1905. ' ' m, J .
' , - ' E- Wilson,
' Administrator of the will annexed
theesate of Jane liz. Ksher, deed. ;
Clothing, Shoes
in the hands of
Co Conductors.
The Water Election No Fire Protec
tion There Corvallis Election
May Solve it.
Editor Corvallis Times:
The talk in the Corvallis pa
pers for and against better fire pro
tection, has stirred up the question
again in Philomath.; For nearly
ten years there has been no fire
protection here excepting :- perhaps
a dozen fire extinguishers. . These
have done good work on . several
occasions, and with plentyof water
would control fire in many cases.
Since the old tank rotted down ,
several plans to bring watex to our j
town have been discussed but
abandoned. A survey was rough
ly made once to bring Mary's river
water here, but the matter fell
through although we all realized
that if a fire started in the busi
ness portion ot town, it would only
be by unusual luck if the town was
not wiped out. Insurance is high,
and hard to get and a feasible plan
to get plenty of water would be
welcomed by us all. I think we all
realize that if a Corvallis main
passed us at the foot of the hills
and could tap it for. - Philomath's
benefit that the question . would be
solved, and it is earnestly hoped
that we can solve the 1 question in
this wa'. We realize that Corval
lis riust get mountain water soon,
and when she does, it; will be mu
tuary beneficial if we1 can arrange
to t p the main and obtain a share
of 1 lie water. We hope this proj
ect mil go through at this time and
think almost every man will see
the.'benefit and help all he can.
Philomath Householder.
Philomath, Or., July 3, 1905.
People who have a telephone
: any
ouly to notify Graham & Wells
time they want drug; store ' goods.
guarantee to satisfactorily fill anj
phone order you may send in.
Whebeas. The Secretary of State of thn stt
of Oregon, has notified me in writing that pursu
ant to me provisions or an acr entitled "An act
making t' e lnldative and referenlura
provisions of SaUiou 1, Article IV, of the Consti
tution of the State ot Oregon, and regulatiue
elections thereunder and proviiing penalties lor
violations of pro virions of this Act." approved
ieDruary an, lyoa taere was duly filed in his
ouiuBuumHofioin(iwH, a reierendum petition
containing t .ju Mgnatures properly attached
thereto, and certified in accordance with law or
dering that House mil Ji umber 370. entitled an
"Act to appropriate money for the payment of
the expense of the maintenance, repairs, im-
iihjvciiivuio, ctiuiuieuL auu current expenses ol
the Insane Asylum, Penitentiary Keform, Deaf
mute and Blind Schools, University, Agricultur
al vuijbko auu ciunuKi scnouis, and other cur- I
rent expenses ol the state, and declaring 'an
emergency" passed by the Twenty-third Legis
lative Assemoiy, anau De referred to the people
of the state ot Oregon for their approval or le
jection at the regular general election to be held
on the 4th day of June, 1906,- that said 6,312 sie-
u.uit.o w icukiuu uo IIIUIV LI1HU nVO
per cent of the whole number of votes cast lor
Justice of the Supreme Court at the last regular
iow, tnereiore, I, George E. Chamberlain,
governor of the 8tate of Oregon, In obedience to
wis niuYJoiuiiB ul tKtiu acr. nereinDelore mention
ed, do hereby make and Issue this proclamation
to the people of the state of Oregon announcing
that there has been filed with the secretary of
state of the state of Oregon a referendum noli.
tlon with the requisite number of slanatuies
tUeretttached ordering that House Bill Num
ber 370 entitled "An act to appropriate money
for the payment of the expenses or the maln
tjnce, repairs, Improvements, equipment and
cu t expenses of the Insane Asylum, Pent-
rv fry. Reform, Deaf-mute and Blind Schools,
rsrty .Agrioukural Oollese and
OfiuuussL,,; ocuuom . ana other ' current
expenset ot the VMate, and declaring an
tive AsaeiBbly ot the state of Oregon at the ree
SSJSS'S --SS J"a.,i"iv AS6?biy, bej
- ; - . ' - w -h-' wwujio uk me state oi
Oregon for tbei apprevnl or rejection at the
regular election to be held on the 4th day of
Jfhie190(), the same being the first Monday in
Juue, 0i. ; '- - :
Done at th'a Capitol In the cJt? of Salem. State
nf Hroann t.hl 31 Rf How KTnn inn: '
' ilSlgnedl'.-!. : ... GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN, -.
By the Governor: . . .
Signed ..r - .; -: F. I. Dunbar-.
; ' Scietary ot State.
AH kinds, of fire works at'Hodes'
etui store. v '-"V 4
V j " - -
continued, from page i
court, but were defeated, and were compelled to
pay the city's costs, which amounted lu Judge
Boise's case to more than he had trotton out of
the cliy as damages These are .the facts in re
ga,d to the right-of-way lor the Dallas system,
but Mr. Emery don't tell them. In passing, per
mit me to remark that the supreme court of
Oregon laid down some rules of law concerning
ine appruprmuvu oi mountain streams lor mu
nicipal purpose a that will nftke wise men chary
of ever demanding anything unreasonable ot
cities seeking a water suDply.
Mr. Emery's statements t- the effect that the
city council ie trying to force people to take the
water are so effectually disposed of by the affida
vits of Dr. T. V. B. rnibree and City Auditor
Stouffer, published in Saturday's "Times", that
no further answer seems necessary. ' Permit me
lo remark, however, that the city does not oter-
ate this plant, does not receive any of the reven
ues, una, tumwuuemiy, is not luterestea in tne
financial end ol it. The plant Is own-d . bv the
city, but is operated undtr a lease by H. V Gates
ot Hillsburo, one of the most successful watet-
works men in the Northwest. The city has Mr.
Gates tx.und by a hard-ind fast contract to fur
nish water for I'.re pro eclm and sewer flusl
iug iree oi cimrge 101 a pel ioa ot M years, ana
right theie the city's Interest ends. Mr. Gates
collects all revenues from private users, and
makes all rates, subject tpitae approval of the
council. You can leadily see that the city would
have no object iu forcing water upon any per
son, and it hoys never endeavored to do so.
Toe most cruel blow at Dillas to
be Hiucd-in Mr. Emery's article is
found in his miserable, lying statt
mem to the effect that the city wa
ter is uifjt for use. This is a dam
aging misreptefentation that he has
published to the world and it is
deeply respnted by- the people of
Dallas. . No one has ever dtawn a
glass of muddy, or even milky, wa
ter from a faucet to Dallas, even in
the rainiest day ot winter, and no
one has ever found this water other
than clear, cool and fparkling. I
am not familiar with Rook Creek,
but if it is anything like Canyon
Creek, and it is safe to presume that
it. is, you can aeure the good peo
ple of Corvallis that it will neve'
furnish a drink of muddy or un
wholesome water. In the winter
month?, when the wells of Dallas
are full of muddy and impure wa
ter, the city water from Canyon
Creek is as clear as crystal. I wish
that every citizen of Corvallis could
read what the State Biologist has to
say of this water in the winter
months. You will Hod the result
of his examinations and test set out
in full in his last biennial report to
the' Oregon legislature. If Rock
Creek is fed by the snows from Ma
ry's Peak, let bo citizen of Corvallis
have any fears as to the clearness
and purity of it water at any sea
son of the vear. Tne people of Dal
las drink Canyon Creek water in
the hottest summer mottis and
find it cool nnd refreshing. Messrs.
Sibley' and Eakio, whom Mr. Em
et'y qoo'es to glibly, bave tneir of
fice ntxt door to my offic.'" B th
drank water from my faucet all last
summr and are doing so again this
year, and I have never heard a com
plaint irom either. I don't believe
that they told Mr. Emery what he
says th-y did aoout the water beiDg
warm and unwholesome. s
Mr. Editr, I am esfeingtoomnch
of your valuable 6pice, and must
close. I shall not attempt to an
swer any more of the UDtraths" set
foith in Mr. Fmery'n letter. None
of his misreprei-eDtitiona posses
f-ven the novelty of newness to me.
I beiped to figbt jus-t the same kind
nf rieceivina nd untrue t-tatement9
here 111 Da las for three long years,
and at last hid the fatie faction of
veeing the band of malcontents, who
had so indu-triously circulated
them, buried deeu beneath their
own misrepresentations. . Dillas
won her fiett for moun'ain water
and good tire protection, and is ev
ery day reaping her. reward in the
shape of a lower death rate, increas
ed property values, and a cleaner,
better town. I do cot pretend to
pass upon i.he merits of the plan
proposed by Corvallis for obtaining
mountain water, as I am not famiU
iar-with its detail?, but can assure
you that the effort put forth by your
citizens to better their water supply
is a move in the right direction, and
your people should never rest until
the desired end shall have bee a ac
complished. , J. C. HAYTER.
City Corvallis Special Water Bond
. Election, v
To.the legal voters of the City of Corvallis:
Notice Is hereby given that bn Thursday the
Sixth day of July, A. 1). I'M 3, fa the Common
Council Chamber iu the City Hall on the south
east corner of Madison and Fourth ' Streets in
the City of CorvallH, Benton County, Oregon,
a snecial election of the legal voters of .said city
of Corvallis will be held for the purpose of da
termmlug wnetner.or not "ine w-ator uommtt
tee" ot said city shall issue the -bonds of the
City of Corvallis aforesaid bearing luterestal a
rate not exceeding nve per cent - per annum,
payaDle half yearly, on forty years time, for the
Tuimnse of constructing water works for the citv
oiuorvaiiis, suuu cieuiiuii iiuviiiKueeit bjieciaiiy
appotnted. and tha time and place aforesaid
fixed therefor, by resolution of "The Water
Committee ".of said cltyduly passed on the 16th
day of June. 190o, -
The maximum amount of bonds proposed to
be issued by said Committee for said purpose is
$75,000.00 and the same will not be Issued, nor
said water works constructed, unless a major
ity of the votes cast at such election shall be In
favor of issuing bonds. Voters desiring the Is
suance of such bonds shall cause their ballots
to read "For Bonds," and those against tho Is
suance of sued bonds shall cause their ballots
to read "Against bonds." ' . '
. Said election shall begin at nine o'clock In the
forenoon of said 6th day of July, 190a and con
tinue until six o'clock in the afternoon ot said
day without the polls being closed. .
; -This notice is signe by the Clerk of said
committee and published in the Corvallis Times
a newspaper-published lu Corvallis, Oregon,
for two weeks immediately prior to the date of
such election under the direction of the afore
sall resolution of "The Water Committee."
Dated tuLs June lilst, -190.3. t
. - . . S. L. KLINE,
' ,.' ..: Clerk of "The Water Committee,"
Come and see . big .' assortment
of fire works. Hodes' GunStore,
. Hay For Sale.
Vetch and alfalfa, best cow hay io
world. IndTelt55. h. L. Brooks.
F AI5E i)"Z .': M!i
And Presents It.oo; Iti MeritsHe
,Alst FlavV the Dark Liri tern ;
GW, Tbatls Ashamed to.
- Stand Sponsor for.Jts V:: '
Own. Product. 7 '. .
To' the" UxKows rjtEDiTORS" of
, The Investigator. 1
I io ni t know, why you should
designate me in youi; issue of - July
first as cni who Is leaving no stone
unturned tj carry the coming water
bond election Lh favor of issuance
nf tv.nds. nor wbv vou should ask
m? , to state? over my signature
wbetuer I'itabd sponsor for what is
appealing in The Times in relation
tbereioi 1 have not approached nor
tried to influence the decision of a
single voter. .- By neither word of
mouth nor stroke of pen have I as
sumed to tell my neighbor what he
wanted or did not; want, nor bow
he should vote tipon the question.
Nor can I conceive of such colossal
conceit as that you manifest in in
sisting, that, any one. should statnd
sponsor for anything, -you who re
fuse to stand sponsor for your own
out-put. '
Since you request it, however, I
will answer your question over mv
own signature: I am not a wri
ter of auonymous communications
to the public and stand sponsor for
whatever appears over my signa
ture and nothing else. "I have the
opinion, nowever, tnat wnaievernis
appeared in I he Iimes is tne dis
interested and honest opinion of its
editor on a public question, and
that no faots in reference to moun
tain water have beep misstated.
Since your query came to my no
tice, I have taken the trouble t) as
certain the facts regarding the re
duction in Dallas insurance rates
in as much as it was this matter in
particular that seemed to evoke
your request, and I cin1 unhesitat
ingly ttate thai The Times is cor
rect in the statements it made and
"The Investigator" and Mr. Emery
certainly have "the wrong hunch."
Now, Mr. Editor of "The Inves
tigator, having answered your que
ry, mav I be permitted to ask vou
a few questions? '
First, are you disinterested in
your a1 tack pa mouutkin water,
and if so why do y.)U withhold your
names? ) You say the truth needs
no sponsor, but common morta s
cannot unfortunately -.always di
vine the truth and areforced to look
t the source of, or authority for, a
staeinsm before thy can give it
proper credit. Who you are, what
your motives may pe, your, trutn
fullness and hooefcty of purpose,
these are matters which the public
are eoftled tokuow that they may
iudee what weight and importance
to attach 10 your vsta'ements and
conclusions. Youi mutives may be
the best io the world, but so long
as you keep yourselves hid, Sus pi
cion attaches to them and to your
Second, are you hone3t and tin
cere in your statements and argu
ments? I ask this question sen
ously-tftScI without disrespect. Not
knowing who you are I can judge
of your sincerity only by the chAr
acter of your attick.
I have never been in favor of mu
nicipal ownership of public utilities
and I can readily understand that
a tax payer might hesitate befoie
voting a boad. issue of even five
! thousand dollars.' There is room
for honest dmerence ot opinion as
to these matters, and when I read
the foreword of "The Investigator"
I expected a fvt and intelligent
presentation tf th arguments
against municipal ownership and
the bond issue. : Instead I have
found your pages filled with pal pa
ble miatatements and insincerity
. The ordinary citizen has not time
nor opportunity to study the bust
cess questions involved, whether
wood or -iron pipe is preferable,
whether the sjBtem 1 will be self
supporting, whether it can be built
for the money available". If ever
the city builds a water.eystem, . it
can act only through a commission
and all such questions as these
must necessarilly be left to it for its
decision. The members of the com
mission have resting upon them the
responsibility 'of solving -all 6uch
problems, and they will undoubt
edly meet them intelligently as well
as conservatively. . ,;' ;-v
. You certainly do not believe that
Rock Creek water is inferior in
quality to Willamette watery and
your statement that the Wyatt cat
tle range upon the proposed water
shed is absolutely false. You seek
to create prejudice ageinst the bom
mittee as being itself -lctedi But
how doea this invo-.v the merits
unless you show thtfv proper- per
eons make up the co.v IT a :rs ? Why
do yon seek to raise the unreason
ing fears of the ignorant and timid
by tilling them that they will be
forced to take mountain water in
case of-municipal ownership there
ol? Why1 cry Rogues 1 Robbers!
Grafters! ami burl irresponsible ep
ithets at men wboe honesty . and
motives and sfandirg in the com
munity are above questioL? Konc
know better than you that Senator
Avery's alleged references to ' the
rabble" are fictions of yjur un im
aginatirn, but if Senator Aveiy had
expressad himself in such terms,
why seek to cnarge it against
mountain atet? Demagogues
in all times have uied sueh areu-
ments as. the foregoing and such ap
peals to prejudice io their efforts to
hoodwink tne people, but honest
men never resort to euch means.
and the day of demagogery is past.
lbere are fair and legitimate and
weighty erguments against muni
cipal ownership. Many conserva
tive voters in our city are "on the
fence" on the water question. But
the class of argument made in "The
Investigator" is not calculated to "
impress an intelligent voter. Do
you think so?
For Mountain Water More Fire Pro
tection Needed And Better
Editor Times: .
I have refrained from going in
to print on the water question
heretofore, but after reading the .
'Investigator" and noting the man
ner in which it was trying to mis- .
lead the people, I ask permission.
for a few words. I am in favor of
mountain water; I am opposed to a
perpetual committee to handle said
enterprise, but when that commit
tee consisting of Avery, Woodcock,
Huston, Irvine. Leese. Woodward,
Kline, Miller, and McFadden, re
presentative citizens of our city,
met in legal session and passed
resolutions favoring the changing
said water bill at the next session
of the legislature so that the com
mittee could be elected by the peo
ple. I have sufficient confidence in
these gentlemen to believe that
they will . not oppose such legis
lation but that a majority of them
are as much: in favor of said change
as I or anyone else. It is nonsense
to say that one or two men can de
feat the wishes of a majority of
the people of this county. If you
are opposed to mountain water take
your stand like a man but do not
hide behind this subterfuge. We
need a better water supply in this
town for Sre protection and sani
tary conditions. Why cherish
the drainage of the valley when you
can have the cool draught of the
mountain stream at less' cost.
Why not own and control ' the
water plant ourselves? Wy. have
a corporation . to nandie it lor us
and drink seepage? ' Surely a city
can manage its own plant as cheap
ly as a corporation can, and give
its people the benefits of profits.
Why not have a water plant thatt
will give us good fire protection and
at the same cost, and insurance at
less than present cost. Why main-
tain a system that our firemen have
been compelled to stand at a burn
ing building, witn hose laid, noz
zle in hand, watting for a sleepy
engineer to start the pumps, or as
has been done, carry the nozzle up
a ladder to the eaves of a building,
that the water might run over the
comb of said structure, or to carry
hose by ladder up a telegraph pole
to extinguish a blaze at the top
, Citizens of Corvallis, you have
the opportunity of making this city
by your ballot on this question.
Mountain water will, I predict,
increase the value of your property
25 per cent within the next year.
Some people do not want to see
Corvallis advance because it will
explode their theory of a prohibi
tion town. And to prove that the
closing of saloons has killed Cor
vallis they are ready to defeat any
measure thac will cause its advance
ment. Not only will mountain
water advertise and build up our
town but the expenditure of this
money will be a great benefit to the
laboring class of the community.
Let us drop technicalities and stand
together for our . own and city's
welfaie. ' ,
Virgii, E. Watters,
County Judge.
, For want of room we will
close out at cost all our trunks
telescopes, small Rugs and
Art ' Squares. ' This Sale' is
bona fide, we want the room
for a ladies Suit ' and Cloak
J, M. Nolan & Son.
Closing Out!
1 1