9 3 , LOCAL LORE. For advertisements in this column the rate of 15 cents per line will be charged. Floyd Williams was a Corval lis visitor Sunday. Mr. J. B. Horner left Monday for a visit to Newport. Guy Benight of Albany spent Sunday with friends in Corvallis. Mrs. William Crees is confined to her home with illness. Arthur Belknap returned Sat u rday from a ten days' business trip to Eastern Oregon. T. V. Espy, a member of the class of '04 , has been the guest of Corvallis frietids the past week. Miss Louise Cooper left Mon day for a visit with Falls City -fjiends. Miss Letha Patton and broth er were Sunday visitors at the home of M. M. Davis. Miss Agnes Klecker has ar rived from Portland for a three peeks' visit with Corvallis relatives. Mrs. W. L. Pacterson of Baker City, arrived Friday for a visit at the home of her father, W. S. Lin-ville. Mrs. H. A. Hemmenwey of Eugene, arrived Monday, and is a guest at the Linville home. Mrs. A. E. Wilkins returned baturdav evening: trom a visit in Portland. Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Peterson left Sunday for Portland, for a week's visit at the Fair. Miss Lottie Kilgore of San Francisco has arrived for an ex tended visit with her aunt, Mrs. M. M. Davis. Frank Howell arrived in Cor vallis Monday from Grays Harbor Washington, and went on to Alsea for a visit with friends. Mrs. E. T. Woofs of Albany, was the guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woods. She left Monday for a visit at Philomath. Mrs. Julia duMoulin completed a successful term of school twelve miles west of Corvallis, Friday, and has returned to her home in Cor vallis. ' -The first Benton county peach es of the season were in market Monday. They were from a tree owned by Dr. Withycornbe and were large and luscious. Mrs. W. P. Rogovtky and children of Chicago are the guests of Charles Hout and family, Mrs. Rogovsky and Mrs. Hout are sis ters. , Mrs. George Stevens and grandson of Gold Hill have arrived for a two weeks visit with the fam ily of C. E. Hout. They were joined yesterday by Mrs. D. P. Blue. Mrs. V. E. Watters is improv ing rapidly in a Portland hospital, and may be sufficiently recovered for a return home the latter part of this week. ' Married at Benton "Harbor, '' Mich. June 26, Warren S. Clark, formerly of this city, to Miss Mae Ellsworth of Chicago. In Sept ember the young couple will visit the Exposition in Portland, while on their way to their future home in San Francisco. The following sales have recent ly been made by Ambler & Wat ters: Martha Scheiern to W. E, Albin, 50 acres 6 miles southeast of Corvallis, $1,250.' Sarah F. Elgin to W. H. Thompson, 31-2 acres on College Hill, $2350. Paul- ine Kline to Sarah F. Eglin, house and 2 lots Corvallis, $1,000. Levi Joy to Mr. Erickson, store proper ty Granger, $1000. A. R. Brown to Oscar Gustafson, 30 acres west . ; of OAC, $2,000. Prof. Cordley to v Hilda 3ustafon, 2-3 acre College Hill, $600. M. Burnap to Georg ina P. Ambler, house and 2 lots, $3300. It was seven yea rs ago yester ' day, the Fourth of July, that Mrs. Captain Geary was burned out of house and home in Corvallis. Her husband was commandant at OAC but went into active service when the war broke out. He was killed in action during thejyear while serv ing with his battalion in the regi ment in the Phillipines. As stat ed, it was on a 4 th ot July that the Geary home was burned. During the afternoon, flames were discov ered issuing from the house. There was an alarm of fire, and the de- partment hastened to the burning 1 house which was located on Eighth street. A hose was laid, but there was no water. The pressure was not stong enough to lift the stream on to the roof, and firemen climbed on to one part of the roof and for a ' time bravely tried to maintain the unequal struggle agaigst the flames. The trouble during the absence of her husband, prostrated Mrs. Geary. ; HERE IS THE PLAIN ISSUE. Here also, are Plain Figures And a Plain Statement of the Case Income, Over $8,000 Figures on Mountain Water by a Man who Offered to Install the Plant Under Private Ownership. To the Editor of the Times: Seeing you solicit a discussion of the water question through the columns of your paper and feeling as I do that this is ona of the most important questions we, as citizens, are likely to be called upon to de cidelor many years to come, I think it my duty as' a citizen to do all in my power to assist those who are anxious to give the matter honest investigation. I wish to say in the outset that I have no time to waste nor have I an inclination to take up the time of others in discussing the terms ot the bill creating our committee, except to say that I like many others am not in favor of a perpetuating committee and possibly it I had been in charge ot the drawing ot the bill originally, I might have chang ed some other of its features, but these things are of small importance compared with the main question to wit: Are we to have good, whole some water and good fire protection extended to all parts of our city, and that, too. nrst class mountain water, the thing all ot our wide-awake and up-to-date towns are so earnestly seeking these days, and then fol low up this great advance step by so amending the bill at our next ses sion of our legislature as to obliterate these objectionable ieatures, and make it provide for an elective commission; or shall we, simply for these technical objections vote it down and thus say to the world "No;" Cor vallis does not care just yet to take this forward step, we are not yet quite sure that we wish to be classed among the progressive towns of this great Willamette valley, nor are we yet certain that the one-half of our residents who are at present beyond the limit of out present water ( system have use for water or that their property is in any immed iate need of fire protection. Gentlemen does it stand to reason that the present water company or myself and associates would ever have offer ed to install just such a system provided we should be given a fran 'chise for such purpose, if we had entertained the least doubt about its being, not 'only self sustaining but over and above this, a profitable in vestment. Seeing such statements have been made in yout columns and especially noting one in the columns of the "Investigator" which I can not help but think islargely based upon guess work and appears to be somewhat tinged with a desire to alarm the tax paying voter into think ing that the plant would be non-self-sustaining and that our burdens ot city taxes would surely be increased, therefore I have gone back and dug up my estimates of income made when figuring upon the installation of such a system under private ownership, and I think you will all agree with rae that under municipal ownership more, if any difference would patronize it than under private ownership. I, too, have taken the trouble to count the dwellings in the city, and find them by actual count to be 572, and in my statement which follows, you will note that I am only figuring on 70 per cent of the whole number taking water in any form, and might add that this is very conservative and in fact I have made all estimates herein on a most conservative basis, and am prepar ed to satisfy any voter I feel sure as to any and all items so estimated, who might care to apply to me personally with an honest intent to learn the facts. Mr. EMERY AGAIN, Liabilities to be provided for: Annually Interest on the bonded debt, say $75,000 at 5 per cent .....$3,750.00 Salary Superintendent, office rent & incidentals 1,400.00 Sinking fund, after 5 years and up to 20 years on basis of 5 per cent to retire $30,000 of the bonds 20 3-rs. from date 1,390,20 Sinking fund, for betterments to plant and replacements 600.00 Total outlay per annum for the first Again, amount to be provided for: 20 years $7,140.20 Interest on bonded debt, say $45,000, at 5 per cent! $2,250.00 Salary superintendent, office rent & incidentals 1,400.00 Sinking fund,' after 20 yrs. and up to 40 yrs. on same basis as above to retire bal. of bond issue $45, 000 1,360.80 Sinking fund for betterments and replacements 600.00 Total outlay per annum for the second 20 yrs $5,610.80 Against which I think we may safely figure the following month ly income: Water rates 250 residences at $1 per month 250.00 " " 150 " " $1.50 per month average 225.00 " 100 Barns .374 " ' 37.50 v 200 Lawns .60 average i time.... 60.00 " " business houses, livery stables & public buildg 110.60 . r Total monthy income from inception of the plant 682.50 Or an annual income of $ 8,190.00 I trust all will ponder over the above figures and see how weak the claim is that the voting of these bonds means the saddling on the city ot an aaaitionai aeDt ana aaaitionai Duraens. irue it is a dent in a sense but it will prove a great asset, and it we should so desire, I amtho roughly convinced that we could from the net profits retire our entire warrant indebtedness now amounting to say $25,000 in round figures, inside of 15 years operation ot the plant without increasing our water rates one cent above the low rates above given. You will notice I count nothing as income from the college in my estimates above, and too keep in mind the saving to the city in its own water rates. Come boys, lay aside our personal, predjudice and quit wrangling over these small tech nicalities and over the fact that the personel of the committee may not be just to our liking, for you all know it would be utterly impossible to select 10 men in our midst but that there would be those found who could and very likely would raise objection to them, some to one and some to another until they should all find their opposers, just as in this case, but who can say that these men are not of our most substantial citizens and men whom we can trust to act in our best interests in the installation of this system if the authority be given them, and men who will thoroughly investigate the question as to whether or not the besa made wood pipe is the proper pipe to use, and if not, then whether or not the limit of $75,000 will permit them to install the plant with some other grade of pipe which may meet their approval. In any event, re member there is no particular harm done, for in such case the bond simply would not be issued, and the plant would not be installed. This is a clear, clean-cut proposition when it is Jdivested of all the side issues that some are working so hard to bring into this election and is merely a question of whether or not we want a hrst class mountain water sys tem installed in our city, provided it is found on further investigation that such can be done for the money at hand, when we authorize an is sue of $75,000 for the purpose. Everybody vote on Thursday and J. feel sure the result can not long be in doubt. Yours for success. . -A. J. JOHNSON. Says He Has Signed Documents Bear ing On His Veracity Got Them At Dallas. Editor Times: Repeated cotices have appeared in later issues of The Times asking for contributions discussing the water question and stating that all such would be given a fair end im partial hearing. When eucb an'ar tide was handed you at variance with your ideas, instead of treating it as an honest opinion ynu villify the writer and seek to detract fiom the important feature? of the ai tide by attacking .with affidavits some ' minor statement that mighinot be technically correct. Signed state ments from prominent citizens of Dillas and a personal letter from Dr. Embree will prove whether 01 not I had reason to believe such items were correct. Such state ments, I have, and are open for in- epection of any one who will call at my place ot businees. Aa other more important facts contained in my article have not been attacked by affidavit?, I presume your emis sary has found them to be correct. Whether or not I was justified in making these statements may also be determined from similar state ments, also open for ioep'ction at my plac9 of businees. VV. W. HiMERY. (Again, Mr, Emery is in error. He has mt been "villified" by The Times. He published untruthful statements, and it was City Auditor Stouffer and Dr. T. V. B. Embree, Mr. Emery's own uncle, of Dallas, that declared the statements untrue, and swore to it. Because of this, Mr. Emery, in the above, seems to think The Times has wronged him. What did he expect The Times to do? If he was publishing untruths, and big bare ones at that, in his at tack on mountain water, did he ex pect The Times to let them go, and permit people to believe them? . A funny thing i3 that Mr. Emery Bays he has signed statements and personal letters from ''piojainent Dallas people" to prove that he tad reason to believe the romances he told to bj truths. Also, such things tsprcvshow tiua wa9 lots of the stuff in his late letters. Why didn't i he print these in The Times and Gazstte simultaneously. Alas, how changed is all. But yesterday it took two newspapers to convey to the people of Corvallis the inform ation Mr. Emery had abyut the Dallas water system. Today Mr. mery kaeps his"signedetatemente" and such things down in his own private office where nobody is going to get any chance to draw an affi davit on them. The Times has al so a signed statement. It isn't locked up behind closed doors, afraid of the search light of truth either, b.ut is published free to the world in another column. It is signed by ex-Mayor Hayter of Dil las, and it tells the public more about Mr. Emery's romancing.) The following from the Albany Democrat would indicate that Cor vallis is to lose a popular teacher from her public schools: Miss Ha zel WeHer, of Brownsville has been selected to succeed Miss Fortmiller in the Map'e street school. W. C. Swann is at Newport this week, where he went Monday with a shipment of furniture from the firm of Hollenbsrg & Cady. The goods go to the handsome ho tel, formerty the Bailey house, which has been put into first class condition by Thomas Leese of Cor vallis. . Thirty rooms are being fit ted up, and this is the work in which Mr. Swann is engaged. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given- that the partnership of Dunn & Thatcher is dissolved, E, J. Dunn retiring from the firm. The business will contin ue at the old stand, under the name of Thatcher & Johnson, Mr. John son having succeeded to the inter est of Mr. Dunn. Thanking all patrons for past favors, we be speak a continuance of the same for the new firm. - E. J. Dunn. B. J. Thatcher. Finding Its Parents. It looks now as if the parentage of the "Instigator" would become known. . By chanoe, what seems to be a clue to one of them has been die covered, and the authorities think they know almost to a certainty the identity of the other. They claim the youngster's hair gives it away. Naturally enough, the suspect de nies all knowledge and refuses point blank to confess. The following signed statement, however, sterns to make confessions unnecessary: To Whom It May Concern: This is to certiiy that about the first of June last, W. G. Emery, of Oorvallie, came to me and talked about employing ine to print small paper to be used in fighting mountain water. He said the mam thing in the whole business would be secrecy, and that if I should take the job he did not want anybody in the world to know who was con ducting the paper. He said there would be several issuts, but did not know just what size the paper would be. He remarked that he was afraid some one might drop in to my office while I was printing the paper and find out the secret of who was editing it. I did not give him figures because for one thing; he did not know the size of paper be wanted, and for another I did not like the secrecy that had to be observedin the business and the fear of discovery involved. Jm Milton P. Morgan.'IV Corvallis, Or., JulyJ3, 1905. SjJl GRAND lu-Anniversary Sale As this week marks the Tlrrty-fifth year that I have been in business in Corvallis, 1 wish first to thank my patrons and friends for the liberal patronage they have extendt-d me. and to announce that, as has been my custom, I am going to hold an Anniversary Sale for just one week. But this year I am going to offer you prices that will eclipse any previously made on the same line of goods. Hebe are Some of the Piuces I am Making: 1900 Yards Torshon Lace and insertions, all widths and select patterns, whi'e it lasts 5c per yd. Thompson's Glove Fitting and W. B. Corsets to fit all forms, $1 50, $1.25, and $1.00 grades going at 75c 50c ualues reduced to..... 36c Ladies Sailor Hats, this line we are going to discontin-. ue. All 50c values .' 24c All 25c values ..19c $PCCidl Amoskeag Ginghams, all colors 5c yd. Ladies Purses and Hand Bags, black, white, brown and tan, leather and, velvet. Regular $1 5QT values reduced to $1.15 $1.25 " - 95 $1.00 75 .75 " " 48 Ladies Auto Yacht Golf and Saucy Caps all colors Reguiar $1.50 caps now Sl.05 do do do do $1.25 $1.00 ,75 .50 do do do do do. do do do ,95 .78 .56 .38 I want to close out my entire line of summer suit ings and wash goods comprising: Voiles, Scotch Ox fords, Mercerized Taffetas, Spot Mohairs and Crepes Luster Linens and Homespun suitings in the season's latest shades, at 'he following prices: 40c goods reduced to 31c. 35c Goods reduced to 27c 30o 25c 16 do do do do do do 22c 19c 12J 20c 12J do do do do do do 22c 15c 10c 10c goods reduced to .08c. Fifty pairs men's trousers and outing pants reduced from $4.50 to $3.60; $4 values to $3.20, $3.50 val ues to $2.65; $3 values to $2.35, 2.50 values $1.95 Boys' Buster Brown Norfolk and Middy Suits size 3 to 8 years, regular $3.50 values, special $2 95; regul ar $3 values now $2.55; regular $2.50 value $2.15 all $2 values now $1.65; regular $1.50 value $1.29 GROCERY DEPARTMENT-EXTRA SPECIAL Ball Mason Fruit Jars, pints 60c, quarts 73. half-gallon $1 21 pounds choice rice $1 6 cans Sardines 25c Extra Standard Tomatoes 10c per can Extra Standard Corn 10c per can i Arm & Hammer or Schillings Soda 4pkgs 25c Western Dry Granulated Sugar $5.70 per sack Fruit Sugar $5. 70 per sack S. L. The White House Wanted. A girl to do general housework. J. K. Berry. Suitable Reward. Will be paid for the return of a silver watrch, lost on the State road. Finde leave at Times office. tost. At Junior Hop on June 12th, a large golf cape. Finder will please return to Mrs. S. N. Wilkins. ;. t 1 IF. 1. MILLERS Great June Salek A bargain oppurtunity that happens only once 3 year. On Wednesday June 7th we place on sale our entire stock of Summer Wash Fabrics and ladies Waists ' 4 "i r Wash Fabrics, 10c values reduced to..... 8c 121 15c 20c 25c 35c 50c .10c .lie .15c .19c .271 .371 New Waists. KLINE Corvallis, Oregon W ) have just received from the East a sample line of waists which we are instructed to sell at cost rang ing in price from 40c to $6.00 This sale includes all our new Spring Goods, ; and when we say it is a bargain opportunity, we mean" it. So come in and see "yon are welcome" everybody is. FV L MILLER 1